Bulletin of Latin American Research

(The TQCC of Bulletin of Latin American Research is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Quo vadis, Brazil? Environmental Malgovernance under Bolsonaro and the Ambiguous Role of the Sustainable Development Goals23
Chilean and Transnational Performances of Disobedience: LasTesis and the Phenomenon of Un violador en tu camino20
Structural and Contingent Inequalities: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Migrant and Refugee Populations in South America19
Necropolitics in the Jungle: COVID‐19 and the Marginalisation of Brazil's Forest Peoples19
Organised Crime Governance in Times of Pandemic: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Gangs and Drug Cartels in Colombia and Mexico16
COVID‐19 Has Exposed How ‘The Other Half’ (Still) Lives14
The Persistent Influence of December 2001: Collective Action in 21st‐Century Argentina13
Articulating Body, Territory, and the Defence of Life: The Politics of Strategic Equivalencing between Women in Anti‐Mining Movements and the Feminist Movement in Peru12
Fostering Transitions Towards Sustainability? The Politics of Bioeconomy Development in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil12
Vulnerable Women in a Pandemic: Paid Domestic Workers and COVID‐19 in Peru12
Militarisation by Popular Demand? Explaining the Politics of Internal Military Roles in Brazil11
The Legacies of ‘Race’ Science, Anti‐Chinese Racism, and COVID‐19 in Mexico9
The Role of Local Government in the Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls during the COVID‐19 Pandemic9
Making a Constituent Assembly Possible in Chile: The Shifting Costs of Opposing Change9
Performing the ‘India Permitida’: The Counter‐Gift of Indigenous Women Targeted by a Corporate Social Responsibility Programme (Chile)8
COVID‐19 Pandemic and Social Unrest: The Social Protest by Other Means. Reflections on the Argentinian Case8
Miscommunication in the COVID‐19 Era8
‘Gender, Neoliberalism, and the Venezuelan Migrant Crisis’: Female Migrants' Informal Labour and Access to Services in Urban Colombia8
COVID‐19 and Social Protection in Latin America7
The Evolution of Authoritarianism and Restrictionism in Brazilian Immigration Policy: Jair Bolsonaro in Historical Perspective7
Introduction to COVID‐19 in Latin America and the Caribbean6
COVID‐19 and the Limitations of Official Responses to Gender‐Based Violence in Latin America: Evidence from Ecuador6
First Generation in Chilean Higher Education: Tension between Access and Inclusion in a Segmented University System6
From Dignified Burial to ‘Terrorist Mausoleum’: Exhumations, Moral Panic and Mourning Policies in Peru5
The Causes of Disease Impact Denialism in Nicaragua's Response to COVID‐195
Whose Development? How Women Living Near the Yanacocha Mine, Peru, Envision Potential Futures4
The West Against the Rest? Democracy Versus Autocracy Promotion in Venezuela4
Venezuela's Gold Heist: The Symbiotic Relationship between the State, Criminal Networks and Resource Extraction4
LGBTQ+ Tensions in the 2018 Chilean Feminist Tsunami4
More Money, More Problems: Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Chile (2006–2018)4
‘Family, God, Brazil, Guns…’: The State of Criminal Governance in Contemporary Brazil4
The Long Road to Abortion Rights in Argentina (1983–2020)4
The Worst Is Not over Yet: The Lives and Deaths of the ‘Self’ and ‘Others’ in Brazil's Response to the COVID‐19 Pandemic3
Covid‐19 Pandemic, Social Mitigation and Taxation: The Open Veins of Inequality in Latin America3
Brazilian Regional Leadership Revisited: Testing the Long‐Term Determinants of South American Followership (1995–2015)3
Conflicting Priorities in South American Migration Governance3
The Right to Gender Recognition before the Colombian Constitutional Court: A Queer and Travesti Theory Analysis3
Inhabiting Mourning: Spectral Figures in Cases of Extrajudicial Executions (False Positives) in Colombia3
Media Policies in Latin America's Post‐Left Turn: Legal (Counter‐) Reforms in Argentina and Ecuador3
Building Mistrust: ‘Minha Casa Minha Vida’ and its Political Effects in Rio de Janeiro3
Undeserving and Undesirable: Representing New Migrants and Refugees in Costa Rican Media3
The Quest for Syntony: Democracy and Regionalism in South America3
Introduction: Articulating Gender and Resource Extraction in Latin America2
Health Risks for Poultry Workers in Brazil in the COVID‐19 Pandemic2
Violence against Women in Politics: Female Politicians' Experience with Political Violence in Jamaica2
Organising Everyday Resistance: An Ethnographic Study of Rickshaw Drivers in Bogotá2
Putting Large‐Scale Infrastructure Projects First: The COVID‐19 Pandemic in Indigenous Mexico2
Between Care and Conflict: Relations of Resource Extraction in the Peruvian Amazon2
‘Collecting What the Sea Gives Back’: Postcolonial Ecologies of the Ocean in Contemporary Chilean Film2
A Political Ritual Without Closure: Serial Liminality and the Escalation of Conflict in Brazil's Street Demonstrations2
Staying Alive: 1970s Southern Cone Exiles in the UK2
Poner la cuerpa: The Body as a Site of Reproductive Rights Activism in Peru2
Narrating a Global Crisis from Guayaquil in Real Time: Early Literary Responses to the COVID‐19 Outbreak in Latin America2
From the Streets to the Screen: Sex Work, Stigma, Desire and Covid‐19 in Mexico City2
Shifting Tides of Informal Worker Resistance in Mexico: A Domestic Work‐Construction Contrast2
TheDeviated Mourningof the Disappeared: Reimagining Disappearance and Transcending its Tropes2
Researching Violence and Everyday Life in the 1970s: An Ethnographic Approach to the Argentine Military Family2
Bridging Research and Practice to Influence National Policy: Afro‐Colombians Territorial Rights, from Stagnation to Implementation2
The Experience of Women Regarding Chilean Government Measures during the COVID‐19 Pandemic1
Documenting Diaspora, Diasporising Memory: Memory and Mediation among Chilean and Uruguayan Hijxs del exilio1
Conquest by Contract: Property Rights and the Commercial Logic of Imperialism in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Southern Mexico)1
British Academia's Response to the coup d'état in Chile: The Case of Academics for Chile1
From Vicious to Virtuous Cycles: A Conceptual Framework on (De‐)Marginalisation and Citizen Security in Colombia1
Assessing the Impact of the MAS Regime in Bolivia1
Introduction: Intersections of Activism and Academia1
Did Covid‐19 Change Armed Group Governance? Evidence from a Survey of Local Security Authorities in Colombia1
Behind COVID‐19: Deepening Poverty in Cuba1
How the Global Pandemic Intensifies Vulnerabilities for Colombia's Women Social Leaders1
Cuba's Response to COVID‐19: What Underlies its Apparent Success?1
(Un)Paved Junctions: Navigating the Progression of a Road‐Building Project in Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala1
Travar el saber: Travesti‐Centred Knowledge‐Making and Education1
Building Interpersonal Bonds and Networks at Work: Recreational Spaces and Class and Gender Membership1
Unworthy of Grief: Enduring Urban Violence in Northeast Brazil1
The Influence of the Militarisation of Bureaucracies during Bolsonaro's Government on Public Opinion about the Brazilian Armed Forces1
Performing Contested Lands: Conservation and the Conflictive Enactments of Indigenous Territoriality in Lowland Ecuador1
Industrial Policy and Structural Change in Bolivia: Resource Curse or Historical Institutional Failure?1
The Impossibility of Party Unity in Peru: Party Affiliation, Subnational Electoral Competition and Party Discipline (2011–2019)1
‘Trusting the Lord, Conquering the Land’: Pentecostals, Landless Movement and Grassroots Politics from Dilma Rousseff to Jair Bolsonaro1
Legislative Twitter Style: Electoral Vulnerability, Social Media, and Constituency‐Building in Large Multimember Electoral Systems1
Fleeing from Violence: Accounts of Forced Displacement in Central Mexico1
Contesting Mestizaje: Black Politics and Oral Traditions in Venezuela1
The Inter‐American Court of Human Rights and Indigenous Rights in Nicaragua: From Land to Empowerment?1
Decolonising Responses to ‘Engaged Art’: Disposability and Neoimperialism in Art, Activism and Academia1
Visual Narratives of Care and Reproduction in Forced Migration: Women Displaced from Venezuela to Brazil1
A Pretext for Regression? The Gendered Institutional Response to COVID‐19 in the Country of Football1
Between Co‐Management and Responsibilisation: Comparative Perspectives from Two Reservas Comunales in the Peruvian Amazon1
Urban Reforms, Cultural Goods and the Valongo Wharf Circle: Understanding Intervention in Rio de Janeiro's Port Area1
Governance and Regulation of the Peruvian University System: Overcoming Reform Resistance through Quality Assurance Policies1
‘City Thinking’: Rural Urbanisation and Mobility in Andean Bolivia1
Isolation in Times of Epidemic: Reflections for our Present from a Smallpox Epidemic in Concepción (Chile)1
Life Satisfaction of Latin American Immigrants in Canada and Israel1
Exporting the Chavista Model: The Venezuelan Case for Autocracy Promotion in the Region1
Introduction: Regulatory Governance of Higher Education in Latin America1
The Geopolitical Imaginary of the BrazilianUltra‐Right1
Electoral Integrity and Turnout in a Context of Violence at the Sub‐National Level in Mexico, 2015–20181
Hawkins, J. P. (ed.) (2021) Religious Transformation in Maya Guatemala: Cultural Collapse and Christian Pentecostal Revitalization, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM) xxiii +408 pp. £51.0
Briggs, Charles L. (2021) Unlearning. Rethinking Poetics, Pandemics, and the Politics of Knowledge, Utah State University Press (Denver, CO), ix + 346 pp. $36.95 pbk.0
Sippial, Tiffany A. (2020) Celia Sánchez Manduley: The Life and Legacy of a Cuban Revolutionary, University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), xxi + 260 pp. £28.50 pbk.0
Forcinito, Ana (2018) Intermittences: Memory, Justice, and the Poetics of the Visible in Uruguay, University of Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburg, PA), xi + 257 pp. $22.55 Kindle. $29.95 pbk.0
Bain, Mervyn J. (2019) Moscow and Havana 1917 to the Present: An Enduring Friendship in an Ever‐Changing Global Context, Lexington Books (Lanham, MD), xii + 283 pp. £73.00 hbk.0
Unconditional Transfers Are Not Oil: The Economic Foundations of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction0
Rueda, Claudia (2019) Students of Revolution: Youth, Protest, and Coalition Building in Somoza‐Era Nicaragua, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), xii + 291 pp. $45.00 hbk.0
Decoloniality and the Spectre of Modernity: Notes for a Theoretical Critique0
Fernández L'Hoeste, Héctor, and Rodríguez, Juan Carlos (eds.) (2020) Digital Humanities in Latin America. Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America, University of Florida Press (Gain0
Andújar, Rosa et al. (2020) Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage, Bloomsbury Academic (London, UK), xiii +296 pp. £95.00 hbk.0
Fowler, William (2022) A Historical Archaeology of Early Spanish Colonial Urbanism in Central America, University Press of Florida (Gainesville), xxvi + 332 pp. $95.00 hbk.0
Introduction to Special Section: Elections in Latin America from a Multi‐Level Perspective0
Chaves, Rui and Lazzetta, Fernando (2019) Making it Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art, Bloomsbury (New York), xix + 274 pp, £137 hbk.0
Yaffe, Helen (2020) We Are Cuba!: How a Revolutionary People have Survived in a Post‐Soviet World, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), vii + 363 pp. $28.00 hbk.0
Bustamante, Michael J. and Lambe, Jennifer L. (eds.) (2019) The Revolution from Within: Cuba, 1959–1980, Duke University Press (Durham, NC and London), vii + 332 pp. $104.95 hbk, $27.95 pbk.0
Who Trusts Russia? Members of Parliament (MPs') Support for Putin's Government and Multilateralism0
Frej, William (2020) Maya Ruins Revisited: In the Footsteps of Teobert Maler, Peyton Wright Gallery Press (Santa Fe, NM), 291 pp. $60.00 hbk.0
Issue Information0
Lovell, W. George, Lutz, Christopher H. and Kramer, Wendy (2020) Strike Fear in the Land: Pedro de Alvarado and the Conquest of Guatemala, 1520–1541, University of Oklahoma Press (Norman, OK), xvi + 10
Harvey‐Kattou, Liz (2019) Contested Identities in Costa Rica: Constructions of the Tico in Literature and Film, Liverpool University Press (Liverpool, UK), v + 212 pp. £130.00 hbk., £35.00 pbk.0
Following Seeds: Circuits and Paths of the Sateré‐Mawé Craftwork in Urban Amazonia0
Europeans of the Peruvian Andes: A Family History, 1860s–1940s0
Issue Information0
Communities as a Subject of Social Fabric Construction in the Colombian Catatumbo Region0
Simson, Ingrid and Zermeño Padilla, Guillermo (eds.) (2020) La historiografía en tiempos globales, Edition Tranvía/Verlag Walter Frey (Berlin), 322 pp. €31.00.0
Mize, Ronald. L. (2019) Latina/o Studies (Short Introductions), Polity Press (Cambridge and Medford, MA), xiii + 172 pp. $69.95 hbk. $24.95 pbk.0
Imaginaries of the Pandemic in Chile: A Conceptual‐Empirical Discussion0
Issue Information0
Elsey, Brenda and Nadel, Joshua (2019) Futbolera: A History of Women and Sports in Latin America, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), viii + 358 pp. $27.95 hbk.0
Issue Information0
Czechoslovakia and its Position within the Solidarity Network of Chilean Communism: A Reflection on the Coup and Resistance against Pinochet from a Country with Worn‐out Revolutionary Ideals0
Colombian Foreign Policy and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (Blakemore Prizewinner for 2020)0
International Order and Latin American Reticent Support for Ukraine0
Garth, Hanna (2020) Food in Cuba: The Pursuit of a Decent Meal. Stanford University Press (Stanford, CA), xv + 214 pp. £51.00 hbk. £15.95 pbk.0
Arreola, Daniel D. (2021) Postcards from the Baja California Border: Portraying Townscape and Place 1900s–1950s, University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ), xix + 365 pp. $50.00 hbk, $50.00 ebk.0
Campbell, Yonique (2020) Citizenship on the Margins: State Power, Security and Precariousness in 21st‐Century Jamaica, Palgrave Macmillan (Cham), xix + 169 pp. €76.29 hbk. €54.49 pbk.0
Neither Natives nor Nationals in Brazil: The ‘Indianisation’ of Bolivian Migrants in the City of São Paulo0
Insurgent Bodies in Cultural Responses to Reproductive Justice in Chile and Ireland0
Using the Comparative Agendas Project to Understand Policy Priorities in Presidential Agendas in Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico0
The Unexpected Effect of the 2001 Crisis: The Revival of Right‐Wing Mobilisation in Argentina0
Buffone, Trevor and Herrera, Cristina (2022) Latinx Teens: US Popular Culture on the Stage, Page, and Screen, University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ), 139 pp. $22.95 pbk. $22.95 ebk.0
DeLaney, Jeane (2020) Identity and Nationalism in Modern Argentina. Defending the True Nation, University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), viii + 441 pp. £37.00 pbk.0
Cant, Anna (2021) Land without Masters: Agrarian Reform and Political Change under Peru's Military Government, University of Texas Press (Austin), ix + 235 pp. £49.00 hbk.0
Minian, Ana R. (2018) Undocumented Lives: The Untold Story of Mexican Migration, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 328 pp. £21.95 hbk.0
Gillingham, Paul, Lettieri, Michael, and Smith, Benjamin T. (eds.) (2018) Journalism, Satire, and Censorship in Mexico, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM), xxi + 416 pp. £43.95 pbk.0
Introduction: Contesting Control: Indigenous Strategies towards Territorial Governance in Lowland South America0
Calderón, Fernando and Castells, Manuel (2020) The New Latin America, Polity (Cambridge, UK), 269 pp. £18.99 pbk.0
Introduction to: A Meteoric Rise to Power? Ethnographic Insights on Brazil's Conservative Turn0
Discursive Representations of Migration0
López‐Pedreros, A. Ricardo (2019) Makers of Democracy. A Transnational History of the Middle Classes in Colombia, Duke University Press (Durham and London), xvii + 341 pp. £21.99 pbk. £87.00 hbk.0
Blanc, Jacob (2019) Before the Flood: The Itaipu Dam and the Visibility of Rural Brazil, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), xvi + 296 pp. $104.95 hbk, $27.95 pbk.0
Cabrera, Lydia (2023) El Monte: Notes on the Religions, Magic, and Folklore of the Black and Creole People of Cuba. Translated by David Font‐Navarrete, Duke University Press(Durham and London), lxxxii0
A Farewell to Arms: Brazilian Politics and Blame Avoidance during the COVID‐19 Pandemic0
Trejo, Guillermo and Ley, Sandra (2020) Votes, Drugs, and Violence: The Political Logic of Criminal Wars in Mexico, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), xxii + 349 pp. $105.00 hbk. $34.99 pbk. $0
Almorza Hidalgo, Amelia (2018) “No se hace pueblo sin ellas”. Mujeres españolas en el vierreinato del Perú: emigración y movilidad social (Siglos XVI‐XVII), Consejo Superior de Investigacio0
Schneider, Nina (ed.) (2019) The Brazilian Truth Commission: Local, National and Global Perspectives, Berghahn Books (New York, NY), xiv + 382 pp. $130.00 hbk.0
Rocklin, Alexander (2019) The Regulation of Religion and the Making of Hinduism in Colonial Trinidad, University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), ix + 298 pp. £63.50 hbk. £25.00 pbk.0
Exclusion Despite Nominal Inclusion: A Critical Analysis of Participatory Development Programmes in Post‐War Colombia0
Issue Information0
Tossounian,, Cecilia (2020) La Joven Moderna in Interwar Argentina: Gender, Nation, and Popular Culture, University of Florida Press (Gainesville, FL), x + 173 pp hbk.0
‘Fighting for the Right’: A Functionalist Oral‐History Analysis of Conservative Brazilian Women from the Military Dictatorship (1964–1985) to Jair Bolsonaro's Presidency (2018–)0
Ball, Molly (2020) Navigating Life and Work in Old Republic São Paulo, University of Florida Press (Gainesville, FL), xvi + 292 pp. £81.49 hbk.0
Marcus‐Delgado, Jane (2020) The Politics of Abortion in Latin America: Public Debates, Private Lives, Lynne Rienner Publishers (Boulder, CO and London), x + 181 pp. $79.95 hbk.0
Agribusiness, Legislative Elections and Party Fragmentation in Brazil0
Fischer, Thomas, Kohler, Romy and Reith, Stefan (eds.) (2021) Fútbol y sociedad en América Latina, Iberoamericana Vervuert (Madrid), 506 pp. €44.00 pbk.0
Resistance to Chronic Violence in Informal Workplaces: The Strategies of Domestic Workers in Brazil (2003–2018)0
The Brazilian Migration Policy in the Context of the Russia‐Ukraine War: A Rights‐Based Response to Forced Displacement?0
Measuring Economic Integration in Developing Countries: The Case of Central America0
Binford, Leigh, Gill, Lesley, and Striffler, Steve (eds.) (2020) Fifty Years of Peasant Wars in Latin America, Berghahn Books (New York and Oxford), 220 pp. £99.00 hbk.0
Blanco, María del Pilar and Page, Joanna (eds.) (2020) Geopolitics, Culture, and the Scientific Imaginary in Latin America, University of Florida Press (Gainesville), xii + 339 pp. $95.00 hbk.0
Buy Today, Pay Tomorrow: Formal Credit Supply and Domestic Electrical and Electronic Goods Consumption in São Paulo's Urban Periphery0
Adair, Jennifer (2019) In Search of the Lost Decade: Everyday Rights in Post‐Dictatorship Argentina, University of California Press (Berkeley), xiii + 188 pp. US$65.53 hbk. US$34.95 pbk.0
Hilgers, Tina, and LauraMacdonald, eds. (2017) Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networks, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY),0
Fornes, Gaston and Mendez, Alvaro (2019) The China‐Latin America Axis: Emerging Markets and their Role in an Increasingly Globalized World (2nd edn), Palgrave Macmillan (Cham), xvii + 343 p0
Kirk, Emily J., Playfield, Anna, and Story, Isabel (2018) Cuba's Forgotten Decade: How the 1970s Shaped the Revolution, Lexington Books (Lanham, MA), viii + 260 pp. $95.00 hbk.0
Purifying Suffrage: The Conservative Attack on Voter Registration in Pre‐Violencia Colombia0
From Porto Rico to Puerto Rico: Citizenship, Race and the Politics of Worthiness0
Kaplan, Johnathan and Paredes‐Umaña, Federico (2018) Water, Cacao, and the Early Maya of Chocolá, University Press of Florida (Gainesville, FL), xxviii + 496 pp. £ 96.59 hbk.0
Leeming, Ben (2022) Aztec Antichrist: Performing the Apocalypse in Early Colonial Mexico, University Press of Colorado (Louisville, CO), xxxi + 281 pp. £82.95 hbk.0
Lowy, Maxine (2022) Latent Memory: Human Rights and Jewish Identity in Chile, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), xxi + 297 pp. US$79.95 (hbk).0
French, John D. (2020) Lula and his Politics of Cunning: From Metalworker to President of Brazil, The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), £29.95 hbk. no prelims 508 pp.0
Skopyk, Bradley (2020) Colonial Cataclysms: Climate, Landscape, and Memory in Mexico's Little Ice Age, The University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ), 313 pp. $55.00 hbk.0
The Dual Effect of Corporatism: The Control and Strengthening of Civil Society in Brazil, 193019450
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia (2020) Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa: On Practices and Discourses of Decolonization, Polity (Cambridge, UK), xxxiii + 89 pp. £12.99 pbk.0
A Real Challenge to Neoliberal Higher Education? Assessing the Outcomes of Ten Years of Higher Education Students' Protests in Chile0
Ingram, C. Mathew and Kapiszewski, Diana (eds.) (2019) Beyond High Courts: The Justice Complex in Latin America, University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 344 pp. $55.00 hbk0
Issue Information0
Arias, Enrique Desmond and Grisaffi, Thomas (eds.) (2021) Cocaine: From Coca Fields to the Streets, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), x + 366 pp. $83.96.0
AcreeJr., William G. (2019) Staging Frontiers: The Making of Modern Popular Culture in Argentina and Uruguay, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM), xv + 279 pp. US$29.95 pbk.0
Scorer, James (ed.) (2020) Comics beyond the Page in Latin America, UCL Press (London), v + 229 pp. £40 hbk, £20 pbk.0
Mazzuca, Sebastian L. and Munck, Gerardo L. (2021) A Middle‐Quality Institutional Trap: Democracy and State Capacity in Latin America, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK; New York, USA; 0
Megged, Amos (2019) Rituals and Sisterhoods: Single Women's Households in Mexico, 1560–1750, University Press of Colorado (Louisville, Colorado), xiv + 301 pp. £81.00 hbk, £27.00 pbk0
Buckley, Eve E. (2017) Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth‐Century Brazil, The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), xv + 279 pp. $29.95 pbk.0
Issue Information0
Rice, Prudence M. and Rice, Don S, (Eds.) (2018) Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Itzas of Petén, Guatemala, University Press of Colorado (Boulder, CO), xxv + 477 pp. $95.00
Johnson, Ilana (et al.) (eds.) (2021) Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru, University Press of Colorado (Boulder, CO). 317 pp. $76.00 hbk.0
Introduction: Citizenship, Participation and Community Action in Colombia's Post‐Peace Accord Security Landscape0
Hynson, Rachel (2019) Laboring for the State: Women, Family, and Work in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959–1971, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK), xvii + 314 pp. £29.95 hbk.0
Inhabiting Death in the Presence of the Body: Challenges of Exhumation in the Case of the Malvinas War0
Merchant, Paul R. (2022) Remaking Home. Domestic Spaces in Argentine and Chilean Film 2005–2015, University of Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA), xi + 283 pp. $55.00 hbk.0
Tubb, Daniel (2020) Shifting Livelihoods: Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia. University of Washington Press (Seattle, WA), xxviii + 217 pp. £68.68 hbk, £17.64 pbk.0
Conniff, Michael and Bigler, Gene E. (2019) Modern Panama: From Occupation to Crossroads of the Americas, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, MA), xix + 346 pp. £24.99 pbk.0
Regulation and Quality Assurance Agencies of Higher Education in Mexico0
Filling in the Gaps: The Transnational Administration of the COVID‐19 Pandemic in Peru0
Oyarzabal, Santiago (2020) Nation, Culture and Class in Argentine Cinema: Crisis and Representation (1998–2005), Tamesis (Woodbridge), xii + 184 pp. £55.00 hbk.0
Campello, Daniela and Zucco, Cesar (2021) The Volatility Curse: Exogenous Shocks and Representation in Resource‐Rich Democracies, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge), 239 pp. $99.99 hbk,0
Rural Mobilisation and Agrarian Political Economy in Argentina, 2001–20200
Stevens, Donald Fithian (2019) Mexico in the Time of Cholera, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque), ix + 328 pp. £87.63 hbk. £26.56 pbk0
Blessed be Discord, 1910: Ricardo Flores Magón's Manifesto Mode0
Jennings, Evelyn P. (2020) Constructing the Spanish Empire in Havana: State Slavery in Defense and Development, 1762–1835, Louisiana State University Press (Baton Rouge, LA), ix + 280 pp. £32.38 hbk.0
Autonomous Responses to the Russia–Ukraine Conflict? Evidence from the Feminist Foreign Policy in Latin America0
Do Provincial Governors Control National Legislators? Quasi‐Experimental Evidence of Argentine Federalism0
Kurnick, Sarah, and Baron, Joanne (eds.) (2016) Political Strategies in Pre‐Columbian Mesoamerica. University Press of Colorado (Boulder), xi + 291 pp. $60.00 hbk. $34.95 pbk.0
Castellanos, M. Bianet (2019) Detours: Travel and the Ethics of Research in the Global South, The University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ), ix + 186 pp. $29.95 pbk.0
Between Tradition and Pragmatism: Challenges for Latin America amid the Russia–Ukraine War0
From the State to the Streets: The Debate over the Civil Union Bill and Conservative Strategic Change in Peru0
Latorre, Guisela (2019) Democracy on the Wall: Street Art of the Post‐Dictatorship Era in Chile, Ohio State University Press (Columbus, OH), xvii + 230 pp. US$ 89.95 hbk, 29.95 pbk.0
Gibbings, Julie, Vrana, Heather (eds.) (2020) Revisiting the Revolution from Post‐Peace Guatemala, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), ix + 336 pp. $45.00 hbk.0
Introduction: The Cultural Politics of Reproduction in Latin America0
Cromwell, Jesse (2018) The Smugglers' World: Illicit Trade and Atlantic Communities in Eighteenth‐Century Venezuela, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, NY) and Un0
Anderson, Perry (2019) Brazil Apart, 1964–2019, Verso (London), ix + 224 pp. £16.99 hbk.0
Goodale, Mark (2019) A Revolution in Fragments: Traversing Scales of Justice, Ideology and Practice in Bolivia, Duke University Press (Durham and London), xv + 297 pp. £90.00 hbk, £22.99 pbk.0
Jennings, Justin and Swenson, Edward (eds.) (2018) Powerful Places in the Ancient Andes, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM), vii + 456 pp. £92.95 hbk.0
Hess, Peter (2021) Violent First Contact in Venezuela: Nikolaus Federmann's Indian History, Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA), its:xiii + 136 pp. £11.37pbk.0
Between the Museum and the Street: Roberto Matta's Works in Chile during the Unidad Popular0
Diverse Articulations of Urban Indigeneity among Lowland Indigenous Groups in Santa Cruz, Bolivia0
Metz, Brent E. (2022) Where Did the Eastern Mayas Go? The Historical, Relational, and Contingent Interplay of Ch'orti' Indigeneity, University of Colorado Press (Louisville, CO), xxvii + 389 pp. $94 h0
The Unidad Popular Process as Represented through Siglo XXI Publishers: Between Local Reception and the Construction of a Global Event0
Hatzikidi, Katerina and Dullo, Eduardo (2021) A Horizon of (Im)Possibilities: A Chronicle of Brazil's Conservative Turn, University of London Press (London). xxi + 195 pp. $35.00 pbk.0
Loughmiller‐Cardinal, Jennifer A. and KeithEppich (eds.) (2019) Breath and Smoke: Tobacco Use among the Maya. University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque), xi + 262 pp. Hbk. $75.000
Freije, Vanessa (2020) Citizens of Scandal: Journalism, Secrecy, and the Politics of Reckoning in Mexico. Duke University Press (Durham, NC and London), xvi + 286 pp. $60.00 hbk.0
Munck, Ronaldo (2020) Social Movements in Latin America: Mapping the Mosaic, Agenda Publishing (Newcastle, UK), xv + 175 pp. £62.99 hbk. £22.48 pbk.0
Introduction: A Global Coup. The Chilean 1970s in Transnational Perspective0
Real Wages of Saltpetre Workers after the Crisis: A Critique on Methodological Centralism (Chile, 1932–1960)0
Ruiz‐Tagle, Pablo (2021) Five Republics and One Tradition: A History of Constitutionalism in Chile 1810–2020, ed. and trans. Ana‐Luisa Goldman, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge), ix + 305 0
Kraay, Hendrik, Castilho, Celso Thomas and Cribelli, Teresa (2021) Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil, University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque), xii + 306 pp. US$85 hbk, 0
Unclogging Courts by Targeting Litigant Incentives: The Case of the Brazilian Labour Justice Reform0
Cepek, Michael L. (2018) Life in Oil: Cofán Survival in the Petroleum Fields of Amazonia, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), xiii + 286 pp. $27.95 pbk.0
deSantana Pinho, Patricia (2018) Mapping Diaspora: African American Roots Tourism in Brazil, The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), xiii + 253 pp. $29.95 pbk.0
Postcards Post‐Petroleras: Exploring Collaborative Ethnography via Mail from the Venezuelan Diaspora0
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Baker, Andy, Ames, Barry and Rennó, Lúcio (2020) Persuasive Peers: Social Communication and Voting in Latin America, Princeton University Press (Princeton and Oxford), xxiv + 369 pp. $95.00 hbk, $29.90
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García Martín, Laura (2019) Transitional Justice, Corporate Accountability, and Socio‐Economic Rights. Lessons from Argentina, Routledge (New York, NY), xii + 232 pp. £120 hbk. £22.50 ebk.0