Scandinavian Journal of Management

(The TQCC of Scandinavian Journal of Management is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Micro-level practices of bricolage during business model innovation process: The case of digital transformation towards omni-channel retailing31
Why are some family firms not innovative?: Innovation Barriers and Path Dependence in Family Firms22
Digital transformation and power relations. Interpretative repertoires of digitalization in the Swedish steel industry21
Heuristics in entrepreneurial decisions: A review, an ecological rationality model, and a research agenda17
Cooperative governance under increasing member diversity: Towards a new theoretical framework16
CEO succession with gender change in troubled companies: The effect of a new woman CEO on firm risk and firm risk perceived16
The nature, consequences, and management of emotions in interfirm paradoxical relationships—A conceptual framework12
The governance of sustainable business model innovation—An Ordonomic Approach12
Temporal distancing and integrating: Exploring coopetition tensions through managerial sensemaking dynamics11
Organizational sustainability identity: Constructing oneself as sustainable11
The reputation costs of executive misconduct accusations: Evidence from the #MeToo movement11
Entrepreneurship as a family resemblance concept: A Wittgensteinian approach to the problem of defining entrepreneurship10
Employment protection regimes and dismissal of members in worker cooperatives10
Ending business-non-profit partnerships: The spinout of social enterprises10
Liability of smallness in SMEs – Using co-creation as a method for the ‘fuzzy front end’ of HRM practices in the forest industry9
Growth and innovation during economic shocks: A case study for characterising growing small firms9
At the temporary-permanent interface: Overcoming knowledge boundaries with boundary objects9
The rubber band effect: Managing the stability-change paradox in routines9
Slow management8
A shift in perspective: Examining the impact of perceived follower behavior on leaders8
The economy doesn’t need a reset, and neither does management theory8
Dismantling the myths about managerial (in)capabilities in micro-firms. SEAM intervention-research to develop management practices8
Institutionalised management accounting and control in farm businesses7
Back to the future: ecocentrism, organization studies, and the Anthropocene7
Sensemaking of environmental commitment: a socio-historical contextualization of post-Soviet managers’ views7
Enacting the entrepreneurial self: Public-private innovation as an actualization of a neoliberal market dispositive7
The pragmatic roots of scientific insight: a culturalist approach to management theory in the view of grand challenges6
The impacts of supervisor support, role perception, and emotional exhaustion on the turnover intentions of real estate brokers6
Transformational leadership and life satisfaction: The sequential mediation model of organizational trust and proactive behavior5
A paradox rarely comes alone a quantitative approach to investigating knotted leadership paradoxes in SMEs5
Advertising, avoiding, disrupting, and tabooing: The discursive construction of diversity subjects in the Turkish context5
On the use and usefulness of theories and perspectives: A reply to Brunsson5
Controlling big data? Unfolding the organisational quest for IT-enabled competitive advantage5
Bouncing up: The development of women leaders’ resilience5
(Re)thinking transcription strategies: Current challenges and future research directions5
The use and usefulness of theory5
Getting the timing right: Kairos as the rhetorical framing of time5
From organised scepticism to research mission management? Introduction to the Great Reset of management and organization theory5
Psychological ownership and stewardship behavior: The moderating role of agency culture5