Mathematical Finance

(The TQCC of Mathematical Finance is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Consistent estimation for fractional stochastic volatility model under high‐frequency asymptotics25
Recent advances in reinforcement learning in finance25
Equilibrium concepts for time‐inconsistent stopping problems in continuous time22
Mean–field moral hazard for optimal energy demand response management20
Optimal make–take fees for market making regulation18
The Alpha‐Heston stochastic volatility model17
Sharing the value‐at‐risk under distributional ambiguity17
Small‐time, large‐time, and asymptotics for the Rough Heston model15
Optimal stopping under model ambiguity: A time‐consistent equilibrium approach15
Algorithmic market making in dealer markets with hedging and market impact14
Asset pricing with general transaction costs: Theory and numerics13
Risk‐sensitive benchmarked asset management with expert forecasts13
Forward rank‐dependent performance criteria: Time‐consistent investment under probability distortion13
Bayes risk, elicitability, and the Expected Shortfall12
A mean‐field game approach to equilibrium pricing in solar renewable energy certificate markets12
Size matters for OTC market makers: General results and dimensionality reduction techniques11
Portfolio diversification and model uncertainty: A robust dynamic mean‐variance approach10
Weak transport for non‐convex costs and model‐independence in a fixed‐income market9
Crypto quanto and inverse options8
Distributionally robust portfolio maximization and marginal utility pricing in one period financial markets8
Mean‐ portfolio selection and ‐arbitrage for coherent risk measures8
Trading with the crowd7
Optimal dynamic risk sharing under the time‐consistent mean‐variance criterion7
Liquidity in competitive dealer markets7
Consistent investment of sophisticated rank‐dependent utility agents in continuous time7
Model risk in credit risk7
Penalty method for portfolio selection with capital gains tax7
When does portfolio compression reduce systemic risk?6
Portfolio liquidation games with self‐exciting order flow6
Interbank lending with benchmark rates: Pareto optima for a class of singular control games6
Double continuation regions for American options under Poisson exercise opportunities6
Markov chains under nonlinear expectation6
Utility‐based pricing and hedging of contingent claims in Almgren‐Chriss model with temporary price impact6
Deep order flow imbalance: Extracting alpha at multiple horizons from the limit order book6
Discrete‐time risk sensitive portfolio optimization with proportional transaction costs6
Analytical solvability and exact simulation in models with affine stochastic volatility and Lévy jumps5
Equilibria of time‐inconsistent stopping for one‐dimensional diffusion processes5
Reinforcement learning with dynamic convex risk measures5
Learning equilibrium mean‐variance strategy5
Robust distortion risk measures5
Deep empirical risk minimization in finance: Looking into the future5
Calibration of local‐stochastic volatility models by optimal transport5
Generalized statistical arbitrage concepts and related gain strategies5
A machine learning approach to portfolio pricing and risk management for high‐dimensional problems5
Open markets5
On utility maximization under model uncertainty in discrete‐time markets5
Intra‐Horizon expected shortfall and risk structure in models with jumps5
An elementary approach to the Merton problem5