
(The TQCC of Demography is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Influence of Early-Life Health Conditions on Life Course Health115
Loneliness at Older Ages in the United States: Lonely Life Expectancy and the Role of Loneliness in Health Disparities107
State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960–2019: A Research Note66
Decomposing the Drivers of Population Aging: A Research Note63
Ranking Age-at-Death Distributions Using Dominance: Robust Evaluation of United States Mortality Trends, 2006–202145
Negotiating Work and Family Spheres: The Dyadic Effects of Flexible Work Arrangements on Fertility Among Dual-Earner Heterosexual Couples37
Adverse Infant Health Outcomes Increased After the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Among Non-White U.S.-born and Foreign-born Mothers37
Skin Tone and the Health Returns to Higher Status26
State-Level Abortion Policy Hostility and Unplanned Births in the Pre-Dobbs Era26
Horizontal Advantage: Choice of Postsecondary Field of Study Among Children of Immigrants25
Evaluating the Accuracy of 2020 Census Block-Level Estimates in California23
National Population Growth Rate, Its Components, and Subnational Contributions: A Research Note22
Racial Inequalities in Adolescents' Exposure to Racial and Socioeconomic Segregation, Collective Efficacy, and Violence21
The Effect of Parental Loss on Social Mobility in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden20
Barker's Hypothesis Among the Global Poor: Positive Long-Term Cardiovascular Effects of in Utero Famine Exposure19
Timing of a First Romantic Union Among Sexual Minority Young Adults19
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Excess All-Cause Mortality in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic19
Spatiotemporal Changes in the Slavery–Inequality Relationship: The Diffusion of the Legacy of Slavery19
Stop! Go! What Can We Learn About Family Planning From Birth Timing in Settler South Africa, 1835–1950?19
What a (Young) Woman Wants: Concurrent Effects of Desire to Avoid Pregnancy and Desire for Sex on Sexual Intercourse and Contraceptive Use19
Cross-State Differences in the Processes Generating Black–White Disparities in Neonatal Mortality18
The Big (Genetic) Sort? A Research Note on Migration Patterns and Their Genetic Imprint in the United Kingdom18
The Demographic Drivers of Grief and Memory After Genocide in Guatemala17
Changes in Family Structure and Increasing Care Gaps in the United States, 2015–205016
A Data Portrait of Cisgender, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming Populations in the United States: A Research Note16
Microsimulation of Household and Marital Transitions Leading to Childlessness Among Dutch Women Born Between 1971 and 200016
Birth Spacing and Fertility in the Presence of Son Preference and Sex-Selective Abortions: India's Experience Over Four Decades15
Research Note: COVID-19 Is Not an Independent Cause of Death15
Defining Childlessness Among Middle-Aged and Older Americans: A Research Note15
The Distribution of Carceral Harm: County-Level Jail Incarceration and Mortality by Race, Sex, and Age15
Defining and Identifying Only Children: A Research Note on the Concept and Measurement Illustrated With UK Survey Data14
Less Is More? Repartnering and Completed Cohort Fertility in Finland14
Understanding Geographic Disparities in Mortality14
Sunny-Day Flooding and Mortality Risk in Coastal Florida13
Childhood Family Instability and Young-Adult Union Experiences: Black–White Differences in Outcomes and Effects13
District-Level Mortality Convergence in Reunified Germany: Long-Term Trends and Contextual Determinants12
Measuring Race and Ancestry in the Age of Genetic Testing12
Changes in Couples' Earnings Following Parenthood and Trends in Family Earnings Inequality12
Toward a Holistic Demographic Profile of Sexual and Gender Minority Well-being11
The Intergenerational Legacy of Indian Residential Schools11
Family Income Level, Variability, and Trend as Predictors of Child Achievement and Behavior11
Homecoming After Brexit: Evidence on Academic Migration From Bibliometric Data11
Fathers' Involvement in the Family, Fertility, and Maternal Employment: Evidence From Central and Eastern Europe11
The Causal Effect of Increasing Area-Level Income on Birth Outcomes and Pregnancy-Related Health: Estimates From the Marcellus Shale Boom Economy11
On the Impact of Public Housing on Income Segregation in France10
Acknowledgment of Reviewers10
Structural Heteropatriarchy and Birth Outcomes in the United States10
A Research Note on Maternity Leave and Children's Outcomes: The Case of Parental Teachers10
How Nearby Homicides Affect Young Women's Pregnancy Desires: Evidence From a Quasi-Experiment10
Segregated Neighborhoods, Segregated Schools: Do Charters Break a Stubborn Link?10
DACA's Association With Birth Outcomes Among Mexican-Origin Mothers in the United States9
Under Different Roofs? Coresidence With Adult Children and Parents' Mental Health Across Race and Ethnicity Over Two Decades9
Socially Connected Neighborhoods and the Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections9
Hidden Heterogeneity: How the White Racial Category Masks Interethnic Health Inequality9
Gender Disparities in Increased Parenting Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Research Note9
State Immigration Policy Contexts and Racialized Legal Status Disparities in Health Care Utilization Among U.S. Agricultural Workers9
Gender, Generation, and Multiracial Identification in the United States9
Impact of Free/Subsidized Secondary School Education on the Likelihood of Teenage Motherhood9
Decomposing the Decline of Cash Assistance in the United States, 1993 to 20169
Exposure to Childhood Poverty and Racial Differences in Economic Opportunity in Young Adulthood9
Does Internal Migration Contribute to the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Inequalities? The Role of Childhood Migration9
Pregnancies in the United States by Desire for Pregnancy: Estimates for 2009, 2011, 2013, and 20159
Diminished Advantage or Persistent Protection? A New Approach to Assess Immigrants' Mortality Advantages Over Time9
Occupational Inflexibility and Women's Employment During the Transition to Parenthood9
Sibling Similarity in Education Across and Within Societies8
Is the Effect Larger in Group A or B? It Depends: Understanding Results From Nonlinear Probability Models8
Life After Loss: A Prospective Analysis of Mortality Exposure and Unintended Fertility8
Late-Career Employment Trajectories and Postretirement Mortality: Evidence From Italy8
Polygenic Prediction of Education and Its Role in the Intergenerational Transmission of Education: Cohort Changes Among Finnish Men and Women Born in 1925–19898
If Residential Segregation Persists, What Explains Widespread Increases in Residential Diversity?8
Learning to Value Girls: Balanced Infant Sex Ratios at Higher Parental Education in the United States, 1969–20188
Effects of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health Insurance Coverage for Individuals in Same-Sex Couples8
Are Older Persons in China Living More Years in an Independent Living Arrangement? Estimates Using Multistate Life Tables8
Return Migration Selection and Its Impact on the Migrant Mortality Advantage: New Evidence Using French Pension Data8
Continuity and Change in U.S. Children's Family Composition, 1968–20178
Understanding Internal Migration: A Research Note Providing an Assessment of Migration Selection With Genetic Data8
A Note on “Sequential Neighborhood Effects” by Hicks et al. (2018)8
Age and Cohort Trends in Formal Volunteering and Informal Helping in Later Life: Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study8
Measuring Marriage and Cohabitation: Assessing Same-Sex Relationship Status in the Current Population Survey8
Acknowledgment of Reviewers8
Safer If Connected? Mobile Technology and Intimate Partner Violence8
Physical and Mental Health Disparities at the Intersection of Sexual and Gender Minority Statuses: Evidence From Population-Level Data7
Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models for Self-rated Health From Adolescence to Midlife7
The Unequal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Infant Health7
Responses to Sexual and Gender Identity Measures in Population-Level Data by Birth Cohort: A Research Note7
The Nonlinear Linkage Between Earnings Homogamy and Earnings Inequality Among Married Couples7
The Grandchildren of Immigrants in Western Europe: Patterns of Assimilation Among the Emerging Third Generation7
Youth Caregivers of Adults in the United States: Prevalence and the Association Between Caregiving and Education7
Multiple Perspectives on Recent Trends in Unwanted Fertility in Low- and Middle-Income Countries7
The Long Arm of Conflict: How Timing Shapes the Impact of Childhood Exposure to War7
A Research Note on Community Resilience Estimates: New U.S. Census Bureau Data With an Application to Excess Deaths From COVID-197
A Test of the Validity of Imputed Legal Immigration Status7
Revisiting Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education: College Prestige Hierarchy and Educational Assortative Mating in China7
Exposure to Armed Conflict and HIV Risk Among Rwandan Women7
Mothers in the Military: Effect of Maternity Leave Policy on Take-Up7