Public Management Review

(The TQCC of Public Management Review is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Implementing collaborative governance: models, experiences, and challenges93
Exploring artificial intelligence adoption in public organizations: a comparative case study77
Design for experience – a public service design approach in the age of digitalization61
Network governance and collaborative governance: a thematic analysis on their similarities, differences, and entanglements57
A systematic literature review of open innovation in the public sector: comparing barriers and governance strategies of digital and non-digital open innovation55
From recovery resilience to transformative resilience: How digital platforms reshape public service provision during and post COVID-1944
Radical and disruptive answers to downstream problems in collaborative governance?43
Relational leadership in collaborative governance ecosystems39
Automation and discretion: explaining the effect of automation on how street-level bureaucrats enforce39
Resilience through digitalisation: How individual and organisational resources affect public employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic38
Responding to information asymmetry in crisis situations: innovation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic38
Self-determination theory goes public: experimental evidence on the causal relationship between psychological needs and job satisfaction37
Under what conditions do governments collaborate? A qualitative comparative analysis of air pollution control in China32
Neighbourhood governance during the COVID-19 lockdown in Hangzhou: coproduction based on digital technologies31
How does organizational sustainability foster public service motivation and job satisfaction? The mediating role of organizational support and societal impact potential28
Features and drivers of citizen participation: Insights from participatory budgeting in three European cities28
Facilitating collaboration in publicly mandated governance networks27
Institutional intermediaries as legitimizing agents for social enterprise in China and India27
Combined effects of procurement and collaboration on innovation in public-private-partnerships: a qualitative comparative analysis of 24 infrastructure projects26
Public values assessment as a practice: integration of evidence and research agenda25
Accountability and inter-organizational collaboration within the state25
Giving sense about paradoxes: paradoxical leadership in the public sector25
Leadership and innovation: what’s the story? The relationship between leadership support level and innovation target24
Public sector innovation in context: A comparative study of innovation types23
AI-driven public services and the privacy paradox: do citizens really care about their privacy?23
Advancing Public Service Logic: moving towards an ecosystemic framework for value creation in the public service context23
Street-Level bureaucracy in public administration: A systematic literature review22
Local government as a catalyst for promoting social enterprise22
Travelling along the public service co-production road: a bibliometric analysis and interpretive review22
E-procurement system adoption in local governments: the role of procurement complexity and organizational structure21
Co-creation and co-production in municipal risk governance – A case study of citizen participation in a German city21
Citizens and the legitimacy outcomes of collaborative governance An administrative burden perspective20
Design in the public sector: Toward a human centred model of public governance20
Separating symbolic and active representation: a mixed methods study of gender and education in China20
Does inter-municipal collaboration improve public service resilience? Evidence from local authorities in England19
More than a digital system: how AI is changing the role of bureaucrats in different organizational contexts19
Having it all: can collaborative governance be both legitimate and accountable?19
Making sense of the digital co-production of welfare services: using digital technology to simplify or tailor the co-production of services18
Gendered leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic: how democracy and representation moderate leadership effectiveness18
Examining Resilience Across a Service Ecosystem under Crisis18
Policy labs as arenas for boundary spanning: inside the digital transformation in Germany18
Business model innovation in the public sector: an integrative framework18
AI as an organizational agent to nurture: effectively introducing chatbots in public entities18
Responsibilization and value conflicts in healthcare co-creation: a public service logic perspective17
Digitally-induced change in the public sector: a systematic review and research agenda17
Boundaries of collaboration – the case of a temporary housing complex for refugees in Sweden17
Does digitizing involve desensitizing? Strategic insights into the side effects of workplace digitization16
Understanding financial resilience from a resource-based view: Evidence from US state governments16
Accountability and police use of force: Interactive effects between minority representation and civilian review boards16
When do women receive managerial support? The effects of gender congruence and the manager-employee relationship16
Accountability intensity and bureaucrats’ response to conflicting expectations: a survey experiment in China16
Determinants of open innovation adoption in public organizations: a systematic review16
Implementing AI in the public sector16
How difficult should it be? Evidence of burden tolerance from a nationally representative sample16
Boundary-spanning in public value co-creation through the lens of multilevel governance15
When the going gets tough, the goal-committed get going: overcoming the transaction costs of inter-agency collaborative governance15
Responding to failure: the promise of market mending for social enterprise15
Is there a place for employee-driven pro-environmental innovations? The case of public organizations15
Public health care innovation lab tackling the barriers of public sector innovation14
Public sector creativity: triggers, practices and ideas for public sector innovations. A longitudinal digital diary study14
Mutuality in AI-enabled new public service solutions14
From external provision to technological outsourcing: lessons for public sector automation from the outsourcing literature14
Budget transparency and governance quality: a cross-country analysis14
The interactive influence of public service motivation, perceived reward equity, and prosocial impact on employee engagement: a panel study in Pakistan14
What drives the perceived legitimacy of collaborative governance? An experimental study14
After the applause: understanding public management and public service ethos in the fight against Covid - 1914
Market competition and regulatory compliance in public, non-profit, and for-profit organizations14
Understanding goal formation in strategic public management: a proposed theoretical framework14
Local government amalgamations: state of the art and new ways forward13
Conceptualizing the elements of value in public services: insights from practitioners13
Investigating the contribution of community empowerment policies to successful co-production- evidence from Scotland13
Citizens as an innovation source in sustainability transitions – linking the directionality of innovations with the locus of the problem in transformative innovation policy13
‘Damned if you do and damned if you don’t’: a framework for examining double binds in public service organizations13
The impact of technological innovation on service delivery: social media and smartphone integration in a 311 system13
Introduction to the PMR special issue on accountability and legitimacy under collaborative governance13
Social entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation13
Government transparency: paradoxes and dilemmas12
Are we there yet? Understanding the implementation of re-municipalization decisions and their duration12
Agency autonomy, public service motivation, and organizational performance12
Provision and production reform of urban fire services: privatization, cooperation and costs12
Examining the impact of control and ownership on social enterprises’ public value creation using integrative publicness theory12
Virtual agents in the public service: examining citizens’ value-in-use12
Bought in? The contingent effect of stakeholder support upon strategic implementation success in American municipalities12
Representation, reputation and expectations towards bureaucracy: experimental findings from a favela in Brazil12
Financial capacity and organizational stability in U.S. local governments12
Crisis lifecycle, policy response, and policy effectiveness12
Does non-profit commercialization help reduce social inequality? Revisiting the cross-subsidization hypothesis12
Resilience in public service partnerships: evidence from the UK Life Chances Fund12
Does gender matter in budget deviations? An empirical assessment of Spanish local governments11
Understanding street‐level bureaucrats’ informal collaboration: Evidence from police officers across the jurisdictional divide11
Gender, situational visibility, and discretionary decision-making of regulatory street-level bureaucrats under pandemic emergency: an experimental study in China11
Perceived racial discrimination in the workplace: considering minority supervisory representation and inter-minority relations11
Mobilizing to take responsibility: exploring the relationship between Sense of Community Responsibility (SOC-R), Public Service Motivation (PSM) and public service resilience during Covid-1911
Staff support and administrative capacity in strategic planning for local sustainability11
A review of open strategy: bridging strategy and public management research11
Updating public accountability: a conceptual framework of voluntary accountability11
Who benefits from collaborative governance? An empirical study from the energy sector11
Policy attention and the adoption of public sector innovation11
Information sharing in public-private relationships: the role of boundary objects in contracts11
International survey evidence on user and community co-delivery of prevention activities relevant to public services and outcomes11
A systematic literature review of city competitiveness: A 30-year assessment and future agenda for public administration11
Strategic planning and performance perceptions of managers and citizens: analysing multiple mediations11
What makes work smart in the public sector? Insights from a bibliometric analysis and interpretive literature review11
Enabling PSL and value co-creation through public engagement: a study of municipal service regeneration11
Developing a vulnerability-based conceptual model for managing risk in non-profit projects: a multicase study in a European country10
Revenue diversification or revenue concentration? Impact on financial health of social enterprises10
Applying organizational density to local public service performance: separating homeless service outcomes from outputs10
Nurturing mutual gains in the public sector: the roles of socially responsible human resource practices, employee use of normative public values, and job crafting10
Public trust and collaborative governance: an instrumental variable approach10
No two-party game: how third-sector organizations alter administrative burden and improve social equity10
Understanding diverse types of performance information use: evidence from an institutional isomorphism perspective10
Ethical leadership and program to reduce unethical behaviour among public employees10
Partisan bias and citizen satisfaction, confidence, and trust in the U.S. Federal Government10
Fight or flight: How gender influences follower responses to unethical leader behaviour10
The differing effects of individual- and group-based pay for performance on employee satisfaction: the role of the perceived fairness of performance evaluations10
Does leader gender matter for performance evaluations? Evidence from two experiments10
‘Explain, but make no excuses’: service recovery after public service failures10
The complexities of digitization and street-level discretion: a socio-materiality perspective10
Can effective organizational rules keep employees from leaving? a study of green tape and turnover intention10
Relational leadership in local governance: the engagement of mayors with citizens, public managers and politicians9
Death anxiety among street-level bureaucrats: how does it affect their work drive and performance?9
Stress tests for public service resilience: introducing the possible-worlds thinking9
What triggers public-private partnership (PPP) renegotiations in the United States?9
Introducing research insights into the third sector, social enterprise and public service delivery9
Evidence use as sociomaterial practice? A qualitative study of decision-making on introducing service innovations in health care9
Paradoxes in collaborative governance9
Publicness and micro-level risk behaviour: experimental evidence on stereotypical discounting behaviour9
A policy-oriented approach to co-production. The case of homestay accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers9
Learning effects of anti-corruption reform in public organisations: explanations from social psychological theory9
Learning how to do AI: managing organizational boundaries in an intergovernmental learning forum9
A qualitative comparative analysis of collaborative governance structures as applied in urban gardens9
Doing better with less: do behavioural capabilities affect street level bureaucrats’ ability to deliver public value?9
Role perceptions, collaboration and performance: insights from identity theory9
Workgroup innovative behaviours in the public sector workplace: the influence of servant leadership and workgroup climates9
In search of legitimacy: conflicting logics and identities of management consultants in public administration9
Empowering the frontline: internal and external organizational antecedents of teacher empowerment9
Creeping crises and public administration: a time for adaptive governance strategies and cross-sectoral collaboration?9
Government crisis messaging on social media, citizen online engagement and compliance with policies9
Public procurement failure: The role of transaction costs and government capacity in procurement cancellations9
To measure or not to measure?An empirical investigation of social impact measurement in UK social enterprises9
Public servants’ creativity: salient stimulators and inhibitors a longitudinal qualitative digital diary study9
Exploring network mechanisms to organizations’ influence reputation: a case of collaborative disaster response9