
(The TQCC of Dendrochronologia is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dating of non-oak species in the United Kingdom historical buildings archive using stable oxygen isotopes58
Blue intensity measurements in a South American conifer: evaluation of different methodological approaches for Araucaria araucana41
Radial growth response of Pinus sylvestris L. and Fagus sylvatica L. to technological solutions applied in rope climbing parks35
European Dendroecological Fieldweek (EDF) 2021 in Val Müstair, Switzerland: International education and research during the pandemic32
Returning (to) the roots of dendrochronology – Requiem for Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn (1851–1922)31
Wildfires affect tree growth and resilience in Northeastern China natural Dahurian larch forests: A dendrochronological perspective31
Silver birch shows nonlinear responses to moisture availability and temperature in the eastern Baltic Sea region25
Multi-proxy crossdating extends the longest high-elevation tree-ring chronology from the Mediterranean25
Inconsistent response times to precipitation and soil moisture in Picea crassifolia growth22
Differences in climate-growth relationships between two tree species that co-occur in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Northeastern Brazil22
Elevational changes in climate response of Pinus nigra pallasiana tree-rings on the Crimean Peninsula22
Drivers of Robinia pseudoacacia L. growth during stand development on the Loess Plateau, China21
The dendrochronological potential of decayed yew wood21
A change at the top – It takes two to fill the Italian boot20
Responses of radial growth and stable carbon isotopes to climate in the northern Tianshan Mountains19
Inconsistent comparison of temperature reconstructions over the Common Era17
Editorial Board15
Minimum summer temperature variations in Hanzhong, the southwestern Qinling–Bashan Mountains, China since 1879 AD14
The Suceava oak chronology: A new 804 years long tree-ring chronology bridging the gap between central and south Europe13
Tree growth in the aftermath of A flood: A tree-ring based reconstruction of the impacts of the 1996-Biescas catastrophe13
Short-term resin tapping activities had a minor influence on physiological responses recorded in the tree-ring isotopes of Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis)13
Editorial Board13
Obituary: Stepan G. Shiyatov 1933–202113
Growth-climate relationships of four tree species in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Southwest China12
Influence of drought and minimum temperature on tree growth and water use efficiency of Mediterranean species12
Direct effects of tephra fallout from the Puyehue–Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex on Nothofagus pumilio ring widths in northern Patagonia12
Frost rings as time markers in Northern Hemisphere tree-ring chronologies, with special reference to the 1627 BC and AD 536 events12
Inter-tree correlation and climatic response of tree-ring δ18O in Chinese fir: Implications for cross-dating and climatic reconstruction in Central East China11
Curvilinear-tree-ring measurements in archaeological wood samples from X-ray computed tomography11
Warming induced tree-growth decline of Toona ciliata in (sub-) tropical southwestern China11
The dendroclimatic and dendrohydrologic potential of riparian plane trees (Platanus orientalis) along the Zayandeh-Rud River, Iran11
Anatomical tree-ring chronologies and seasonal patterns of cambial dynamics are valuable indicators of tree performance of two oak species at the Atlantic-Mediterranean boundary10
Spatial and temporal differences in the response of Larix sibirica to climate change in the central Altai Mountains10
An integration of µXRF and X-ray microdensitometry records in dendrochronology10
Effects of wildfire on growth, transpiration and hydraulic properties of Pinus pinaster Aiton forest10
Dendrochronological potential of the Azorean endemic gymnosperm Juniperus brevifolia (Seub.) Antoine9
Drought responses of Italian silver fir provenances in a climate change perspective9
Climatic effects on primary and secondary growth of Pinus oocarpa trees in southern Mexico9
Degree of connectivity in reconstructed precipitation dynamics and extremes for semiarid regions across South Siberia9
Tree-ring wood density reveals differentiated hydroclimatic interactions in species along a bioclimatic gradient9
Pointer years revisited: Does one method fit all? A clarifying discussion9
RingdateR: A statistical and graphical tool for crossdating9
Indented growth-rings (hazel wood) deserve more attention9
Refining the standardized growth change method for pointer year detection: Accounting for statistical bias and estimating the deflection period9
Investigating the potential for Southern Hemisphere climate reconstruction using stable isotopes in Tasmanian tree rings9
Comparison of spatio-temporal extension of reaction wood and tree-ring eccentricity in juvenile Larix decidua (Mill.) and Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees9
Dendrochronology improves understanding of the charcoal production history8
Dendrochronology and extreme climate signals recorded in seven Icelandic shrubs: A multi-species approach in the sub-Arctic8
A lonely dot on the map: Exploring the climate signal in tree-ring density and stable isotopes of clanwilliam cedar, South Africa8
Different drought indices showed different variations and applicability to dendrochronological studies8
Tree growth-climate relationship in the Azorean holly in a temperate humid forest with low thermal amplitude8
Species-specific growth-climate responses of Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) and Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) in the Greater Khingan Range, northeast China8
Collecting large diameter cores from living trees with commercial drill bits and increment borers7
Thinning improves growth and resilience after severe droughts in Quercus subpyrenaica coppice forests in the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees7
Wood species utilization for timber constructions in the Czech lands over the period 1400–19007
Editorial Board7
A global review on wood growth rings in lianas7
pointRes 2.0: New functions to describe tree resilience7
Demystifying the age of old olive trees7
Seasonal precipitation and continentality drive bimodal growth in Mediterranean forests7
Review of embedding and non-embedding techniques for quantitative wood anatomy7
Assessing cross-datable distinct annual growth rings in non-native Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon in Zambia7
The palaeoclimatic potential of recent oak tree-ring width chronologies from Southwest Ukraine7
Advances in increment coring system for large tropical trees with high wood densities7
Plastic bimodal growth in a Mediterranean mixed-forest of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis7
The dendroclimatic value of oak stable isotopes7
Quercus robur survival at the rear edge in steppe: Dendrochronological evidence7
Resilience capacity of Araucaria araucana to extreme drought events7
Drought and cold spells trigger dieback of temperate oak and beech forests in northern Spain6
A python package implementing Direct Reconstruction Technique (DIRECT) for dendroclimatological studies6
Common Yew (Taxus baccata) as a climate archive: Reconstructing 200 years of temperature change in Georgia (Caucasus)6
Wood anatomy and tree growth covary in riparian ash forests along climatic and ecological gradients6
Non-destructive dendrochronology with X-ray computed tomography: The influence of different conservation methods for waterlogged archaeological wood6
Identifying the impact of climate extremes on radial growth in young tropical trees: A comparison of inventory and tree-ring based estimates6
Responses of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica tree ring width to climate factors at different elevations in the northern Greater Khingan Mountains6
Effects of climate on historical fire regimes (1451–2013) in Pinus hartwegii forests of Cofre de Perote National Park, Veracruz, Mexico6
Recognising bias in Common Era temperature reconstructions6
A new 621-year Transcarpathian oak tree-ring chronology (Eastern Europe)6
Contrasting climate signals across a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-ring network in the Middle Volga (European Russia)6
A new chronology of Cedrela fissilis (Meliaceae) for Southern Brazil: Combining classical dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating6
Spatial differences in the radial growth responses of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.) to climate on the Loess Plateau, China6
Possibilities and limits of dendrogeomorphic data as a basis for defining thresholds for landslide triggering5
Divergent growth responses of healthy and declining spruce trees to climatic stress: A case study from the Western Carpathians5
Subfossil oaks from riverine sediments of the Seda River in Latvia: The first results of dendrochronological and radiocarbon analysis5
Climatic drivers and tree growth in a key production species: The case of Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don in the Azores archipelago5
Editorial Board5
Species-specific influence of hydroclimate on secondary growth of three coexisting conifers in a temperate Andean forest in south-central Chile5
Dendroanatomy of xylem hydraulics in two pine species: Efficiency prevails on safety for basal area growth in drought-prone conditions5
How to build and install your own CaptuRING5
Editorial Board5
Multicentennial oak chronologies from Northern Belarus5
Herbarium records in Arctic dwarf shrub dendrochronology: Methodological approach and perspectives5
Tree-ring isotopes from Araucaria araucana as useful proxies for climate reconstructions5
Heterobasidion annosum and Armillaria ostoyae significantly reduce radial growth during three years before stem death in infected Pinus pinaster5
Latest developments of dendro-archaeology in the French Alps: Assessing changes in mountain forests exploitation over the last millennium5
Dendrochronological examination of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary orthodox church in the village of Pades, Greece5