Computational Economics

(The TQCC of Computational Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Estimation of Rank-Ordered Regret Minimization Models69
Robust Prediction Intervals for Valuation of Large Portfolios of Variable Annuities: A Comparative Study of Five Models45
Classifying the Variety of Customers’ Online Engagement for Churn Prediction with a Mixed-Penalty Logistic Regression43
Auctions: A New Method for Selling Objects with Bimodal Density Functions42
Technical Note: Maximum Likelihood Optimization via Parallel Estimating Gradient Ascent36
A Pricing Method in a Constrained Market with Differential Informational Frameworks30
Disentangling Shareholder Risk Aversion from Leverage-Dependent Borrowing Cost on Corporate Policies26
Identifying Systemically Important Banks Based on an Improved DebtRank Model24
Machine Learning Method for Return Direction Forecast of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Using Classification and Regression Models23
Do Gas Price and Uncertainty Indices Forecast Crude Oil Prices? Fresh Evidence Through XGBoost Modeling23
Kelly-Based Options Trading Strategies on Settlement Date via Supervised Learning Algorithms22
A Method to Pre-compile Numerical Integrals When Solving Stochastic Dynamic Problems20
Editorial to the Special Issue on Game Theory19
Implementing Machine Learning Methods in Estimating the Size of the Non-observed Economy18
Housing GANs: Deep Generation of Housing Market Data17
A Closed Form Solution for Pricing Variance Swaps Under the Rescaled Double Heston Model15
Finding the Impact of Market Visibility and Monopoly on Wealth Distribution and Poverty Using Computational Economics15
Prediction of Loan Rate for Mortgage Data: Deep Learning Versus Robust Regression15
Forecasting Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall of Foreign Exchange Rate Volatility of Major African Currencies via GARCH and Dynamic Conditional Correlation Analysis14
An Ensemble Resampling Based Transfer AdaBoost Algorithm for Small Sample Credit Classification with Class Imbalance14
The Impact of Foreign Stock Market Indices on Predictions Volatility of the WIG20 Index Rates of Return Using Neural Networks14
Zero-Adjusted Log-Symmetric Quantile Regression Models13
Feature Selection and Hyperparameters Optimization Employing a Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network: Forecasting Dividend Payout Ratio12
Risk Spillover Effects Between the U.S. and Chinese Green Bond Markets: A Threshold Time-Varying Copula-GARCHSK Approach12
Portfolio Optimization with Prediction-Based Return Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks: Testing on Upward and Downward European Markets11
The Dynamic Volatility Connectedness Structure of Energy Futures and Global Financial Markets: Evidence From a Novel Time–Frequency Domain Approach11
Research on the Operation, Market and ESG Efficiency of China's Local Commercial Banks in the Context of COVID-1911
A Multi-market Comparison of the Intraday Lead–Lag Relations Among Stock Index-Based Spot, Futures and Options11
Improving Price Generation: A Novel Agent-Based Model for Capturing Persistent Jumps in Asset Prices11
Adaptive Trading System of Assets for International Cooperation in Agricultural Finance Based on Neural Network11
Numerically Pricing Nonlinear Time-Fractional Black–Scholes Equation with Time-Dependent Parameters Under Transaction Costs11
Optimal Technical Indicator Based Trading Strategies Using Evolutionary Multi Objective Optimization Algorithms11
Deep Kusuoka Approximation: High-Order Spatial Approximation for Solving High-Dimensional Kolmogorov Equations and Its Application to Finance10
Performance Assessment of Logistic Regression (LR), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System (ANFIS) in Predicting Default Probability: The Case of10
Dynamic Investigations of an Endogenous Business Cycle Model with Heterogeneous Agents10
Detection of Uncertainty Events in the Brazilian Economic and Financial Time Series10
The multiColl Package Versus Other Existing Packages in R to Detect Multicollinearity10
Explaining Exchange Rate Forecasts with Macroeconomic Fundamentals Using Interpretive Machine Learning9
Approximate Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic Volatility in Mean Models Using Hidden Markov Models: Empirical Evidence from Emerging and Developed Markets9
The Slicing Method: Determining Insensitivity Regions of Probability Weighting Functions9
Investor Structure and Corn Futures Price Volatility in China: Evidence Based on the Agent-Based Model9
DSGE-SVt: An Econometric Toolkit for High-Dimensional DSGE Models with SV and t Errors9
Dynamic Interlinkages between the Twitter Uncertainty Index and the Green Bond Market: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict9
Hedge Effectiveness of the Credit Default Swap Indices: a Spectral Decomposition and Network Topology Analysis9
A Dynamic Baseline Calibration Procedure for CGE models9
Can Text-Based Statistical Models Reveal Impending Banking Crises?8
Connectedness between Currency Risk Hedging and Firm Value: A Deep Neural Network-based Evaluation8
Accuracy in Recursive Minimal State Space Methods8
Truncated Dantzig–Wolfe Decomposition for a Class of Constrained Variational Inequality Problems8
Swarm Intelligence Based Hybrid Neural Network Approach for Stock Price Forecasting8
Complementarity Modeling of a Ramsey-Type Equilibrium Problem with Heterogeneous Agents8
Safe Havens, Machine Learning, and the Sources of Geopolitical Risk: A Forecasting Analysis Using Over a Century of Data8
Personal Finance Decisions with Untruthful Advisors: An Agent-Based Model8
Ensuring Mutual Benefit in a Trans-boundary Industrial Pollution Control Problem8
Post-COVID Recovery and Long-Run Forecasting of Indian GDP with Factor-Augmented Error Correction Model (FECM)8
Performance of Different Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Financial Fraud8
Autoregressive Random Forests: Machine Learning and Lag Selection for Financial Research8
Volatility Dynamics and Mixed Jump-GARCH Model Based Jump Detection in Financial Markets7
Evaluating Bank Efficiency with Risk Management by Optimal Common Resource and Three-Parallel Two-Stage Dynamic DEA Model7
Evaluation of International Monetary Policy Coordination: Evidence from Machine Learning Algorithms7
Risk Estimation in the Bitcoin Market Using a Three-Stage Ensemble Method7
Exploring Statistical Arbitrage Opportunities Using Machine Learning Strategy7
Transactions Market in Bitcoin: Empirical Analysis of the Demand and Supply Block Space Curves7
What is the Effect of Restrictions Imposed by Principal Components Analysis on the Empirical Performance of Dynamic Term Structure Models?7
Exploring Three-style Return Comovements and Contagion Using a Correlation Decomposition GARCH Model7
Deep Learning for Solving and Estimating Dynamic Macro-finance Models7
Numerical Simulation of Non-cooperative and Cooperative Equilibrium Solutions for a Stochastic Government Debt Stabilization Game6
A Critical Introduction to the Usual Robust Control Framework in Macroeconomics6
Machine Learning-Based Time Series Prediction at Brazilian Stocks Exchange6
Household Financial Fragility, Debt and Income in a Dynamic Model6
Optimization of Asset Allocation and Liquidation Time in Investment Decisions with VaR as a Risk Measure6
Forecasting Brazilian Stock Market Using Sentiment Indices from Textual Data, Chat-GPT-Based and Technical Indicators6
Dynamic Interlinkages Between Precious Metal, Exchange Rate and Crude Oil: Evidence from an Extended TVP‑VAR Analysis6
Computing Synthetic Controls Using Bilevel Optimization6
Dynamics in Realized Volatility Forecasting: Evaluating GARCH Models and Deep Learning Algorithms Across Parameter Variations6
Portfolio Allocation with Dynamic Risk Preferences via Reinforcement Learning6
On the Optimal Size and Composition of Customs Unions: An Evolutionary Approach6
Multi–Scale Risk Connectedness Between Economic Policy Uncertainty of China and Global Oil Prices in Time–Frequency Domains6
The Risk Early-Warning Model of Financial Operation in Family Farms Based on Back Propagation Neural Network Methods6
Reconstructing Cryptocurrency Processes via Markov Chains6
Systematic Research on Multi-dimensional and Multiple Correlation Contagion Networks of Extreme Risk in China’s Banking Industry6
Dynamic Time Warping: Intertemporal Clustering Alignments for Hotel Tourism Demand6
A Discourse Analysis of Tweets and Its Implications for Cryptocurrency Prices and Trade Volumes6
Bidirectional Risk Spillovers between Exchange Rate of Emerging Market Countries and International Crude Oil Price–Based on Time-varing Copula-CoVaR6
Intelligent Decision Making for Commodities Price Prediction: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Avenues6
Portfolio Selection Based on EMD Denoising with Correlation Coefficient Test Criterion6
Operator Splitting Method to Solve the Linear Complementarity Problem for Pricing American Option: An Approximation of Error5
On Forecasting Realized Volatility for Bitcoin Based on Deep Learning PSO–GRU Model5
Comparative Analysis of Turkish and German Stock-Markets as a Hedge Product Against Inflation by Using Machine Learning Algorithms5
Correction to: Option Pricing Based on the Residual Neural Network5
System Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of New Mexico Oil Production and Taxation5
Risk Connectedness Between Green and Conventional Assets with Portfolio Implications5
A Fusion Method Integrated Econometrics and Deep Learning to Improve the Interpretability of Prediction: Evidence From Chinese Carbon Emissions Forecast Based on OLS-CNN Model5
A Finite Difference Scheme for Pairs Trading with Transaction Costs5
Correction: Non‑linear Cointegration Test, Based on Record Counting Statistic5
Estimation of Models for Stock Returns5
Application of Robust Control for CSR Formalization and Stakeholders Interest4
Inaccurate Value at Risk Estimations: Bad Modeling or Inappropriate Data?4
Testing the Closed-Form Spread Option Pricing Formula Based on Gauss-Hermite Quadrature for a Jump-Diffusion Model4
Stock Price Prediction with Heavy-Tailed Distribution Time-Series Generation Based on WGAN-BiLSTM4
The Analysis of Credit Risks in Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Assessment Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and Backpropagation Neural Network4
Size-Dependent Enforcement, Tax Evasion and Dimensional Trap4
Balancing Returns and Responsibility: Markowitz Optimization for ESG-Integrated Portfolios in Morocco4
Quantifying the Predictive Capacity of Dynamic Graph Measures on Systemic and Tail Risk4
Analytic Method for Pricing Vulnerable External Barrier Options4
Market Structure and Instability Artifacts in Heterogeneous Agent Models: Lessons from Implicit Discretizations of Stiff Equations4
An Efficient Numerical Scheme to Approach the Time Fractional Black–Scholes Model Using Orthogonal Gegenbauer Polynomials4
Correction to: Computational Performance of Deep Reinforcement Learning to Find Nash Equilibria4
The Symmetric and Asymmetric Algorithmic Trading Strategies for the Stablecoins4
Use of Econometric Predictors and Artificial Neural Networks for the Construction of Stock Market Investment Bots4
Engineering Optimal Cooperation Levels with Prosocial Autonomous Agents in Hybrid Human-Agent Populations: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach4
Time-Varying and Frequency-Based Spillover Connectedness Between Cryptocurrencies and Non-ferrous Industrial Metals in Light of Market Plummets4
Numerical Solution of Passport Option Pricing Problem with Polynomial Neural Networks4
Impact of Global Risk Factors on the Islamic Stock Market: New Evidence from Wavelet Analysis4
An Incentive-Compatible and Computationally Efficient Fog Bargaining Mechanism4
Market Clearing and Krusell-Smith Algorithm in an Economy with Multiple Assets4
A Computational Study for Pricing European- and American-Type Options Under Heston’s Stochastic Volatility Model: Application of the SUPG-YZ$$\beta$$ Formulation4
A General Inferential Framework for Singly-Truncated Bivariate Normal Models with Applications in Economics4
Cryptocurrency Exchange Simulation4
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multi-way Clustered Stock Return Data4
Monetary Policy and the Evolution of Wealth Disparity: An Assessment Using US Survey of Consumer Finance Data4
A Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model for Matrix-Variate Time Series4
A Novel Pythagorean Approach Based Sine-Shaped Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis Model: An Assessment of Indian Public Sector Banks4
Valuation of Spark-Spread Option Written on Electricity and Gas Forward Contracts Under Two-Factor Models with Non-Gaussian Lévy Processes4
Estimation of Expected Shortfall Using Quantile Regression: A Comparison Study4
Developing a New Multidimensional Index of Bank Stability and Its Usage in the Design of Optimal Policy Interventions4
Implementing a Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Simulating Multilevel Auction Data3
A Bayesian Time-Varying Coefficient Model for Cobb–Douglas Production Function3
GA-LSTM: Performance Optimization of LSTM driven Time Series Forecasting3
Inflation Targeting Regimes in Emerging Market Economies: To Invest or Not to Invest?3
An Efficient Numerical Method Based on Exponential B-splines for a Time-Fractional Black–Scholes Equation Governing European Options3
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index Meets Ensemble Learning3
Stock Returns Prediction Based on Implied Volatility Spread Under Network Perspective3
The Model Dimensionality and Its Impacts on the Strategic and Policy Outcomes in IAMs the Findings from the RICE2020 Model3
An Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Data Preprocessing Method and a New Mutation Strategy to Solve Dynamic Economic Dispatch Considering Generator Constraints3
Catalyzing Sustainable Investment: Revealing ESG Power in Predicting Fund Performance with Machine Learning3
Can Machine Learning Explain Alpha Generated by ESG Factors?3
Improving Sliding Window Effect of LSTM in Stock Prediction Based on Econometrics Theory3
Analyzing Stationarity in World Coffee Prices3
The Geometry of the World of Currency Volatilities3
OG-CAT: A Novel Algorithmic Trading Alternative to Investment in Crypto Market3
Analysis of Gold, Bitcoin, and Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies as Safe Havens during Global Crises: A Focus on Artificial Intelligence Companies3
Enhancement of Neural Networks Model’s Predictions of Currencies Exchange Rates by Phase Space Reconstruction and Harris Hawks’ Optimization3
A Time-Dependent Markovian Model of a Limit Order Book3
How Successful are Energy Efficiency Investments? A Comparative Analysis for Classification & Performance Prediction3
An Algorithm for the Pricing and Timing of the Option to make a Two-Stage Investment with Credit Guarantees3
A Novel Hybrid Model by Integrating Gated Recurrent Unit Network with Weighted Error-Based Fuzzy Candlestick Model for Stock Market Forecasting3
Causal Linkage Effect on Chinese Industries via Partial Cross Mapping Under the Background of COVID-193
A Novel Modified Binning and Logistics Regression to Handle Shifting in Credit Scoring3
Early Warning of Chinese Yuan’s Exchange Rate Fluctuation and Value at Risk Measure Using Neural Network Joint Optimization Algorithm3
Extended Slash Modified Lindley Distribution to Model Economic Variables Showing Asymmetry3
Computational Aspects of Sustainability3
Co-moment Insights from Environmental Sustainability with Financial Markets Dynamics3
Option Valuation with Conditional Heteroskedastic Hidden Truncation Models3
How does Digital Technology Influence Natural Resource Use: A Global Perspective3
Realized Volatility Forecasting for Stocks and Futures Indices with Rolling CEEMDAN and Machine Learning Models3
Finite-State Markov Chains with Flexible Distributions3
Modeling Bitcoin Price Dynamics: Overcoming Kurtosis and Skewness Challenges for Enhanced Predictive Accuracy3
The Influence of Economic Policy Uncertainty and Business Cycles on Fine Wine Prices3
Pattern Recognition in Microtrading Behaviors Preceding Stock Price Jumps: A Study Based on Mutual Information for Multivariate Time Series3
Comparison of Value at Risk (VaR) Multivariate Forecast Models3
Tobin Tax, Carry Trade, and the Exchange Rate Dynamics3
The Rise and Fall of Financial Flows in EU 15: New Evidence Using Dynamic Panels with Common Correlated Effects3
Correction to: A Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model for Matrix-Variate Time Series2
Trade Friction in Two-Country HANK with Financial Friction2
Quantum Computing and Deep Learning Methods for GDP Growth Forecasting2
Unleashing the Potential of Mixed Frequency Data: Measuring Risk with Dynamic Tail Index Regression Model2
Intelligent FinTech Data Mining by Advanced Deep Learning Approaches2
Numerical Solution for a Time-Fractional Black-Scholes Model Describing European Option2
Optimal Limit Order Book Trading Strategies with Stochastic Volatility in the Underlying Asset2
Construction and Analysis of Chinese Macro-Financial Stability Index2
Dependence and Systemic Risk Analysis Between S&P 500 Index and Sector Indexes: A Conditional Value-at-Risk Approach2
A Hybrid Spectral-Finite Difference Method for Numerical Pricing of Time-Fractional Black–Scholes Equation2
Bias Correction in the Least-Squares Monte Carlo Algorithm2
Forecasting the Dynamic Correlation of Stock Indices Based on Deep Learning Method2
The Benefits of Fractionation in Competitive Resource Allocation2
Threshold Moving Approach with Logit Models for Bankruptcy Prediction2
Is Default Risk Contagious? Evidence from Global Energy Leaders and Environmentally Conscious Energy Firms2
Policy Learning for Many Outcomes of Interest: Combining Optimal Policy Trees with Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation2
Time–Frequency Connectedness Between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Returns Under Bullish and Bearish Market States: Evidence from African Oil Importers and Exporters2
A New Look at Cross-Country Aggregation in the Global VAR Approach: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation2
Should We Trust the Credit Decisions Provided by Machine Learning Models?2
Analysis of Frequent Trading Effects of Various Machine Learning Models2
The Tourism Industry’s Performance During the Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Deep Learning and American Options via Free Boundary Framework2
Performance Evaluation of a Family of GARCH Processes Based on Value at Risk Forecasts: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach2
On the Efficiency of the Informal Currency Markets: The Case of the Cuban Peso2
Stock Market Trend Prediction Using Deep Learning Approach2
Portfolio with Copula-GARCH and Black-Litterman Model Using a Novel View Error Matrix2
Perturbating and Estimating DSGE Models in Julia2
Reinforcement Learning in Economics and Finance2
A Nash Equilibrium for Differential Games with Moving-Horizon Strategies2
Gauging Demand for Cryptocurrency over the Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Market Volatility2
Advances in Forecasting Home Prices2
A Review of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions2
COVID-19 and REITs Crash: Predictability and Market Conditions2
New DTW Windows Type for Forward- and Backward-Lookingness Examination. Application for Inflation Expectation2
Multi-Scale Event Detection in Financial Time Series2
Integrated decision recommendation system using iteration-enhanced collaborative filtering, golden cut bipolar for analyzing the risk-based oil market spillovers2
Systematic and Unsystematic Determinants of Sectoral Risk Default Interconnectedness2
Is Time an Illusion? A Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test for Shock Transmission Delays in DSGE Models2
Optimized Machine Learning Algorithms for Investigating the Relationship Between Economic Development and Human Capital2
Research on ESG Investment Efficiency Regulation from the Perspective of Reciprocity and Evolutionary Game2
Undirected and Directed Network Analysis of the Chinese Stock Market2
Dynamics of Firm’s Investment in Education and Training: An Agent-based Approach2
On the Replication of the Pre-kernel and Related Solutions2
Impact of Macroeconomics Factors on Cryptocurrency Pricing: Evidence from Bitcoin and Ethereum Markets2
Prediction and Allocation of Stocks, Bonds, and REITs in the US Market2
Modeling Bitcoin Prices using Signal Processing Methods, Bayesian Optimization, and Deep Neural Networks2
Quantum Optimized Cost Based Feature Selection and Credit Scoring for Mobile Micro-financing2
Inferring Causal Interactions in Financial Markets Using Conditional Granger Causality Based on Quantile Regression2
A Team-Innovative Optimization Search Algorithm and its Application to Cash Flow Forecasting2
Tail Risk Early Warning System for Capital Markets Based on Machine Learning Algorithms2
Examination of Bitcoin Hedging, Diversification and Safe-Haven Ability During Financial Crisis: Evidence from Equity, Bonds, Precious Metals and Exchange Rate Markets2