Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

(The TQCC of Biochemical Systematics and Ecology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Phytoremediation, eco-restoration, and adaptive response of lemongrass (C. flexuosus Wats) grown on fly ash and vermicompost improved quality essential oil yield42
Chemical constituents of the pericarp of Toona sinensis and their chemotaxonomic significance36
Diverse bioactive secondary metabolites from Phyllopentas schimperi (Hochst.) Y.D. Zhou & Q.F. Wang with chemophenetic significance26
Chemical composition of Crepis foetida L. and C. rubra L. volatile constituents and evaluation of the in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of salicylaldehyde rich volatile fraction26
Comparative morphoanatomic, histochemical, and phytochemical characterization of leaves of two species of the genus Cynophalla (DC.) J. Presl25
A new iridoid glycoside and other secondary metabolites from Sideritis dichotoma Huter and their chemotaxonomic significance19
Triterpenoids from Rosa odorata Sweet var. gigantea ( Hemsl.) Wils and their chemotaxonomic significance18
Seasonal dynamics of fatty acid biomarkers in the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis, a common species of Indo-Pacific coral reefs18
Anti-cancer activity of Hypnea valentiae seaweed loaded gold nanoparticles through EMT signaling pathway in A549 cells17
Chemical constituents of Acer tegmentosum Maxim and their chemotaxonomic significance16
Caffeoylhexaric acids in Inuleae: A case study of Geigeria alata, Inula helenium, and Telekia speciosa16
Chemical constituents from Potentilla kleiniana and their chemotaxonomic significance15
Fingerprint and relationship composition-antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Dur14
Flavonoids from the leaves and stems of Rhodiola ishidae (Crassulaceae)14
The impact of geographical location on the nutritional quality, chemical composition, and antioxidant activity of Cucurbita maxima (rouge vif d'Etampes) seed oil14
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on Pteris wallichiana J. Agardh13
Chemical constituents from Maytenus hookeri12
Chemical constituents of Euphorbia peplus12
Effects of ecological factors on phenolic compounds in Salvia multicaulis Vahl (Lamiaceae)12
Furolabdane diterpenoids from Pseudodictamnus aucheri (Boiss.) Salmaki & Siadati (Lamiaceae) as chemophenetic markers12
Estimation of drought effects on different bread wheat genotypes using morpho-physiological traits11
Pentacyclic triterpenoids from the Leptopus yunnanensis P. T. Li and their chemotaxonomic significance11
Chemical constituents of essential oil extracted from Rhododendron anthopogonoides and its bioactivities against Tribolium castaneum and Ditylenchus destructor11
Terpenoids from Litsea lancilimba Merr. and their chemotaxonomic significant11
A MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry-based approach for molecular profiling of leaves from pasture and feed forages species10
Constituents from the pseudofruits of Hovenia dulcis and their chemotaxonomic significance10
Cleistanthane diterpenoids from the resin of Vellozia pyrantha A.A.Conc and their chemotaxonomic significance10
Polyprenylated benzophenone derivatives from Clusia burle-marxii and their chemotaxonomic significance10
Chemical constituents with chemotaxonomic value from Aconitum georgei Comber10
A coumestan and a coumaronochromone from Millettia lasiantha9
“Medicinal plant extracts enhanced the shelf life of chilli fruits against the anthracnose disease through defense modulation”9
Chemical constituents from Orostachys cartilaginea Borissova and their chemotaxonomic significance9
Chemical variation in the Arctoparmelia separata (Parmeliaceae, Lichenized Ascomycota)9
Phytochemical constituents and chemotaxonomic study of Polygonatum prattii Baker9
Pterosin sesquiterpenoids and ent-kaurane diterpenoids from Pteris dactylina Hook9
Chemical constituents from Dicraenthus zehnderi H. hess and their chemotaxonomic significance9
Sesquiterpenoids and flavonoids from Pteris multifida Poir.9
Editorial Board9
Where are volatiles produced in the highly synorganised inflorescence of Arum maculatum L.?9
Pentacyclic triterpenoids from Rubus pirifolius Smith and their chemotaxonomic significance8
Is essential oil production influenced by air pollution in Ocimum basilicum L.?8
Volatile organic composition of five Rubiaceae species: Insights into their phytochemical diversity8
Chemical constituents from the roots of Asarum sieboldii Miq. var. Seoulense Nakai8
Chemical constituents and chemotaxonomic research of the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus japonicus W68
Chemical composition and cytotoxicity of Salicornia europaea L8
Effect of edaphic factors on phenolic contents in the natural population of Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R.Br. collected from Central India and Eastern Ghats8
Floral scent is different between sexual phases within individuals in a synchronously dichogamous shrub (Canella winterana) but there is no distinct female or male scent profile across individuals7
Steroids of chemophenetic significance from the Australasian brown alga Cystophora xiphocarpa7
Sesquiterpenoids from Leontodon tenuiflorus (Asteraceae, Cichorieae): First record of a hypocretenoid from Leontodon section Asterothrix7
Comprehensive study of all Gundelia L. taxa exists in the globe: An insight on LC-MS/MS based phytochemical investigation and bioactivity potential of 22 species7
Chemical constituents of Pteris ensiformis from Guizhou7
Influence of the sex of galling insects on gall metabolism: The case of eriococcid galls7
Optimization of paclobutrazol dose for mitigation of water-deficit stress in rice ( L.)7
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic investigations on the whole herbs of Bidens procera L.C.Xu ex X.W.Zheng7
Chemical constituents from Ajuga macrosperma Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) and their chemotaxonomic significance7
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on Trollius ranunculoides Hemsl.7
Phytochemical investigation on the roots of Bupleurum chinense DC. and their chemotaxonomic significance7
Chemical constituents of Bulbophyllum wendlandianum (Kraenzl.) Dammer and their chemotaxonomic significance7
Interaction of NaCl salinity and light intensity affect growth, physiological traits and essential oil constituents in Artemisia dracunculus L. (tarragon)7
Ursane-type triterpenoids, steroids and phenolics from the stem bark and leaves of Nauclea orientalis (L.) L. (Rubiaceae)7
Chrysin promotes Cisplatin-induced apoptosis via oxidative DNA damage in oral squamous cell carcinoma7
Secondary metabolites from the leaves of Hymenocardia acida and their chemotaxonomic significance7
Chemical constituents from the roots of Caragana grandiflora (M. B.) DC. and their chemotaxonomic importance7
Chemometric analysis applied to a chemophenetics approach in Simaroubaceae family: The relevance of alkaloids and quassinoids6
Chemical constituents from the fresh flower buds of Musa nana and their chemotaxonomic significance6
Chemical constituents from the roots of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn and their chemotaxonomic significance6
Secondary metabolites from the stem bark of Stereospermum acuminatissimum and their antimicrobial activity6
Mixed litter and incubation sites drive non-additive responses in seed germination and seedling growth of lettuce6
Chemical constituents from the roots of Solanum asterophorum Mart. and their chemotaxonomic significance6
Identification of anthocyanins in the fruits of Kadsura coccinea using UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics6
Anthraquinones and other constituents from the roots of Eremomastax speciosa (Hochst.) Cufod6
Chemometric analysis of the seasonal variation in the essential oil composition of Psidium acutangulum growing in the Brazilian Amazon6
Effects of light intensity on the anatomical structure, secretory structures, histochemistry and essential oil composition of Aeollanthus suaveolens Mart. ex Spreng. (Lamiaceae)6
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic study on Piper pleiocarpum Chang ex Tseng6
Enzyme inhibition and antioxidant functionality of eleven Inula species based on chemical components and chemometric insights6
Steroidal glycosides from Yucca rostrata and Dracaena braunii and their cytotoxic and antimicrobial evaluation6
A new C-methyl-flavone and other compounds from Myrcia guianensis6
Flavonoids from tribe Delphineae (Ranunculaceae): Phytochemical review and chemotaxonomic value5
Composition and localization of the leaf waxes in seven epiphytic Tillandsia species5
Short-chain carboxylic acids in the scent gland secretions of the eastern small-scaled burrowing asp (Atractaspis fallax: Lamprophiidae, Serpentes, Reptilia)5
Condensed tannins bioactivity and nutritional value of Bauhinia cheilantha (Bong) Steud. under sheep grazing and different forage allowances5
Editorial Board5
NMR metabolic profiling and biological activities of different extracts from a Turkish herbal tea-Clinopodium nepeta subsp. glandulosum5
Secondary metabolites from the barks of Garcinia griffithii T. Anderson (Clusiaceae) and their chemophenetic significance5
Flavonoids from the flowers of Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult., Mandevilla sanderi (Hemsl.) Woodson, and Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae)5
Volatile secondary metabolites of Hypericum tetrapterum and Hypericum bithynicum5
Editorial Board5
Natural products from Rhynchostylis retusa (Orchidaceae), their chemophenetic significance and bioactivity5
Chemical and genetic diversity of Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. (Asteraceae) from the Cerrado biome5
Chemical constituents from Diospyros fragrans Gürke (Ebenaceae)5
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of a chemically characterized essential oil from Lavandula angustifolia Mill.,: in vitro and in silico investigations5
Variation in the essential oil composition and in silico analysis of anti-inflammatory potential of Balkan endemic species Achillea clypeolata Sm5
Chemical constituents from Ficus tikoua and chemotaxonomic significance5
Terpenoid profiling of keystone plant species of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia: Implications for chemotaxonomy and paleovegetation studies5
Alkaloids from Aconitum brachypodum and their network-based analysis of chemotaxonomic value5
Chemical constituents from the flowers of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight5
Antifungal diterpene from Rhizome of wild bornean ginger, Hornstedtia havilandii (Zingiberaceae)5
Diversity of the terpene synthesis in the Thuja species – A comparative chemotaxonomic study5
Phytochemical investigation of Echinacea purpurea (Linn.) Moench and their chemotaxonomic significance5
Lupine triterpenoids from the Rubus corchorifolius and their chemotaxonomic significance5
Efficiency of essential oils and pure compounds in the management of Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera eridania and Diaphania hyalinata5
A new antibacterial neo-clerodane diterpenoid and other constituents from Chasmanthera dependens Hochst. (Menispermaceae) and their chemotaxonomic significance5
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on Phyllodium pulchellum (Leguminosae)5
Antidiabetic and prebiotic activities of flavonoids from Cyperus conglomeratus rottb5
Phenylpropanoid derivatives from Ficus esquiroliana and their chemotaxonomic significance5
Alkaloids in Isatis indigotica and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Antibacterial activity, cytotoxicity and chemotaxonomic significance of chemical constituents from Alsophila manniana Hook R.M.Tryon (Cyatheaceae) rhizomes4
Microsatellites, morphological, and alkaloids characterization of Zephyranthes fosteri and Z. alba (Amaryllidaceae): Allopatric populations4
Application of UPLC-Q Exactive™ HF-X MS-based untargeted metabolomics reveals variations in Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves from different regions4
Correlation of biological activities of bark and leaves of Terminalia arjuna collected from different geographical regions of Himachal Pradesh, India4
Chemical constituents from Laggera pterodonta4
Chemical constituents from Mesua lepidota T. Anderson and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents from Microlepia hancei Prantl and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents from marine derived fungus Talaromyces cellulolyticus SHJ-3 and its chemotaxonomic significance4
Ursane-type triterpenes from Rubus wallichianus Wight & Arn and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents from the aerial parts of Laggera pterodonta (DC.) Benth. And their chemophenetic significance4
Ontogenetic changes in phenolic contents and volatile composition of Hypericum androsaemum and Hypericum xylosteifolium4
Funtulaticamide, a phytosphingosine-type ceramide from Funtumia elastica Preuss Stapf. (Apocynaceae) trunk bark with potential antileishmanial activity4
Variation in cuticular lipid profiles of black butterflies of the genus Papilio in Japan4
Chemical constituents from Ferula sinkiangensis and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Lipidome of the reef-building coral Acropora cerealis: Changes under thermal stress4
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic study on Pholidota pallida lindl4
Chemical constituents from the leaves of Fraxinus hubeiensis, an endemic plant from China4
Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide fluxes and its driving mechanism in the forests on the Tibetan Plateau4
Explore the genetic diversity of the genus Pleione based on ITS and SCoT marker4
Genetic structure and essential oil composition in wild populations of Salvia multicaulis Vahl.4
Chemical constituents from the fruits of Vitex rotundifolia and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Alkaloidal variation in seedlings of Annona purpurea Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal infected with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc.4
Phytochemical and network-based chemotaxonomic study on Thalictrum foliolosum4
Saponins and flavonoids from the fruits of Panax notoginseng4
Chemical constituents from the fruits of Solanum nigrum and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Flavonoid glycosides from Hylotelephium sieboldii var. sieboldii and var. ettyuense endemic to Japan4
Isoquinoline alkaloids from Thalictrum glandulosissimum and their network analysis of chemotaxonomic value4
Characterizing wild germplasm of neglected and underutilized crops: A case study of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from remote Pir Panjal Himalaya4
Aristolactam derivatives from Fissistigma glaucescens4
Seed oil and fatty acid patterns of some Achillea species from Iran-Chemotaxonomy and nutraceutical approaches4
Effect of harvest time and low water availability during balsamic period on Salvia officinalis L. biomass development, ecophysiological traits and essential oil yield and composition4
Proximate composition and mineral content analysis of Curcuma caesia rhizome4
How shading levels affect bioactive compounds in leaves of yerba mate clones4
New terpenoids from Callicarpa nudiflora and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents from the fruits of Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Comparative analysis of four iridoids between Gentiana rigescens and G. cephalantha from the sympatric and allopatric distributions4
Chemical constituents from Lagopsis supina and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic study on Evodia rutaecarpa and Evodia rutaecarpa var. bodinieri4
Pterocarpans and 2-arylbenzofurans from Sophora flavescens aiton and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents from the root of Cynanchum limprichtii Schltr4
Improving mulberry shelf-life with 1-Methylcyclopropene and modified atmosphere packaging4
Chemical constituents from Nuxia congesta and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Chemical constituents of Polygonum aviculare L. and their chemotaxonomic significance4
Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on the stems and leaves of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill4