Social Policy & Administration

(The TQCC of Social Policy & Administration is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The next generation EU: An analysis of the dimensions of conflict behind the deal76
Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: Policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis76
Social policy responses to COVID‐19 in Canada and the United States: Explaining policy variations between two liberal welfare state regimes68
Disabled people in Britain and the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic60
Inequalities and poverty risks in old age across Europe: The double‐edged income effect of pension systems57
Nordic welfare states—still standing or changed by the COVID‐19 crisis?56
Recent pension reforms in Europe: More challenges, new directions. An overview56
COVID‐19, the Great Recession and social policy: Is this time different?53
The COVID‐19 crisis and policy responses by continental European welfare states53
Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: Policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis in Central and Eastern Europe45
Digital coping: How frontline workers cope with digital service encounters45
Common shock, different paths? Comparing social policy responses to COVID‐19 in the UK and Ireland40
Extending working lives: How policies shape retirement and labour market participation of older workers37
In the eye of the stormagain! Social policy responses to COVID‐19 in Southern Europe35
Withstanding the plague: Institutional resilience of the East Asian welfare state23
Comparing long‐term care systems: A multi‐dimensional, actor‐centred typology21
Informal social protection: A conceptual synthesis19
Fifty years of welfare state generosity18
From austerity‐conditionality towards a new investment‐led growth strategy: Social Europe after the Recovery and Resilience Facility18
The complementary roles between clientelism and familism in social policy development17
The consequences of non‐standard working and marital biographies for old age income in Europe: Contrasting the individual and the household perspective15
Flexibility in individual funding schemes: How well did Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme support remote learning for students with disability during COVID‐19?14
Carrots or sticks? A multilevel analysis of active labour market policies and non‐standard employment in Europe13
Frontline social service as a battlefield: Insights from street‐level bureaucrats' interactions with violent clients12
Changing the healthcare financing paradigm: Domestic actors and international organizations in the agenda setting for diffusion of social health insurance in post‐communist Central and Eastern Europe12
Welfare state change as a double movement: Four decades of retrenchment and expansion in compensatory and employment‐oriented policies across 21 high‐income countries12
Managing precarity: Food bank use by low‐income women workers in a changing welfare regime12
Mediating the claim? How ‘local ecosystems of support’ shape the operation and experience of UK social security12
Integrating development aid into social policy: Lessons on cooperation and its challenges learned from the example of health care in Kyrgyzstan10
The market made us do it: Public procurement and collaborative labour market inclusion governance from below10
Efficiency and sustainability in municipal social policies10
Inequalities in pensions and retirement from a life course perspective: An introduction10
‘Nearly gave up on it to be honest’: Utilisation of individualised budgets by people with psychosocial disability within Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme10
When policy entrepreneurs fail: Explaining the failure of long‐term care reforms in Poland9
From “what works” to “making it work”: A practice perspective on evidence‐based standardization in frontline service organizations9
A mechanism‐based approach to the comparison of national pension systems in Vietnam and Sri Lanka9
Translating social policy ideas: The Beveridge report, transnational diffusion, andpost‐warwelfare state development in Canada, Denmark, and France9
Is Nordic elder care facing a (new) collaborative turn?9
Measuring and framing support for universal basic income9
Social investments in the knowledge economy: The politics of inclusive, stratified, and targeted reforms across the globe8
No activation without reconciliation? The interplay between ALMP and ECEC in relation to women's employment, unemployment and inactivity in 30 OECD countries, 1985–2018
Delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights: Towards a needs‐based distribution of the European social funds?8
Active stewardship in healthcare: Lessons from China's health policy reforms8
Moral framings in the Australian parliamentary debate on drug testing of welfare recipients8
Causal mechanisms in the analysis of transnational social policy dynamics: Evidence from the global south8
Politicalized empowered learning and complex policy implementation: Targeted poverty alleviation in China's county governments8
Buying for good: Altruism, ethical consumerism and social policy8
Emerging modes of digitalisation in the delivery of welfare‐to‐work: Implications for street‐level discretion8
Constantly changing Nordic welfare states: A Bermuda triangle?7
A critical review of cost‐effectiveness research in children's social care: What have we learnt so far?7
Education as social policy: New tensions in maturing knowledge economies7
Pension reforms, the generational welfare contract and preferences for pro‐old welfare policies in Europe7
Affects of policy design: The case of young carers in the Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 20147
Poverty, social work, and radical incrementalism: Current developments of the poverty‐aware paradigm7
Fugitive coproduction: Conceptualising informal community practices in Scotland's hospitals6
Between affordable welfare and affordable food: Internationalized food subsidy reforms in Egypt and Tunisia6
Central coordination, regional competition, and local protectionism: Social decentralisation in China's long‐term care reform6
The EPSR and the Next Generation EU: Heralding a reconfiguration of social protection in South Europe?6
TheEU'swork‐lifebalance directive: Institutional change of father‐specific leave across member states6
Central‐local tensions in the decentralization of social policies: Street‐level bureaucrats and social practices in the Netherlands6
Who deserves what and why during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Applying the CARIN principles of deservingness to the American welfare state5
Market shaping: Understanding the role of non‐government actors in social care quasi‐market stewardship5
Education and active labour market policy complementarities in promoting employment: Reinforcement, substitution and compensation5
Buffering national welfare states in hard times: The politics of EU capacity‐building in the social policy domain5
How does self‐employment affect pension income? A comparative analysis of European welfare states5
The employment of people with lived experience of disability in Australian disability services5
The implosion of the Dutch surveillance welfare state5
Individual need and societal claims: Challenging the understanding of universalism versus selectivism in social policy5
Bureaucratic conflict between transnational actor coalitions: The diffusion of British National Vocational Qualifications to China5
Same same but different? Comparing institutional performance in the long‐term care systems of Japan and South Korea5
Evaluating social policies: Do methodological approaches determine the policy impact?5
Implementing individual placement and support in Norway. From vocational rehabilitation to an employment scheme5
The power of ideas in policymaking processes: The role of institutionalised knowledge production in state bureaucracies5
Social security or insecurity? The experience of welfare participation by financially vulnerable households in the Netherlands4
Multi‐level governance and central‐local tensions: The issue of local discretion in long‐term care policy in Italy4
Follow the hand that feeds you? The effects of non‐governmental cash transfers on citizenship4
Do governments account for gender when designing their social protection systems? Findings from an analysis of national social protection strategies4
Dealing with drift: Comparing social care reform in the four nations of the UK4
Beyond path dependency: Analysing Indonesia's social policy responses to two crises4
Does capping social security harm health? A natural experiment in the UK4
Old‐age poverty in a pension latecomer: The impact of basic pension expansions in South Korea4
Women's management in local government: The effects of substantive representation on welfare service efficiency4
Signs of the gender revolution's second phase? Historical and cross‐national development of fathers' leave provisions4
Information, reflection, and successful job search: A labor market policy experiment4
Implementation structures at work. Exploring implementation and de‐implementation attempts regarding Housing First and Individual Placement and Support4
Cross‐sectoral frontline delivery of welfare‐to‐work services for young adults with complex problems in Norway4
Excluded workers and exempted employers: A qualitative study on domestic workers' access to social protection in the Netherlands4
Gender, welfare state regimes and social policy beyond advanced capitalism: Pathways to decommodification in middle‐income countries4
How does she do it all? Effects of education on reconciliation of employment and informal caregiving among Austrian women4
Social policy reform driven by crises: Promoting and reshaping social policy during the SARS and COVID‐19 pandemics in China4
Are attitudes in employees of public employment service in line with the principles of individual placement and support? A questionnaire‐based survey4
How divided is the attitudinal context for policymaking? Changes in public attitudes to the welfare state, inequality and immigration over two decades in Britain3
Markets or unions? De‐unionisation and German firms' provision of flexible working‐time policies from 2002 to 20163
The provision of work–life balance practices across welfare states and industries and their impact on extraordinary turnover3
The two‐child limit and fertility decision making: When policy narratives and lived experiences collide3
Policy success: What is the role of implementation support programmes?3
The ‘New Five Giants’—Conceptualising the challenges facing societal progress in the 21st century3
Education as a tool of social equality?3
‘I've probably risk assessed this myself’: Choice, control and participant co‐regulation in a disability individualised funding scheme3
Social policy learning inside the World Bank: The case of multi‐pillar pension reform3
The politics of disaggregated family policy: The role of party ideology and women's political representation in governments3
The multi‐dimensional politics of education policy in the knowledge economy: The case of Italy (1996–2008)3
Does digital government hollow out the essence of street‐level bureaucracy? A systematic literature review of how digital tools' foster curtailment, enablement and continuation of street‐level decisio3
Choose your battles: How civil society organisations choose context‐specific goals and activities to fight for immigrant welfare rights in Malaysia and Argentina3
Welfare contracting with Chinese socialist characteristics: Experience of the Bohai Bay Economic Rim, Northern China3
Protected against all odds? A mixed‐methods study on the risk of welfare sanctions for immigrants in Germany3
The industrialisation thesis, revisited: Understanding welfare expansion in China through social expenditure data (2000–2019)3
Accounting for what and to whom? Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long‐term unemployment3
Let's talk about our feelings: Emotional labour of community practice in times of pandemic3
Emergency welfare states in action: Social policy adaptations to COVID‐19 in the Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia3
The end of welfare states as we know them? A multidimensional perspective3
Education and ignorance in the UK 80 years after Beveridge: The role of government and equality of opportunity3
Towards a more all‐inclusive evaluation of interventions for unemployed youth: A longitudinal investigation of participant, programme, relational and contextual factors3
Governance agility in reception of war refugees from Ukraine: The case of Wrocław, Poland2
Widening double dualisation? Labour market inequalities and national social policy responses in Western Europe during the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic2
Social class bias in welfare sanctioning judgements: Experimental evidence from a nationally representative sample2
Immigration and social assistance: Evidence from the Norwegian welfare state2
Generation rent on the housing treadmill: A study on South Korea's housing allowance programmes and recurring precarity2
Moving beyond stereotype: A qualitative study of long‐standing recipients of the Indonesian conditional cash transfers (CCT/PKH)2
Digital policy to disability employment? An ecosystem perspective on China and Australia2
Not seeing the elephant in the room: How policy discourses shape frontline work with child poverty2
Introduction to special issue: States, citizens and social protection in Africa2
Is there a trade‐off between housing and pension system generosity? Empirical evidence from the Luxembourg Wealth Study2
Knowledge, skills or social mobility? Citizens' perceptions of the purpose of education2
Guiding principles for social security policy: Outcomes from a bottom‐up approach2
From policy to politics? Exploring feedback effects of social protection on state‐citizen relations in Ghana2
A scooping review of Scandinavian studies of sick‐listed' and social insurance officers' experiences of their encounters'2
The role of elected politicians in donor‐led social protection: Insights from Zambia2
Citizens' expectations about social protection in multilevel governance: The interplay between national and supranational institutions2
Social risks and active social citizenship—A cross‐national comparison of long‐term care policies for older people in European welfare states2
Deregulation, quality and access—The case of legal professionals in Poland2
Reversed socioeconomic pattern in the costs of caring regarding well‐being and paid work among women in Sweden2
Social work and the state: Perspectives and practice2
The operation of the social support sector serving siblings of people with disabilities: A cross‐country analysis2
Introduction: 20 years of welfare reform in China (2000–2020): Challenges from developmentalism to COVID‐192
The implementation of social protection in a conservative African welfare regime: The values and beliefs of local state officials in Botswana2
Who needs cash? The deservingness perceptions of Brazilian civil servants in cash‐based social policy implementation2
Social protection and state‐citizen relations: A review of the literature2
Predictors of satisfaction with digital follow‐up in Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration: A sequential mixed‐methods study2
Towards a new era in the governance of integrated activation: A systematic review of the literature on the governance of welfare benefits and employment‐related services in Europe (2010–21)2
Crisis in the UK National Health Service: What does it mean, and what are the consequences?2
Including migrant skills in a knowledge economy: The politics of recognition of foreign qualifications, work experience and industry courses2
Which employers have refugee employees—And which do not? Employer typologies developed through hierarchical cluster analyses2
‘Show me you're trying, that's all…’: Exploring the discursive impact of punishments and incentives in theWelshhomelessness system as ‘controlled conditionalities’2
Care earnings in the United States and 24 European countries: The role of social policy and labour market institutions2
Exploring the politics of strain: Crime and welfare in remote Indigenous Australia2