European Journal of Development Research

(The TQCC of European Journal of Development Research is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
How Does Firm ESG Performance Impact Financial Constraints? An Experimental Exploration of the COVID-19 Pandemic65
Intersecting Vulnerabilities: The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Psycho-emotional Lives of Young People in Low- and Middle-Income Countries63
COVID-19 and Global Poverty: Are LDCs Being Left Behind?60
The Economic Costs of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from a Simulation Exercise for Ghana55
The emergence of Urban Community Resilience Initiatives During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Exploratory Study49
Could Covid-19 Worsen Food Insecurity in Burkina Faso?44
COVID-19 in LMICs: The Need to Place Stigma Front and Centre to Its Response38
Introduction: Development, Young People, and the Social Production of Aspirations37
Effects of COVID-19 on Global Financial Markets: Evidence from Qualitative Research for Developed and Developing Economies37
Factors Influencing Smallholder Rice Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam31
Destinations Matter: Social Policy and Migrant Workers in the Times of Covid30
The Gendered Poverty Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia29
Digital Technologies and Product Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Empirical Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms29
The Impact of Tourism Development on Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa28
Unprecedented but not Unpredictable: Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on Commodity-Dependent Countries27
Emerging Medium-Scale Tenant Farming, Gig Economies, and the COVID-19 Disruption: The Case of Commercial Vegetable Clusters in Ethiopia26
Sustainable Development and SDG-7 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Balancing Energy Access, Economic Growth, and Carbon Emissions26
Natura Non Facit Saltus: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Industrialisation Across Developing Countries25
How COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens the Economic Situation of Women in South Africa25
Who Wants to Farm? Answers Depend on How You Ask: A Case Study on Youth Aspirations in Kenya25
Malawi at the Crossroads: Does the Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Affect the Propensity to Vote?22
The Role of ICT for Sustainable Development: A Cross-Country Analysis21
Bringing Production Back into Development: An introduction20
Can Banks Sustain the Growth in Renewable Energy Supply? An International Evidence19
Three Dimensions of Green Industrial Policy in the Context of Climate Change and Sustainable Development19
Farming, Gender and Aspirations Across Young People’s Life Course: Attempting to Keep Things Open While Becoming a Farmer19
Megaprojects—mega failures? The politics of aspiration and the transformation of rural Kenya17
Negotiating Unsustainable Food Transformations: Development, Middle Classes and Everyday Food Practices in Vietnam17
Roads to Change: Livelihoods, Land Disputes, and Anticipation of Future Developments in Rural Kenya17
Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial Upgrading: Automotive Sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and China in Comparison with Korea16
Financial Inclusion and Household Welfare: An Entropy-Based Consumption Diversification Approach16
Special Economic Zones and Sourcing Linkages with the Local Economy: Reality or Pipedream?16
The Development of Green Bond in Developing Countries: Insights from Southeast Asia Market Participants16
Small Towns and Land Reform in Zimbabwe15
Needs and Satisfiers: A Tool for Dealing with Perspectivity in Policy Analysis15
Do Tar Roads Bring Tourism? Growth Corridor Policy and Tourism Development in the Zambezi region, Namibia15
COVID-19 Lockdown and Exposure of Households to Food Insecurity in Uganda: Insights from a National High Frequency Phone Survey15
Human Capital Theory and the Defectology of Aspirations in Policy Research on Rural Youth14
Aspiration Formation and Ecological Shocks in Rural Kenya14
Who Called Team Europe? The European Union’s Development Policy Response During the First Wave of COVID-1914
Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue14
Understanding the Aspirations of Farming Communities in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature13
Intersectionality as a Framework for Understanding Adolescent Vulnerabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: Expanding Our Commitment to Leave No One Behind13
Financing for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond13
Technical Efficiency of Teff Production Among Smallholder Farmers: Beta Regression Approach13
Not All About Farming: Understanding Aspirations Can Challenge Assumptions About Rural Development13
Can Empowerment be Enhanced by Putting Cash in the Hands of Poor Women? Learning from Pakistan’s BISP Program12
Women’s Changing Opportunities and Aspirations Amid Male Outmigration: Insights from Makueni County, Kenya11
Municípios in the Time of Covid-19 in Brazil: Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities, Transmission Factors and Public Policies11
Potential for Upgrading in Financialised Agri-food Chains: The Case of Ghanaian Cocoa11
The Missing Dimensions of the Human Capabilities Approach: Collective and Productive10
Growth and Fiscal Effects of Insecurity on the Nigerian Economy10
‘People Consider Us Devils’: Exploring Patterns of Exclusion Facing Adolescents with Disabilities in Ethiopia10
Education, Aspiration and aage badhna: The Role of Schooling in Facilitating ‘Forward Movement’ in Rural Chhattisgarh, India10
Work and Rural Livelihoods: The Micro Dynamics of Africa’s ‘Youth Employment Crisis’10
The Impact of China–Africa Trade on the Productivity of African Firms: Evidence from Ghana10
COVID-19 and the Performance of Exporting Companies in Benin10
Diaspora and Economic Development: A Systemic View9
Is Economic Empowerment a Protective Factor Against Intimate Partner Violence? Evidence from Turkey9
Rising Income Inequality in OECD Countries: Does Fiscal Policy Sacrifice Economic Growth in Achieving Equity?9
What’s the Story on Agriculture? Using Narratives to Understand Farming Households’ Aspirations in Meru, Kenya9
Financing Constraints and Firm’s Productivity Under the COVID-19 Epidemic Shock: Evidence of A-Shared Chinese Companies9
The Effects of Social Protection and Social Cohesion on the Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Policies: What Do We (Not) Know in the Context of Low- and Middle-Income Countries?9
Do more Vibrant Rural Areas have Lower Rates of Youth Out-Migration? Evidence from Zambia9
Rural Aspirations: Reflections for Development Planning, Design and Localized Effects9
The Impact of Agricultural Input Subsidy on Productivity: The Case of Ghana9
Unpacking The Nexus Between Broiler Contract Farming and Its Impact in Ghana9
The Luxury of Lockdown9
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation in Coastal Bangladesh9
“We Have Many Options, But They are All Bad Options!”: Aspirations Among Internal Migrant Youths in Shanghai, China9
The Development Impacts of COVID-19 at Home and Abroad: Politics and Implications of Government Action9
A New Normal or Business-as-Usual? Lessons for COVID-19 from Financial Crises in East and Southeast Asia9
‘If She’s Pregnant, then that Means that Her Dreams Fade Away’: Exploring Experiences of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Rwanda8
An Ethnographic Examination of People’s Reactions to State-Led COVID-19 Measures in Sierra Leone8
Inclusive, Cross-Sectoral and Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Resilience Planning and Decision-Making in a Devolved Context8
Are Developing Countries Using Climate Funds for Poverty Alleviation? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa8
The Role of Automatic Stabilizers and Emergency Tax–Benefit Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Ecuador8
‘I Wish Someone Would Ask Me Questions’: The Unheard Voices of Adolescents with Disabilities in Jordan8
Does the Complexity of GVC Participation Matter for Productivity and Output Growth?8
‘The School Was Closed, So When They Brought Me A Husband I Couldn’t Say No’: Exploring the Gendered Experiences of Child Marriage Amongst Adolescent Girls and Boys in Ethiopia7
Livelihood Vulnerabilities Among Women in Small-Scale Fisheries in Ghana7
On the Nexus Between Institutions and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis for Sub-Saharan African Countries7
Irrigated Agriculture and Welfare: Panel Data Evidence from Southern Ghana7
Modeling a Pandemic (COVID-19) Management Strategy for Urban Slums Using Social Geometry Framework7
Conceptualising Digital Platforms in Developing Countries as Socio-Technical Transitions: A Multi-level Perspective Analysis of EasyTaxi in Colombia7
Hierarchical Modelling of COVID-19 Death Risk in India in the Early Phase of the Pandemic7
Livestock Diversification for Improved Resilience and Welfare Outcomes Under Climate Risks in Kenya7
Absenteeism, Dropout, and On-Time School Completion of Vulnerable Primary School Students in Ethiopia: Exploring the Role of Adolescent Decision-Making Power in the Household, Exposure to Violence, an7
Price-Setting Power in Global Value Chains: The Cases of Price Stabilisation in the Cocoa Sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana7
‘I Just Keep Quiet’: Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and Creating Opportunities for Change7
Friend or Patron? Social Relations Across the National NGO–Donor Divide in Ghana7
Agroforestry, Indigenous Tree Cover and Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study of Mount Elgon in Uganda7
‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp7
More than the Sum of Its Parts: Donor-Sponsored Cash-for-Work Programmes and Social Cohesion in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees7
Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi7
The Price of Aspirations: Education Migrants’ Pursuit of Higher Education in Hubei Province, China7
Is the Success of Rural Cooperatives Conditioned by the Group Characteristics and Their Value Chain? Evidence from New Farmer Groups in Georgia7