Journal of Chinese Governance

(The TQCC of Journal of Chinese Governance is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
What does sustainability demand? An institutionalist analysis with applications to China24
The Chinese platform business group: an alternative to the Silicon Valley model?20
Varieties of public–private co-governance on cybersecurity within the digital trade: implications from Huawei’s 5G15
Trust is in the air: pollution and Chinese citizens' attitudes towards local, regional and central levels of government12
Improvement of environmental performance and optimization of industrial structure of the Yangtze River economic belt in China: going forward together or restraining each other?12
Public participation in China: the case for environmental enforcement11
Enlisting citizens: forging the effectiveness of policy implementation in local China11
The changing credibility of institutions: how household registration systems (hukou) in Mainland China and Taiwan define immigrants’ social benefits10
To join the top and the bottom: the role of provincial governments in China's top-down policy diffusion10
Multilevel responses to risks, shocks and pandemics: lessons from the evolving Chinese governance model10
The active participation in a community transformation project in China: constructing new forums for expert-citizen interaction10
Experimentalist governance in China: The National Innovation System, 2003–20189
Do citizen participation programs help citizens feel satisfied with urban redevelopment policy in China?9
The three legal dimensions of China’s big data governance9
An early assessment of the County Medical Community reform in China: a case study of Zhejiang province9
Natural resource balance sheet compilation: a land resource asset accounting case8
Social ties and citizen-initiated contacts: the case of china’s local one-stop governments8
Property rights and market participation: evidence from the land titling program in rural China7
Policy entrepreneurship under hierarchy: how state actors change policies in China7
Urban vacant land in rapidly urbanized areas: Status, micro-level drivers, and implications7
The boundary setting of Chinese netizens’ citizenship identity: social media responses to the Regulations of the PRC on the Administration of Permanent Residence of Foreigners7