International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

(The TQCC of International Food and Agribusiness Management Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Blockchain-based agri-food supply chain management: case study in China39
Can rural e-commerce service centers improve farmers’ subject well-being? A new practice of ‘internet plus rural public services’ from China22
Consumers’ perceptions and behavior toward food waste across countries19
Consumer preferences for wild game cured meat label: do attitudes towards animal welfare matter?17
European private food safety standards in global agri-food supply chains: a systematic review16
Exploring variability across cooperatives: economic performance of agricultural cooperatives in northern Ethiopia15
Rural extension and technical efficiency in the Brazilian agricultural sector13
Linking smallholder producers to high-value markets through vegetable producer cooperatives in Cambodia12
The economic impact of diversification into agritourism11
Determinants of product innovation in food and agribusiness small and medium enterprises: evidence from enterprise survey data of India10
Local industrial policies and development of agricultural clusters: a case study based on a tea cluster in China10
Factors affecting farmers’ willingness to adopt crop insurance to manage disaster risk: evidence from Bangladesh10
The interaction relationships among agricultural certification labels or brands: evidence from Chinese consumer preference for fresh produce9
Traceability issues of honey from the consumers’ perspective in Romania9
Do farmer groups improve the situation of women in agriculture in rural Kenya?9
Oatly, a serious ‘problem’ for the dairy industry? A case study9
New agriculture business model in Taiwan9
Effects of information on social trust in farmers regarding animal welfare8
Corporate governance and firm performance within the Russian agri-food sector: does ownership structure matter?8
Agricultural loan delinquency prediction using machine learning methods8
Unlocking employee’s green behavior in fertilizer industry: the role of green HRM practices and psychological ownership8
How trade affects the US produce industry: the case of fresh tomatoes8
Trust in agri-food value chains: a systematic review8
Chinese consumer preferences for organic labels on Oolong tea: evidence from a choice experiment8
Traceability in food supply chains: a systematic literature review and future research directions7
Rural youth interest in economic activities along the agricultural value chain: empirical evidence from KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) and implications7
Resilience in the food sector – environmental, social and economic perspectives in crisis situations7
Sustainable demand-supply chain: an innovative approach for improving sustainability in agrifood chains7
Understanding the low use rate of food nutrition information in China7
Enhancing the adoption of climate-smart technologies using public-private partnerships: lessons from the WEMA case in South Africa7
What drives the acquisition behavior of agroholdings? Performance analysis of agricultural acquisition targets in Northwest Russia and Ukraine6
Assessing the coordinated revenue-sharing contract of China’s farmer-supermarket direct-purchase model6
Brazilian farmer perception of dynamic capability and performance over the adoption of enterprise resource planning technology6
Future and recent developments in the retail vegetable category – a value chain and food systems approach6
Special Issue: Opportunities and challenges of EU farm-to-fork strategy6
Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic, clean label, and processed with a new food technology: an application to ready meals6
Broiler production systems in Ghana: economics and the impact of frozen chicken imports6
Institutions and individual values motivating corporate social responsibility activities in large farms and agroholdings6
Got waste: knowledge, behavior and self-assessment on food waste of university students in Germany6
Building consumer trust in online food marketplaces: the role of WeChat marketing6
Are there any differences in rural development challenges within European countries? Social and economic contexts from EU rural leaders6
Demand analysis of peanuts and tree nuts in the United States: a micro-perspective6
Quantifying differences in alternative food network supply chain activities and their relationship with socio-economic outcomes5
Market simulation of traceable food in China based on conjoint-value analysis: a traceable case of pork5
Product differentiation and brand building: a hedonic analysis of yogurt price in China5
Intellectual capital for green accounting in agribusiness5
How resilience innovations in food supply chains are revolutionizing logistics, wholesale trade, and farm services in developing countries5
Members of cooperatives: more heterogeneous, less satisfied?5
Collective smart innovations and corporate governance models in Italian wine cooperatives: the opportunities of the farm-to-fork strategy5
Labor in agrifood value chains: a scientometric review from Scopus5
COVID-19 disruptions and pivoting in SMEs in the hidden middle of Kenya’s potato and fish value chains4
Operationalizing circular economy. Reflections on a by-product upcycling value chain construction in the brewing sector4
Finding the right price: supply chain contracts as a tool to guarantee sustainable economic viability of organic farms4
Factors influencing German farmer’s decision to grow alley cropping systems as ecological focus areas: a regression analysis4
Incorporating producer opinions into a SWOT analysis of the U.S. tart cherry industry4
Conception and evaluation of a structural equation model to measure the reputation of German horticulture4
Understanding the job-hopping syndrome among millennial employees in the U.S. food and agribusiness sector: a national survey4
Small farmer’s planting confidence and willingness to pay for leguminous green fertilizer: environmental attributes perspective4
Measuring consumer acceptance of instant fortified millet products using affective tests and auctions in Dakar, Senegal4