European Journal of Development Research

(The TQCC of European Journal of Development Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Covid-19-induced Shocks, Access to Basic Needs and Coping Strategies69
Are Female Rice Farmers Less Productive than Male Farmers? Micro-evidence from Ghana41
Financing Constraints and Firm’s Productivity Under the COVID-19 Epidemic Shock: Evidence of A-Shared Chinese Companies33
The Unending Development Question of Nigeria26
Insights into smallholder capacity for agricultural commercialisation: Evidence from four African contexts26
Fiscal Policy and Child Poverty in Belarus26
Microcredit Impacts: Evidence from a Large-Scale Observational Study in Brazil24
The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation20
Political Patronage and Economic Opportunity: Vertical Integration in Egyptian Textiles and Clothing19
Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) or the Highway? An Alternative Road to Investigating the Value for Money of International Development Research19
Chinese State Capital as a Partner for Resource-Based Structural Transformation? The Belt and Road Initiative and Downstream Linkages in Bolivia and Kazakhstan17
Trade Agreements, Technical Regulations, and Standards: Competitiveness Implications for Kenyan Exporters to European Union17
Social Ties Development as Competitive Strategies in Vegetables Marketing: Evidence from Small-Scale Farmers in Benin17
Research–Practice–Collaborations in Engineering17
Generational Norms of Reporting Violence in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp16
Fuelling Entrepreneurial Orientation in Enhancing Business Performance: Women Entrepreneurs’ Contribution to Family Livelihood in a Constrained Context, Bangladesh16
Implications of Cross-disciplinarity: Estimating the “Paper Drain” in Development Studies16
Determinants of Exports in a Small and Vulnerable Economy: Fiji Islands—A Disaggregated Analysis16
Why is Labor in the SSA LDCs Moving from One Low Productivity Sector to Another?16
Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages, Cooking-Time, Intrahousehold Equality Among Women and Children: Evidence from Tajikistan15
Revisiting High Development Theory to Explain Upgrading Prospects in Business Services Global Value Chains15
The Impact of China–Africa Trade on the Productivity of African Firms: Evidence from Ghana15
The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study15
Triangular Cooperation: Change or Continuity?14
Can the Dragon Make the Lion Breathe Fire? The Links of Chinese Entrepreneurs in the Addis Ababa Economy14
Unity in Diversity? Reflections on Development Studies in the Mid-2020s13
Is the Study of Development Humiliating or Emancipatory? The Case Against Universalising ‘Development’13
Technology Transfer on the Belt and Road: Pathways for Structural Transformation in Ethiopia’s Standard Gauge Railways11
Fostering Innovation Activities with the Support of a Development Bank: Evidence from Brazil 2003–201111
Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SDGs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences of Targeted Initiatives11
Impact of Irrigation on Food and Nutrition Security Among Rice Farmers in Benin10
Improving Women’s Position in the Household: Evidence from a Maternity Cash Transfer Programme in India10
Inclusive, Cross-Sectoral and Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Resilience Planning and Decision-Making in a Devolved Context10
The Challenge of Productivity-Based Development: Innovation Gaps and Economic Structure in Latin America10
Bringing Production Back into Development: An introduction10
Natura Non Facit Saltus: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Industrialisation Across Developing Countries10
The Development of Green Bond in Developing Countries: Insights from Southeast Asia Market Participants9
Plural Futures of/for Development? The Case for Global and International Development, and Against All Inequalities Everywhere9
Correction to: ‘I Just Keep Quiet’: Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and Creating Opportunities for Change9
Correction to: ‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp9
What Drives Africa’s Inability to Comply with EU Standards? Insights from Africa’s Institution and Trade Facilitation Measures9
Defining and Measuring Human Development: A Genealogical Analysis of the UNDP’s Human Development Reports9
Correction to: Beyond the Annual and Aggregate Measurement of Household Inequality: The Case Study of Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya9
The Role of Land Inheritance in Youth Migration and Employment Choices: Evidence from Rural Nigeria9
Investigating Financial Development and Its Direct and Indirect Environmental Effects in South Africa: Fresh Policy Insights9
Correction: The Spending Challenge for Reaching the SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa9
Governance of Eswatini Apparel Regional Value Chains and the Implications of Covid-198
How Does Firm ESG Performance Impact Financial Constraints? An Experimental Exploration of the COVID-19 Pandemic8
Correction: Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines8
Citizens Committees and Local Elites: Elite Capture, Captured Elites, and Absent Elites in Health Facility Committees8
Correction to: The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya8
Social Safety Nets and Food Insecurity in MENA in the Time of COVID-198
‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp8
Correction to: Malawi at the Crossroads: Does the Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Affect the Propensity to Vote?8
The Politics of Who Gets What and Why: Learning from the Targeting of Social Cash Transfers in Zambia7
Educational Segregation and Household Occupation: Role of School Education in Reproduction of Social Hierarchy in India7
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assess Smallholder Farmers' Adoption of New Technologies in Development Interventions7
The Poverty Reduction Effect of Social Protection: The Pros and Cons of a Multidisciplinary Approach7
Exploring the Relationship Between Maternal Occupation and Under-Five Mortality: Empirical Evidence from 26 Developing Countries7
Social Enterprise Under Moral Hazard: Who Gets State Subsidies and Active Financing?7
Geography of Income and Education Inequalities in Mexico: Evidence from Small Area Estimation and Exploratory Spatial Analysis7
Production of Indigenous Food Crops: Implications for Children’s Nutritional Status of Farm Households in Northern Ghana7
Public Works Programmes and Cooperation for the Common Good: Evidence from Malawi7
What’s the Story on Agriculture? Using Narratives to Understand Farming Households’ Aspirations in Meru, Kenya7
Laying the Foundations for Impact: Lessons from the GCRF Evaluation7
Thanks to Reviewers7
Unpacking The Nexus Between Broiler Contract Farming and Its Impact in Ghana6
Effects of COVID-19 on Global Financial Markets: Evidence from Qualitative Research for Developed and Developing Economies6
Colonial Legacies, Ethnicity and Fertility Decline in Kenya: What has Financial Inclusion Got to Do with It?6
Theory of Change in Complex Research for Development Programmes: Challenges and Solutions from the Global Challenges Research Fund5
Potential for Upgrading in Financialised Agri-food Chains: The Case of Ghanaian Cocoa5
Agroforestry, Indigenous Tree Cover and Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study of Mount Elgon in Uganda5
Delving into the Determinants of Default Risk in Savings Groups: Empirical Evidence from Ecuador5
Arab-German Trade and Institutions: The Effect of Good Governance on Arab Exports to Germany5
Role of Education, Age, and Family Size on Food Insecurity in Pakistan: A Quantile Regression Analysis5
Evaluating the Contribution of Complex International Research-for-Development Programmes to the Sustainable Development Goals5
A Development Lens to Frugal Innovation: Bringing Back Production and Technological Capabilities into the Discourse5
Does Rural Credit Mediate Vulnerability Under Idiosyncratic and Covariate Shocks? Empirical Evidence from Vietnam Using a Multilevel Model5
Diversifying Away from Extractives: The Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Capital and Industrialisation in the Kyrgyz Republic5
Exploring the Effects of Weak Institutions on Economic Insecurity in Kosovo5
Effects of Mobile Money Education on Mobile Money Usage: Evidence from Ghana5
Impact of Credit Constraints on Financial Performance of Small and Medium Size Enterprises5
University-Based Researchers as Knowledge Brokers for Climate Policies and Action4
Not All About Farming: Understanding Aspirations Can Challenge Assumptions About Rural Development4
Do Tar Roads Bring Tourism? Growth Corridor Policy and Tourism Development in the Zambezi region, Namibia4
Correction to: Chicken or Egg? A Bi-directional Analysis of Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Burundi and Haiti4
Intra-Africa Agricultural Trade, Governance Quality and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregressive Model4
COVID-19 Effects on Public Finance and SDG Priorities in Developing Countries: Comparative Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka4
Do Productive Capabilities Affect Export Performance? Evidence from African Firms4
‘People Consider Us Devils’: Exploring Patterns of Exclusion Facing Adolescents with Disabilities in Ethiopia4
Impact of Public Agricultural Investment on Crops Production, Households’ Welfare, and Employment Generation Opportunities in Togo, West Africa4
Influencing Aid Policy: Perceptions of How Member States Shape EU Development Cooperation4
Competition, Productive Capabilities and Structural Transformation in South Africa4
Cocoa: Origin Differentials and the Living Income Differential4
Domestic Risk Factors, Violence and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey of India4
Centring Race: Unpacking Informality Through the Lens of Black Tax4
The Missing Dimensions of the Human Capabilities Approach: Collective and Productive4
Correction to: On the Link Between Managerial Attributes and Firm Access to Formal Credit in Myanmar4
Capabilities and Communities: A Perspective from Institutional Economics4
Climate Change, Malaria Prevalence and Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa4