Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Politicising immigration in times of crisis65
The securitisation of migration in the European Union: Frontex and its evolving security practices60
The conceptual limits of the ‘migration journey’. De-exceptionalising mobility in the context of West African trajectories53
Beyond here and there: (re)conceptualising migrant journeys and the ‘in-between’47
Climate mobilities: migration, im/mobilities and mobility regimes in a changing climate45
On the Coattails of globalization: migration, migrants and COVID-19 in Asia36
Precarious migrants, migration regimes and digital technologies: the empowerment-control nexus36
The interplay between structural and systemic vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic: migrant agricultural workers in informal settlements in Southern Italy36
The changing patterns of international student mobility: a network perspective35
The spiralling of the securitisation of migration in the EU: from the management of a ‘crisis’ to a governance of human mobility?32
East–west inequalities and the ambiguous racialisation of ‘Eastern Europeans’29
Reimagining Chinese diasporas in a transnational world: toward a new research agenda29
Defining and transforming local migration policies: a conceptual approach backed by evidence from Germany28
The centre-right versus the radical right: the role of migration issues and economic grievances27
Breaking down the barriers: educational paths, labour market outcomes and wellbeing of children of immigrants26
Temporary migration: category of analysis or category of practice?26
From illegalised migrant toward permanent resident: assembling precarious legal status trajectories and differential inclusion in Canada26
The centre no longer holds: the Lega, Matteo Salvini and the remaking of Italian immigration politics25
The EU and migration in the Mediterranean: EU borders’ control by proxy25
Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence25
Understanding why immigrant children underperform: evidence from Italian compulsory education24
Orbán’s political jackpot: migration and the Hungarian electorate24
EU Border technologies and the co-production of security ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’24
Being far away from what you need: the impact of dispersal on resettled refugees’ homemaking and place attachment in small to medium-sized towns in the Netherlands23
Immigration, integration and citizenship: elements of a new political demography22
Waiting for kin: a longitudinal study of family reunification and refugee mental health in Germany22
Healthcare chauvinism during the COVID-19 pandemic22
Challenges to the economic integration of Afghan refugees in the U.S.21
Temporary labour migration by any other name: differential inclusion under Canada’s ‘new' international mobility regime21
Regions and global migration governance: perspectives ‘from above’, ‘from below’ and ‘from beyond’21
Anti-displacement mobilities and re-emplacements: alternative climate mobilities in Funafala21
Inhabiting the meanwhile: rebuilding home and restoring predictability in a space of waiting21
The dynamics of recent refugees’ language acquisition: how do their pathways compare to those of other new immigrants?21
Centre-right parties and immigration in an era of politicisation21
On the theoretical potential of ‘remittance houses’: toward a research agenda across emigration contexts20
EU border externalisation and security outsourcing: exploring the migration industry in Libya20
Centring settler colonialism in rural Australian multicultures: race, place and local identities19
White enough, not white enough: racism and racialisation among Poles in the UK19
‘Our aim is to assist migrants in making a well-informed decision’: how return counsellors in Austria and the Netherlands manage the aspirations of unwanted non-citizens19
Extended punishment: criminalising immigrants through surveillance technology19
Migration trajectories and transnational support within and beyond Europe19
Race, racialisation, and the East of the European Union: an introduction19
The academic resilience of native and immigrant-origin students in selected European countries19
Past in the present: migration and the uses of history in the contemporary era18
Seemingly inclusive liminal legality: the fragility and illegality production of Colombia’s legalization programmes for Venezuelan migrants18
Migration diplomacy in the Gulf – non-state actors, cross-border mobility, and the United Arab Emirates18
Re-visiting the ‘black box’ of migration: state-intermediary co-production of regulatory spaces of labour migration18
Computational approaches to migration and integration research: promises and challenges17
Against all odds: Thessaloniki’s local policy activism in the reception and integration of forced migrants17
Pandemic threat and intergroup relations: how negative emotions associated with the threat of Covid-19 shape attitudes towards immigrants17
The educational divide over feelings about ethnic minorities: does more education really lead to less prejudice?17
Southeast Asian Chinese engage a rising China: business associations, institutionalised transnationalism, and the networked state17
Germany as ‘a country of integration’? The CDU/CSU’s policies and discourses on immigration during Angela Merkel’s Chancellorship16
The Austrian People’s Party: an anti-immigrant right party?16
Guilt by association? The criminalisation of sea rescue NGOs in Italian media16
Illiberal white fantasies and Netflix’sThe Witcher16
Spatial and social im/mobility in forced migration: revisiting class16
Rethinking transit zones: migrant trajectories and transnational networks inTechno-Borderscapes16
Discrimination in the rental housing market: a field experiment in Ireland15
Racialised institutional humiliation through the Kafala15
No place like home? The International Organization for Migration and the new political imaginary of deportation15
Music-making and forced migrants’ affective practices of diasporic belonging15
The tactics and strategies of naturalisation: UK and EU27 citizens in the context of Brexit15
Navigating the Aegean Sea: smartphones, transnational activism and viapolitical in(ter)ventions in contested maritime borderzones14
An unsettled majority: immigration and the racial ‘balance’ in multicultural Singapore14
Forced migrants and secure belonging: a case study of Syrian refugees resettled in the United States14
Do I deserve to belong? Migrants’ perspectives on the debate of deservingness and belonging14
Unpacking the unintended consequences of European migration governance: the case of South American migration policy liberalisation14
Anatomy of a crisis: governing youth mobility through vulnerability14
Enforced temporariness and skilled migrants’ family plans: examining the friction between institutional, biographical and daily timescales14
Missing links in migrant enfranchisement studies14
A repertoire of everyday resistance: young Muslims’ responses to anti-Muslim hostility13
Resilience, smartphone use and language among urban refugees in the Global south13
Unsettling protracted displacement: connectivity and mobility beyond ‘Limbo’13
Lives stalled: the costs of waiting for refugee resettlement13
Temporality and acquiescent immobility among aspiring nurse migrants in the Philippines13
Explaining variation in city sanctuary policies: insights from American and European cities13
The foreign bully, the guest and the low-income knowledge worker: performing multiple versions of whiteness in China13
Decolonising civic integration: a critical analysis of texts used in Dutch civic integration programmes13
In private hands? the markets of migration control and the politics of outsourcing13
From social capital to social cohesion: Syrian refugees in Turkey and the role of NGOs as intermediaries13
Beyond ethnic solidarity: the diversity and specialisation of social ties in a stigmatised migrant minority13
Sexuality, migration and family: understandingJiaand its impact on Chinese young gay men’s migration motives from a temporal perspective13
The external dimension of EU migration policy as region-building? Refugee cooperation as contentious politics13
Performing whiteness: Central and Eastern European young people’s experiences of xenophobia and racialisation in the UK post-Brexit13
Introduction: EU external migration policy and EU migration governance: introduction12
Regulating migrant worker temporariness in Australia: the role of immigration, employment and post-arrival support policies12
On a fast-track to adulthood: social integration and identity formation experiences of young-adults of 1.5 generation immigrants12
Empowering experiences of digitally mediated flows of information for connected migrants on the move12
‘Formal informality’ in EU external migration governance: the case of mobility partnerships12
Getting home during lockdown: migration disruption, labour control and linked lives in India at the time of Covid-1912
Temporariness and the production of policy categories in Canada12
‘Stop calling me Murzyn’ – how Black Lives Matter in Poland12
Invented, invited and instrumentalised spaces: conceptualising non-state actor engagement in regional migration governance in West Africa12
An overstated welcome: Brexit and intentionally masked anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK12
How do people without migration background experience and impact today’s superdiverse cities?12
Immobility infrastructures: taking online courses and staying put amongst Chinese international students during the COVID-1912
Enfranchising migrants in Chile: a century of politics, elites, and regime changes12
COVID-19 return migration phenomena: experiences from South and Southeast Asia12
Divergent experiences and patterns of integration: contemporary Chinese immigrants in metropolitan Los Angeles, USA12
Linking internal and international migration in 13 European countries: complementarity or substitution?11
Early career trajectories of first- and second-generation migrant graduates of professional university11
Southern reconfigurations of the ageing-migration nexus11
The role of non-state actors’ cognitions in the spiralling of the securitisation of migration: prejudice, narratives and Italian CAS reception centres11
From governmental success to governmental breakdown: how a new dimension of conflict tore apart the politics of migration of the Swedish centre-right11
Spheres of sanctuary: introduction to special issue11
Migration uncertainty in the context of Brexit: resource conservation tactics11
Citizenship on the move: the deprivation and restoration of emigrants’hukouin China11
Imagined mobilities and the materiality of migration: the search for ‘anchored lives’ in post-recession Europe11
Beyond ideology - a comparative analysis of how local governance can expand national integration policy: the case of Syrian refugees in Istanbul11
Majority Minority: a comparative historical analysis of political responses to demographic transformation11
Performing transnational family with the affordances of mobile apps: a case study of Polish mothers living in Finland11
On the West–East methodological bias in measuring international migration11
Gender, race, and crisis-driven institutional growth: discourses of ‘migration crisis’ and the expansion of Frontex11
Regional migration and the local multicultural imaginary: the uneasy governance of cultural difference in regional Australia11
The last straw? Experiences and future plans of returned migrants in the India-GCC corridor11
Involuntary migration, context of reception, and social mobility: the case of Vietnamese refugee resettlement in the United States11
Two paths towards the exceptional extension of national voting rights to non-citizen residents10
Nativist understandings. The presence of the past in contemporary Dutch debates on national identity10
Rethinking the migration state: historicising, decolonising, and disaggregating10
Health inequalities in Germany: differences in the ‘Healthy migrant effect’ of European, non-European and internal migrants10
Are Muslim immigrants assimilating? Cultural assimilation trajectories in immigrants’ attitudes toward gender roles in Europe10
Before disembarkation: Eritrean and Nigerian migrants journeys within Africa10
Political elite discourses polarize attitudes toward immigration along ideological lines. A comparative longitudinal analysis of Europe in the twenty-first century10
La Caminata del Migrante: a social movement10
Reinventing the politics of knowledge production in migration studies: introduction to the special issue10
Depoliticising EU migration policies: the EUTF Africa and the politicisation of development aid10
Urban home: young male migrants constructing home in the city10
Between integration and repatriation – frontline experiences of how conflicting immigrant integration policies hamper the integration of young refugees in Denmark10
Diasporic placemaking: the internationalisation of a migrant hometown in post-socialist China10
The Asian American assimilation paradox10
Bridging, bonding, and linking? Syrian refugee-led organisations and integration in Berlin10
Failing through: European migration governance across the central Mediterranean10
The resettlement of Vietnamese refugees across Canada over three decades10
Work visas and return migration: how migration policy shapes global talent10
Understanding (in)tolerance of Muslim minority practices: a latent profile analysis10
‘Promising victimhood’: contrasting deservingness requirements in refugee resettlement10
Suspension: disabling the city of refuge?10
Working and dwelling in a global city: going-out, public worlds, and the intimate lives of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong10
Revisiting the EU’s new mobility regime: the impact of mobility and policies on labour market hierarchies within and across the EU10
Our migration story: history, the national curriculum, and re-narrating the British nation10
A comparative study of immigrant-native segregation at multiple spatial scales in urban Europe10
Class in camps or the camped class? The making and reshaping of socio-economic inequalities in the refugee camps of north-western Tanzania10
Forever foreign? Is there a future for Chinese people in Africa?10
Waiting as probation: selecting self-disciplining asylum seekers9
Double burden of representation: how ethnic and refugee categorisation shapes Syrian migrants’ artistic practices in Austria9
Reimagining German identity through the politics of history: changing interpretations of German past migrations during the ‘Refugee crisis’, 2015/20169
Ethnicity and acculturation: Asian American substance use from early adolescence to mature adulthood9
Shadows of the past: violent conflict and its repercussions for second-generation Bosnians in the diaspora9
You can settle here’: immobility aspirations and capabilities among youth from rural Honduras9
Beyond appreciation and rejection: reactions of Europeans without a migration background to being an ethnic minority9
Inclusion through irregularisation? Exploring the politics and realities of internal bordering in managing post-crisis labour migration in the EU9
Predictive modelling of movements of refugees and internally displaced people: towards a computational framework9
The time politics of migrant deportability: an intersectional analysis of deportation policy for non-citizen children in Belgium and the Netherlands9
A system-thinking approach for migration studies: an introduction9
The power of symbolic sanctuary: insights from Wales on the limitations and potential of a regional approach to sanctuary9
Present but not counted: highly skilled migrant women in Belgium9
Migration management clientelism9
Decentring migrant smuggling: reflections on the Eastern Mediterranean route to Europe9
Middle class nation building through immigration?9
The domestic politics of selective permeability: disaggregating the Canadian migration state9
Differentiated embedding among the Vietnamese refugees in London and the UK: fragmentation, complexity, and ‘in/visibility’9
Introduction: the intellectual migration analytics9
COVID-19 pandemic induced wage theft: evidence from Sri Lankan migrant workers8
Sanctuary, firewalls, regularisation: three inclusive responses to the presence of irregular migrants8
‘The war has divided us more than ever’: Syrian refugee family networks and social capital for mobility through protracted displacement in Jordan8
Overcoming borders: the Europeanization of civil society activism in the ‘refugee crisis’8
Bordering processes through the use of technology: the Turkish case8
A tale of two cities: digital place-making and elderly Houniao migration in China8
The facts of return migration in the wake of COVID-19: a policy framework for reintegration of Pakistani workers8
Aspirations among young refugees in Turkey: social class, integration and onward migration in forced migration contexts8
Foreign labour migration in Nepal in relation to COVID-19: analysis of migrants’ aspirations, policy response and policy gaps from disaster justice perspective8
Local-scale residential concentration and income inequalities of the main foreign-born population groups in the Spanish urban space. Reaffirming the model of a divided city8
Conditioning grandparent care-labour mobility at the care-migration systems nexus: Australia and the UK8
Intellectual capital and student mobility8
Local welfare system response to refugees: between innovations, efficiency, and creating unequal opportunities8
Advancing the embedding framework: using longitudinal methods to revisit French highly skilled migrants in the context of Brexit8
Mobility power in the migration industry: Polish workers’ trajectories in the Netherlands8
Conceptualizing displacement: the importance of coercion8
Revisiting the established-outsider constellation in a gentrifying majority-minority neighbourhood8
Competing contexts of reception in refugee and immigrant incorporation: Vietnamese in West and East Germany8
‘He must be a man'. Uncovering the gendered vulnerabilities of young Sub-Saharan African men in their journeys to and in Libya8
The relationship between ethnic school composition, school diversity climate and students’ competences in dealing with differences8
Are golden visas a golden opportunity? Assessing the economic origins and outcomes of residence by investment programmes in the EU8
‘Good life is first of all security, not to live in fear’: a qualitative exploration of female refugees’ quality of life in the United Kingdom8
Exploring the dynamics of neighbourhood ethnic segregation with agent-based modelling: an empirical application to Bradford, UK8
The impact of physical separation from parents on the mental wellbeing of the children of migrants8
Policy, office, votes – and integrity. The British Conservative Party, Brexit, and immigration8
Involuntary migration, inequality, and integration: national and subnational influences8
The limits of ethnic capital: impacts of social desirability on Korean views of co-ethnic immigration8
The impact of immigration and integration policies on immigrant-native labour market hierarchies8
Political opportunities, not migration flows: why the EU cooperates more broadly on migration with some neighbouring states8
Migration governance and higher education during a pandemic: policy (mis)alignments and international postgraduate students’ experiences in Singapore and the UK8
Transnational welfare within and beyond the nation-state: civil society responses to the migration crisis in Greece8
Riding on the waves of transformation in the Asia-Pacific: Chinese migration to Australia since the late 1980s7
Religious norms and homeownership among Norwegian Muslim women7
Care visits: obligations, opportunities and constraints for Vietnamese grandparent visitors in Australia7
Social class and forced migrants’ perception of the value of international mobility7
The impact of parental migration on psychological well-being of children in Ghana7
Tacking towards freedom? Bringing journeys out of slavery into dialogue with contemporary migration7
Racialisation of Polish migrants in the UK and in Spain (Catalonia)7
Moving across (Im)mobility categories: the importance of values, family and adaptation for migration7
Deservingness in context: perspectives toward refugees and asylum seekers in Canada7
‘Giving back’ through mobility trajectories: motivations for engaging in development encounters in Ghana among transnational youth7
Disgraceful return: Gulf migration and shifting national narratives amid COVID-197
The agrifood-migration nexus: migration regimes and the politics of labour shortages in Italy and Sweden7
On the formation of content for 'political remittances': an analysis of Polish and Romanian migrants comparative evaluations of 'here' and 'there'7
Gender, modern slavery and labour exploitation: experiences of male Polish migrants in England7
Forced migrants in higher education: ‘sanctuary scholarships’ in a hostile environment7
Deportation, smart borders and mobile citizens: using digital methods and traditional police activities to deport EU citizens7
The il/liberal paradox: conceptualising immigration policy trade-offs across the democracy/autocracy divide7
On not staying put where they have put you: mobilities disrupting the socio-spatial figurations of displacement in Greece7
Oppositional culture revisited. Friendship dynamics and the creation of social capital among Turkish minority adolescents in Germany7
Neoliberal nationalism and immigration policy7
Negotiating class positions in proximate places of refuge: Syrians in Egypt and Somalians in Kenya7
How strategies of refugee host states are perceived by donor states: EU interpretations of Jordanian migration diplomacy7
Refugee women’s establishment in the rural north of Sweden: cultural capital in meeting local labour market needs7
Should I stay or should I go? Analysing returnee overseas Filipino workers’ reintegration measures given the COVID-19 pandemic7
‘Ways to stick around’: im/mobility strategies of ageing, temporary migrants in Dubai7
From Mobility Partnerships to Migration Compacts: security implications of EU-Jordan relations and the informalization of migration governance7
The impact of educational achievement on the integration and wellbeing of Afghan refugee youth in the UK7
Infrastructures of migrant precarity: unpacking precarity through the lived experiences of migrant workers in Malaysia7
Culture’s role in assimilation and integration: the expansion and growing diversity of U.S. popular culture7
Crossing borders: the intersectional marginalisation of Bulgarian Muslim trans*immigrant sex workers in Berlin7
Spillover dynamics and inter-institutional interactions between CSDP and AFSJ: moving towards a more joined-up EU external migration policy?7
Out of place: everyday forms of marginalization, racism, and resistance among Chinese migrants in Italy7
Racial capitalism and the production of difference in Helsinki and Warsaw7
Cross-border im/mobility of skilled migrants from the U.S. to China: a capital-mobility framework7
Entangled migration states: mobility and state-building in France and Algeria7
The developmental migration state7
Evolution of migration trajectories and transnational social networks over time: a study among sub-Saharan African migrants in Europe7
Forced, regulated and flexible temporariness in return migration7