Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics

(The TQCC of Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cascading Impacts of Seed Disperser Loss on Plant Communities and Ecosystems101
How Whales Dive, Feast, and Fast: The Ecophysiological Drivers and Limits of Foraging in the Evolution of Cetaceans77
The Alignment of Natural and Sexual Selection66
Simulation Tests of Methods in Evolution, Ecology, and Systematics: Pitfalls, Progress, and Principles62
Sky Islands Are a Global Tool for Predicting the Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Climate Change59
Geographic Gradients in Species Interactions: From Latitudinal Patterns to Ecological Mechanisms57
The Role of Deadwood in the Carbon Cycle: Implications for Models, Forest Management, and Future Climates57
Past, Present, and Future of Forbs in Old-Growth Tropical and Subtropical Grasslands54
Onboard Sensors Reveal New Insights into Animal Decision-Making53
Effects of Phenology on Plant Community Assembly and Structure52
The Invasion Ecology of Mutualism51
Fungal Dispersal Across Spatial Scales51
What Amphibians Can Teach Us About the Evolution of Parental Care50
Novel Disturbance Regimes and Ecological Responses49
The Invisible Hand of the Periodic Table: How Micronutrients Shape Ecology47
Life as a Guide to Its Own Origins46
Why Are Species’ Traits Weak Predictors of Range Shifts?46
Threshold Changes in Winter Temperature and Precipitation Drive Threshold Responses Across Nine Global Climate Zones and Associated Biomes45
Evolution of a Model System: New Insights from the Study of Anolis Lizards42
The Biology of Chernobyl42
Ancient Invaders: How Paleogenetic Tools Help to Identify and Understand Biological Invasions of the Past36
Patterns and Evolutionary Consequences of Pleiotropy32
Background Acoustics in Terrestrial Ecology29
Dynamics of Ecological Communities Following Current Retreat of Glaciers25
Urban Pollination Ecology24