Informatics for Health & Social Care

(The TQCC of Informatics for Health & Social Care is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Perceptions and Attitudes toward a Proposed Digital Health Physical Activity Program among Older Family Caregivers of Persons with Heart Failure: A Qualitative Study81
Evaluating and refining a pain quality information visualization tool with patients and interpreters to facilitate pain assessment in primary care settings64
Residents’ subjective mental workload during computerized prescription entry37
Technology in psychology: a bibliometric analysis of technology-based interventions in clinical and health psychology35
A systematic review of rapid response applications based on early warning score for early detection of inpatient deterioration23
Defining participatory health informatics – a scoping review21
Usability testing of a mobile health application to support individuals with active tuberculosis: a mixed methods study18
Impact of data visualization on decision-making and its implications for public health practice: a systematic literature review18
Predicting COVID-19 new cases in California with Google Trends data and a machine learning approach17
Empowering the digital health workforce in Latin America in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: the Peruvian case17
Security, privacy, and healthcare-related conversational agents: a scoping review14
Identifying biological markers and sociodemographic factors that influence the gap between phenotypic and chronological ages13
Older adults’ views on training tools to prevent cognitive decline13
Information security and privacy in hospitals: a literature mapping and review of research gaps12
GEMAR: web-based GIS for emergency management and ambulance routing12
Recruitment and retention in mobile application-based intervention studies: a critical synopsis of challenges and opportunities11
A systematic review of data elements of computerized physician order entry (CPOE): mapping the data to FHIR11
Clinical decision making in basic emergency obstetric and newborn care among nurses and midwives: the role of the safe delivery mhealth application_pre-post-intervention study (research protocol)10
A system of concepts to support the integration of Health and social care and assistive domotics services: the Health@Home project9
Digital transformation of the mobile connected pharmacy: a first step toward community pharmacy 5.09
Determining the feasibility of an index of the social determinants of health using data from public sources9
Factors that predict the acceptance and adoption of smart home technology by seniors in Australia: a structural equation model with longitudinal data9
Self-care intervention using mobile apps for sexual and reproductive health in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region8
A response to comparison of different predicting models to assist the diagnosis of spinal lesions, Chu et al. 20218
Persuasive features for patient engagement through mHealth applications in managing chronic conditions: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis8
A digital health application for managing pediatric asthma: Use and benefits8
Choice of measurement approach for area-level social determinants of health and risk prediction model performance8