Mediterranean Politics

(The TQCC of Mediterranean Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
North Korean military proliferation in the Middle East and Africa: Enabling violence and instability North Korean military proliferation in the Middle East and Africa: Enabling violence27
How does public weeping affect public approval rate of a politician?21
Obstáculos y retos estructurales en la España constitucional ¿Otra España es posible? Obstáculos y retos estructurales en la España constitucional ¿Otra España es posible? 11
Post-salafism by learning: The indigenization of globalized, exclusivist Salafism in Tunisia and Morocco10
Civil society’s development in Tunisia’s democratization process, 2011-202110
State, society and Islam in the Western regions of the Sahara: Regional interactions and social change State, society and Islam in the Western regions of the Sahara: Regional interactio8
The 2021 Portuguese Presidential Elections under extraordinary circumstances: Covid-19 and the rise of the radical right in Portugal8
Cleft capitalism: The social origins of failed market making in Egypt7
Seeing the future through a rear-view mirror: On the politics of revitalizing secular bio-icons in the Middle East7
The Arab spring Abroad: diaspora activism against authoritarian regimes The Arab spring Abroad: diaspora activism against authoritarian regimes , by Dana M. Moss, Cambri7
Programmatic change in Southern European radical left parties: The impact of a decade of crises (2010–2019)6
Complex effects of international relations6
Clientelism and its discontents: The role of wasta in shaping political attitudes and participation in Jordan6
‘De Mistura ideas to reality are like windmills to Don Quixote’: A UN mediator in the Syrian conflict6
Trajectories of depoliticization and re-politicization: Petitioning to Moroccan municipalities6
UN mediators in Syria: The challenges and responsibilities of conflict resolution6
Iranians as real estate purchasers and international students: Transformation of Turkish-Iranian migration corridor5
Crisis and transformation in post-Bouteflika Algeria5
Intermediary organizations, international cooperation and the changing social contract: Morocco’s new development model5
Post-Salafism in Cambodia: From counterreligion to accommodation4
Security assistance to surrogates – how the UAE secures its regional objectives4
Rethinking Egypt’s ‘Failed’ Desert Cities: Autocracy, Urban Planning, and Class Politics in Sadat’s New Town Programme4
The making of rivals and strange bedfellows: Patterns of Turkish and Russian security assistance in the Syrian and Libyan civil wars4
The Arab uprisings and the return of repression4
The social contention over a new labour law in post- 2014 Egypt: Understanding regime choices and strategies3
Delta democracy: Pathways to incremental civic revolution in Egypt and beyond Delta democracy: Pathways to incremental civic revolution in Egypt and beyond , by Catherin3
Russia Rising: Putin’s foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa Russia Rising: Putin’s foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa , by Bechev, Dimitar,3
Fear of surveillance: Examining Turkish social media users’ perception of surveillance and willingness to express opinions on social media3
Cultural diplomacy and the reconfiguration of soft power: Evidence from Morocco3
Books for Review3
Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust3
Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon3
The unfinished Arab Spring: Micro-dynamics of revolts between change and continuity3
Neoliberal citizenship: Sacred markets, sacrificial lives Neoliberal citizenship: Sacred markets, sacrificial lives , by Mavelli Luca, Oxford and New York, Oxford Univer3
Civil society, insecurity and Arab support for normalization with Israel: Contextualizing the Abraham Accords3
Understanding change in Egypt’s social contract since 20113
Disaggregating Jordan’s Syrian refugee response: The ‘Many Hands’ of the Jordanian state3
The intercommunal relations in Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic: Towards a fait accompli policy?3
The elephant in the med: Postcoloniality and European security assistance practices3
The ‘Moroccogate’ scandal and European Parliament decision-making on Western Sahara3
Visas and mobility: The EU’s ‘great shutdown’ that won’t stop population flows2
Smugglers and States: Negotiating the Maghreb at its Margins2
Greece’s response to the European refugee crisis: A tale of two securitizations2
MENA political science research a decade after the Arab uprisings: Facing the facts on tremulous grounds2
Secular power Europe and Islam. Identity and Foreign policy Secular power Europe and Islam. Identity and Foreign policy , by Sarah Wolff, Ann Arbor, University of Michig2
Grasping Arab Islamist responses to the war on Gaza2
Populism and crisis: Evidence from the periphery of Europe2
Captagon and conflict: Drugs and war on the border between Jordan and Syria2
Shifting paradigms: Social protection vs. social policy in Lebanon2
Observing (the debate on) sectarianism: On conceptualizing, grasping and explaining sectarian politics in a new Middle East2
The fourth ordeal: A history of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, 1968-2018 The fourth ordeal: A history of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, 1968-2018 , by Victor Willi, 2
The Egyptian LGBT’s transnational cyber-advocacy in a restrictive context2
Drivers of change in social contracts: Building a conceptual framework2
Understanding Greece’s new foreign policy towards the Arab world: Instrumentalisation, balancing, and emerging opportunities2
Jordanian Islamists and the war on Gaza2
Ben Ali’s Tunisia: Power and contention in an authoritarian regime Ben Ali’s Tunisia: Power and contention in an authoritarian regime , by Wolf, Anne, Oxford, United Kin2
International actors as critics of domestic freedoms: the role of expertise and benefits2