
(The TQCC of Ecohydrology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A bibliometric analysis of the research on Sponge City: Current situation and future development direction69
An ecohydrological typology for thermal refuges in streams and rivers34
Response of eutrophication and water quality drivers on greenhouse gas emissions in lakes of China: A critical analysis28
Effects of stand composition and soil properties on water repellency and hydraulic conductivity in Mediterranean forests25
Riparian vegetation and geomorphological interactions in anabranching rivers: A global review22
Transpiration patterns and water use strategies of beech and oak trees along a hillslope22
Stomatal regulation prevents plants from critical water potentials during drought: Result of a model linking soil–plant hydraulics to abscisic acid dynamics21
Drought in intermittent river and ephemeral stream networks20
Non‐stationary frequency analysis of extreme streamflow disturbance in a typical ecological function reserve of China under a changing climate19
Water uptake of apple trees in the Alps: Where does irrigation water go?18
Phloem water isotopically different to xylem water: Potential causes and implications for ecohydrological tracing18
Turbulence structure and longitudinal velocity distribution of open channel flows with reedy emergent vegetation18
Automated analysis of lateral river connectivity and fish stranding risks—Part 1: Review, theory and algorithm18
Effects of animal grazing on vegetation biomass and soil moisture on a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, China17
Effects of hydropeaking on the attached eggs of a rheophilic cyprinid species17
Experimental investigation of 3D flow properties around emergent rigid vegetation16
Regeneration of tropical montane cloud forests increases water yield in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest16
Changes in chlorophyll a and its response to nitrogen and phosphorus characteristics over the past three decades in Poyang Lake, China16
Soil moisture response to seasonal drought conditions and post‐thinning forest structure15
Water depth influences algal distribution and productivity in shallow agricultural lakes15
Drought occurrence and time‐dominated variations in water use efficiency in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau15
Evaluation of the water conservation capacity of the Weihe River Basin based on the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs model15
Ecosystem water use efficiency response to drought over southwest China15
Dynamic 2H irrigation pulse labelling reveals rapid infiltration and mixing of precipitation in the soil and species‐specific water uptake depths of trees in a temperate forest14
Epikarst shallow fissure soil systems are key to eliminating karst drought limitations in the karst rocky desertification area of SW China13
Groundwater subsidizes tree growth and transpiration in sandy humid forests13
The hydrology of treed wetlands in thawing discontinuous permafrost regions12
The role of hummocks in re‐establishing black spruce forest following permafrost thaw12
Identifying climate‐resistant vernal pools: Hydrologic refugia for amphibian reproduction under droughts and climate change12
Utilization of constructed wetland for the removal of heavy metal through fly ash bricks manufactured using harvested plant biomass12
Sapwood and heartwood are not isolated compartments: Consequences for isotope ecohydrology11
Wetland position in the landscape: Impact on water storage and flood buffering11
Change in fire frequency drives a shift in species composition in native Eucalyptus regnans forests: Implications for overstorey forest structure and transpiration11
Potential hydrological regime requirements for spawning success of the Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis in its present spawning ground of the Yangtze River11
Environmental influences on migration patterns and pathways of a threatened potamodromous fish in a regulated lowland river network11
How dynamic is the Brahmaputra? Understanding the process–form–vegetation interactions for hierarchies of energy dissipation11
Stemflow infiltration areas into forest soils around American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) trees11
Simulated longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) restoration increased streamflow—A case study in the Lower Flint River Basin11
Impacts of land use and landscape pattern on water quality at multiple spatial scales in a subtropical large river11
Effects of roots systems on hydrological connectivity below the soil surface in the Yellow River Delta wetland10
Hydraulic redistribution buffers climate variability and regulates grass‐tree interactions in a semiarid riparian savanna10
Behavioural response of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to total dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river10
Reexamining forest disturbance thresholds for managing cumulative hydrological impacts10
Potential for significant precipitation cycling by forest‐floor litter and deadwood10
Lake sturgeon seasonal movements in regulated and unregulated Missouri River tributaries10
Seasonal drought and its effects on frog population dynamics and amphibian disease in intermittent streams9
Flow behaviour in a multi‐layered vegetated floodplain region of a compound channel9
Response of benthic macroinvertebrates to different hydropower off‐stream diversion schemes9
Deuterium depletion in xylem water and soil isotopic effects complicate the assessment of riparian tree water sources in the seasonal tropics9
Ditch the low flow: Agricultural impacts on flow regimes and consequences for aquatic ecosystem functions9
Wet–dry cycles on sandy and loessial Negev soils: Implications for biocrust establishment and growth?9
Strong influence of climatic extremes on diversity of benthic algae and cyanobacteria in a lowland intermittent stream9
The effect of altered flow regimes on aquatic primary producer communities: Diatoms and macrophytes9
One‐year‐long evaluation of non‐rainfall water available to soil biocrusts in the Negev Highlands9
Aboveground biomass production and dominant species type determined canopy storage capacity of abandoned grassland communities on semiarid Loess Plateau8
Spatio‐temporal heterogeneities in water quality and their potential drivers in Lake Chaohu (China) from 2001 to 20178
Temporal patterns of the catadromous thinlip grey mullet migration in freshwater8
Groundwater, biodiversity, and the role of flow system scale8
A preliminary isotope‐based evapotranspiration partitioning approach for tropical Costa Rica8
Ecosystem engineering in the streambed: Net‐spinning caddisflies influence hydraulic properties8
Hydrologic and geomorphic effects on riparian plant species occurrence and encroachment: Remote sensing of 360 km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon8
Spatio‐temporal dynamics of water quality and eutrophication in Lake Taihu, China8
Ecological responses of spawning habitat suitability to changes in flow and thermal regimes influenced by hydropower operation8
Land‐use intensity and biodiversity effects on infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity of grassland soils in southern Germany8
Calibration of an evapotranspiration algorithm in a semiarid sagebrush steppe using a 3‐ha lysimeter and Landsat normalized difference vegetation index data8
Effect of land use change on hydrology of forested watersheds8
Drivers of the circumferential variation of stemflow inputs on the boles of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine)7
Water conservation potential of modified turf grass irrigation in urban parks of Phoenix, Arizona7
Riparian forest productivity decline initiated by streamflow diversion then amplified by atmospheric drought 40 years later7
Interactions of nutrient and water availability control growth and diversity effects in a Salix two‐species mixture7
Zooplankton shifts from headwater to lowland streams: Insights into the role of water quality to assist the protection and restoration of agricultural waterways7
Variability of hydraulic conductivity and water repellency of soils with fire severity in pine forests and reforested areas under Mediterranean conditions7
Dry season plant water sourcing in contrasting tropical ecosystems of Costa Rica7
Ecohydrological interactions in a boreal fen–swamp complex, Alberta, Canada7
Plant functional diversity influences water and carbon fluxes and their use efficiencies in native and disturbed dryland ecosystems7
Spatial distribution patterns and predictors of fish beta‐diversity in a large dam‐free tributary from a Neotropical floodplain7
Enhancing an unsupervised clustering algorithm with a spatial contiguity constraint for river habitat analysis7
Use of restored floodplains by fishes of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, USA7
Benthic invertebrate assemblages and leaf‐litter breakdown along the eucrenal–hypocrenal ecotone of a rheocrene spring in Central Italy: Are there spatial and seasonal differences?7
Restoration of a shrub‐encroached semi‐arid grassland: Implications for structural, hydrologic, and sediment connectivity7
Impact of groundwater depth on hydraulic performance and growth of Haloxylon ammodendron in a desert region of central Asia7
How do geomorphic characteristics affect the source of tree water uptake in restored river floodplains?6
Deeper burning in a boreal fen peatland 1‐year post‐wildfire accelerates recovery trajectory of carbon dioxide uptake6
Influence of landscape homogenization due to river damming on dragonfly (Odonata) community structuring in a subtropical forest in the southern Atlantic Forest6
Ecohydrology of epiphytes: Modelling water balance, CAM photosynthesis, and their climate impacts6
The effect of plant size and branch traits on rainfall interception of 10 temperate tree species6
Threshold of vapour–pressure deficit constraint on light use efficiency varied with soil water content6
Importance of a turbulent river section below a giant waterfall for fish spawning: Indications from drift and dispersion patterns of early life stages6
Variability in tree water uptake determined with stable water isotopes in an African tropical montane forest6
Spatiotemporal variations of Alxa national public welfare forest net primary productivity in northwest China and the response to climate change6
Assessment of fog gauges and their effectiveness in quantifying fog in the Andean páramo6
Expansion of woody vegetation on a Missouri River reservoir delta‐backwater6
Restoration and meteorological variability highlight nested water supplies in middle altitude/latitude peatlands: Towards a hydrological conceptual model of the Frasne peatland, Jura Mountains, France6
Hydrologic classification of Tanzanian rivers to support national water resource policy6
Green roof vegetation management alters potential for water quality and temperature mitigation6
Global overview on groundwater fauna6
Effects of antecedent drying events on structure, composition and functional traits of invertebrate assemblages and leaf‐litter breakdown in a former perennial river of Central Apennines (Aterno River6
Automated analysis of lateral river connectivity and fish stranding risks. Part 2: Juvenile Chinook salmon stranding at a river rehabilitation site6
The effect of forest‐to‐bog restoration on the hydrological functioning of raised and blanket bogs6
Impact of shading on evapotranspiration and water stress of urban trees5
Extreme low‐flow effects on riverine fauna: A perspective on methodological assessments5
Ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in turloughs (ephemeral karstic wetlands)5
Impact of the North Sea–Caspian pattern on meteorological drought and vegetation response over diverging environmental systems in western Eurasia5
Blanket bog CO2 flux driven by plant functional type during summer drought5
Using diatom indices to estimate the ecological status of minimally disturbed rivers of the Sakarya River Basin (Türkiye)5
Dammed water quality—Longitudinal stream responses below beaver ponds in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon5
The taxonomic structure but not the functioning of riparian herbaceous communities varies with hydrological conditions on a large, highly regulated river: Evidence from a 2‐year replicated study5
Geophysics reveals forest vulnerability to drought5
Integrated effects of rainfall regime and canopy structure on interception loss: A comparative modelling analysis for an artificial larch forest5
Effects of tree mortality on the estimation of stemflow yield in a self‐thinning coniferous plantation5
Reconfiguration of ecohydrology as a sustainability tool for Himalayan waterways5
Ecological impacts of shortening fire return intervals on boreal peatlands and transition zones using integrated in situ field sampling and lidar approaches5
A multiple‐lines‐of‐evidence approach for prioritising environmental watering of wetland and floodplain trees5
Sensitivity of dryland vegetation patterns to storm characteristics5
Tree‐ring stable isotopes and radiocarbon reveal pre‐ and post‐eruption effects of volcanic processes on trees on Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy)5
An integrated field data and remote sensing approach for impact assessment of human activities on epifauna macrobenthos biodiversity along the western coast of Aqaba Gulf5
MPeat—A fully coupled mechanical‐ecohydrological model of peatland development5
Responses of soil respiration to rainfall depth and frequency in semiarid grassland communities5
Large‐diameter trees affect snow duration in post‐fire old‐growth forests5
Effects of lake‐level changes on water quality and fisheries production of Lake Baringo, Kenya5
Greenhouse gas emissions hotspots and drivers of urban freshwater bodies in areas of the Yangtze River delta, China5
Ecologically relevant moisture and temperature metrics for assessing dryland ecosystem dynamics4
Catchment‐scale applications of hydraulic habitat models: Climate change effects on fish4
Effects of leaf microstructures on the water storage capacity of common urban landscape trees4
Advances in the blue‐green space evaluation index system4
The anatomy of two species of emergent macrophytes of the genus Polygonum differentially changes in response to water‐level fluctuations4
Transverse distribution of cyanobacteria in a regulated urban river4
Quantitative modelling of fish habitat in a large regulated river in a changing climate4
Analysing and evaluating environmental flows through hydrological methods in the regulated Indus River Basin4
Evapotranspiration partitioning based on field‐stable oxygen isotope observations for an urban locust forest land4
A novel unsupervised method for assessing mesoscale river habitat structure and suitability from 2D hydraulic models in gravel‐bed rivers4
Cavitation‐resistant junipers cease transpiration earlier than cavitation‐vulnerable oaks under summer dry conditions4
Fish pass use by shads (Alosa alosa L. and Alosa fallax [Lacépède, 1803]): Implications for monitoring and management4
Geodiversity as a potential indicator of stream health in ecological quality assessment systems4
Quantitative analysis of hydropower potential in the upper Beas basin using geographical information system and MIKE 11 Nedbor Afrstromnings Model (NAM)4
How intensive revegetation affects runoff in semiarid watersheds: A case study based on an integrated modelling framework4
Ecohydrology of coastal aquifers in humid environments and implications of a drying climate4
Understory evapotranspiration rates in a coast redwood forest4
A false paradigm? Do biocrust types necessarily reflect ‘successional stages’?4
Field evidence of riparian vegetation response to groundwater levels in a gravel‐bed river4
Effects of dry spells on soil moisture and yield anomalies at a montane managed grassland site: A lysimeter climate experiment4
Vegetation cover at the water surface best explains seed retention in open channels4
Analysing the influence of a large flood on eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) distribution along the Missouri River using remote‐sensing techniques4
Enhanced coupling of light use efficiency and water use efficiency in arid and semi‐arid environments4
Effects of floating covers used for evaporation suppression on reservoir physical, chemical and biological water quality parameters4
Biocrusts and its disturbance controls on soil infiltrability in a semi‐arid ecosystem4
Snowtography quantifies effects of forest cover on net water input to soil at sites with ephemeral or stable seasonal snowpack in Arizona, USA4
Phenotypic plasticity in leaf traits in response to experimental precipitation increase: Wettability, foliar water uptake and gas exchange4