Economic Development and Cultural Change

(The TQCC of Economic Development and Cultural Change is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
He Says, She Says: Spousal Disagreement in Survey Measures of Bargaining Power50
COVID-19 and Food Security in Ethiopia: Do Social Protection Programs Protect?28
The Role of Information in Agricultural Technology Adoption: Experimental Evidence from Rice Farmers in Uganda25
After the Flood: Migration and Remittances as Coping Strategies of Rural Bangladeshi Households20
Access to Credit and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China19
Can Positive Psychology Improve Psychological Well-Being and Economic Decision-Making? Experimental Evidence from Kenya19
The Effects of Education on Financial Outcomes: Evidence from Kenya18
Tax Compliance in Rwanda: Evidence from a Message Field Experiment18
The Effects of Noncontributory Pensions on Material and Subjective Well-Being16
Government Antipoverty Programming and Intimate Partner Violence in Ghana15
Benefits and Unintended Consequences of Gender Segregation in Public Transportation: Evidence from Mexico City’s Subway System15
Conflict, Educational Attainment, and Structural Transformation: La Violencia in Colombia15
Justice Delayed Is Growth Denied: The Effect of Slow Courts on Relationship-Specific Industries in India15
The Impact of a National Early Childhood Development Program on Future Schooling Attainment: Evidence from Integrated Child Development Services in India14
Money or Management? A Field Experiment on Constraints to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan14
Measuring Violence against Women with Experimental Methods13
Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: What Do the Data Show?13
Remittances, Child Labor, and Schooling: Evidence from Colombia12
Employee Referral, Social Proximity, and Worker Discipline: Theory and Suggestive Evidence from India12
Estimating the Effects of Educational System Consolidation: The Case of China’s Rural School Closure Initiative12
Financial Education and Financial Access for Transnational Households: Field Experimental Evidence from the Philippines11
The Productivity Gaps of Female-Owned Firms: Evidence from Ethiopian Census Data11
The Performance of State-Owned Enterprises: New Evidence from the China Employer-Employee Survey10
The Impact of a Large-Scale Poverty-Targeted Cash Transfer Program on Intertemporal Choice10
Improving Maternal Health Using Incentives for Mothers and Health Care Workers: Evidence from India9
Inequality in the Quality of Health Services: Wealth, Content of Care, and the Price of Antenatal Consultations in the Democratic Republic of Congo9
Floods and Spillovers: Households after the 2011 Great Flood in Thailand9
Here Comes the Rain Again: Productivity Shocks, Educational Investments, and Child Work9
Does Education Affect Time Preference? Evidence from Indonesia9
Rule-of-Thumb Instructions to Improve Fertilizer Management: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh9
Reverting to Informality: Unregistered Property Transactions and the Erosion of the Titling Reform in Peru8
The Impact of No-Fault Unilateral Divorce Laws on Divorce Rates in Mexico8
Financial Incentives, Efforts, and Performances in the Health Sector: Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo8
Incomplete Information and Product Quality in Rural Markets: Evidence from an Experimental Auction for Maize in Senegal8
Media-Reported Violence and Female Labor Supply7
Old-Age Pensions in a Lower Middle-Income Country: Economic or Psychological Effects?7
Increasing Trust in Bankers to Enhance Savings: Experimental Evidence from India7
The Effects of Storage Technology and Training on Postharvest Losses, Practices, and Sales: Evidence from Small-Scale Farms in Tanzania7
Durable Ownership, Time Allocation, and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from China’s “Home Appliances to the Countryside” Rebate7
Guilt and Prosocial Behavior: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from Bangladesh7
Intellectual Property Use and Firm Performance: The Case of Chile7
The Effect of Pension Income on Land Transfers: Evidence from Rural China6
Paying for Digital Information: Assessing Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for a Digital Agriculture and Nutrition Service in Ghana6
The Impact of a Permanent Income Shock on the Situation of Women in the Household: The Case of a Pension Reform in Argentina6
Preschool Availability and Women’s Employment: Evidence from Indonesia6
Negative Investment in China: Financing Constraints and Restructuring versus Growth6
Nutrition, Religion, and Widowhood in Nigeria6
Maternal Education, Parental Investment, and Noncognitive Characteristics in Rural China6
Household Responses to Cash Transfers5
Leveraging the Lottery for Financial Inclusion: Lotto-Linked Savings Accounts in Haiti5
The Scarring Effects of College Education Deprivation during China’s Cultural Revolution5
The Impact of Access to Health Facilities on Maternal Care Use, Travel Patterns, and Health Status: Evidence from Longitudinal Data from Uganda5
Motherhood and Gender Wage Differentials within a Chinese Firm5
When Patients Diagnose: The Effect of Patient Beliefs and Information on Provider Behavior5
Helping Us or Helping Them? What Makes Foreign Aid Popular with Donor Publics?5
Working Hard or Hardly Working: Health Worker Effort and Health Outcomes5
Consumption and Time-Use Effects of India’s Employment Guarantee and Women’s Participation5
Does an Increasing Minimum Wage Reduce Formal Sector Employment? Evidence from Brazil5
Do Labor Market Interventions Incentivize Technology Adoption? Unexpected Impacts of the World’s Largest Rural Poverty Program5
Good Intentions Gone Bad? The Dodd-Frank Act and Conflict in Africa’s Great Lakes Region5
Do Banks and Microfinance Institutions Compete? Microevidence from Madagascar5
What Is the Price of Freedom? Estimating Women’s Willingness to Pay for Job Schedule Flexibility5
Can Small Incentives Have Large Payoffs? Health Impacts of a Cash Transfer Program in Bolivia5
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse5
Conflict and the Formation of Political Beliefs in Africa5