Forestry Chronicle

(The TQCC of Forestry Chronicle is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Routledge Handbook of Community Forestry21
Associate Editors/Corédacteurs10
Bridging the Gap Aims to Better Understand Labour Shortages in the Forestry Sector7
Canadian Institute of Forestry launches the first national interactive learning hub for urban forestry geospatial data in Canada/L’Institut forestier du Canada lance le premier Centre national d’appre6
Progrès dans l’application de la télédétection pour les besoins en matière d’information sur les forêts au Canada : leçons tirées d’une collaboration nationale d’intervenants universitaires, industrie6
Economic impacts of partial harvesting: Mitigating mid-term timber supply shortages as a result of pest outbreaks5
How to run a National Conference over six time zones during a global pandemic!5
Vegetation management is essential to regeneration success of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) at its northern range limit: results from a 10-year field experiment5
Wood supply challenges in Alberta – Growing more timber is the only sustainable solution4
Applying three decades of research to mitigate the impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid on Ontario’s forests4
A comparison of initial harvest results from four partial harvest systems at the Blue Heron Demonstration Forest4
The World’s First Woman Forester: A Path Through the Trees Mary Sutherland – forester, botanist & woman’s advocate4
Forest conservation through protection of old growth: the case of Nova Scotia3
Arriving at a tipping point for worldwide forest decline due to accelerating climatic change3
Adaptation de l’aménagement forestier face aux incendies forestiers - Quelques options à explorer pour la forêt boréale3
How many plots are needed to estimate sapling density and stocking in temperate forests?3
Economic potential of adopting genomic technology in Alberta’s tree improvement sector3
Predicting aboveground biomass carbon sequestration potential in hybrid poplar clones under afforestation plantation management in southern Ontario, Canada2
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: From Concepts to Reality Report on a symposium held at Carrefour Forêts 20192
An economic analysis and seed yield assessment of alternative breeding strategies in a white spruce tree improvement program2
Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest2
Economic impacts of short rotation woody crops in Canada2
Some Great Moments in the Practice of Forestry in Québec (1910–2020)2
Associate Editors/Corédacteurs2
Modernization, meet paradigm shift. Paradigm shift, meet chaos*2
Forest composition influences how seasonal climate variables affect white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) growth2
Interpretation of digital imagery to estimate juvenile stand attributes in managed boreal stands, density, stocking and height1
A perspective and survey on the implementation and uptake of tools to support decision-making in Canadian wildland fire management1
Advocating for Forests and Forestry/Promouvoir les forêts et la sylviculture1
How Perseverance and Passion Brought Me to Canadian forestry!1
Combien de placettes sont nécessaires pour estimer la densité et le coefficient de distribution des gaules dans les forêts tempérées ?1
Urban foresters’ perceptions about the role of soil and fungi in urban forest management and climate mitigation1
Diverse temperate riparian buffer types promote system-level carbon sequestration in southern Ontario, Canada1
The Wildest Hunt – True Stories of Game Wardens and Poachers1
Associate Editors/Corédacteurs1
Associate Editors/Corédacteurs1
Détection et dénombrement automatisé de monticules de plantation sur des images acquises par drone par apprentissage profond1
Integration of Airborne Laser Scanning data into forest ecosystem management in Canada: Current status and future directions1
Forecasting the partial cutting cycle for Québec yellow birch-conifer mixedwood stands1
Évaluation des effets de l’entaillage de l’érable à sucre sur la production de bois d’oeuvre1