Public Money & Management

(The TQCC of Public Money & Management is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Debate: Financial reporting for heritage in the public sector—the views of the IPSASB44
New development: Enhancing regional innovation capabilities through formal public service communities of practice30
Moral licensing, identity and eco-leadership: Can public managers’ support for a green recovery be undermined?26
Value and sustainability in technology-enabled care services: a case study from north-east England23
Debate: Studying the regulatory space of public sector audit—the historical turn19
Who will benefit from extended budget participation? An empirical analysis of South Korean participatory budgeting practices19
New development: Public service innovation19
New development: Is it time for New Public Service Bargain?18
Contracting out social care services to for-profit and not-for-profit organizations in Italy: Social categorization and governance choices15
New development: The implementation (gap) of senior civil service recruitment reform—a matter of organizational size?15
Debate: Board nominations of MOCs—Does politics come before expertise?15
Public sector reform trajectories: A complexity-embracing perspective14
Debate: An essential contribution - doctors in senior leadership14
Social identity and IPSAS adoption: cross-national evidence14
From co-creation to public value through collaborative platforms—the case of Norwegian kindergartens13
New development: The role of the accountancy profession in saving our planet13
Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the audit of local government financial statements: experience from Indonesia13
Debate: Accountability of municipally owned corporations—beyond principals and agents13
New development: Whither the strategic direction of public audit in an era of the ‘new normal’?13
Bolstering resilience in a polycrisis scenario: A cross-country analysis on the role of IT12
Municipally owned corporations and autonomy in centralized states—A comparative analysis of Turkey and Israel12
Municipally owned corporations in Sweden: A cautionary tale12
How to integrate gender budgeting in the public agenda: insights from an Italian local government10
Policy control as an alternative approach to performance-based budgeting (PBB) to strengthen the link between policy and financial means10
The role of participatory arts within co-creation/social innovation10
The institutionalization of gender budgeting and prospects for intersectional analysis10
Are SDGs being translated into accounting terms? Evidence from European cities10
Foreword: 2021 CIGAR annual issue9
Debate: The 70:20:10 ‘rule’ in learning and development—The mistake of listening to sirens and how to safely navigate around them9
Using a time conditions framework to explore the impact of government policies on the commodification of public goods and women’s defamilization risks9
Fiscal transparency practice, challenges, and possible solutions: lessons from Covid 199
New development: New public management values and public sector accounting education in Australia—A ‘reflection-in-action’ perspective8
Editorial: PMM CIGAR theme: Public sector accounting—educating for reform challenges8
New development: Bridging the gap—analysis of required competencies for management accountants in the public sector8
New development: A prototype framework to assess the coverage of financial management topics in MPA/MPM programmes8
Debate: Toward a common body of knowledge for global public sector accounting education8
The academic voice in the EPSAS project8
Debate: Training for public audit8
Debate: Evolving challenges for public sector external audit7
Transportation and coproduction: looking for vulnerabilities to boost and enhance co-assessment7
The credibility of finance committees and information usage: trustworthy to whom?7
New development: Marketization versus politicization in a perpetual strive for public audit independence7
Debate: Auditing and political accountability in local government—dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council7
Root influence on public sector audit committee effectiveness: revisiting methodological and theoretical research dimensions7
Finding triggers for training transfer: evidence from the National Human Resource Development Institute in Korea7
Debate: Local public audit and accountability—an international and public value perspective7
Debate: Management consultants and public management reforms7
Austerity and the use of performance information in the budget process7
Debate: The future of artificial intelligence for the co-design and co-production of public services—what do we know and what do we need to know?6
Collective institutional entrepreneurship for the EPSAS programme: The missing link6
Impact of strategic management on the performance of public institutions: empirical evidence from development agencies6
Healthcare budgeting for cyclicality: Structured literature review of accounting, public administration and ­­­health management6
Debate: Public values lessons from death and dying6
Debate: If politicians hardly care about performance information (in the annual budget), who cares about performance and when?6
System of choice promotes ethnically-profiled elderly care and older migrants’ use of elderly care: Evidence from Sweden’s three largest cities6
Negotiating the budget for evidence-informed policy-making: insights from a UK government department6
Editorial: The commodification of the public good—who wins and who loses?6
Rallying together—The rationale for and structure of collaborative practice in England6
Editorial: Public sector accounting current developments—insight, critique and transformative redefinitions6
Debt as a motivation for earnings management by Portuguese municipalities?6
Local government and democratic innovations: reflections on the case of citizen assemblies on climate change6
Debate: The lack of public sector accounting education within universities and what is next6
New development: The commodification of social security medical assessments—academic analysis and practitioner experience6
Debate: Accounting training for politicians—an alternative approach6
Integrated reporting and its pluralistic perspective: promoting public value and accountability in public sector accounting?6
New development: Walk on the bright side—what might we learn about public governance by studying its achievements?6
Does financial sustainability affect local resident satisfaction? The case of the Victorian local government system5
Exploring the role of consulting in local government digital transformation5
Preserving hopes in accounting reforms—the case of WGA5
Readability versus obfuscation to fight corruption: evidence from Italian local governments5
Towards collaborative infrastructure procurement5
New development: Is China’s local government debt problem getting better or worse?5
Editorial: Learning from success and failure in action5
Who is on the campus dance floor of sustainability reporting? The Spanish case5
Digital transformation going local: implementation, impacts and constraints from a German perspective5
When innovation comes to town—the institutional logics driving change in municipalities5
Risk as opportunity in schools: An economies of worth perspective5
The proposed IPSAS on measurement for public sector financial reporting—recycling or reiteration?5
Risk and conditioning factors in the public internal control. Weaknesses in public management concerning the procurement of expenditure files5
Reflections on being CIGAR Executive Board Chair5
New development: University managers balancing between sense and sensibility5
Debate: The ‘transactional gaze’ and other lenses shaping and constraining the delivery of public services5
Advancing the practice of public procurement performance measurement: a framework for conceptualizing efficiency and effectiveness5
Determinants of public transparency: A study in Brazilian local governments5
New development: Mitigating and negotiating the co-creation of dis/value—Elinor Ostrom’s design principles and co-creating public value5
Does accrual information impact municipal bond prices? Evidence from Japan using AI5
Editorial: Public value for all? Considering the parameters of public value co-creation5
New development: IPSAS-lite—Some reflections and a call for research5
Complexity-informed interpretation of social innovation5
Debate: Are government buildings, roads, defence equipment and similar structures really assets?5
Debate: A relational agenda for changing public administration research and practice5
Debate: Politicians and their vast post-service wealth4
Debate: Blood, Grenfell, Hillsborough, the Post Office and Windrush—the need for new public service codes4
The institutional environment of gender budgeting: Learning from the Portuguese experience4
Gender budgeting in Slovenia—approaches, achievements, and complexities4
Editorial: Comparison as a habit—The case for international governmental accounting research4
Fostering accountability through digital transformation: leadership’s role in enhancing techno-work engagement in public sector4
‘Good stories get lost in bureaucracy!’ Cultural biases and information for co-production4
Social enterprise in prisons: enabling innovation and co-creation4
Understanding the smart city race between Hong Kong and Singapore4
Developing resilience interventions for emergency service responders—a view from the field4
Debate: Shadow government—A note for European corporatization research4
New development: From blanket coverage to patchwork quilt—rethinking organizational responses to fraud in the National Health Service in England4
Watching the neighbours: gender budgeting in Scotland and Wales4
Civic crowdfunding for local governments: Trends and perspectives from a bibliometric analysis4
Debate: Which private sector management knowledges may be useful in current public sector management education programmes and why?4
Meeting report: Public accountability and democracy in times of crisis—the CIGAR Network 2023 conference4
Debate: Not having an AI policy is a policy to use AI freely4
New development: From aid to empowerment—making refugee policy more sustainable4
‘While you’re there, can you just … ’ The emotional labour of role extending in public services4
NGO engagement in the creation of public service innovations: A configurational, explorative approach4
Editorial: Management accounting and risk management—research and reflections4
Management consultants and university futures: Academic capitalism and the capture of UK public higher education4
Assurance of the sustainability report of municipally-owned entities4
New development: Understanding the relationship between public sector consulting and public value destruction—An epistemic learning perspective4
Debate: Will AI affect the transparency and accountability of public sector accounting?4
Debate: We need to be honest about the validity and purpose of business cases in public services4
Debate: Accounting for emotions—the quest for authenticity4
Debate: Lessons learned from the emergency services’ response to the Covid 19 pandemic3
Debate: Can audit reduce information asymmetry? The case of English local government3
Theme: Best and worst practices in local government corporatization—what practitioners and academics can learn from other countriesGuest editors: Rhys Andrews, Ulf Papenfuβ, Marieke van Genugten and B3
Empowering first-line managers as change leaders towards co-creation culture: the role of facilitated sensemaking3
Editorial: More complex approaches may increase the use of accounting information3
Top-down or bottom-up digital transformation? A comparison of institutional changes and outcomes3
Unveiling the paradox of public administrations’ risk and crisis communication during Covid-193
The effect of political budget cycle on local governments’ financial statements in a young democracy3
Impact evaluation of the Brazilian Integrated Border Health System3
Editorial: Walking the talk of managing emotional labour3
The grand bargain on local government debt: Evidence from China's intergovernmental relations3
Improving performance management in local government: Lessons from South Korea3
New development: The ethics of accounting information manipulation in the political arena3
New development: How working from home influences the governance of municipally owned corporations and affects the public interest3
Spatial inequalities in charitable fundraising and income generation for NHS acute trusts in England3
Debate: Tackling the aged care workforce3
Debate: The future of public sector audit training3
Causes, consequences and possible resolution of the local authority audit crisis in England3
Editorial: Silent Spring: can we fix wicked problems?3
New development: Public governance in the discursivity of the Brazilian government—a reflection on conceptual reduction3
The impact of healthcare board characteristics on NHS trust performance3
Debate: Towards a more comprehensive understanding of ritualized bureaucracy in digitalized public organizations3
New development: A ‘journey of personal and professional emotions’—emergency ambulance professionals during Covid-193
Debate: Realizing the opportunities of system-wide audit reform3
Organizational dilemmas of EU-funded policy development: the case of Estonian government task forces3
New development: The high cost of the free rider in public water services in developing and emerging economies3
Addressing complexity and planning for the uncertain: local finances in wartime Ukraine3
Dis/value in co-production, co-design and co-innovation for individuals, groups and society3
Dataspaces, public administration and collective rationality: opportunities and limits for data-driven policy-making3
Editorial: Whole of government accounting: the jury continues its deliberations3
Debate: ‘Hyper lean’ post managerialism: exploring the impact of the ‘Trojan Horse’ effect of Covid 19 in decimating resourcing of the public sector workforce3
Sleepless for the family: The relationship between public employees’ family motivation and work stress3
Debate: English devolution and the elected mayor3
Constraints on achieving strong horizontal accountability in a public sector context—A case study of refugee resettlement in New Zealand3
Repetitive reorganizations, uncertainty and change fatigue3
Governing public sector use of external management consultancy—beyond client procurement and consultant professionalization3
Supporting co-creation processes through modelling3
Value-led participatory design approach for improving public health clinic services3
New development: Every thorn counts—The Baltic response to uncertainty and war in Ukraine3
Approaches to co-creating successful public service innovations with citizens: A comparison of different governance traditions3
New development: Using counter accounting as a methodology in public accountability and management research3