International Journal of Advertising

(The TQCC of International Journal of Advertising is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Like the dad in the ad: Testing a conceptual model for new fathers’ responses to dadvertisements137
Exploring the effectiveness of digital manipulation disclosures for Instagram posts on source credibility and authenticity of social media influencers110
Editorial: Hitting the mark with active agers: a call for more research on older consumers97
Conspicuous and inconspicuous consumption of luxury goods in a digital world: implications for advertisers69
Refining replacements. Validating a revised typology of visual metaphor using perceived processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure66
When verbal metaphors become more persuasive: the interplay between goal orientation of ad claims and metaphor60
Editorial: on Hideki Matsuyama and the need for more study of global brand equity59
The value of future focus and experiential ad appeals in strengthening the effect of brand-pandemic fit on eWOM57
When altruistic decisions shape egoistic motives: motivation shift in sequential charitable support54
Understanding online users by segmenting their search keywords: empirical analysis from online auto insurance search advertising53
Priming movie product placements: New insights from a Cross-National case study51
Differences in advertising’s effectiveness across age groups50
Commercial audience retention of television programs: measurement and prediction48
Exploring how older women want to be portrayed in advertisements41
Introduction to the special issue on the role of sustainability in advertising39
The interaction effect of fashion retailer categories on sustainable labels: the role of perceived benefits, ambiguity, trust, and purchase intention38
Invisible labors: U.S. advertising agencies’ race and ethnicity problem37
Promoting eco-friendly advertising on social media: the fit between appeals and tie strength35
Effects of nostalgic messages on ad persuasiveness: a meta-analysis34
Female power portrayals in advertising31
Visual attention paid to negative comments in cause-related posts: visual style and emotionality matter28
Unique… like everyone else: effects and mechanisms of personalization appeals in recruitment advertising27
Minimalism and advertising: a call for research26
An international perspective of the academic-practitioner divide in advertising: an exploratory study into its causes and solutions26
Ad typicality judgments in the processing of creative television ads26
Editorial: Perspectives on advancing the advertising field for academics and practitioners. Celebrating 40 years of the International Journal of Advertising23
The evolution of advertising research through four decades: a computational analysis of themes, topics and methods23
The effects of mobile phone use motives on the intention to use location-based advertising: the mediating role of media affinity and perceived trust and risk22
The adverse effects of mobile devices on willingness to donate and online fundraising outcomes21
Introducing a special issue on advertising & corporate social responsibility21
Reflections on the International Journal of Advertising on the journal’s history and first 40 years20
Blending identity-specific depiction and activism advocacy in Black-centric health advertising on social media: intersectional health communication targeting Black cisgender heterosexual and Black LGB18
Digging deeper on diversity and inclusion in Advertising research: a call to action16
Sustainability communication16
Introduction to the special issue on the future of advertising16
If it is hard to understand, is it hard to be hooked? A meta-analysis of processing fluency and transportation16
How to strategically disclose sponsored content on Instagram? The synergy effects of two types of sponsorship disclosures in influencer marketing15
The role of relevancy in native advertising on social media15
Smiling AI agents: How anthropomorphism and broad smiles increase charitable giving15
Social media influencers helping the world? uncovering their advantages and tipping factors in cause-related marketing15
Call-to-action or inaction? Call-to-action buttons hurt in-feed social advertising14
The effects of sponsorship disclosures, advertising knowledge, and message involvement in sponsored influencer posts14
Assessing the relationship between gamified advertising and in-app purchases: a consumers’ benefits-based perspective14
From anxiety to action: the role of eco-anxiety and eco-advertisement in promoting pollution escape tourism14
Teenagers’ moral advertising literacy in an influencer marketing context14
The order effects of humor and risk messaging strategies in public service advertisements: the moderating role of trust in science and mediating role of psychological reactance14
Artificial intelligence ecosystems for marketing communications14
From green advertising to greenwashing: content analysis of global corporations’ green advertising on social media14
Guest editorial to a special section on generational advertising research in the modern age13
Dealing with intrusive ads: a study of which functionalities help consumers feel agency12
Fostering consumer engagement during an omnipresent victim crisis: understanding the role of values in pandemic-themed advertising12
Is unfit CSR novel? Exploring the impact of CSR knowledge, brand–cause fit, and perceived novelty on consumer response12
The interactive effects of moral identity and humor on advertising evaluations: the mediating role of disgust12
Ethnicity in advertising and millennials: the role of social identity and social distinctiveness12
A comprehensive approach to the study of advertising execution and its effects11
She’s my favorite YouTuber, so I watch ads on her channel: The interplay of parasocial interaction and YouTube ad knowledge on voluntary ad-watching11
Sexual ad appeals in social media: effects and influences of cultural difference and sexual self-schema11
Comments on “How digital innovation has changed marketing: the good, the bad, the ugly”11
The development and testing of a pictogram signaling advertising in online videos11
Do celebrities in advertisements matter? Familiar endorsers as an accelerator of gestural cues of persuasion11
Engaging allies for better or worse: investigating the relationship between multiple-brand alliances and persuasion knowledge10
Message assertiveness and price discounts: differences between hedonic and utilitarian consumption10
Editorial: New Thoughts on Advertising’s Impact on Consumer Prices10
No chance to fool young consumers when it comes to the environment: effects of false and compensation claims in airline advertising on perceived greenwashing10
Examining the effects of addressable TV advertising on children and their parents10
Cross-media advertising strategies and brand attitude: the role of cognitive load10
Examining the effectiveness of public service announcements in encouraging pro-health behaviors: self-referent mental simulation and empowerment as mediators9
Enduring consumer beliefs about advertising and mass media: implications for publicity and its impact9
Ad skipping, the ‘ad free internet’ and privacy: a call for research8
The effects of brand trustworthiness and credibility on location-based advertising: moderating effects of privacy concern and social influence8
Future needs in gender and LGBT advertising portrayals8
Understanding East Asian consumers’ responses to inclusive beauty products in advertising8
The impacts of donors’ perceived personal resource scarcity on their intentions to volunteer for low- and high-responsibility recipients: the mediating role of perceived social worth8
Music to the individual consumer’s ears: how and why does personalizing music in advertising enhance viewing duration and ad effectiveness?8
When endorsers behave badly: consumer self-expression and negative meaning transfer8