Annual Review of Economics

(The TQCC of Annual Review of Economics is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Organization of Social Enterprises172
Local Projections for Applied Economics101
Tertiarization Like China99
Managing Retirement Incomes96
Experimental Economics: Past and Future83
Enough Potential Repudiation: Economic and Legal Aspects of Sovereign Debt in the Pandemic Era78
Negative Interest Rate Policies: A Survey65
Alternatives to Bayesian Updating61
Industrial Policy and the Great Divergence53
Political Inequality49
Modern Industrial Policy and the World Trade Organization46
Central Bank Independence: Views from History and Machine Learning44
Directed Technical Change in Labor and Environmental Economics42
Fertility in High-Income Countries: Trends, Patterns, Determinants, and Consequences42
How to Run Surveys: A Guide to Creating Your Own Identifying Variation and Revealing the Invisible40
Gender Differences in Negotiation: Can Interventions Reduce the Gap?39
The Macroeconomics of Financial Speculation38
Trade Policy Uncertainty33
Systemic Risk in Financial Networks: A Survey33
Climate Change Economics over Time and Space31
Household Financial Transaction Data30
The Marginal Propensity to Consume in Heterogeneous Agent Models27
China's Financial System and Economy: A Review27
Theoretical Foundations of Relational Incentive Contracts26
Does Vote Trading Improve Welfare?25
The Econometrics of Early Childhood Human Capital and Investments24
Lessons from US–China Trade Relations24
Competition and the Industrial Challenge for the Digital Age23
The Econometrics of Nonlinear Budget Sets23