Annual Review of Microbiology

(The TQCC of Annual Review of Microbiology is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Imaging Infection Across Scales of Size: From Whole Animals to Single Molecules176
How Apicomplexa Parasites Secrete and Build Their Invasion Machinery130
The History of Microbiology—A Personal Interpretation129
Epigenetic Reprogramming in Host-Parasite Coevolution: TheToxoplasmaParadigm116
Function of the Omp85 Superfamily of Outer Membrane Protein Assembly Factors and Polypeptide Transporters61
Plasmodium vivax Latent Liver Stage Infection and Relapse: Biological Insights and New Experimental Tools57
Collab or Cancel? Bacterial Influencers of Inflammasome Signaling56
The Small-Molecule Language of Dynamic Microbial Interactions53
Recent Advances in Understanding the Human Fungal Pathogen Hypoxia Response in Disease Progression47
Habitat Transition in the Evolution of Bacteria and Archaea47
Life in the Dark: Phylogenetic and Physiological Diversity of Chemosynthetic Symbioses46
Accelerated Evolution by Diversity-Generating Retroelements46
Toxin-Antitoxin Systems as Phage Defense Elements45
Microbiome Assembly in Fermented Foods43
Microbial Rhodopsins: The Last Two Decades42
Small RNAs, Large Networks: Posttranscriptional Regulons in Gram-Negative Bacteria40
Mining Fatty Acid Biosynthesis for New Antimicrobials39
Mechanisms Underlying Vibrio cholerae Biofilm Formation and Dispersion39
When the Host Encounters the Cell Wall and Vice Versa38
Reconstructing Early Microbial Life37
Growth and Division of the Peptidoglycan Matrix36
Cytoskeleton Organization in Formation and Motility of Apicomplexan Parasites36
The Brucella Cell Envelope33
Frameworks for Interpreting the Early Fossil Record of Eukaryotes33
Evolution and Physiology of Amphibious Yeasts32
Quorum Sensing in Fungal Species32
Causative Microbes in Host-Microbiome Interactions31
Raising a Bacterium to the Rank of a Model System: The Listeria Paradigm31
Understanding Fungi in Glacial and Hypersaline Environments30
The Bacterial Hsp90 Chaperone: Cellular Functions and Mechanism of Action30
Interdependency and Redundancy Add Complexity and Resilience to Biogenesis of Bacterial Ribosomes29
Metabolic Reprogramming and Longevity in Quiescence27
Diversity and Evolution of Methane-Related Pathways in Archaea27
Sirtuins in Epigenetic Silencing and Control of Gene Expression in Model and Pathogenic Fungi26
Roadmap to Success: How Oomycete Plant Pathogens Invade Tissues and Deliver Effectors25