Biology & Biochemistry

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The TQCC is the top quartile citation count: if all publications of a journal are sorted by citation count in descending order, then the TQCC is the citation count of the publication residing at the end of the top quartile; for example, given 100 publications, the TQCC is the citation count of the 25th ranked paper. The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2021-03-01 to 2025-03-01)
Rank Journal TQCC
1 Physiological Reviews69
2 Cell63
3 Fungal Diversity61
4 Cell Research55
5 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology51
6 Cancer Cell46
7 Cell Metabolism42
- Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews42
9 Experimental and Molecular Medicine41
10 Annual Review of Neuroscience40
- Biochar40
- Horticulture Research40
- Trends in Food Science & Technology40
14 Nature Genetics39
- Molecular Cancer39
16 Annual Review of Biochemistry38
17 Energy & Environmental Science37
- Cell Stem Cell37
19 Nature Medicine36
- Environmental Chemistry Letters36
21 Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy34
- Nature Neuroscience34
23 Science Translational Medicine33
- Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry33
- Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease33
- Human Reproduction Update33
27 Progress in Lipid Research32
28 Cell Host & Microbe31
29 Nature Protocols30
- Nature Sustainability30
31 Molecular Cell29
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews29
- Biotechnology Advances29
34 Neuron28
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters28
- Journal of Hazardous Materials28
- Annual Review of Biophysics28
38 Biotechnology for Biofuels27
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology27
- Nature Microbiology27
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics27
- Molecular Plant27
- Molecular Neurodegeneration27
44 Annual Review of Genetics26
- Microbiome26
- Resources Conservation and Recycling26
47 Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology25
- Pharmacological Reviews25
- Annual Review of Food Science and Technology25
- Annual Review of Microbiology25
- Annual Review of Physiology25
- Genome Medicine25
- Nature Methods25
54 Genes and Immunity24
- Translational Neurodegeneration24
- Nature Reviews Genetics24
- Water Research24
- Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics24
- Food Hydrocolloids24
- Bioresource Technology24
- ISME Journal24
62 Remote Sensing of Environment23
- Drugs23
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics23
- Nature Reviews Neuroscience23
66 Journal of Extracellular Vesicles22
- Annual Review of Marine Science22
- Annual Review of Virology22
- Acta Neuropathologica22
- Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B22
- Nature Cell Biology22
- Molecular Medicine22
- Journal of Cleaner Production22
- Cell Death and Differentiation22
- Seminars in Immunopathology22
- Nature Reviews Microbiology22
- Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety22
- Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology22
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology22
- Biological Reviews22
81 Brain21
- Chemosphere21
- Cell Discovery21
- Journal of Headache and Pain21
- Annual Review of Entomology21
- Food Chemistry21
- Sleep Medicine Reviews21
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology21
- Ageing Research Reviews21
- Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment21
- Environmental Science & Technology21
- EMBO Journal21
93 Journal of Neuroinflammation20
- Environment International20
- Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology20
- Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions20
- Trends in Neurosciences20
- Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews20
- Redox Biology20
- Drug Resistance Updates20
101 Pharmacological Research19
- Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders19
- Food Packaging and Shelf Life19
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews19
- Molecular Aspects of Medicine19
- Nature Climate Change19
- Metabolic Engineering19
- Critical Reviews in Biotechnology19
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology19
- Trends in Cell Biology19
- Current Opinion in Food Science19
- Energy Policy19
113 Clinical Epigenetics18
- Cell Reports18
- Global Change Biology18
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research18
- Science of the Total Environment18
- Developmental Cell18
- Current Opinion in Virology18
- Journal of Controlled Release18
- Plant Cell18
- Cell Death & Disease18
- Molecular Psychiatry18
- Nature Human Behaviour18
125 Environmental Pollution17
- Molecular Systems Biology17
- npj Regenerative Medicine17
- Trends in Biotechnology17
- Trends in Microbiology17
- Waste Management17
- Drug Delivery17
- Ecosystem Services17
- Archives of Pharmacal Research17
- Reviews in Aquaculture17
- Particle and Fibre Toxicology17
- Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics17
- Annual Review of Vision Science17
- Oncogene17
- Nature Chemical Biology17
- Nature Ecology & Evolution17
- Trends in Ecology & Evolution17
- Medicinal Research Reviews17
- Neurology-Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation17
- Current Opinion in Microbiology17
- Current Opinion in Structural Biology17
146 Progress in Neurobiology16
- Journal of Environmental Sciences16
- Genes & Development16
- Food Control16
- Environmental Research16
- npj Biofilms and Microbiomes16
- Lancet Planetary Health16
- Nucleic Acids Research16
- Natural Product Reports16
- LWT-Food Science and Technology16
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences16
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology16
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences16
- Essays in Biochemistry16
- Molecular Therapy16
- Nature Biotechnology16
- Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology16
- Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition16
- Drug Discovery Today16
165 Plant Biotechnology Journal15
- American Journal of Human Genetics15
- Systemic Biology15
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science15
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences15
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture15
- Current Opinion in Chemical Biology15
- eLife15
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology15
- Current Pollution Reports15
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer15
- Cell Systems15
- Journal of Environmental Management15
- Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology15
- Environmental Technology & Innovation15
- Molecular Autism15
- Neuroimage15
- Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences15
- Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering15
- Journal of Cell Biology15
- Autophagy15
186 Cerebellum14
- Cell Chemical Biology14
- Journal of Integrative Plant Biology14
- Agricultural Water Management14
- Antioxidants14
- Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies14
- Food Research International14
- Genome Research14
- Gut Microbes14
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions14
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews14
- Trends in Genetics14
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology14
- Critical Reviews in Microbiology14
- Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability14
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)