Theory and Decision

(The TQCC of Theory and Decision is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Identification and welfare evaluation in sequential sampling models86
Every normal-form game has a Pareto-optimal nonmyopic equilibrium68
Classification by decomposition: a novel approach to classification of symmetric $$2\times 2$$ games19
Hyperplane games, prize games and NTU values8
Necessary and sufficient conditions for pairwise majority decisions on path-connected domains8
On the strong $$\beta$$-hybrid solution of an N-person game7
The Nash bargaining solution: sometimes more utilitarian, sometimes more egalitarian7
The effect of unconditional preferences on Sen’s paradox6
Small group forecasting using proportional-prize contests6
Self-designation and group allocation6
Optimal equilibrium contracts in the infinite horizon with no commitment across periods5
An application of simple majority rule to a group with an even number of voters5
Compulsory license threats in a signaling game of drug procurement4
Harmonic choice model4
The role of noise variance on effort in group contests4
Care and anger motives in social dilemmas4
Optimization implementation of solution concepts for cooperative games with stochastic payoffs4
On the Ellsberg and Machina paradoxes4
Voluntary play increases cooperation in the presence of punishment: a lab in the field experiment4
Bounded rationality for relaxing best response and mutual consistency: the quantal hierarchy model of decision making4
On the predictions of cumulative prospect theory for third and fourth order risk preferences3
A two-step guessing game3
No-betting Pareto under ambiguity3
Evaluating opportunities when more is less3
Aggregating individual credences into collective binary beliefs: an impossibility result3
Belief inducibility and informativeness3
Exploiting homogeneity in games with non-homogeneous revenue functions3
Decision-making under risk: when is utility-maximization equivalent to risk-minimization?3
Small amendment arguments: how they work and what they do and do not show2
Bargaining on monotonic social choice environments2
Hard vs. soft commitments: experimental evidence from a sample of French gamblers2
How sure are you? — the properties of self-reported conviction in the elicitation of health preferences with discrete choice experiments2
Introduction to the special issue on “Poverty and Economic Decision-Making”2
Intertemporal choice with savoring of yesterday2
Market networks: the core2
Socially interdependent risk taking2
Taste-independence: an escape route from the opportunity paradox2
Myopic-farsighted absorbing networks2
Contests with multiplicative sabotage effect2
Gender differences in temporal stability and decay in stability of trust2
Composition rules in original and cumulative prospect theory2
Reasonable Nash demand games2
Collusive stability of cross-holding with cost asymmetry2
Punishing the weakest link - Voluntary sanctions and efficient coordination in the minimum effort game2
A Misfit model: irrational deterrence and bounded rationality2
Correction: Taste-independence: an escape route from the opportunity paradox2
Sharing the surplus and proportional values2
A measure of ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty)2
Philippe Mongin (1950–2020)2
Either with us or against us: experimental evidence on partial cartels1
Weakly continuous security and nash equilibrium1
Downside risk aversion vs decreasing absolute risk aversion: an intuitive exposition1
Driving a hard bargain is a balancing act: how social preferences constrain the negotiation process1
The role of polarization and hostility on equilibria in a simple class of symmetric conflict models1
Spatial bargaining in rectilinear facility location problem1
Risk aversion for losses and the Nash bargaining solution1
Meta-Inductive Probability Aggregation1
Incomplete risk attitudes and random choice behavior: an elicitation mechanism1
Debreu’s choice model1
Book review on Michalis Drouvelis: "Social preferences: an introduction to behavioural economics and experimental research"1
A new axiomatization of discounted expected utility1
Axiomatic characterizations of the constrained probabilistic serial mechanism1
Majority properties of positional social preference correspondences1
Trading transforms of non-weighted simple games and integer weights of weighted simple games1
Desirability relations in Savage’s model of decision making1
A connection between von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility and symmetric potential games1
1-convex extensions of incomplete cooperative games and the average value1
On stability of economic networks1
Optimal combination of requirement and reward in financial incentive programs for weight loss1
Accountability as a Warrant for Trust: An Experiment on Sanctions and Justifications in a Trust Game1
Should I stay or should I go? Congestion pricing and equilibrium selection in a transportation network1
Poverty and economic decision making: a review of scarcity theory1
Multidimensional social identity and redistributive preferences: an experimental study1
A theory of unanimous jury voting with an ambiguous likelihood1
Asymmetric guessing games1
Nash implementation via mechanisms that allow for abstentions1
On the possibility of Paretian liberalism: a comment1
Compassion and envy in distributional comparisons1
Continuity postulates and solvability axioms in economic theory and in mathematical psychology: a consolidation of the theory of individual choice1
Progressive stopping heuristics that excel in individual and competitive sequential search1
Pessimism and optimism towards new discoveries1
A field study on the role of incidental emotions on charitable giving1
A comment on the axiomatics of the Maxmin Expected Utility model1
Just society1
Ambiguity aversion, risk aversion, and the weight of evidence1
Frames and decisions under uncertainty in economics theory1
Reasonable doubt1
AU Introspection and Symmetry under non-trivial unawareness1