Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology

(The TQCC of Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Shining a light on extracellular matrix dynamics in vivo319
Functions of TopBP1 in preserving genome integrity during mitosis143
Mesoderm differentiation in vertebrate development and regenerative medicine110
Keratin 17 in psoriasis: Current understanding and future perspectives102
Muscle-derived factors influencing bone metabolism102
Epigenetic regulation of pulmonary inflammation99
Blood endothelium transition and phenotypic plasticity: A key regulator of integrity/permeability in response to ischemia99
C. elegans as a model for health and disease96
Plasma membrane repair empowers the necrotic survivors as innate immune modulators92
Epigenetics of inflammation in hypothalamus pituitary gonadal and neuroendocrine disorders90
Outside Front Cover86
Editorial Board/Publication Information84
Editorial Board/Publication Information83
Outside Front Cover80
Outside Front Cover73
In Memoriam of Damien Hudson71
Editorial Board/Publication Information67
Directing with restraint: Mechanisms of protrusion restriction in collective cell migrations67
Editorial Board/Publication Information65
Outside Front Cover64
Removal of cellular protrusions58
Outside Front Cover57
Editorial – The Making of Memories56
Outside Front Cover56
Editorial Board/Publication Information55
Microbial models of development: Inspiration for engineering self-assembled synthetic multicellularity55
Alzheimer’s Disease: Effects on brain circuits and synapses53
Editorial Board/Publication Information52
Epigenetically regulated inflammation in vascular senescence and renal progression of chronic kidney disease51
Germline cell de novo mutations and potential effects of inflammation on germline cell genome stability50
In memoriam: Huib Ovaa, the brain behind the formula (18/12/1973–19/05/2020)49
Impacts of altered exercise volume, intensity, and duration on the activation of AMPK and CaMKII and increases in PGC-1α mRNA49
Outside Front Cover47
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Editorial Board/Publication Information45
Epitranscriptomic regulation of cognitive development and decline43
Outside Front Cover43
Fated for decay: RNA elements targeted by viral endonucleases42
The evolution of cytokinin signaling and its role in development before Angiosperms41
Circadian rhythms in infectious diseases and symbiosis41
Evolution, structure and function of divergent macroH2A1 splice isoforms41
Regulation and integration of membrane transport in marine diatoms41
Chromothripsis, DNA repair and checkpoints defects39
Prolactin: A hormone with diverse functions from mammary gland development to cancer metastasis39
Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation by C. elegans nuclear RNA interference pathways38
The gut-brain axis and cognitive control: A role for the vagus nerve38
Mitochondrial respiratory quiescence: A new model for examining the role of mitochondrial metabolism in development38
Epigenetic regulation of inflammation in insulin resistance38
Anaphase A37
Human epiblast lumenogenesis: From a cell aggregate to a lumenal cyst37
Regulation of tissue architecture and stem cell dynamics to sustain homeostasis and repair in the skin epidermis37
Mapping and exploring the organoid state space using synthetic biology37
Oligodendrogenesis and myelination regulate cortical development, plasticity and circuit function37
Moving through the crowd. Where are we at understanding physiological axon growth?37
Tenascin-C in fibrosis in multiple organs: Translational implications37
Thrombospondin-1 in vascular development, vascular function, and vascular disease35
Consequences of mitotic failure – The penalties and the rewards35
Life cycle and reproduction dynamics of Bangiales in response to environmental stresses35
Assembly and recognition of keratins: A structural perspective35
Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Involvement in Remodeling During Myogenesis and Skeletal Muscle Atrophy34
The origin and the mechanism of mechanical polarity during epithelial folding33
Targeting tau only extracellularly is likely to be less efficacious than targeting it both intra- and extracellularly33
The diverse roles of RIP kinases in host-pathogen interactions33
A laminin-based local regulatory network in the testis that supports spermatogenesis32
Alternative paths to telomere elongation32
Ubiquitin and Legionella: From bench to bedside32
GABAergic dysfunction, neural network hyperactivity and memory impairments in human aging and Alzheimer’s disease32
The role of mechanics in axonal stability and development31
Alliances of the gut and bone axis31
Balance between the cell viability and death in 3D31
HEBP1 - An early trigger for neuronal cell death and circuit dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease31
Roadblocks and fast tracks: How RNA binding proteins affect the viral RNA journey in the cell31
The pioneering function of the hox transcription factors31
mTORC1/rpS6 and p-FAK-Y407 signaling regulate spermatogenesis: Insights from studies of the adjudin pharmaceutical/toxicant model30
Seminars in cell and development biology on histone variants remodelers of H2A variants associated with heterochromatin30
Generative models of morphogenesis in developmental biology30
Back to the new beginning: Mitotic exit in space and time30
Polarized transport of membrane and secreted proteins during lumen morphogenesis30
The evolution, formation and connectivity of the anterior commissure29
Cell sorting in vitro and in vivo: How are cadherins involved?29
On the evolutionary origins and regionalization of the neural crest29
Principles and functions of pericentromeric satellite DNA clustering into chromocenters29
Perspectives on improving crop Rubisco by directed evolution29
The mechanisms and roles of mitochondrial dynamics in C. elegans29
Fatal attraction: How Phytophthora zoospores find their host29
Cell death or survival: Insights into the role of mRNA translational control29
Coming of age in the frontal cortex: The role of puberty in cortical maturation28
Outside Front Cover28
On the biosynthesis and evolution of apocarotenoid plant growth regulators28
Editorial Board/Publication Information28
Editorial: Special issue SCDB “Cell death and survival”28
Therapeutic strategies for miRNA delivery to reduce hepatocellular carcinoma28
Editorial Board/Publication Information28
Regulatory mechanisms of RIPK1 in cell death and inflammation28
Synaptic modifications in learning and memory – A dendritic spine story27
Fundamentals of bone vasculature: Specialization, interactions and functions27
Active flows and deformable surfaces in development26
Getting to the root of Ralstonia invasion26
How to save a bacterial ribosome in times of stress26
Dissecting the neurobiology of linguistic disorganisation and impoverishment in schizophrenia26
Cilia-derived vesicles: An ancient route for intercellular communication26
Origin and evolution of gibberellin signaling and metabolism in plants25
Making sense of mRNA translational “noise”25
Multiple myeloma—A painful disease of the bone marrow25
Nuclear positioning during development: Pushing, pulling and flowing25
Lipid metabolism in astrocytic structure and function25
The importance of virion-incorporated cellular RNA-Binding Proteins in viral particle assembly and infectivity24
Untangling the relationship between developmental and evolutionary integration24
Primary cilia biogenesis and associated retinal ciliopathies24
Ciliary signaling in stem cells in health and disease: Hedgehog pathway and beyond24
25 years of research put RIPK1 in the clinic24
Recent advances in the pharmacological targeting of ubiquitin-regulating enzymes in cancer24
Calvin cycle and guard cell metabolism impact stomatal function24
Evolution of holocentric chromosomes: Drivers, diversity, and deterrents23
Tissue hydraulics in reproduction23
Macrophage-mediated inflammation in diabetic wound repair23
Evolution and functional diversification of FLOWERING LOCUS T/TERMINAL FLOWER 1 family genes in plants23
The evolving role of abscisic acid in cell function and plant development over geological time23
Diverse genetic conflicts mediated by molecular mimicry and computational approaches to detect them23
MicroRNA regulation of prefrontal cortex development and psychiatric risk in adolescence23
Impact of alphavirus 3’UTR plasticity on mosquito transmission22
MicroRNAs: Regulators of immunological reactions in hepatocellular carcinoma22
Mitochondrial-derived vesicles in skeletal muscle remodeling and adaptation22
Mechanical regulation of synapse formation and plasticity22
Mechanical forces in avian embryo development22
Modelling adult stem cells and their niche in health and disease with epithelial organoids22
The E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate inflammation in cardiovascular diseases22
Hox dosage and morphological diversification during development and evolution22
Mechanics and self-organization in tissue development22
Presubiculum principal cells are preserved from degeneration in knock-in APP/TAU mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease22
Ubiquitin-mediated mechanisms of translational control22
Microfluidic organoids-on-a-chip: The future of human models21
A fork in the road: Where homologous recombination and stalled replication fork protection part ways21
Natural variation in metabolism of the Calvin-Benson cycle21
Assigning function to SNPs: Considerations when interpreting genetic variation21
Mechanical and genetic control of ascidian endoderm invagination during gastrulation21
Emerging functions of thrombospondin-1 in immunity21
Necroptotic extracellular vesicles – present and future21
Parallels between the extracellular matrix roles in developmental biology and cancer biology21
Extremophilic red algae as models for understanding adaptation to hostile environments and the evolution of eukaryotic life on the early earth20
Targeted protein degradation using intracellular antibodies and its application to neurodegenerative disease20
Retinal organoids from human-induced pluripotent stem cells: From studying retinal dystrophies to early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease20
RNA Biology in Viral Infection20
Somite development and regionalisation of the vertebral axial skeleton20
Interaction of long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs with microRNAs for the regulation of immunological responses in human cancers20
Outside Front Cover20
Macrophage ontogeny and functional diversity in cardiometabolic diseases20
Outside Front Cover20
Transient changes to metabolic homeostasis initiate mitochondrial adaptation to endurance exercise20
Editorial Board/Publication Information20
Vagal sensory pathway for the gut-brain communication19
Epigenetic regulation of inflammation19
Rearrangement of co-cultured cellular systems: Biological and physical aspects19
Outside Front Cover19
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Editorial Board/Publication Information19
Plant pathogens: Masters of manipulation19
Editorial Board/Publication Information19
Lipids: Key players in central nervous system cell physiology and pathology19
Outside Front Cover19
Editorial Board/Publication Information19
Outside Front Cover19
Editorial Board/Publication Information18
Implications of mitochondrial fusion and fission in skeletal muscle mass and health18
Editorial Board/Publication Information18
Editorial Board/Publication Information18
Control of the chromatin response to DNA damage: Histone proteins pull the strings18
Outside Front Cover18
Receptor interacting protein kinases in cell death and inflammatory signalling18
The emerging roles of the cytoskeleton in intestinal epithelium homeostasis18
MicroRNAs: Key modulators of inflammation-associated diseases18
Chemical and mechanical control of axon fasciculation and defasciculation17
Histone variants: The architects of chromatin17
Structuralism and Adaptationism: Friends? Or foes?17
Spatial confinement: A spur for axonal growth17
Microtubule remodelling as a driving force of axon guidance and pruning17
Outside Front Cover17
Mechanics of axon growth and damage: A systematic review of computational models17
RIPK2 NODs to XIAP and IBD17
Outside Front Cover17
Unravelling the mysteries of human embryogenesis17
Outside Front Cover17
Editorial for the special issue “Driving forces behind the wiring of neuronal circuits”16
Cellular and tissue crosstalk in musculoskeletal development16
Editorial Board/Publication Information16
Fibroblasts: The grey eminence of mammary gland development16
Editorial: Special Issue on Mechanics in Development16
Editorial Board/Publication Information16
Outside Front Cover16
Zygnematophycean algae: Possible models for cellular and evolutionary biology16
Special Issue on “The role of macrophages in tissue homeostasis”16
Recent advances in understanding microRNA function and regulation in C. elegans16
Human muscle production in vitro from pluripotent stem cells: Basic and clinical applications16
Genomic stability and epigenetic inheritance in holocentric Caenorhabditis elegans and insects16
Modelling the dynamics of mammalian gut homeostasis16
Mechanisms of cortical development: From the embryo to adulthood16
Tubulin post-translational modifications in meiosis16
3D genome organization, genetic variation and disease16
Antibodies in the intracellular domain16