Asian Journal of Communication

(The TQCC of Asian Journal of Communication is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Make the invisible visible: communicative response to anti-Asian racism20
Editorial on the editorial board14
Online intercultural education and study abroad: theory into practice12
Do viewers really talk about ads during commercial breaks? Findings from a South Korean social TV platform12
Biology and technology: guarding, nurturing, and governing life12
Politically engaged but unwilling to protest: analyzing the role of authoritarian orientations and internet use on protest participation behavior10
What’s the matter?: The meaning of halal culture for Indonesian Muslims9
Examining the Indonesian government’s social media use for disaster risk communication9
China, media, and international conflicts8
The interweaving of network nationalism and transnational cultural consumption: the role conflict of K-pop fans8
Judgments of honest and deceptive communication in art forgery controversies: two field studies testing truth-default theory’s projected motive model in Korea7
Exposure to online news about air pollution and public trust in regulators in China: a moderated mediation analysis of perceived risk and perceived news credibility7
Media and climate change: making sense of press narratives7
(Im)mobile homes: family life at a distance in the age of mobile media7
Minority ethnic media: challenges for the future6
Islamic communication in Asia has a distinctive colour, style, and practice6
Parental mediation of children’s digital media use in high digital penetration countries: perspectives from Singapore and Australia6
Islamic communication research: this is just the start6
Falling for fake news: the role of political bias and cognitive ability5
Effects of narratives and information valence in digital headlines on user responses5
Traditional Chinese medicine works: a politicised scientific debate in the COVID-19 pandemic5
Two Wikipedias in Bhutan: problems and solutions for knowledge equity in the digital age5
Arabic media coverage of pandemics: discourse, strategy and impact5
Explaining change in independence–unification views in Taiwan: a within-between model5
A replication and extension of the prosocial effect of online social interactions among Chinese and American emerging adults5
Theory and practice of agenda setting: understanding media, bot, and public agendas in the South Korean presidential election4
Ulama and terrorism in media: phenomenology research about the perceptions of ulama to terrorism news in Indonesia mass media4
Reflexive racialization and discursive affect with the #VeryAsian Hashtag4
Islamic fashion in Malaysia: the commodification of religious values on Instagram4
Traditional norms and political inequality: assessing gender disparities in online political participation across 51 countries4
Impact of perceived influence on confirmation bias in social media messages: the moderating effect of civic online reasoning4
Commodification of instrumental Islamic piety in Indonesian political contestation 20194
A cognitive mechanism for democratic norms: testing a hypothesized model of news literacy, cross-cutting discussion, and elaboration4
Chinese news discourse from perspectives of communication, linguistics and pedagogy3
The effects of message attributes and source characteristics of news posts on audience engagement on social media3
Cognitive reasoning, risk targets and behavioral responses to COVID-19 outbreaks among Wuhan residents during lockdown3
China’s mediated public diplomacy towards Japan: a text-as-data approach3
Reimagining a glocal framework: the search for academic legitimacy in Chinese public relations discipline from 1985 to 20183
News framing through English-Chinese translation3
Communication and capitalism: a critical theory3
The mediating role of social recommendation in the relationship between concern over expression and social media news participation: a comparative study of six Asian societies3
Stringent censorship and relaxed co-governance: understanding platform governance and user practices of queer social and dating apps3
Cross-Cutting exposure, perceived realism, and online political engagement in the age of algorithms3
Examining public perceptions of cultivated meat in Singapore: food neophobia and neophilia as precursors to the influence of presumed media influence model3
The politics of dating apps: gender, sexuality, and emergent publics in Urban China3