Materials Science

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The TQCC is the top quartile citation count: if all publications of a journal are sorted by citation count in descending order, then the TQCC is the citation count of the publication residing at the end of the top quartile; for example, given 100 publications, the TQCC is the citation count of the 25th ranked paper. The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal TQCC
1 Nature Reviews Materials80
2 Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports68
3 Progress in Materials Science60
4 Joule59
5 Nano-Micro Letters57
6 Progress in Polymer Science53
- Nature Nanotechnology53
8 Nature Materials46
- Nature Energy46
10 Nano Energy44
- Energy Storage Materials44
12 ACS Energy Letters40
13 Advanced Energy Materials39
14 Cell Stem Cell38
- Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials38
16 Nature Electronics35
- Advanced Materials35
18 International Materials Reviews34
19 Biomaterials33
- Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics33
21 InfoMat31
- ACS Nano31
- Composites Part B-Engineering31
24 Journal of Advanced Ceramics30
- Bioactive Materials30
26 Carbohydrate Polymers29
27 Cement and Concrete Research28
- Advanced Functional Materials28
29 Journal of Manufacturing Systems27
- International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture27
- Advanced Fiber Materials27
- Journal of Materials Science & Technology27
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing27
34 Sustainable Cities and Society26
35 NPG Asia Materials25
- eTransportation25
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics25
- npj Flexible Electronics25
- Cement & Concrete Composites25
- Automation in Construction25
41 Polymer Reviews24
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy24
43 Journal of Membrane Science23
- Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry23
- Nano Today23
- Matter23
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications23
- Carbon23
- Carbon Energy23
50 Journal of Magnesium and Alloys22
- Nanophotonics22
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid22
- Acta Biomaterialia22
54 npj Computational Materials21
- Materials Today21
- Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science21
- International Journal of Plasticity21
- International Journal of Production Economics21
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces21
- Composites Science and Technology21
61 Journal of Nanobiotechnology20
- Energy & Environmental Materials20
- Journal of Power Sources20
- Nano Convergence20
- Nano Letters20
- Acta Materialia20
- Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing20
- Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences20
69 Journal of Materials Chemistry A19
- International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing19
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems19
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging19
- Surface Science Reports19
- Rare Metals19
75 Nano Research18
- Microsystems & Nanoengineering18
- Corrosion Science18
- npj Quantum Information18
- Advanced Science18
- Construction and Building Materials18
81 Materials & Design17
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing17
- Stem Cell Research & Therapy17
- ACS Sensors17
- Chemistry of Materials17
- Biofabrication17
- International Journal of Nanomedicine17
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics17
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence17
- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics17
- Proceedings of the IEEE17
- Applied Surface Science17
93 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules16
- Regenerative Biomaterials16
- Stem Cell Reports16
- Composites Communications16
- Composite Structures16
- Journal of Materials Processing Technology16
- npj 2D Materials and Applications16
- Pattern Recognition16
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells16
- ACS Materials Letters16
- Energy and Buildings16
- Building and Environment16
105 Journal of Manufacturing Processes15
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems15
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems15
- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems15
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing15
- Small15
- Polymer Degradation and Stability15
- ACS Applied Energy Materials15
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds15
- Materials Research Letters15
- Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing15
- Journal of the European Ceramic Society15
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal15
- Progress in Quantum Electronics15
- Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology15
- Science China-Materials15
- ACS Photonics15
- Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces15
123 International Journal of Production Research14
- International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems14
- New Carbon Materials14
- Materials Horizons14
- npj Quantum Materials14
- IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics14
- Expert Systems With Applications14
- Progress in Biomaterials14
- Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems14
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management14
- International Journal of Fatigue14
- npj Regenerative Medicine14
- Materials Today Advances14
- Materials Today Energy14
- Materials Today Physics14
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications14
- Polymer Testing14
- Virtual and Physical Prototyping14
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology14
- Scripta Materialia14
- Current Opinion in Electrochemistry14
144 Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine13
- NanoImpact13
- Materials Research Bulletin13
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids13
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology13
- Surface & Coatings Technology13
- Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews13
- Science and Technology of Advanced Materials13
- ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering13
- ACS Macro Letters13
- Ceramics International13
- Advanced Healthcare Materials13
- Advanced Optical Materials13
- International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials13
- Macromolecules13
- Microporous and Mesoporous Materials13
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology13
- IEEE Wireless Communications13
- Indoor Air13
- Production Planning & Control13
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER13
- Small Methods13
- Applied Clay Science13
167 Journal of Materiomics12
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters12
- Journal of Tissue Engineering12
- Laser & Photonics Reviews12
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes12
- Extreme Mechanics Letters12
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering12
- IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics12
- IEEE Systems Journal12
- Tsinghua Science and Technology12
- Solar RRL12
- Cellulose12
- CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology12
- Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T12
- Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine12
- Nanotoxicology12
- Materials Chemistry Frontiers12
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion12
- IEEE Network12
- IEEE Transactions on Communications12
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology12
- Progress in Natural Science-Materials International12
- World Journal of Stem Cells12
- Building Simulation12
- Colloid and Interface Science Communications12
- Applied Materials Today12
- Biomacromolecules12
194 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management11
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing11
- Materials Chemistry and Physics11
- FlatChem11
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems11
- Synthetic Metals11
- Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China11
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)