Journal of International Management

(The TQCC of Journal of International Management is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board136
Culture, connectedness, and international adoption of disruptive innovation93
Editorial Board69
Internationalization, institutional pressures in foreign markets, and environmental sustainability68
International market, network, and opportunity selection: A systematic review of empirical research, integrative framework, and comprehensive research agenda57
What are the effects of working away from the workplace compared to using technology while being at the workplace? Assessing work context and personal context in a global virtual setting46
Reverse innovation transfer in Chinese MNCs: The role of political ties and headquarters45
The role of environmental sustainability in the relocation choices of MNEs: Back to the home country or welcome in a new host country?41
Business model innovation and international performance of emerging market international businesses37
Building Trusting Multicultural Organizations: Rethinking the Influence of Culture on Interpersonal Trust Development in the Workplace36
Examining the role of cross-cultural factors in the international market on customer engagement and purchase intention35
OFDI performance of EMNEs: A review and recommendations for future research34
Refugees' language learning and career aspirations: An agentic lens33
What determines subunit integration in the multinational firm? A meta-analysis31
Second-Class Citizens or Free Agents? Social Construction of Equity Perceptions of Contractors in Global Offshoring Arrangements29
Towards the co-evolution of multinationals' and local firms' global strategies in an uncertain environment: Insights from International Joint Ventures29
Disguise or disclose? How identities of individual entrepreneurs on digital platforms influence their international success28
Advancing our understanding of cultural heterogeneity with unsupervised machine learning25
Internationalization of Emerging Economy SMEs: A Tripod Approach25
The Effect of Outward and Inward Internationalisation on Different Types of Innovation: Evidence from UK SMEs25
International connection, local disconnection: The (heterogeneous) role of global cities in local and global innovation networks25
Foreign interfirm networks and internationalization: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa24
The impact of liability of foreignness on performance in hybrid organizations22
How do formal and informal institutions influence firm profitability in emerging countries?22
Internationalization of Digital Innovations: A Rapidly Evolving Research Stream20
Breaking the looking glass: Understanding how emerging market multinationals develop unique firm-specific advantages20
Strategic agility, internationalisation speed and international success — The role of coordination mechanisms and growth modes19
Home governments and MNEs in Russia: Relationships and MNE external legitimacy19
The role of R&D resource commitment in accessing co-location advantages19
Is offshoring dead? A multidisciplinary review and future directions18
Role of resource investment management and strategic resource deployment capabilities in internationalization-performance relationship18
Perspectives on dynamic capabilities and ambidexterity in born-global companies: Theoretical framing, review and research agenda18
Aspiring to go abroad: How and when international entrepreneurial aspiration fuel emerging markets entrepreneurial ventures’ internationalisation speed18
A cross-national perspective of compassion's role in driving social entrepreneurial intentions18
Leaders' cultural gap bridging behaviors and subordinates' work engagement in multinational teams18
Political lobbying by foreign firms: A new firm-level data set17
Digitalization, institutions and new venture internationalization16
Springboarding and activity load: Constraints on managerial attention and dependency on advisory firms in cross-border acquisitions16
How Do SMEs Decide on International Market Entry? An Empirical Examination in the Middle East16
Home country learning and international expansion of emerging market multinationals16
The Impact of Social Media and Digital Platforms Experience on SME International Orientation: The Moderating Role of COVID-19 Pandemic15
The Determinants of Foreign Multinational Enterprise Firms' Board Governance in Caribbean Offshore Island Economies15
The role of springboarding in economic catch-up: A theoretical perspective14
The omnipresence of the state and its effect on the internationalization of companies: The Russian variety of state capitalism14
International entrepreneurial orientation and early internationalisation of SMEs: Does international networking orientation with competitors and non-competitors make a difference?13
“Do you understand me correctly?” The role of accents in communication in global virtual teams13
The effects of host and home country economies on MNEs’ overseas CSR investment13
A microscope on de-risking13
Effective strategies for humanitarian migrants' employment, inclusion and integration – The role of international management13
Demystifying pathways of composition-based international strategies under the de-globalization world: A configurational approach12
Editorial Board12
Non-market strategies and disruptive innovation in the platform economy12
International corporate social responsibility and post-entry performance of developing market INVs: The moderating role of corporate governance mechanisms12
Institutions and corruption relationship: Evidence from African countries12
Strategic renewal during crises - A pragmatist proposition for multinational enterprises in a globalized world11
Scale or efficiency? Performance shortfall and engagement in production activities of foreign subsidiaries in China11
Deepening the timing dimension of emerging market multinational companies’ internationalization – An exploratory perspective11
Editorial Board11
Adjustment and work outcomes of self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Development and testing of a model11
How can MNEs benefit from internationalizing their R&D across countries with both weak and strong IPR protection?11
Realizing subsidiary initiatives: A network mobilization view10
Smoke signal: When firms' patent strategy and local patent protection system affect equity stakes in cross-border acquisitions10
Editorial Board10
The connections that bind: Political connectivity in the face of geopolitical disruption10
Combatting global disruption through tertius iungens orientation of CEOs: A moderated-mediated mechanism10
What effect does the aggregate industrial R&D offshoring have on you? A multilevel study10
Gender diversity management in foreign subsidiaries: A comparative study in Germany and Japan10
Editorial Board10
Exploring culture and leadership after 23 years: A replication of GLOBE project in Turkey10
Knowledge acquisition of Chinese expatriates: managing Chinese MNEs in Kazakhstan9
Do expatriates adjust better when they seek advice from host country nationals? Role of perceived social costs and organizational support in advice-seeking9
Startups internationalizing in quest of a business model: The global prospecting of process niche firms9
Maintaining product quality consistency when offshoring to emerging markets: The role of subsidiary control9
Does entrepreneurial autonomy always drive emerging market SMEs internationalization? An effectual logic perspective9
Editorial Board9