Regional Environmental Change

(The TQCC of Regional Environmental Change is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
What motivates and hinders municipal adaptation policy? Exploring vertical and horizontal diffusion in Hessen and Finland73
Maize yield under a changing climate in Uganda: long-term impacts for climate smart agriculture46
Effects of agro-climatic indices on wheat yield in arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid regions of Iran46
Is the vegetation archetype of the Garden of Eden located in the Irano-Turanian region and safe against climate change?46
Changes in evaporation patterns and their impact on Climatic Water Balance and river discharges in central Poland, 1961–202039
Interventions to control forest loss in a swidden cultivation landscape in Nan Province, Thailand36
Exploring the role of smallholder perceptions in shaping land-use decisions in a tropical agro-forest frontier in southern Mexico35
Leveraging atmospheric moisture recycling in Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries for irrigation and afforestation planning34
Searching for synergies for low emission development, the case for dairy subsector in Kenya32
Facing up to drought events: Understanding the potentials and challenges within farming systems31
Biogeochemical plumbing of pioneer mangrove intertidal flats in French Guiana31
Ecosystem services as systemic enablers for transformation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: an analytical synthesis30
Substantial warming of Central European mountain rivers under climate change29
Assessment of agricultural water protection strategies at a catchment scale: case of Finland28
Sixteen ways to adapt: a comparison of state-level climate change adaptation strategies in the federal states of Germany27
Farmers’ preference and willingness to pay for weather forecast services in Benin (West Africa)27
Climate change impacts on wind power generation for the Italian peninsula24
Farmers’ action space to adopt sustainable practices: a study of arable farming in Saxony22
Perceptions and attitudes towards climate change in fishing communities of the Sudd Wetlands, South Sudan22
Estimates of carbon stocks in sandy soils cultivated under local management practices in Senegal’s groundnut basin22
Compound hazards of climate change, forestry, and other encroachments on winter pasturelands: a storyline approach in a forest reindeer herding community in Northern Sweden21
Causes of tea land dynamics in Sri Lanka between 1995 and 203021
Characterization of land cover-specific fire regimes in the Brazilian Amazon20
Quantifying drivers of change in social-ecological systems: land management impacts wildfire probability in forests of the western US19
Plant community predictions support the potential for big sagebrush range expansion adjacent to the leading edge19
Understanding immobility of a highly vulnerable coastal village in the Indian Sundarban18
Farmland management and sustainable development in the Mediterranean: land use changes, public policies, and collective resources18
Projected climate in coffee-based farming systems: implications for crop suitability in Uganda18
Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps18
Too expensive to keep — bidding farewell to an iconic mountain glacier?18
Situating climate change narrative for conceptualizing adaptation strategies: a case study of coffee growers in South India18
Climate change–driven agricultural frontiers and their ecosystem trade-offs in the hills of Nepal18
Affecting behavioural change through empowerment: conceptual insights from theory and agricultural case studies in South Asia17
“Here, I will stay until I die”—exploring the relationship between place attachment, risk perception, and coping behavior in two small Norwegian communities17
Wetland changes and their impacts on livelihoods in Chiang Saen Valley, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand17
Ecosystem-based adaptation in Africa: integrating mitigation and adaptation17
A remote sensing-based classification approach for river mouths of the Amazon-influenced Guianas coast17
Cycles of marine biotoxins in bivalves and their spatial distribution along the continental Portuguese coast: are trends related to global change already discernible?17
Effects of climate change-induced water temperature changes on the distribution of tidal river fish fauna in the Japanese archipelago16
Rainfall changes perceived by farmers and captured by meteorological data: two sides to every story16
Shifting climate zones and expanding tropical and arid climate regions across Kenya (1980–2020)16
European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum) will expand its geographic range as a result of climate warming16
Implications of regional agricultural land use dynamics and deforestation associated with sugarcane expansion for soil carbon stocks in Brazil16
Large floodplain river restoration in New Zealand: synthesis and critical evaluation to inform restoration planning and research16
Correction to: “We cannot escape this”: discussing leverage points for sustainability across scales with the example of Ouvéa, Kanaky New Caledonia15
Assessment of climate change impact and adaptation strategy for millet in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Niger15
Evolution of the French Guiana coast from Late Pleistocene to Holocene based on chenier and beach sand dating15
The impact of urban growth boundary on urban sprawl: evidence from China15
Climate change in action: local elevational shifts on Iberian amphibians and reptiles15
Addressing the climate adaptation tracking gap: an assessment method and its application to the Caribbean region14
Climate-related loss and damage in contexts of agrarian change: differentiated sense of loss from extreme weather events in northeast Cambodia14
Water on fire: losses and the post-war future of ecosystem services from water resources of Ukraine14
Prediction of mangrove recovery in natural protected areas of the Yucatan Peninsula13
Elevation and local climate variation control changes in Aleppo pine growth responses to hydroclimate and drought in semi-arid Spain13
Increasing overall agricultural productivity in the Yellow River Delta Eco-economic Zone in China13
Critical habitats: climate change and habitat loss as drivers of change in the geographic ranges of Neotropical woodcreepers (Aves: Furnariidae) in Mexico13
Braided motivations for Iceland’s first wave of mass emigration to North America after the 1875 Askja eruption13
Unveiling the potential of biomarkers in the context of climate change: analysis of knowledge landscapes, trends, and research priorities13
Large differences between observed and expected Ecuadorian deforestation from 2001 to 2009: a counterfactual simulation approach13
“We cannot escape this”: discussing leverage points for sustainability across scales with the example of Ouvéa, Kanaky New Caledonia13
Controlling the water: citizens’ place–related adaptation to landslides in mid-Norway13
Consequence of habitat specificity: a rising risk of habitat loss for endemic and sub-endemic woody species under climate change in the Hyrcanian ecoregion13
Long-term reclamation of tidal flats of Chongming Island and ecological security of Yangtze estuary, China13
Large-scale forest protection: the successful case of the Kayapo people in the Brazilian Amazon13
Roadless areas in Brazil: land cover, land use, and conservation status12
Land sharing strategies for addressing the trade-off between carbon storage and crop production in France12
Deforestation and trends of change in protected areas of the Usumacinta River basin (2000–2018), Mexico and Guatemala12
Transformative adaptation through nature-based solutions: a comparative case study analysis in China, Italy, and Germany12
Climate impact chains for envisaging climate risks, vulnerabilities, and adaptation issues12
Climate, flood, and attitudes toward violence: micro-level evidence from Karamoja, Uganda12
Forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands has limited effect to offset carbon emissions from Central-North Spain12
Knowledge systems approaches for enhancing project impacts in complex settings: community fire management and peatland restoration in Indonesia12
Linking the diversity and structure of French avian communities with landscape parameters, climate and NPP flows12
Agricultural resilience and adaptive capacity during severe drought in the Western Cape, South Africa12
Brazil’s Amazonian deforestation: the role of landholdings in undesignated public lands12
Consequences of land-use change and the wildfire disaster of 2017 for the central Chilean biodiversity hotspot12
Small islands and climate change: analysis of adaptation policy in the Cayman Islands12
Thirty years of forest-cover change in Western Rwanda during periods of wars and environmental policy shifts11
Rotational pasture management to increase the sustainability of mountain livestock farms in the Alpine region11
“Listen to us”: small-scale farmers’ understandings of social-ecological changes and their drivers in Important Agricultural Heritage Systems11
Correction to: Translating and embedding equity-thinking into climate adaptation: an analysis of US cities11
Can the cropping systems of the Nile basin be adapted to climate change?11
Assessment of hydro-climatic trends in a drought-prone region of Maharashtra (India) with reference to rainfed agriculture11
(Climate) Migrants welcome? Evidence from a survey experiment in Austria11
Grassland contribution to soil organic carbon stock under climate change scenarios in Basque Country (Spain)11
Correction: Venice and its lagoon fin de siecle11
Post-cyclone resilience of an agroforest-based food system in the Pacific Islands11
Integrated energy-water-land nexus planning in the Colorado River Basin (Argentina)11
Co-producing representations of summer rainfall in Bangladesh11
Quantifying the spatiotemporal patterns and environmental impacts of surface coal mining in the Xilingol Steppe, Inner Mongolia11
A new framework for rapidly assessing national adaptation policies: an application to small island developing states in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans11
Climate change impacts on potential maize yields in Gambella Region, Ethiopia11
Is food self-sufficiency possible for Reunion Island?11
Conversion to community-supported agriculture—pathways, motives and barriers for German farmers10
Correction to: Integrated flood vulnerability assessment of villages in the Waimanu River Catchment in the South Pacific: the case of Viti Levu, Fiji10
What is the evidence linking financial assistance for drought-affected agriculture and resilience in tropical Asia? A systematic review10
Multilevel governance in climate change adaptation in Bangladesh: structure, processes, and power dynamics10
Innovation in coastal governance: management and expectations of the UK’s first sandscaping scheme10
Correction: Sensitivity of fishery resources to climate change in the warm-temperate Southwest Atlantic Ocean10
Water under the bridge: how place meanings shape second homeowners’ engagement in flood risk management in southern Denmark10
Future changes in wind energy resources in Egypt under Paris climate agreements’ goals10
The role of household labour for sustainable intensification in smallholder systems: a case study in cocoa farming systems10
The impacts of agricultural and urban land-use changes on plant and bird biodiversity in Costa Rica (1986–2014)10
Examining the presence and effects of coherence and fragmentation in the Gulf of Maine fishery management network10
Place attachment, storms, and climate change in the Faroe Islands10
The importance of diversity in local food systems: a network analysis of food-related interactions in the Indigenous food system on St. Paul Island, Alaska9
Fighting against, and coping with, drought in Brazil: two policy paradigms intertwined9
Adaptation strategies for dealing with global atmospheric change in Mediterranean agriculture: a triple helix approach to the Spanish case study9
Projected population exposure to precipitation extremes in China by the end of the twenty-first century: trends, change points, and spatial variability9
Effects of soil subsidence on plantation agriculture in Indonesian peatlands9
Technology needs assessment for climate change adaptation: Experiences of Mauritius and Seychelles9
Do hurricanes or freezing events regulate the sustainability of subtropical mangroves on the Gulf of Mexico coast?9
Relative importance of local and regional/global drivers of mangrove degradation and deforestation in Madagascar9
Perceptions and vulnerability to climate change among the urban poor in Kampala City, Uganda9
Coastal marine habitats deterioration according to users’ perception: the case of Cap de Creus Marine Protected Area (NE Spain)9
Impact of shifting from rice to shrimp farming on migration aspirations in Bangladesh9
Community priorities, values, and perceptions associated with ecosystem services provided by the socio-ecological landscapes of Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya9
Governance drivers hinder and support a paradigm shift in wildfire risk management in Italy9
Dewatering the Xingu River: hydrological alterations and biocultural connections among the Arara Indigenous People in the Volta Grande region, Brazilian Amazon9
Assessing the resilience of farming systems on the Saïs plain, Morocco9
Rethinking collaborative governance: contested legitimacy of the Melamchi inter-basin water transfer for municipal use in Nepal9
The extreme monsoon climate and associated ancient communities, kingdoms, irrigational advancement in Deccan India during the late Holocene9
Strengthening climate research capacity in Africa: lessons from the ‘Climate impact research capacity leadership enhancement’ project9
Recreation and its synergies and trade-offs with other ecosystem services of Alpine and pre-Alpine grasslands9
Evaluating the comprehensiveness of municipal climate change adaptation plans in Ontario, Canada8
Balancing disturbance risk and ecosystem service provisioning in Swiss mountain forests: an increasing challenge under climate change8
Climate warming drives divergence of montane butterfly communities in Southern Italy8
Inferring the impacts of climate extreme in the Kabul River Basin8
Suggestions for marine protected area management in Australia: a review of temperature trends and management plans8
Soil organic carbon in Andean high-mountain ecosystems: importance, challenges, and opportunities for carbon sequestration8
Studies from global regions indicate promising avenues for maintaining and increasing soil organic carbon stocks8
Climate-driven range shifts of Levaillant’s Woodpecker Picus vaillantii in the Western Mediterranean8
Identifying synergies and hotspots of ecosystem services for the conservation priorities in the Asian Water Tower region8
Glacier tourism and climate change: effects, adaptations, and perspectives in the Alps8
Assessing carbon sequestration in a high-diversity restoration plantation in the Atlantic Forest of southwestern Brazil8
Food systems in the face of climate change: reviewing the state of research in South Pacific Islands8
Manure application in managed grasslands can contribute to soil organic carbon sequestration: evidence from field experiments across Japan8
Towards a cultural lens for adaptation pathways to climate change7
Water balance components and climate extremes over Brazil under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C of global warming scenarios7
Synergies and trade-offs in drought resilience within a multi-level UK food supply chain7
Local reports of climate change impacts in Sierra Nevada, Spain: sociodemographic and geographical patterns7
Landscape ecological risks assessment of the China-Vietnam border area: the perspective of production-living-ecological spaces7
Marine heatwaves threaten key foraging grounds of sea turtles in Southeast Asian Seas7
Rainfall and land use impacts on water quality and communities in the Waimanu River Catchment in the South Pacific: the case of Viti Levu, Fiji7
When does risk become residual? A systematic review of research on flood risk management in West Africa7
Balancing the push and pull factors of land-use change: a New Zealand case study7
Land in Central America will become less suitable for coffee cultivation under climate change7
Response of endangered bird species to land-use changes in an agricultural landscape in Germany7
Environmental non-migration: framework, methods, and cases7
Factors affecting small farm resilience to climate change in Hamedan Province, Iran: a structural model analysis7
Crop diversification as landscape change: using land systems science to understand agricultural trajectories in North Carolina7
Climate change impacts on future driving and walking conditions in Finland, Norway and Sweden7
How to quantify the regional effects of ocean temperature rise due to climate change: implications of Octopus maya ecophysiology on food security of the Yucatan shelf artisanal fishermen7
Assessing effectiveness of agricultural adaptation strategies in context of crop loss: a case study of the Indian subcontinent7
Eco-hydrological effects of agricultural water-saving in the Yinchuan Plain, Northwest China7
Impacts of urbanization on mangrove forests and brachyuran crabs in Penang, Malaysia7
Resilience and vulnerability: perspectives of key informants on the uncertain future of Pacific salmon in British Columbia7
Reconstructing forest cover changes for the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River over the past millennium7
Is climate change pushing gymnosperms against the wall in the northwestern Himalayas?7