Journal of Australian Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Australian Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Trip to the Dominions: The Scientific Event That Changed Australia11
Backwards to Bourke: Bulldust about Gays in the Bush8
Painting War: A History of Australia’s First World War Art Scheme5
Dark Histories in the Archive: Fragmentation, Silence and Fresh Imaginings4
Australian Universities: A History of Common Cause4
Chinese Masculinity Redefined: Brian Castro’s After China3
Sedimentary Layers: Bob Hawke’s Beer World Record and Ocker Chic2
From National Hero to National Problem: The Image of the Worker in Pix (1938–1954)2
Empire, Early Photography and Spectacle: The Global Career of Showman Daguerreotypist J. W. Newland2
Archaeologies of Austral: Australian Identities from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene2
Notes on Contributors2
Constructing Citizenship: Labour, Urban Development and Citizenship in Australian Design Magazines of the 1930s2
Stranded Nation: White Australia in an Asian Region1
Congratulations to the 2023 Winners of the John Barrett Award1
Anti-Slavery and Australia: No Slavery in a Free Land Anti-Slavery and Australia: No Slavery in a Free Land , by Jane Lydon, Routledge, London and New York, 2021, 196 pp1
The Impossible Necessity of Translation1
Know My Name1
Barracuda ’s Freak Bodies and Elite Swimming in Australia1
On Harrowing in Dead Europe1
“Friendship, but Bloke-ier”: Can Mateship Be Reimagined as an Inclusive Civic Ideal in Australia?1
Hansard as Literary Reception: The Uses of Poetry in Australian Political Debate, 1901–19501
Notes on Contributors1
Charting Tsiolkas’s Literary Development through Adaptations1
Australian Studies in China: Some Observations1
Gumtree Skyscrapers and Takeaway Flat Whites: Anzac in the United States1
Donald Horne: A Life in the Lucky Country1
Six Capitals and a Local Book: An Experiment in Articulating the Value of Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu1
The Magic of Captain Cook1
Meaningful Rituals: A Linguistic Analysis of Acknowledgements of Country1
Publisher’s Note1
Carnivalizing Reconciliation: Contemporary Australian Literature and Film beyond the Victim Paradigm1
Notes on Contributors1
Sun and Shadow: Art of the Spinifex People1
Australian Women’s Justice: Settler Colonisation and the Queensland Vote1
Lohrey Lohrey , by Julieanne Lamond, Melbourne, The Miegunyah Press, 2022, 173 pp., $29.99 (paperback), ISBN 97805228789361
Language Ideologies and Language Loss in 19th-Century Victoria: The Translations of William Thomas1
The Idea of Australia: A Search for the Soul of the Nation1
Robert Philp and the Politics of Development Robert Philp and the Politics of Development , by Lyndon Megarrity, Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, 2022, 0
“A Healthy Nationalism”: The Inclusion of Indigenous Australians in the Federal Cultural Policymaking of the 1960s and 1970s0
Breaking the Silence: Aboriginal Defenders and the Settler State, 1905–19390
Vance Palmer: Establishing Labor Daily Newspapers, 1910–19160
Boundaries and Borders in Australian Life Writing0
James Wigley and the Strelley Mob: Social Realist Painting in an Aboriginal Community0
Dear Prime Minister: Letters to Robert Menzies 1949–19660
West by Westerly: Exceptionalism in Australian Studies0
Art in the Barbershop: Visual Arts, Audiences and Australasian Post0
The Catholic Elite and the Issue of Loyalty During the Great War in Australia0
“Who Needs a Marvel Superhero When You’ve Got Molly Johnson?”: Country and Maternal Agency in Leah Purcell’s Adaptations of “The Drover’s Wife”0
Misapprehensions of a Caustic Eye: A. D. Hope and the Failure of Angry Penguins as a Modernist Literary Movement0
Real Men Do Real Farming, While the New Woman Goes Home: Australian Suffragists Go Back to the Land 1894–19170
Histories of the Illustrated Magazine in Australia0
Fragments in the Archive: The Subaltern Protests of Charles Never0
Spectral Histories and Material Legacies0
Icons, Landmarks, Archives and Polls: Australian Studies Now0
A Reconciled Nation? Mabo and the Reimagining of Australia's National History0
Tiwi Textiles: Design, Making, Process0
Croatian-Australian Identity as Revealed through Soccer Club Support: A Case Study of Melbourne Croatia Soccer Club (Melbourne Knights)0
Realism in Whitlam’s Foreign Policy0
Eerie Sounds, Then and Now: Listening in to Mid-Century Non-Indigenous Central Australian Soundscapes0
Transnationalism and the Literary Reception of Australian Women Writers’ Fiction in the US, 2010–2020: Three Case Studies0
Media Discourses on Asylum-Seeker Policy During the Rudd Era: Boats, Borders and Policy Failures0
Staging Asylum, Again (revised edition)/Performance, Resistance and Refugees0
Files, Families and the Nation: An Archival History, Perhaps0
Pride in Defence: The Australian Military & LGBTI Service since 19450
“Soldier Struck”: Public Discourses, Women and American Servicemen in World War II South Australia0
Wayilwan Women Caring for Country: Dynamic Knowledges, Decolonising Historical Methodologies, and Colonial Explorer Journals0
Indigenous Research into Mainstream Australian Culture: Shifting the Lens0
The Blurred Space: Reading the Body Politic in Christos Tsiolkas’s The Slap and The Jesus Man0
Kalgoorlie’s Sex Trade and the Kalgoorlie Miner : 1896–19030
Australia and China at 50: The New Wave Theatre and the Drama of Cultural Exchange0
Travelling to Tomorrow: The Modern Women Who Sparked Australia’s Romance with America0
Into the Loneliness: The Unholy Alliance of Ernestine Hill and Daisy Bates0
A “Bacchanalian Mardi Gras”: The Melbourne Cup and the Popular Culture of Satirical Dress in 1970s Australia0
Difference within Identity: Recognition, Growth and the Circularity of Indigenous Knowledge0
Grotesque Europe: The Gothic Grotesque and Anti-Semitic Stereotypes in Dead Europe0
Against “Progressivism”: Schooling and the Cohering of Conservative Interests in Australia, 1970s–1980s0
Dark Humour and Invasive Species Storytelling in the Age of Extinction0
“The More Horrible the Thing was, the More They Laughed”: Laughter, Solidarity and Refugees’ Negotiation of Trauma during Resettlement in Postwar Queensland0
Class Acts: TV Larrikins and the Advent of the Ocker, 1957–19840
“First Blood”: The 1960s Origins of the Australian Sharpie Youth Culture0
The Myth of Heterosexuality: Queer Australian Artists, Art Historians and Gallerists in London, 1930–19610
Cruel Care: A History of Children at Our Borders0
The Secret of Emu Field: Britain’s Forgotten Atomic Tests in Australia0
Mature Heterosexuality: Catholic Women Religious' Celibacy in Australia's Liberation Decades0
Surveilling Minds and Bodies: Sexualities, Medicine and the Law0
My People's Songs: How an Indigenous Family Survived Colonial Tasmania0
The Artists of the Atlas : Their Role in Creating Settler-Colonial Australia’s Visual Culture0
Notes on Contributors0
Repatriation, Exchange, and Colonial Legacies in the Gulf of Papua0
Unforgetting: The Yarri and Jacky Jacky Memorial at Gundagai0
A Readership of Convenience: Macro-National Cooperation within the Scandinavian-Australian Newspaper Norden, 1896–19400
The Colonial Kangaroo Hunt0
The Red Witch: A Biography of Katharine Susannah Prichard0
Unfree Labour and Australia’s Obscured Pacific Histories: Towards a New Genealogy of Modern Slavery0
The Dark Turn: History and Performance at an Emerging Tasmanian Tourist Site0
Knowledges, Practices, Values, Affects0
Australia and the Pacific: A History0
“The Covers Gave Me More Trouble than Anything Else”: Illustrating R. G. Campbell’s Australian Journal, 1926–19550
Notes on Contributors0
Memorialisation, Reconciliation and Truth-Speaking: The Role of Explorer and Massacre Memorials in Settler-Colonial Australia0
Anzac Day, Same-Sex Marriage and “Eternal Damnation”: Free Speech in the Australian Public Sphere0
The Rise of the Australian Neurohumanities: Conversations Between Neurocognitive Research and Australian Literature0
General Groves’s “Inevitable War with Russia”: Joseph Rotblat’s and Mark Oliphant’s Existential Crises0
“I am not yet satisfied”: Desire and Violence in the Works of Christos Tsiolkas and Roberto Bolaño0
Environmental and Colonial Histories: Art, Memoir and Gardens in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia0
The Shrinking Nation—Response0
Trauma, Aboriginality and Revisionary Imaginings in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria and Janette Turner Hospital’s Oyster0
Notes on Contributors0
Postfeminism in Context: Women, Australian Popular Culture, and the Unsettling of Postfeminism0
Oceanic Histories: A Roundtable0
Notes on Contributors0
Death of the Parrot, Anti-Pastoral and the Anthropocene: Towards a Topopoetic Reading of John Kinsella0
“Feelings are strong here”: A Proximate Reading of Solastalgia in The Last Pulse0
Writing the Empire: The McIlwraiths, 1853–19480
“A Kind of Humble Proletarian Tragedy”: Romper Stomper , Class and Global White Nationalism0
Feminism and the Making of a Child Rights Revolution: 1969–1979 Feminism and the Making of a Child Rights Revolution: 1969–1979 , by Isobelle Barrett Meyering, Melbourne0
Notes on Contributors0
Biography, History and Democracy: Contemporary Writing about Australian Lives0
The Limits to Non-Binary Inclusion within the University0
#AustraliaOnFire: Hashtag Activism and Collective Affect in the Black Summer Fires0
A Future for Australian Studies?0
Assembling Australia: Histories, Materials and Labours0
Australian Studies: In China and Chinese Perspectives0
The Artist as Pemulwuy: Somatic Histories, Stolen Remains and Contemporary Indigenous Art0
A Response to Their Fiery Cross of Union: A Retelling of the Creation of the Australian Federation, 1889–19140
Lucky Country or Shrinking Nation ? Australian Studies Past, Present and Future0
Happy Together: Bridging the Australia–China Divide Happy Together: Bridging the Australia–China Divide , by David Walker and Li Yao with Karen Walker, Melbourne Univers0
Coming of Age in the War on Terror0
Welcome?, eight-episode podcast0
Australian Studies in Uncertain Times0
Their Fiery Cross of Union: A Retelling of the Creation of the Australian Federation, 1889–1914 Their Fiery Cross of Union: A Retelling of the Creation of the Australian Federation, 1880
The Shrinking Nation—Response0
“Immune from a Thousand Ailments”: Advertising Immunity in Australia, 1890–19450
Save Our Sons: Women, Dissent and Conscription during the Vietnam War Save Our Sons: Women, Dissent and Conscription during the Vietnam War , by Carolyn Collins, Monash 0
The Long Shadow: Australia’s Vietnam Veterans since the War0
By Students for Students: A History of the Melbourne University Union By Students for Students: A History of the Melbourne University Union , by James Waghorne, Australi0
The Shrinking Nation—Response0
“Painting the Woods into Existence”: Australian Fiction on the Value of the Arts0
In “the Finest Australian Wool”: Foy & Gibson’s Healthy, Comfortable, Wool-Clad Bodies, 1900–19390
The Fencing of Wanderowna by Rolf Boldrewood: How Much Fact, How Much Fiction?0
One Year On … The Nation’s Still Shrinking0
Black Lives, White Law: Locked Up and Locked Out in Australia0
Practices of Belonging through the Past and the Present0
Good for the Soul: John Curtin’s Life with Poetry0
Notes On Contributors0
Imperial Nostalgia in Australian Defence Policy in the 21st Century0
The Chinese Invasion: Settler Colonialism and the Metaphoric Construction of Race0
Transcultural Perspectives in Journalist Memoirs of Growing Up with Non-Anglo Migrant Parents0
Behrouz Boochani on Manus Island: Contesting Refugee Experience in the Global South0
Industrial Heritage Agents, Actors and Outcomes: Regional Case Studies from Broken Hill and the Latrobe Valley0
“Rekindling the Rage”? Anniversaries of the Dismissal and the Politics of Commemoration0
Boundary Crossers: The Hidden History of Australia’s Other Bushrangers0
Tiwi Story: Turning History Downside Up0
“Take Me to Spain”: Australian Imaginings of Spain through Music and Dance0
In the Eye of the Storm: Volunteers and Australia’s Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis In the Eye of the Storm: Volunteers and Australia’s Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis ,0
Recovery, Collaboration and Oceanic Flows0
Spies and Sparrows: ASIO and the Cold War0
“Good to Say Out Loud”: Researching Love across Class in Contemporary Australia0
Too Much Cabbage and Jesus Christ: Australia’s “Mission Girl” Annie Lock0
Sound Citizens: Australian Women Broadcasters Claim their Voice, 1923–19560
Repatriated from Home as Enemy Aliens: Forgotten Lived Experiences of Japanese-Australians during the Second World War0
John Büsst: Bohemian Artist and Saviour of Reef and Rainforest0
Balls, Bubbles and Bosses: Australian Politics and Sex Scandal0
“Smash Sexist Movies”: Gender, Culture and Ocker Cinema in 1970s Australia0
Selling Mount Buffalo National Park: Victorian Railways, Harold Clapp and the Blueprint for National Park Promotion in Australia0
Reading No Friend but the Mountains : From National to Transnational Contexts of Recognition0
“I Guess You Could Call It Plant Racism”: Making Kin in Australian Environmental Workfare0
Visions of Nature: How Landscape Photography Shaped Settler Colonialism0
Queering the Happily Ever After: Paradoxes of the Cinematic Trope in Christos Tsiolkas’s Loaded0
High School Sports Houses as Identity Primers: Constructing Queensland and Australian Identities0
Love across Class0
Barron Field in New South Wales: The Poetics of Terra Nullius0
Australian Radio Listeners and Television Viewers: Historical Perspectives Australian Radio Listeners and Television Viewers: Historical Perspectives , by Bridget Griffe0
Kim Scott’s Taboo and the Extimacy of Massacre0
Almost Everyone’s Bonegilla: An Expanded Digital Archive on the Reception of Newly Arrived Migrants0
Rethinking the Victim: Gender and Violence in Contemporary Australian Women’s Writing0
Popular Modernism, Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Australian New Wave: The Cars That Ate Paris (1974) and Gallipoli (1981)0
The Surgeon-Journalist: Thomas Revel Johnson, Australian Sports Press Pioneer0
“Good Australians Will Respond”: Transforming the Work Ethic in Popular Media, 1941–19450
Our Exceptional Friend: Australia’s Fatal Alliance with the United States Our Exceptional Friend: Australia’s Fatal Alliance with the United States , by Emma Shortis, Ha0
Indigenising Australian Studies in China0
Making a Mark: Displays of Regional and National Identity in the Big Things of Australia and Canada0
“On Their Own Terms”: Agency, Advocacy and Representation in Refugee Webcomics0
Uncertainty and Emotion in the 1900 Sydney Plague0
The Antipodean Laboratory: Making Colonial Knowledge, 1770–18700
Review Forum: Mark McKenna’s Return to Uluru0
Notes on Contributors0
What Now: Everyday Endurance and Social Intensity in an Australian Aboriginal Community0
Sarah Breaden: “A Refined and Splendid Kind of Girl”0
The Victorian Spiritualists’ Union and the Surprising Survival of Spiritualism in Australia0
From Spiritualists to Flat Whites0
“Complete Strangers Can Get through Your Front Door”: The Carly Ryan Murder, Teen Girls and the Internet in 2000s Australia0
“Nature’s Marvels”: The Value of Collections Extracted from Colonial Western Australia0
Notes on Contributors0
Banal Terrorism: Re-Appropriating Terror-Prevention Concrete Bollards in Melbourne’s CBD0
Appropriation and/or Collaboration? Australian Literary Publishing and the Case of Daniel Evans and Randolph Stow0
Australia: A New Political Geography?0
Reorienting Australian Studies? Remaking Australia from the West0
Imaginary Worlds and Child Readers at Kurrajong Heights in the 1890s0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Lost Precursor to Autobiographical Comics, Kangarooland (ca. 1918–1919), Illuminates Transnational Creativity in Australia’s WWI Internment Camps0
Dressed and Blessed: The Abraham Family, Brit Milah and Dress in Colonial Ballarat, 1850–19000
French Connection: Australia’s Cosmopolitan Ambitions French Connection: Australia’s Cosmopolitan Ambitions , by Alexis Bergantz, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, 2021, 208 0
Narlim’s Fingerprints: Aboriginal Histories and Rock Art0
Introduction: Christos Tsiolkas and Contemporary Australia—The Outsider Artist0
Harold Holt: Always One Step Further0
“A Deed of the Darkest Violence”: Rape and the Emergence of Sadism in Australian Psychiatry, 1920–19500
Emperors in Lilliput: Clem Christesen of Meanjin and Stephen-Murray Smith of Overland0
“A Spy Thriller Outdoes Fiction”: Popular Culture and the 1954 Petrov Affair0
Losing the Power to Say “I”: Problems of Perspective in the Fiction of Daniel Davis Wood0
Notes on Contributors0
Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep History0
Magic, Manufacturing and Memorialising0
Australian Alternative Media and Its Impact on Australians’ Views of China0
Indigenous Liberation & Socialism0
“Don’t You Have Enough Grief?”: Divergent Experiences of Jewish-Aboriginal Women in Australia0
The Fin de Siècle Imagination in Australia, 1890-1914 The Fin de Siècle Imagination in Australia, 1890-1914 , by Mark Hearn, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2022, 248 pp., 0
Sport, Gambling and Masculinity: A Gendered History of Australian Sports Betting0
Dreaming of an Indigenised Australia0
AIDS, Love and the Law: From the Human Rights Act to Marriage Equality in New Zealand0
Untangling Maralinga: Spatial and Temporal Complexities of Australia’s Atomic Anthropocene0
Australian Studies in a Postnational Era: What Is It, and Do We Need It?0
Congratulations to the 2022 Winners of the John Barrett Award0
The Hoyleton Institute Stage Door Inscriptions and the Ghosts of Forgotten Travelling Performers0
Chinese-Australian Culture in a Sinophone History and Geography0
Everyday Food Practices: Commercialisation and Consumption in the Periphery of the Global North0
Support in the Polls for an Indigenous Constitutional Voice: How Broad, How Strong, How Vulnerable?0
Sub-Imperial Power: Australia in the International Arena0
“A Failure. No One to Blame But Themselves”? The Media and the Abolition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission0
Smuggled: An Illegal History of Journeys to Australia0
Aunty Heads West: The ABC in Western Australia0
Notes on Contributors0
Girls Galore!: Photography in Australian Men’s Magazines in the 1960s0
Transgender Activism and Anti-Discrimination Reform in 1990s New South Wales and Victoria0
Comrades! Lives of Australian Communists Comrades! Lives of Australian Communists , edited by Bob Boughton et al., SEARCH Foundation in association with ASSLH, Sydney, 20
Eliza Hamilton Dunlop: Writing from the Colonial Frontier0
Mateship with Brumbies: Horses, Defiance and Indigeneity in the Australian Alps0
“Am I Chinese before I am a woman or am I a woman first?”: Gender and Racial Melancholia in Brian Castro's The Garden Book0
After the Words Are Done: Publishing, Paratext and the Ethics of Reading Recent Australian Trauma Memoir0
Rhetoric of Redress: Australian Political Speeches and Settler Citizens' Historical Consciousness0
“For Gorsake, Stop Laughing: This is Serious!”—Australia’s Fragile Cartooning Archive0
“Looking at him, how it hurt”: Tsiolkas’s Merciless Gods and Conjectural Literary Space0
Flag within a Flag: Understanding the Ongoing Cultural Significance of the Union Jack in the Australian Flag*0
In Search of John Christian Watson: Labor’s First Prime Minister0
Monstrous Wounds: Crime, Environmental Catastrophe and Domestic Abuse in Jane Harper’s The Dry0