(The TQCC of INFOR is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Control strategies for medical tourism development in public hospitals considering waiting time and tourism attraction8
Periodic supply vessel planning under demand and weather uncertainty6
An Integrated machine learning and DEA-predefined performance outcome prediction framework with high-dimensional imbalanced data5
Closed-form (R,S) inventory policies for perishable inventory systems with supply chain disruptions5
Efficiency evaluation of a two-stage production process with feedback: an improved DEA model4
Two-stage hybrid model for supplier selection and order allocation considering cyber risk4
Multi-period two-stage DEA model: measuring performance of integrated production and service systems in Chinese cable TV industry4
A review of bricks-and-clicks dual-channels literature: trends and opportunities3
Pricing and matching for on-demand platform considering customer queuing and order cancellation3
A reinforcement learning based dynamic room pricing model for hotel industry3
Diagnosing infeasible optimization problems using large language models2
The recommender problem with convex hulls2
Two-period pricing strategy in a supply chain with intertemporal and horizontal reference price effects2
Supplier selection for global service providers: a decision support system2
Stackelberg game model of green tourism supply chain with governmental subsidy2
Preface: special issue on artificial intelligence for operations research2
Stability analysis and enhancement of super-efficiency model based on space distance2
Accelerating large-scale DEA computation using sequential categorization and dynamic reference set selection2
Centralized production planning using reference operating points: application to fossil fuel power plants2
Optimization modeling and verification from problem specifications using a multi-agent multi-stage LLM framework2
Reverse supply chain decisions with online and offline dual recycling channels considering consumer fairness concerns and channel preference2
Tactical-operational coordination of a divergent production system with coproduction: the sawmilling challenge2
Information-sharing strategy and manufacturer encroachment under advertising investment in gray markets2
Behavior-based pricing: an analysis of the impact of anticipated regret1
An approach to plan infrastructural investments to facilitate domestic trade1
Approximating the Pareto frontier for a challenging real-world bi-objective covering problem1
Mid-term capacity redeployment of Rescue Centers under simultaneous requirements1
Influence of strategic inventory on the equilibrium of two competing supply chains1
Advertising strategies of one e-commerce platform and competitive sellers in a supply chain under agency mode1
Information sharing in a maritime supply chain with carrier sustainability investment1
Cost of effort in benchmarking: exploration and applications1
Bilateral information sharing in a supply chain with manufacturer competition1
A strengthened solution to option manipulation1
Editorial: Special issue on operations research and machine learning1
Regional logistics centre: Application to Eastern Canada1
LM4OPT: Unveiling the potential of Large Language Models in formulating mathematical optimization problems1
Aggregation of meta-technology ratio in DEA framework using the evidential reasoning approach1
Mathematical modelling for tourism supply chain considering sustainable effort1
Production-and-order strategy with demand information updating and uncertain spot price1
Statement of retraction1
Integrated risk averse and possibilistic humanitarian logistic model with social costs and material convergence1
Is blockchain technology desirable? When considering power structures and consumer preference for blockchain1
Manual and robotic storage and picking systems: a literature review1
Market segmentation using predictive technology and shared-service contracts1