Research on Language and Social Interaction

(The TQCC of Research on Language and Social Interaction is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Preference and Polarity: Epistemic Stance in Question Design44
The Routinization of Grammar as a Social Action Format: A Longitudinal Study of Video-Mediated Interactions40
Longitudinal Conversation Analysis - Introduction to the Special Issue40
One Type of Polar, Information-Seeking Question and Its Stance of Probability: Implications for the Preference for Agreement18
Initiating a Complaint: Change Over Time in French L2 Speakers’ Practices16
Is Conversation Built for Two? The Partitioning of Social Interaction15
How Shared Meanings and Uses Emerge Over an Interactional History:Wabi Sabiin a Series of Theater Rehearsals15
Are They Requests? An Exploration of Declaratives of Trouble in Service Encounters14
Timing and Prosody of Lexical Repetition: How Repeated Instructions Assist Visually Impaired Athletes’ Navigation in Sport Climbing13
Probability and Valence: Two Preferences in the Design of Polar Questions and Their Management11
Body Trouble: Some Sources of Difficulty in the Progressive Realization of Manual Action11
Conversation Analysis and the Study of Sociohistorical Change11
Should Police Negotiators Ask to “Talk” or “Speak” to Persons in Crisis? Word Selection and Overcoming Resistance to Dialogue Proposals10
Interpersonal Touch in Conversational Joking9
Over-Exposed Self-Correction: Practices for Managing Competence and Morality9
An Adjunct to Repair: You Know in Speech Production and Understanding Difficulties8
Taking Issue with a Question While Answering It: Prefatory Particles and Multiple Sayings of Polar Response Tokens in French8
Recruiting Assistance in Early Childhood: Longitudinal Changes in the Use of “Oh+X” as a Way of Reporting Trouble in German8
Embodiment in Dissent: The Eye Roll as an Interactional Practice7
Turning the Tables: Objecting to Conduct in Conflict Talk7
What Do Newsmark-Type Responses Invite? The Response Space After German echt6