Nature Human Behaviour

(The TQCC of Nature Human Behaviour is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Computational audits combat disparities in recognition2685
Judgements of bias vary with observers’ political ideology and targets’ characteristics1263
Differences between male and female height in Early Neolithic Europe are likely to have been driven by culture1107
How to depolarize your students346
Foundations of intuitive power analyses in children and adults324
Partner-choice genetics in Japan276
Future coexistence with great apes will require major changes to policy and practice246
Vaccine inequality benefits no one237
Interacting as equals reduces partisan polarization in Mexico226
Report uncertainty information to improve trust in science203
Human culture is uniquely open-ended rather than uniquely cumulative186
Racial biases in polygraphs and their legal implications182
The mental health effects of the tenure track system in China176
How (not) to appeal164
Global North and South must work hand in glove to stop COVID-19156
Not all machines are created equal156
Cultural diversity is crucial for African neuroethics151
Promoting computational psychiatry in China150
LLMs differ from human cognition because they are not embodied145
Academic institutions need to do more to support first-generation students143
Ocean sustainability for all requires deeper behavioural research125
AI language tools risk scientific diversity and innovation125
Genetic footprints of assortative mating in the Japanese population123
Depressive cognition on Twitter121
Evidence from personal ornaments suggest nine distinct cultural groups between 34,000 and 24,000 years ago in Europe118
Clues to crime in ivory DNA116
Human neonates learn to recognize speech sounds on the first day of life110
The clinical implications of climate change for mental health106
Redefining the ‘arsenal of democracy’106
Rethinking model-based and model-free influences on mental effort and striatal prediction errors104
Greater variability in judgements of the value of novel ideas102
Potential solutions for discrimination in STEM99
Rapid neural reorganization during retrieval practice predicts subsequent long-term retention and false memory99
Patient traits shape health-care stakeholders’ choices on how to best allocate life-saving care98
Preventing eating disorders in the LGBTQ+ community94
A mesocorticolimbic signature of pleasure in the human brain92
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: a test for international law90
Travel bans erode global trust89
Make abandoned research publicly available88
Could a shift in society’s conception of ‘honesty’ explain the spread of misinformation in the USA?88
Support for those affected by scientific misconduct is crucial87
Genes influence parental investment in their child from conception to writing a will86
Prevent upwards bullying and abuse of reporting systems86
The importance of accounting for off-task behaviours during data collection85
Governments should measure pain when assessing societal wellbeing82
Quantifying the human impact of Melbourne’s 111-day hard lockdown experiment on the adult population80
Deep learning reveals what vocal bursts express in different cultures79
How to protect privacy in open data78
Warming up cool cooperators76
Race, academic achievement and the issue of inequitable motivational payoff76
A quantitative analysis of intensification in the ethnographic record75
Large-scale whole-exome sequencing of neuropsychiatric diseases and traits in 350,770 adults74
Long ties accelerate noisy threshold-based contagions73
Research on registered report research71
The Turing test is not a good benchmark for thought in LLMs69
Global North–Global South research partnerships are still inequitable68
Images with harder-to-reconstruct visual representations leave stronger memory traces68
We must invest in behavioural economics for the HIV response68
A field study of the impacts of workplace diversity on the recruitment of minority group members67
COVID-19 vaccination policy dataset65
Healthy lifestyle is linked to gains in disease-free life expectancy in China64
Genetic associations with parental investment from conception to wealth inheritance in six cohorts63
Measuring trustworthiness is crucial for medical AI tools63
Why and how science should respect the dignity and rights of all humans63
Neuroscience evidence counters a rape myth62
Interacting spiral wave patterns underlie complex brain dynamics and are related to cognitive processing61
Global crime trends during COVID-1961
Market exposure and human morality61
Science communication with generative AI60
Developmental differences in memory reactivation relate to encoding and inference in the human brain60
Association and causal mediation between marital status and depression in seven countries59
How to design and conduct a megastudy59
Trusting young children to help causes them to cheat less59
Maternal adiposity and perinatal and offspring outcomes: an umbrella review57
Misinformation and children’s fact-checking57
Mutual inclusivity improves decision-making by smoothing out choice’s competitive edge56
Large language models surpass human experts in predicting neuroscience results55
Biodiversity conservation as a promising frontier for behavioural science54
Brain stimulation and brain lesions converge on common causal circuits in neuropsychiatric disease53
The relationship between the youth-led Fridays for Future climate movement and voting, politician and media behaviour in Germany51
Reliable long-term individual variation in wild chimpanzee technological efficiency51
Banks, alternative institutions and the spatial–temporal ecology of racial inequality in US cities51
Effects of a monthly unconditional cash transfer starting at birth on family investments among US families with low income49
Intracranial electroencephalography reveals effector-independent evidence accumulation dynamics in multiple human brain regions49
The vicious cycle that stalls statistical revolution48
Reply to: Do not underestimate the cognitive benefits of exercise48
Detecting and modelling real percolation and phase transitions of information on social media48
Navigating India’s rich diversity in social psychological research48
A selection pressure landscape for 870 human polygenic traits47
Banking transactions and gambling harms46
Human languages with greater information density have higher communication speed but lower conversation breadth46
Large-scale citizen science reveals predictors of sensorimotor adaptation46
Humanitarian instinct against humanitarian bureaucracy45
Violence trends in the ancient Middle East between 12,000 and 400 bce45
Resampling reduces bias amplification in experimental social networks45
Ethical challenges in translating brain–computer interfaces44
Fact-checker warning labels are effective even for those who distrust fact-checkers43
Promises and challenges of generative artificial intelligence for human learning43
Causal effect of video gaming on mental well-being in Japan 2020–202243
Genetic associations between non-cognitive skills and academic achievement over development43
From alternative conceptions of honesty to alternative facts in communications by US politicians42
Hate crime towards minoritized groups increases as they increase in sized-based rank41
The genetic architecture of the human hypothalamus and its involvement in neuropsychiatric behaviours and disorders41
Multiplex cerebrospinal fluid proteomics identifies biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of Alzheimer’s disease40
Gene-level analysis reveals the genetic aetiology and therapeutic targets of schizophrenia39
Non-invasive stimulation of the human striatum disrupts reinforcement learning of motor skills38
Intermediate levels of scientific knowledge are associated with overconfidence and negative attitudes towards science38
Experiential appreciation as a pathway to meaning in life38
Efficient stabilization of imprecise statistical inference through conditional belief updating38
A genetically informed Registered Report on adverse childhood experiences and mental health38
The future of human behaviour research38
Academic freedom and the paradox of tolerance37
Individual risk attitudes arise from noise in neurocognitive magnitude representations37
Measuring inequality beyond the Gini coefficient may clarify conflicting findings37
Gene × environment effects and mediation involving adverse childhood events, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance dependence37
Chimpanzees use social information to acquire a skill they fail to innovate37
Observed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade37
The promises and perils of crime prediction37
Integrated vaccination and physical distancing interventions to prevent future COVID-19 waves in Chinese cities37
A unified framework of direct and indirect reciprocity36
The use-the-best heuristic facilitates deception detection36
A worldwide assessment of changes in adherence to COVID-19 protective behaviours and hypothesized pandemic fatigue36
Little evidence that military policing reduces crime or improves human security36
Trait correlations in human couples36
Toolbox of individual-level interventions against online misinformation36
A research agenda for understanding how social inequality is linked to brain structure and function35
Supporting computational reproducibility through code review35
Similarities and differences in concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures35
Mental health challenges faced by autistic people35
The Dunning-Kruger effect revisited34
Landscape rules predict optimal superhighways for the first peopling of Sahul34
Multiscale temporal integration organizes hierarchical computation in human auditory cortex34
Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex33
The cost of anti-Asian racism during the COVID-19 pandemic33
Neuronal activity in the human amygdala and hippocampus enhances emotional memory encoding33
Changes in preterm birth and stillbirth during COVID-19 lockdowns in 26 countries33
Gender, education expansion and intergenerational educational mobility around the world33
A taxonomy of anti-vaccination arguments from a systematic literature review and text modelling33
Mapping gene transcription and neurocognition across human neocortex32
A systematic literature review to clarify the concept of vaccine hesitancy32
The association between gambling and financial, social and health outcomes in big financial data32
COVID-19 vaccination mandates and vaccine uptake32
Distributed representations of behaviour-derived object dimensions in the human visual system31
Corporate social responsibility and individual behaviour31
Common neural choice signals can emerge artefactually amid multiple distinct value signals31
Accuracy and social motivations shape judgements of (mis)information31
Machine culture31
Examining the replicability of online experiments selected by a decision market31
Replay shapes abstract cognitive maps for efficient social navigation30
Author Correction: Informative neural representations of unseen contents during higher-order processing in human brains and deep artificial networks30
The effect of seeing scientists as intellectually humble on trust in scientists and their research30
Author Correction: COVID-19 vaccination coverage for half a million non-EU migrants and refugees in England30
Medical science must address health disparities amongst different ethnic groups29
Author Correction: Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study29
Exposure to a media intervention helps promote support for peace in Colombia29
Author Correction: Equity, diversity and inclusion are foundational research skills29
Author Correction: A quasi-comprehensive exploration of the mechanisms of spatial working memory28
Author Correction: Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA28
Human olfactory perception embeds fine temporal resolution within a single sniff27
Author Correction: Genomic evidence consistent with antagonistic pleiotropy may help explain the evolutionary maintenance of same-sex sexual behaviour in humans27
Initial evidence of research quality of registered reports compared with the standard publishing model27
How developments in natural language processing help us in understanding human behaviour27
Consumption patterns in prehistoric Europe are consistent with modern economic behaviour26
Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries26
Why we need an archaeology of menstruation26
Uncertainty aversion predicts the neural expansion of semantic representations26
Publisher Correction: Rational use of cognitive resources in human planning26
Period poverty is a continuing global challenge26
Skill levels and gains in university STEM education in China, India, Russia and the United States26
Author Correction: Skill levels and gains in university STEM education in China, India, Russia and the United States26
Now is the time to reassess fieldwork-based research25
The 15-minute city quantified using human mobility data25
Insights into the accuracy of social scientists’ forecasts of societal change25
Deep neural network models of sound localization reveal how perception is adapted to real-world environments25
Public use and public funding of science24
Towards an antiracist (neuro)science24
With some knowledge comes great confidence (and negative attitudes toward science)24
A belief systems analysis of fraud beliefs following the 2020 US election24
The promise and pitfalls of the metaverse for science24
A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of the acoustic features of infant-directed speech24
Reducing bias, increasing transparency and calibrating confidence with preregistration24
Supernatural explanations across 114 societies are more common for natural than social phenomena24
Prioritize systemic approaches for young people’s mental health24
Self-injury, suicidality and eating disorder symptoms in young adults following COVID-19 lockdowns in Denmark24
Ancient DNA provides insights into 4,000 years of resource economy across Greenland24
Public opinion, racial bias and labour market outcomes in the USA23
Experiential values are underweighted in decisions involving symbolic options23
Love and economic development23
Evidence for dynastic succession among early Celtic elites in Central Europe23
How my faith inspires my research, advocacy and mentorship23
The emergence of COVID-19 vaccine resistance depends on human choices23
Patterns of item nonresponse behaviour to survey questionnaires are systematic and associated with genetic loci23
Individual ranking based on polygenic indices is unstable23
Prioritize research on human behaviour during extreme heat22
Evolution of prosocial behaviours in multilayer populations22
Indigenous peoples shift conservation through best practice22
Evidence from Finland and Sweden on the relationship between early-life diseases and lifetime childlessness in men and women22
Flexible social inference facilitates targeted social learning when rewards are not observable22
Developmental changes in exploration resemble stochastic optimization22
You have to read this22
Accelerating science with human-aware artificial intelligence22
Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in low-income countries22
Rare genetic variants explain missing heritability in smoking22
Latent motives guide structure learning during adaptive social choice21
Experiences of COVID-19 in Africa21
Authorship agreements benefit researchers and research culture21
The relationship between political ideology and judgements of bias in distributional outcomes21
Rainbows should reign not only on LGBTQ+ STEM Day21
Post a preprint of your next research paper21
Our commitment to care in handling sensitive science21
Building partnerships between policy and academia for impact20
The formality effect20
Not all refugees are equal at the Ukrainian border20
The protective effect of relative carbohydrate intake on depression20
Modelling individual and cross-cultural variation in the mapping of emotions to speech prosody20
Experimental evidence on learning using low-tech when school is out19
Changing scientific meetings for the better19
A randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of nurse-led triage of 911 calls19
Author Correction: Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries19
Indian scientists tackle the infodemic19
Testing theory of mind in large language models and humans19
Large but diminishing effects of climate action nudges under rising costs19
Local news in Google News19
Large socio-economic, geographic and demographic disparities exist in exposure to school closures19
Promoting reproduction and replication at scale18
Population descriptors and behavioural genetic research18
Efficient coding of numbers explains decision bias and noise18
Social relationships and mortality18
How academia should support scholars fleeing war and persecution18
Origins and spread of formal ceremonial complexes in the Olmec and Maya regions revealed by airborne lidar18
Theory as adversarial collaboration18
Deep learning in alternate reality18
Examining the impact of Melbourne’s 2020 111-day lockdown on parents and other vulnerable groups18
Vaccine inequity is unethical18
Replication studies for undergraduate theses to improve science and education18
Shared genetic architectures of educational attainment in East Asian and European populations18
Breaking the stigma of retraction18
Why many funding schemes harm rather than support research18
What anaesthesia reveals about human brains and consciousness17
First farmers of Central Europe do not show family-related inequality17
The US media should rethink coverage of firearm violence17
The end of an emergency17
Human-centred mechanism design with Democratic AI17
Evidence that ageing yields improvements as well as declines across attention and executive functions17
Testing undue incentives17
Rethink funding by putting the lottery first17
Plasma proteomic signatures of social isolation and loneliness associated with morbidity and mortality17
How brain damage affects our willingness to help others16
Not yet another digital identity16
Valence-dependent mutation in lexical evolution16