Economic Development and Cultural Change

(The TQCC of Economic Development and Cultural Change is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Labor Market Nationalization Policies and Exporting Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia51
Elite College Education and Social Mobility in China29
Are Employment Protection Laws for Persons with Disabilities Effective in a Developing Country?26
The Puzzle of Falling Happiness despite Rising Income in Rural China: Eleven Hypotheses22
Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: What Do the Data Show?22
Front Matter20
Mobilizing Parents at Home and at School: An Experiment on Primary Education in Angola18
Effort and Social Comparison: Experimental Evidence from Uganda17
Targeting High School Scholarships to the Poor: The Impact of a Program in Mexico16
The Power of Securing Property Rights: Evidence from China’s Land Titling Policy15
Shortening Supply Chains: Experimental Evidence from Fruit and Vegetable Vendors in Bogota15
Insecure Land Tenure, Social Protection, and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from China’s Agricultural Sector14
Education, Civic Engagement, and Political Participation: Evidence from School Construction in Malian Villages13
Incentivizing Quantity and Quality of Care: Evidence from an Impact Evaluation of Performance-Based Financing in the Health Sector in Tajikistan12
Overconfidence and Risk Taking in the Field: Evidence from Ethiopian Farmers11
Targeting Using Differential Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment11
Computers and Discretion: Evidence from Two Randomized Natural Experiments10
The Role of Mothers-in-Law in Determining Women’s Work: Evidence from India10
COVID-19 and Food Security in Ethiopia: Do Social Protection Programs Protect?10
Working Hard or Hardly Working: Health Worker Effort and Health Outcomes10
Why Guarantee Employment? Evidence from a Large Indian Public-Works Program9
Land Reform and Child Health in the Kyrgyz Republic9
Understanding Child Sex Trafficking Using Victim-Level Data9
Financial Incentives, Efforts, and Performances in the Health Sector: Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo9
A Pandemic Crossing the Border: The Impact of COVID-19 in the US on the Mexican Labor Market9
Heterogeneous Firms under Regional Temperature Shocks: Exit and Reallocation, with Evidence from Indonesia9
Cross-Age Tutoring: Experimental Evidence from Kenya8
Money or Management? A Field Experiment on Constraints to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan8
Psychology, Soft Skills, or Cash? Evidence on Marginal Investments8
From Hospitality to Hostility: Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Influx on the Sentiments of Host Communities8
Income, Psychological Well-Being, and the Dynamics of Poverty8
Study for Nothing? Gender and Access to Higher Education in a Developing Country8
Including Scalable Nutrition Interventions in a Graduation Model Program: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia8
Cash Transfers and Women’s Agency: Evidence from Pakistan’s BISP Program7
Measuring Violence against Women with Experimental Methods7
Preschool Availability and Women’s Employment: Evidence from Indonesia7
Durable Ownership, Time Allocation, and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from China’s “Home Appliances to the Countryside” Rebate6
Regionalism and Tribal Insecurity in India6
The Effect of a Management Intervention on Firm Performance and Quality Defects6
Are Educated Candidates Less Corrupt Bureaucrats? Evidence from Randomized Audits in Brazil6
The Performance of State-Owned Enterprises: New Evidence from the China Employer-Employee Survey6
Economic Development and Environmental Conservation: Evidence from Eco-Tourism6
Entrepreneurship during an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Rural Thailand6
The Origins of Optimism: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment among Microfinance Clients in Bolivia5
Can Investment Incentives Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from China5
Syrian Refugees and the Migration Dynamics of Jordanians: Moving In or Moving Out?5
Internal Migration and Labor Market Outcomes in Indonesia5
Growing Pains: Timing of In Utero Rainfall Shocks and Child Growth in Rural Rwanda5
Increasing Trust in Bankers to Enhance Savings: Experimental Evidence from India5
Leveraging the Lottery for Financial Inclusion: Lotto-Linked Savings Accounts in Haiti5
The Salience of Information: Evidence from a Health Information Campaign in Rural China5
Moving toward a Better Future? Migration and Children’s Health and Education5
Overconfidence, Trust, and Information-Seeking among Smallholder Farmers: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia5
Home-Based Enterprises: Experimental Evidence on Female Preferences from Pakistan5
Fighting the Learning Crisis in Developing Countries: A Randomized Experiment of Self-Learning at the Right Level4
The Role of Information and Cash Transfers on Early-Childhood Development: Short- and Long-Run Evidence from Nepal4
Media’s Influence on Citizen Demand for Public Goods4
Alcohol Ban and Crime: The ABCs of the Bihar Prohibition4
Isolating the “Tech” from EdTech: Experimental Evidence on Computer-Assisted Learning in China4
Relaxing Credit and Information Constraints: Five-Year Experimental Evidence from Tanzanian Agriculture4
Between Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings: Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality by Gender and Race in Brazil3
Grandfathers and Grandsons: Social Security Expansion and Child Health in China3
How Well Do Worker Cooperatives Perform in Manufacturing? Evidence from a Large Low-Income Country3
Dependence or Constraints? Cash Transfers and Labor Supply3
Inequality in the Quality of Health Services: Wealth, Content of Care, and the Price of Antenatal Consultations in the Democratic Republic of Congo3
The Impact of COVID-19 on Poverty-Alleviated Households: Evidence from J City, China3
Can Role Models Influence Female Students’ Decision to Participate in the Labor Market? Evidence from a Field Experiment3
Monitoring Corruption: Can Top-down Monitoring Crowd-Out Grassroots Participation?3
Here Comes the Rain Again: Productivity Shocks, Educational Investments, and Child Work3
Information, Knowledge, and Behavior: Evaluating Alternative Methods of Delivering School Information to Parents3
Intellectual Property Use and Firm Performance: The Case of Chile3
Culture, Intrahousehold Distribution, and Individual Poverty3
The Impact of Being Surveyed on the Adoption of Agricultural Technology3
Tax Compliance in Rwanda: Evidence from a Message Field Experiment3
Discrimination against Women in Hiring3
Front Matter3
Estimating the Effects of Educational System Consolidation: The Case of China’s Rural School Closure Initiative3
After the Flood: Migration and Remittances as Coping Strategies of Rural Bangladeshi Households3
Motherhood and Women’s Self-Employment: Theory and Evidence from Nigeria3
Judicial Presence and Rent Extraction3
Cash Transfers, Gender Norms, and Women’s Control over Decision-Making in Egypt3
National Institutions and Self-Insurance3
Encouraging Female Graduates to Enter the Labor Force: Evidence from a Role Model Intervention in Pakistan3
A Structural Model of Informality with Constrained Entrepreneurship3