Operations Research Letters

(The TQCC of Operations Research Letters is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Energy and reserve dispatch with distributionally robust joint chance constraints48
On maximizing a monotone k-submodular function under a knapsack constraint21
Sequential convergence of AdaGrad algorithm for smooth convex optimization20
Guidelines for the computational testing of machine learning approaches to vehicle routing problems19
A dynamic analysis of corporate investments and emission tax policy in an oligopoly market with network externality19
Complexity of linear minimization and projection on some sets15
Incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles under subsidy schemes: A duopoly analysis15
Connectedness of weak minimal solution set for set optimization problems13
A novel approach to Hölder continuity of a class of parametric variational–hemivariational inequalities13
Binary integer modeling of the traffic flow optimization problem, in the case of an autonomous transportation system12
Censored lifetime learning: Optimal Bayesian age-replacement policies12
Robust single machine makespan scheduling with release date uncertainty11
Stochastic comparisons of lifetimes of series and parallel systems with dependent and heterogeneous components10
Near-optimal Nonlinear Regression Trees10
Strategic delegation in a differentiated duopoly with asymmetric costs9
Privacy impact on generalized Nash equilibrium in peer-to-peer electricity market9
On approximations of data-driven chance constrained programs over Wasserstein balls9
Constrained Markov decision processes with uncertain costs9
A note on the linearity of Ratliff and Rosenthal's algorithm for optimal picker routing9
Piecewise polyhedral formulations for a multilinear term8
On the strength of recursive McCormick relaxations for binary polynomial optimization8
Differential game approach to pricing and advertising decisions8
Analysis of the symmetric join the shortest orbit queue8
Decomposition methods for Wasserstein-based data-driven distributionally robust problems8
Complexity of flow time minimization in a crossdock truck scheduling problem with asymmetric handover relations8
On continuity in risk-averse bilevel stochastic linear programming with random lower level objective function8
A revised approach for risk-averse multi-armed bandits under CVaR criterion7
On the complexity of robust bilevel optimization with uncertain follower's objective7
Transaction activity and bitcoin realized volatility7
Ants can orienteer a thief in their robbery7
Improved front steepest descent for multi-objective optimization7
On the exactness of the ε-constraint method for biobjective nonlinear integer programming7
Existence results for quasi-equilibrium problems under a weaker equilibrium condition7
The Hierarchical Chinese Postman Problem: The slightest disorder makes it hard, yet disconnectedness is manageable6
Generalized-Hukuhara penalty method for optimization problem with interval-valued functions and its application in interval-valued portfolio optimization problems6
The optimal solution of ESG portfolio selection models that are based on the average ESG score6
On Minty-variational inequalities and evolutionary stable states of generalized monotone games6
Single machine robust scheduling with budgeted uncertainty6
A faster algorithm for the continuous bilevel knapsack problem6
A refined analysis of submodular Greedy6
A polyhedral approach to bisubmodular function minimization6
MDPs with setwise continuous transition probabilities6
Optimal payoff under the generalized dual theory of choice6
A robust approach for modeling limited observability in bilevel optimization6
Portfolio selection with parameter uncertainty under α maxmin mean–var6
Cover by disjoint cliques cuts for the knapsack problem with conflicting items6
A note on a variant of the online open end bin packing problem6
An inexact column-and-constraint generation method to solve two-stage robust optimization problems6
Dynamic repositioning for vehicle sharing with setup costs6
Inverse integer optimization with an imperfect observation6
Reaching Paris Agreement goal through carbon dioxide removal development: A compact OR model5
Strong relaxations for continuous nonlinear programs based on decision diagrams5
Parameterized approximations for the two-sided assortment optimization5
Throughput and delay optimality of power-of-d choices in inhomogeneous load balancing systems5
A comparison of inventory policies for perishable goods5
A class ofN-player Colonel Blotto games with multidimensional private 5
Asymptotically optimal idling in the GI/GI/N+GI queue5
Minimum-error classes for matching parts5
A 12/7-approximation algorithm for the discrete Bamboo Garden Trimming problem5
On the many-server fluid limit for a service system with routing based on delayed information5
Adaptive allocation rules for hypergraph games5
Performance guarantees of forward and reverse greedy algorithms for minimizing nonsupermodular nonsubmodular functions on a matroid5
A hybrid algorithm for the minimum bounding sphere problem5
A faster exact method for solving the robust multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem5
Best arm identification in generalized linear bandits4
An approximation of general multi-server queues with bulk arrivals and batch service4
The Matroid Cup Game4
Efficiency fairness tradeoff in battery sharing4
Distributionally robust chance constraint with unimodality-skewness information and conic reformulation4
On the approximation ratio of the 3-Opt algorithm for the (1,2)-TSP4
Detecting stock market regimes from option prices4
On the complexity of Nurse Rostering problems4
Extremal models for the GIG4
Extended formulations for matroid polytopes through randomized protocols4
Data-driven preventive maintenance for a heterogeneous machine portfolio4
The complexity of branch-and-price algorithms for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands4
On the minimal displacement vector of the Douglas–Rachford operator4
Optimal data pooling for shared learning in maintenance operations4
A lower bound on the stability region of redundancy-d with FIFO ser4
Preservation of transform orders under a semiparametric model and its mixture4
Strategic revenue management of preemptive versus non-preemptive queues4
On complexity of multistage stochastic programs under heavy tailed distributions3
The efficiency-fairness balance of Round Robin scheduling3
τ-value for risk capital allocation problems3
Oligopolistic markets with leadership, cooperative followers and a multivalued inverse demand function3
Logarithmic sample bounds for Sample Average Approximation with capacity- or budget-constraints3
Performance bound for myopic order-up-to inventory policies under stationary demand processes3
A greedy algorithm for finding maximum spanning trees in infinite graphs3
A generalized Nash equilibrium problem arising in banking regulation: An existence result with Tarski's theorem3
Negative prices in network pricing games3
Sampling from the complement of a polyhedron: An MCMC algorithm for data augmentation3
Approximation algorithm for the stochastic prize-collecting set multicover problem3
Reciprocal degree distance and Hamiltonian properties of graphs3
Distributionally robust Optimal Control and MDP modeling3
Maximizing revenue for publishers using header bidding and ad exchange auctions3
Support vector machines as Bayes' classifiers3
Dual sourcing systems: An asymptotic result for the cost of optimal tailored base-surge (TBS) policy3
Closed-form solution to a real option problem with regime switching3
Algorithms for fair k-clustering with multiple protected attributes3
Continuous-time zero-sum stochastic game with stopping and control3
Gradients and subgradients of buffered failure probability3
On redundant weighted voting systems with components having stochastic arrangement increasing lifetimes3
Lower bound on size of branch-and-bound trees for solving lot-sizing problem3
The effect of information on queue-scalping service systems3
The matroid intersection cover problem3
Convergence analysis of a subsampled Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm3
Static replication of impermanent loss for concentrated liquidity provision in decentralised markets3
Minimax efficient finite-difference stochastic gradient estimators using black-box function evaluations3
General EM algorithm for fitting non-monotone hazard functions from truncated and censored observations3
A note on yardstick regulation of fishery monopolies3
Improving on Best-of-Many-Christofides for T-tours3
A two-population game in observable double-ended queuing systems3
A fast exact pricing algorithm for the railway crew scheduling problem3
When “Better” is better than “Best”3
Condition-based maintenance optimization based on matrix algebra3
Nonparametric identification and estimation of score auctions in multi-attribute procurement3
Lose oneself in comparison: An investment and consumption game between two agents3
Non-nested estimators for the central moments of a conditional expectation and their convergence properties3
Product sequencing and pricing under cascade browse model3
On the complexity of surrogate and group relaxation for integer linear programs3
Half-cycle: A new formulation for modelling kidney exchange problems3
Make waiting not to seem like waiting: Capacity management of waiting-area entertainment3
A note on the finite convergence of alternating projections3
Tight distortion bounds for distributed metric voting on a line2
Multi-armed bandit with sub-exponential rewards2
Can loss aversion explain sourcing diversification under supply risk?2
Inequality in population weights, majority threshold and the inversion probability in the case of three states2
2-approximation algorithm for minmax absolute maximum lateness scheduling-location problem2
A note on the Lasserre hierarchy for different formulations of the maximum independent set problem2
Strengthened clique-family inequalities for the stable set polytope2
Minimizing the effective graph resistance by adding links is NP-hard2
Parametric error bounds for convex approximations of two-stage mixed-integer recourse models with a random second-stage cost vector2
Data-driven hedging of stock index options via deep learning2
Exact results for the order picking time distribution under return routing2
A heavy-traffic-limit formula for the moments of the stationary distribution in GI/G/1-type Markov chains2
Asymptotics for the Laplace transform of the time integral of the geometric Brownian motion2
Robust integrated planning for LEO satellite network design and service operations2
Discrete multi-module capacitated lot-sizing problems with multiple items2
A modified Barzilai-Borwein algorithm for the generalized absolute value equation2
Optimal pricing and inventory control strategy for a continuous-review system with product return2
Gearhart–Koshy acceleration for affine subspaces2
The value function of a transportation problem2
A sufficient condition for asymptotically well behaved property of convex polynomials2
Comparison of socially optimal and profit maximizing prices in an unobservable queue with heterogeneous waiting costs2
A reformulated Shapley-like value for cooperative games with interval payoffs2
Revisiting surrogate relaxation for the multidimensional knapsack problem2
On the population monotonicity of independent set games2
A note on the quickest minimum cost transshipment problem2
A novel stepsize for gradient descent method2
Integer packing sets form a well-quasi-ordering2
Multiprocessor jobs, preemptive schedules, and one-competitive online algorithms2
Rational joining behavior in a queueing system with abandonments2
SPT optimality (mostly) via linear programming2
A capacity reservation game for suppliers with multiple blocks of capacity2
Information sharing and information errors with noninferable demand2
Approximate performance measures for a single station two-stage reneging queue2
Quadratic double-ratio minimax optimization2
The secretary problem with multiple job vacancies and batch candidate arrivals2
Robust risk-taking under a sustainable constraint2
Star-Shaped deviations2
To wait or not to wait: Strategic behaviors in an observable batch-service queueing system2
A strengthened Barvinok-Pataki bound on SDP rank2
On the complexity of fair house allocation2
A decomposition method for solving multicommodity network equilibria2
Platform exploitation in the sharing economy2
Transient analysis of an affine Queue-Hawkes process2
Optimality-based clustering: An inverse optimization approach2
Fast proximal algorithms for nonsmooth convex optimization2
Oligopoly newsvendor competition with reference effects2
Online load balancing with general reassignment cost2
To incentivize the fast server or not? Firm's dilemma when queue signals service rate in high-contact services2
Ellipsoidal classification via semidefinite programming2
A note on the approximability of deepest-descent circuit steps2
Managing inventory in a network: Performance bounds for simple policies2
Payment models to coordinate healthcare providers: Extension to risk-averse providers2
Mathematical programs with multiobjective generalized Nash equilibrium problems in the constraints2
A useful technique for piecewise deterministic Markov decision processes2
Raw materials and production control with random supply and demand, an outside market and production capacity2
Combined pricing and inventory control with multiple unreliable suppliers2
A Gilmore-Gomory construction of integer programming value functions2
Local improvement algorithms for a path packing problem: A performance analysis based on linear programming2
Online cardinality constrained scheduling2
Extragradient and extrapolation methods with generalized Bregman distances for saddle point problems2
Approximating Nash equilibrium for production control with sticky price2
(Un)stable matchings with blocking costs2
Instability of LAS multiclass queueing networks2
On the effective dimension and multilevel Monte Carlo2
On equilibrium threshold strategies when choosing between observable and unobservable queues2
Bilevel aggregator-prosumers' optimization problem in real-time: A convex optimization approach2