Journal of Quality Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Quality Technology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
A critique of a variety of “memory-based” process monitoring methods35
Nonparametric Phase-II control charts for monitoring high-dimensional processes with unknown parameters33
Complex geometries in additive manufacturing: A new solution for lattice structure modeling and monitoring22
Deep multistage multi-task learning for quality prediction of multistage manufacturing systems19
Statistical monitoring of the covariance matrix in multivariate processes: A literature review18
Online automatic anomaly detection for photovoltaic systems using thermography imaging and low rank matrix decomposition18
Toward a better monitoring statistic for profile monitoring via variational autoencoders15
Multi-sensor based landslide monitoring via transfer learning13
Controlling the conditional false alarm rate for the MEWMA control chart11
Artificial intelligence and statistics for quality technology: an introduction to the special issue11
Monitoring and root-cause diagnostics of high-dimensional data streams10
Robustness with respect to class imbalance in artificial intelligence classification algorithms9
Planning accelerated life tests with multiple sources of random effects9
Robust experimental designs for model calibration9
Predictive Control Charts (PCC): A Bayesian approach in online monitoring of short runs9
Change detection in parametric multivariate dynamic data streams using the ARMAX-GARCH model8
An adaptive sensor selection framework for multisensor prognostics8
Robust multivariate control chart based on shrinkage for individual observations8
Optimal design subsampling from Big Datasets8
A distribution-free joint monitoring scheme for location and scale using individual observations8
Order-of-addition mixture experiments7
Structural tensor-on-tensor regression with interaction effects and its application to a hot rolling process7
Cluster-based data filtering for manufacturing big data systems6
A comprehensive toolbox for the gamma distribution: The gammadist package6
Self-starting process monitoring based on transfer learning6
Open data for open science in Industry 4.0: In-situ monitoring of quality in additive manufacturing6
Design of variance control charts with estimated parameters: A head to head comparison between two perspectives6
Estimating pure-error from near replicates in design of experiments5
funcharts: control charts for multivariate functional data in R5
Spatio-temporal process monitoring using exponentially weighted spatial LASSO5
Phase I control chart for individual autocorrelated data: application to prescription opioid monitoring5
Optimal experimental designs for ordinal models with mixed factors for industrial and healthcare applications5
Ratings meet reviews in the monitoring of online products and services5
Two-level orthogonal screening designs with 80, 96, and 112 runs, and up to 29 factors4
A spatiotemporal prediction approach for a 3D thermal field from sensor networks4
Constructing control charts for autocorrelated data using an exhaustive systematic samples pooled variance estimator4
Multilevel process monitoring: A case study to predict student success or failure4
Monitoring proportions with two components of common cause variation4
Design and properties of the predictive ratio cusum (PRC) control charts4
Boost-R: Gradient boosted trees for recurrence data4
Predictive ratio CUSUM (PRC): A Bayesian approach in online change point detection of short runs4