Review of Development Economics

(The TQCC of Review of Development Economics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Digital inclusive finance and urban innovation: Evidence from China81
Do personal remittances influence economic growth in South Asia? A panel analysis33
Internet use and consumption diversity: Evidence from rural China28
Rural development in the digital age: Does information and communication technology adoption contribute to credit access and income growth in rural China?22
Adoption of agricultural technologies among rice farmers in Benin20
The effect of export composition on energy demand: A fresh evidence in the context of economic complexity19
Has the information and communication technology sector become the engine of China’s economic growth?19
Mechanization services, factor allocation, and farm efficiency: Evidence from China18
Understanding poverty dynamics and vulnerability in Tanzania: 2012–201817
Disparities in regional productivity, capital accumulation, and efficiency across Indonesia: A club convergence approach17
Financial inclusion and education: An empirical study of financial inclusion in the face of the pandemic emergency due to Covid‐19 in Latin America and the Caribbean15
Income inequality and economic growth: A re‐examination of theory and evidence15
Gender gap and access to finance: A cross‐country analysis14
Impact of global value chains on total factor productivity: The case of Indian manufacturing14
Poverty in India in the face of Covid‐19: Diagnosis and prospects*13
Poverty and vulnerability in Mozambique: An analysis of dynamics and correlates in light of the Covid‐19 crisis using synthetic panels13
Internet use and agricultural productivity in rural Vietnam13
Corruption and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean13
Does agricultural trade liberalization increase obesity in developing countries?13
Reducing farmers' poverty vulnerability in China: The role of digital financial inclusion13
Gendered effects of sanctions on manufacturing employment: Evidence from Iran13
Impacts of management training on workers: Evidence from Central America and the Caribbean region13
New insight into decoupling carbon emissions from economic growth: Do financialization, human capital, and energy security risk matter?12
Innovation‐adjusted economic complexity and growth: Do patent flows reveal enhanced economic capabilities?12
Political instability and youths unemployment in sub‐Saharan Africa12
Smallholder farmers’ perception of climate change and drivers of adaptation in agriculture: A case study in Guinea12
On the financial literacy, indebtedness, and wealth of Colombian households12
Overcoming digital poverty traps in rural Asia11
Technology adoption and the middle‐income trap: Lessons from the Middle East and East Asia11
Productivity determinants in the construction sector in emerging country: New evidence from Ecuadorian firms11
Drought and social conflict in rural Zimbabwe: Does the burden fall on women and girls?11
How climate change leads to emigration: Conditional and long‐run effects11
Smartphone use, off‐farm employment, and women's decision‐making power: Evidence from rural China10
An introduction to rural and agricultural development in the digital age10
Can microcredit reduce vulnerability to poverty? Evidence from rural Vietnam9
Investigating the well‐being implications of mobile money access and usage from a multidimensional perspective9
Is the demographic dividend diminishing in China? Evidence from population aging and economic growth during 1990–20159
Aid for Trade, export product diversification, and foreign direct investment9
Urban segregation and consumption inequality: Does hukou conversion matter in China?9
Is maternal employment detrimental to children’s nutritional status? Evidence from Bangladesh8
Gender inequality, corruption, and economic development8
Impact of mobile payment adoption on household expenditures and subjective well‐being8
The distributional effects of government spending shocks in developing economies8
Growing up in the Iran–Iraq war and preferences for strong defense8
Dynamic correlation between crude oil and agricultural futures markets8
Profit sharing, industrial upgrading, and global supply chains: Theory and evidence8
Hand pollination, mass spraying, and hybrid seedlings: Do these technologies affect the welfare of smallholder cocoa farmers in Ghana?8
Constructing synthetic panels for the purpose of studying poverty dynamics: A primer8
Inclusive growth in the face of increasing urbanization: What experience for African countries?8
Redistribution and efficiency: An empirical analysis of the relevant trade‐offs of welfare state fiscal policies7
Overeducation and skill mismatch of university graduates in Taiwan7
The role of resource reallocation in promoting total factor productivity growth: Insights from China’s agricultural sector7
Microfinance and poverty reduction: Evidence from Djibouti7
Risk preference and child labor: Econometric evidence7
Do farmers get a greater return from selling their agricultural products through e‐commerce?7
Structural changes and economic landscape of the Indian economy: 2000‐20197
Economic openness, government efficiency, and urbanization7
Severity of the COVID‐19 pandemic in India7
Does manager education play a role in the productivity of informal firms in developing economies? Evidence from firm‐level surveys7
Within‐family inequalities in human capital accumulation in India7
The economic cost of conflict: Evidence from South Sudan7
Climate change and spatial agricultural development in Turkey7
Urban poverty, growth, and inequality: A needed paradigm shift?7
Narrowing the gender digital divide in Pakistan: Mobile phone ownership and female labor force participation7
The long‐term impact of education on dietary diversity among women in Zimbabwe7
The impact of conflict on the exchange rate of developing economies7
Free to escape? Economic freedoms, growth and poverty traps7
Poverty and vulnerability transitions in Myanmar: An analysis using synthetic panels6
Understanding poverty dynamics in Ethiopia: Implications for the likely impact of COVID‐196
Challenges in water and sanitation services: Do natural disasters make matters worse?6
What effect does development aid have on productivity in recipient countries?6
Foreign direct investment, informality and technology transfer6
FDI and spillovers: New evidence from Malaysia’s manufacturing sector6
Analyzing vulnerability to poverty and assessing the role of universal public works and food security programs to reduce it: Evidence from an eastern Indian state6
Military spending and sustainable development6
Son‐biased fertility stopping, birth spacing, and child nutritional status in Pakistan6
Modeling the dynamics of oil and agricultural commodity price nexus in linear and nonlinear frameworks: A case of emerging economy6
Income inequality among agricultural households in India: A regression‐based decomposition analysis6
Environmental regulation and foreign direct investment attractiveness: Evidence from China provinces6
Earnings gap between men and women in the informal labor market in Cameroon6
Remittances and rural credit markets: Evidence from Senegal6
Distance of doing business and outward foreign direct investment: An empirical study of China5
Exchange rate uncertainty and foreign direct investment in Africa: Does financial development matter?5
Economic growth takeoffs and the extensive and intensive margins of trade5
Is specialization a strategy to improve farm efficiency in northwest China?5
Poverty, vulnerability and Covid‐19: Introduction and overview5
Remittances in Russia and Caucasus and Central Asia: The gravity model5
The impact of rent seeking on social infrastructure and productivity5
Resource rents and environmental pollution in developing countries: Does the quality of institutions matter?5
Agricultural productivity‐environmental sustainability nexus through the lens of digitalization and energy intensity in BRICS countries5
The impact of Nepal's earthquake on the health status of rural children5
Pandemics and technology engagement: New evidence from m‐Health intervention during COVID‐19 in India5
Can proactive fiscal policy achieve the goal of “Beyond Keynesianism”?5
Social networks and internal migration in China: A spatial autoregressive model5
Smartphone‐based agricultural extension services and farm incomes: Evidence from Zhejiang Province in China5
Outsmarting your parents: Being a first‐generation learner in developing countries5
The trade openness–gender wage differential nexus: Household‐level evidence from Ghana5
Welfare impact of asymmetric price transmission on rice consumers in Bangladesh5
Effects of housing demolition on labor supply: Evidence from China5
Does combining traditional and information and communications technology–based extension methods improve agricultural outcomes? Evidence from field experiments in Mali5
An empirical analysis of Colombia's trade liberalization process and its effect on the equilibrium of its structural trade deficit5
Agglomeration and innovation effort: A longitudinal study on small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam5
Some questions of ethics in randomized controlled trials4
Urban household consumption in China: Price, income, and demographic effects4
Joint effects of exporting and outward FDI on firm‐level capital investment in India4
Trade liberalization, export quality, and three dimensions of wage inequality*4
Terrorism and inbound tourism in Egypt: Economy‐wide and distributional impacts4
Linguistic distance and economic development: A cross‐country analysis4
Child labor, social capital, and economic development*4
Race‐based affirmative action for higher education in Brazil: Impact assessment on performance, time, and delay in completion*4
Estimating the link between trade uncertainty, pandemic uncertainty and food price stability in Togo: New evidence for an asymmetric analysis4
Pollution permits, green taxes, and the environmental poverty trap4
To obey or not to obey? Can game theory explain human behavior in the context of coronavirus disease?4
Does intrahousehold bargaining power enhance women's marital satisfaction? A perspective from two competing forces in China4
Contract farming, community effect, and farmer valuation of biofortified crop varieties in China: The case of high‐zinc wheat4
Formalization of manufacturing firms in Bangladesh4
Grading foreign aid agencies: Best practices across traditional and emerging donors4
The impact of minimum wages on wages, wage spillovers, and employment in China: Evidence from longitudinal individual‐level data4
The impacts of women's land ownership: Evidence from Vietnam4
The persistence of inequality across Indian states: A time series approach4
Cash transfers and the supply of labor by poor households: Evidence from the livelihood empowerment against poverty program in Ghana4
Wage inequality in the developing world: Evidence from Latin America4
Inclusive health and life insurance adoption: An empirical study in Guatemala4
The perils of embedded experiments4
Conditional cash transfers tools to combat child labor: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Costa Rica4
Government spending and the exchange rate: Exploring this relationship in Mexico using a cointegrated system of equations4