Mathematical Social Sciences

(The TQCC of Mathematical Social Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Optimal control of prevention and treatment in a basic macroeconomic–epidemiological model20
Vertical product differentiation, managerial delegation and social welfare in a vertically-related market13
Inflation, endogenous quality increment, and economic growth13
New inconsistency indicators for incomplete pairwise comparisons matrices11
Evolutionary implementation in aggregative games10
Externalities of human capital10
On maximum weighted Nash welfare for binary valuations9
Bertrand–Edgeworth competition with substantial horizontal product differentiation8
Production in advance versus production to order: Equilibrium and social surplus8
On the diffusion of competing innovations8
Network compatibility, intensity of competition and process R&D: A generalization8
New quota-based apportionment methods: The allocation of delegates in the Republican Presidential Primary8
Cartel formation with quality differentiation7
A soul’s view of the optimal population problem7
Can a negative population growth rate sustain a positive economic growth rate in the long run?6
A general model of binary opinions updating6
Axiomatic characterizations of the egalitarian solidarity values6
Cournot equilibrium revisited6
Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence6
Thompson aggregators, Scott continuous Koopmans operators, and Least Fixed Point theory5
Towards a classification of maximal peak-pit Condorcet domains5
Families of sequential priority rules and random arrival rules with withdrawal limits5
Revenue diversion, the allocation of talent, and income distribution5
How to reverse a negative asymmetric labor productivity shock in the European Union? A directed technical change analysis with fiscal and monetary policies5
Intertemporal choice with health-dependent discounting4
Pollution, children’s health and the evolution of human capital inequality4
A theory of elite-biased democracies4
Dynamic programming algorithms for computing power indices in weighted multi-tier games4
Excessive vs. insufficient entry in spatial models: When product design and market size matter4
Essential stability of the alpha cores of finite games with incomplete information4
Constrained welfare egalitarianism in surplus-sharing problems4
Contagion in networks: Stability and efficiency4
Simple majority rule and integer programming4
Social network, unemployment and sector trap4
Political structures and the topology of simplicial complexes4
Stable agreements through liability rules: A multi-choice game approach to the social cost problem4
Growth and instability in a small open economy with debt3
Implementation with a sympathizer3
The disclosure decision game: Subsidies and incentives for R&D activity3
On the representation and construction of equitable social welfare orders3
A model of peer effects in school3
On the probability of the Condorcet Jury Theorem or the Miracle of Aggregation3
Ordinally Bayesian incentive compatible probabilistic voting rules3
Finite horizon portfolio selection with durable goods3
Market-dependent preferences, positive and negative network effects and welfare3
An analysis of random elections with large numbers of voters3
Gainers and losers from market integration3
Confirmation bias in social networks3
Probabilistic network values3
Cycles to compute the full set of many-to-many stable matchings3
Generalized binary utility functions and fair allocations3
The welfare implications of transboundary storage and dam ownership on river water trade3
Fixed fee discounts and Bertrand competition in vertically related markets3
Mixing solutions for claims problems3
Strategic manipulations in round-robin tournaments3
Superset-robust collective choice rules3
Pairwise consensus and the Borda rule2
When sabotage fails2
Weighted utility theory with incomplete preferences2
Characterization of the Pareto social choice correspondence2
The equivalence of two rational expectations equilibrium economies with different approaches to processing neighbors’ information2
Antiduality in exact partition games2
Local social interaction and urban equilibria2
Weighted fair division with matroid-rank valuations: Monotonicity and strategyproofness2
Common belief in rationality in games with unawareness2
Merger effects in asymmetric and differentiated Bertrand oligopolies2
A weak α-core existence theorem of generalized games with infinitely m2
Asking for information prior to settlement or trial when misrepresentation of evidence is possible2
Average weights and power in weighted voting games2
Cooperation in a differentiated duopoly when information is dispersed: A beauty contest game with endogenous concern for coordination2
Migration, remittances and accumulation of human capital with endogenous debt constraints2
Decision-making through Dominance Plausible Rule: New characterizations2
A method for identifying parameterizations of the Compensation election and Quadratic voting that admit pure-strategy equilibria2
On the strong hybrid solution of an n-person game2
Endogenous growth model with Bayesian learning and technology selection2
A note on the growth of the dimension in complete simple games2
Is the preference of the majority representative ?2
Divisionalization with asymmetric production costs2
Existence and uniqueness of price equilibrium in oligopoly model with power demand2
Sharing a collective probability of success2
On social welfare orders satisfying anonymity and asymptotic density-one Pareto2
Loss sharing: Characterizing a new class of rules2
Efficient communication and indexicality2
Exploiting separability in a multisectoral model of oligopolistic competition2
Present-biased optimization2
Cognitive hierarchy and voting manipulation ink-approval voting2
On a new class of continuous indices of inequality2
The interactive dynamics of autonomous and heteronomous motives2
Optimal incentive contracts with a spiteful principal: Single agent2
The simple economics of white elephants2