Laser & Photonics Reviews

(The TQCC of Laser & Photonics Reviews is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Photonic Meta‐Neurons (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(3)/2024)245
Circularly‐Polarized Laser Equivalent to Two Phase‐Shifted Linearly‐Polarized Sources184
High‐performance MoS2 Homojunction Photodiode Enabled by Facile Van der Waals Contacts with 2D Perovskite180
In‐Source High‐Resolution Spectroscopy Using an Integrated Tunable Raman Laser164
The Rotational Doppler Effect of Twisted Photons in Scattered Fields (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(10)/2023)160
In‐Source High‐Resolution Spectroscopy Using an Integrated Tunable Raman Laser (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(3)/2024)155
Advances and Challenges of Ultrafast Fiber Lasers in 2–4 µm Mid‐Infrared Spectral Regions (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(3)/2024)145
Chiral Photonic Circuits for Deterministic Spin Transfer133
Efficient Measurement of Orbital Angular Momentum Entanglement Using Convolutional Neural Network102
Nonlinearity Manipulation for Highly Efficient Modal Phase‐matched Second Harmonic Generation on Thin‐Film Lithium Niobate97
Speckle‐Free 3D Holography in the Wigner Domain96
Mid‐Infrared Hyperuniform Disordered Solids Waveguide Devices with Morphology Engineering and Wall‐Network Regulation88
Addressing Responsivity‐Noise Trade‐Off by Van der Waals Multilayer Two‐Phase Heterojunction for Large LDR Organic Photodetectors87
Harmonic‐Assisted Super‐Resolution Rotational Measurement85
Color‐Tunable Emission via Site‐Selective Occupation of Eu2+ Activators in Silicate Phosphors85
Tristate Switching of Terahertz Metasurfaces Enabled by Transferable VO282
Topologically Integrated Photonic Biosensor Circuits82
Photoacoustic Imaging Sensors Based on Integrated Photonics: Challenges and Trends80
Enhancing Optical Sectioning in Structured Illumination Microscopy With Axially Confined Fringe Modulation78
Unusual Nonlinear Absorption Switching in Mixed‐Halide Perovskites by Light‐Induced Halide Segregation78
Counterintuitive Reversal of Circular Dichroism via Controllable Plasmonic Guided Mode Resonance in Diatomic Metasurfaces78
Excitation of Longitudinal Bound States in a Weyl Metamaterial cavity77
Radiation Dynamics and Manipulation of Extreme Terahertz Surface Wave on a Metal Wire (Laser Photonics Rev. 19(2)/2025)77
Ultralow Turn‐On Voltage Organic Upconversion Devices for High‐Resolution Imaging Based on Near‐Infrared Homotandem Photodetector76
Recent Progress of Supercontinuum Generation in Nanophotonic Waveguides75
Single‐Shot Reference‐Free Holographic Imaging using a Liquid Crystal Geometric Phase Diffuser75
Free‐Form Micro‐Optics Enabling Ultra‐Broadband Low‐Loss Off‐Chip Coupling73
Topologically‐Protected Single‐Photon Sources with Topological Slow Light Photonic Crystal Waveguides72
Cr3+‐Facilitated Ultra‐Sensitive Luminescence Ratiometric Thermometry at Cryogenic Temperature72
Ultra‐Sensitive and Low‐Power‐Consumption Organic Phototransistor Enables Nighttime Illumination Perception for Bionic Mesopic Vision72
Spatial Frequency Manipulation of a Quartz Crystal for Phase‐Matched Second‐Harmonic Vacuum Ultraviolet Generation71
Tailoring Optical Vortical Dichroism with Stereometamaterials71
Thermally‐Switchable Metalenses Based on Quasi‐Bound States in the Continuum71
Wavelength‐switchable synchronously pumped Raman fiber laser near 1.7 µm for multispectral photoacoustic microscopy71
Efficient Fiber‐to‐Chip Interface via an Intermediated CdS Nanowire70
Bricked Subwavelength Gratings: A Tailorable On‐Chip Metamaterial Topology68
Laser Frequency Combs with Fast Gain Recovery: Physics and Applications (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(2)/2022)64
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 16(2)/202264
Advances in Photoelectric Detection Units for Imaging Based on Perovskite Materials63
Interpolarization Forward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Standard Single‐Mode Fibers62
Topological Chiral Edge States in Deep‐Subwavelength Valley Photonic Metamaterials (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(11)/2022)62
11‐GHz‐Bandwidth Photonic Radar using MHz Electronics62
Demonstration of Weak Polarization Electric Field III‐N LEDs based on Polar Plane62
Room‐Temperature Generation of Heralded Single Photons on Silicon Chip with Switchable Orbital Angular Momentum (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(12)/2022)61
Directly Determining Orbital Angular Momentum of Ultrashort Laguerre–Gauss Pulses via Spatially‐Resolved Autocorrelation Measurement (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(9)/2022)61
Strong and Omnidirectional Light Absorption from Ultraviolet to Near‐Infrared Using GST Metasurface (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(1)/2023)61
GHz Figure‐9 Er‐Doped Optical Frequency Comb Based on Nested Fiber Ring Resonators (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(11)/2023)60
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 15(11)/202160
On‐Chip Non‐Volatile Reconfigurable THz Varifocal Metalens (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(11)/2023)58
Symmetry‐Protected Photonic Chiral Spin Textures by Spin–Orbit Coupling58
Characterizing the Backscattered Spectrum of Mie Spheres55
Direct Imaging of Weak‐to‐Strong‐Coupling Dynamics in Biological Plasmon–Exciton Systems55
Strategies for Enhancement Luminance of Sub‐Micrometer Phosphor: A Sub‐Micrometer Narrow‐Band Red Phosphor with Ultrahigh Thermal Stability52
Unveiling Laser Radiation of Multiple Optical Solitons by Nonlinear Fourier Transform51
Superposed Laguerre‐Gaussian Beams‐Based Orbital Angular Momentum Holography51
Fundamental Limitations of Huygens’ Metasurfaces for Optical Beam Shaping51
Transverse Scattering from Nanodimers Tunable with Generalized Cylindrical Vector Beams51
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 15(7)/202150
Enhancing Photoluminescence: Photonic Bound States in the Continuum in Si Structures with the Self‐Assembled Ge Nanoislands (Laser Photonics Rev. 15(7)/2021)50
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 16(8)/202250
Non‐Invasive Super‐Resolution Imaging Through Scattering Media Using Object Fluctuation (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(6)/2024)49
Co‐Generation of Orthogonal Soliton Pair in a Monolithic Fiber Resonator with Mechanical Tunability49
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 15(10)/202149
Vectorial‐Optics‐Enabled Multi‐View Non‐Line‐Of‐Sight Imaging with High Signal‐To‐Noise Ratio49
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 16(1)/202249
Residual Quantum Effects beyond Mean‐Field Treatment in Quantum Optics Systems48
A Nonlocal Effective Medium Description of Topological Weyl Metamaterials (Laser Photonics Rev. 15(10)/2021)48
Band Structure Engineering Induced Ultraviolet–Visible Emission Bulk Carbon Nitride with Near‐Unity Quantum Yield for Information Security47
Optical Isolation with Optical Parametric Amplification in an Atomic System47
Metalenses with Polarization‐Insensitive Adaptive Nano‐Antennas47
Simultaneous Realization of Dynamic and Hybrid Multiplexed Holography via Light‐Activated Chiral Superstructures (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(5)/2022)47
Surface‐Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy‐Based Optical Biosensor for Liquid Biopsy: Toward Precision Medicine46
Phosphor‐in‐Silica‐Glass: Filling the Gap between Low‐ and High‐Brightness Solid‐State Lightings46
Achromatic Broadband Multi‐Layer Diffraction Mode Multiplexing46
Ultrasensitive and Broadband Optical Toroidal Modes in all‐Dielectric Nanostructures46
Optical Angle Barcodes Enabled by a Pixelated Metasurface for Absolute Micro‐Angle Measurement (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(2)/2024)45
Light‐Induced In‐Plane Rotation of Microobjects on Microfibers (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(5)/2022)45
Masthead: Laser & Photon. Rev. 18(2)/202445
Observation of Analog Flatland Cherenkov Radiations on Metasurfaces (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(2)/2024)45
Imaging through Random Media Using Coherent Averaging (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(3)/2023)45
GEOMScope: Large Field‐of‐View 3D Lensless Microscopy with Low Computational Complexity44
Antireflection Spatiotemporal Metamaterials (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(9)/2023)43
Compact Chemical Identifier Based on Plasmonic Metasurface Integrated with Microbolometer Array (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(4)/2022)42
Laser‐Induced Graphene Hologram Reconfiguration for Countersurveillance Multisecret Sharing (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(8)/2023)42
Programmable Terahertz Metamaterials with Non‐Volatile Memory (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(4)/2022)41
Linear‐Polarization‐Preserving Metasurfaces Based on Identically Spin‐Locked Geometric Phase41
Self‐Powered and Vis‐Infrared Broadband Gr/InSe/MoTe2 Heterostructure Photodetectors with Ultra‐Fast Response and Low Dark Current40
Global Selection Rules and Giant Enhanced Harmonic Generations in LiNbO3 Nonlinear Meta‐Optics40
A Dynamic Hybrid Luminescent Display for Multilevel Anticounterfeiting40
Broadband Long‐Wave Infrared On‐Chip Silicon‐based Surface‐Enhanced Laser Spectroscopy Enabled by Gradient Nanoantenna Array40
Tunable Liquid Crystal Twisted‐Planar Fresnel Lens for Vortex Topology Determination40
Compact Metasurface Terahertz Spectrometer40
Robust Characterization of Photonic Integrated Circuits39
The Digital Twin Framework for the Physical Wideband and Long‐Haul Optical Fiber Communication Systems39
Subwavelength Raman Laser Driven by Quasi Bound State in the Continuum39
Compact, Scalable, Fast‐Response Multimode 2 × 2 Optical Switch Based on Inverse Design39
Ultrasensitive DNA Origami Plasmon Sensor for Accurate Detection in Circulating Tumor DNAs39
Noninvasive Fluorescence Imaging Through Scattering Media Beyond Memory Effect via Speckle Correlations39
Topological Photonic Chiral Mode Converters39
Data‐Driven Discovery for Robust Optimization of Semiconductor Nanowire Lasers38
Stripe Soliton in All‐Fiber Lasers38
Liquid Nitrogen Temperature Multicolor Persistent Luminescence in a Single Host Material38
Tailoring Arrays of Optical Stokes Skyrmions in Tightly Focused Beams38
Long‐Range Optical Wireless Communication System Based on a Large‐Area, Q‐Dots Fluorescent Antenna38
Integrated Resonant Electro‐Optic Comb Enabled by Platform‐Agnostic Laser Integration37
High Dose‐Rate MeV Electron Beam from a Tightly‐Focused Femtosecond IR Laser in Ambient Air37
Advanced Intelligent Anti‐Counterfeiting in a Memory Storage Phosphor Through Response of Charge Carriers to Temperature37
Realizing the Switching of Optoelectronic Memory and Ultrafast Detector in Functionalized‐Black Phosphorus/MoS2 Heterojunction36
Probing Dual Asymmetric Transverse Spin Angular Momentum in Tightly Focused Vector Beams in Optical Tweezers36
Spectral Manipulation of X‐Ray Excited Optical/Persistent Luminescence by Constructing Metal–Organic Framework@Fluoride Nanoparticles Composites36
High‐Power Laser Systems (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(5)/2022)36
Reversible Active Switching of Fano and Fabry–Pérot Resonances by Electrochromic Operation36
Ultracompact Metasurface for Simultaneous Detection of Polarization State and Orbital Angular Momentum35
Laser Plasma‐Accelerated Ultra‐Intense Electron Beam for Efficiently Exciting Nuclear Isomers35
Ultrafast Laser Writing in Different Types of Silica Glass35
Mn2+/Er3+‐Codoped Cs2AgInCl6 Double Perovskites with Dual Emission and Photochromism Properties for Anti‐Counterfeiting Application35
Polarization Switching Between Electric and Magnetic Quasi‐Trapped Modes in Bianisotropic All‐Dielectric Metasurfaces34
Frequency‐Resolved Optical Gating in Transverse Geometry for On‐Chip Optical Pulse Diagnostics34
Controllable Deformation Modulated Multi‐Functionality for Phase‐Gradient Metamaterials (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(1)/2024)34
Spectroscopic Signatures of Plasmonic Near‐Fields on High‐Harmonic Emission34
Asynchronous Upconversion Sampling of Frequency Modulated Combs34
Perfect Absorption of a Focused Light Beam by a Single Nanoparticle34
Surface‐Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy‐Based Optical Biosensor for Liquid Biopsy: Toward Precision Medicine (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(5)/2024)34
Integration and Applications of Nanomaterials for Ultrafast Photonics (Laser Photonics Rev. 16(11)/2022)34
450 nm Photon‐Pumped Ultraviolet‐C Luminescence for Multifunctional Applications34
Manipulating the Self‐Trapped Excitons in the Lead Iodide/Hexagonal Boron Nitride van der Waals Heterostructures33
Optical Angle Barcodes Enabled by a Pixelated Metasurface for Absolute Micro‐Angle Measurement33
Insights into the Excited State Dynamics of Donor–Acceptor Organic Photosensitizer for Precise Deep‐Brain Two‐Photon Photodynamic Therapy33
Far‐Field Detection of Near‐Field Circular Dichroism Enhancements Induced by a Nanoantenna33
Efficient Cascaded Third‐Harmonic Generation in Sampled‐Grating Periodically‐Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguides33
Solvent Doping Organic Single Crystal Enables High‐Performance Optoelectronic Devices33
High‐Bandwidth InGaAs Photodetectors Heterogeneously Integrated on Silicon Waveguides Using Optofluidic Assembly33
Intra‐Cavity Laser Manipulation of High‐Dimensional Non‐Separable States (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(4)/2024)32
Phase Recovery and Stability: Arbitrary Phase Access for Stable Fiber Interferometers (Laser Photonics Rev. 15(7)/2021)32
Dual‐Site Passivation for Bright and Stable Blue‐emitting CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets32
Wafer‐Scale Manufacturing of Near‐Infrared Metalenses (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(4)/2024)32
Airy‐Like Hyperbolic Shear Polaritons in High Symmetry van der Waals Crystals32
Dichromatic Soliton‐Molecule Compounds in Mode‐Locked Fiber Lasers31
Observation of Topologically Enabled Complete Polarization Conversion31
A Holographic Broadband Achromatic Metalens31
Beyond the Microscale: Advances in Surface Nanopatterning by Laser‐Driven Self‐Organization31
Pure Blue Perovskites Nanocrystals in Glass: Ultrafast Laser Direct Writing and Bandgap Tuning31
Boosting Applications with High‐Performance Near‐Infrared Phosphor‐Converted Light‐Emitting Diodes31
Derivation of the Transient and Steady Optical States from the Poles of the S‐Matrix31
Review of Surface Modification Technologies for Mid‐Infrared Antireflection Microstructures Fabrication30
Reconfigurable and Programmable Space Channels for Non‐Reciprocal Electromagnetic Transmissions by Active Metasurfaces30
Ultra‐High‐Order Laguerre–Gaussian Field Generated Directly From a Laser Cavity with Spherical Aberration30
Switchable Diffraction Pattern Based on Cascaded Metasurfaces30
Broadband Spatial Self‐Phase Modulation in Black and Violet Phosphorus and Near‐Infrared All‐Optical Switching30
Atomically Thin van der Waals Semiconductors—A Theoretical Perspective30
Extremely‐Fine Color Printing by 2D Materials with the Synergetic Effects of Fabry–Pérot Cavity and Exciton Absorption30
Colorful Narrow‐Band Organic Polariton Light‐emitting Diodes Based on a Single Emitter29
Conformally Mapped Mikaelian Lens for Broadband Achromatic High Resolution Focusing29
QCL‐Based Cryogen‐Free THz Optical Wireless Communication Link29
Unconventional Photo‐Control of Structural Features Using Elliptically Polarized Light29
Highly Discriminative Amplification of a Single Frequency Comb Line29
Exceptional‐Point‐Enhanced Superior Sensing Using Asymmetric Coupled‐Lossy‐Resonator Based Optical Metasurface29
Micro‐Rotors on Frictional Solid Surfaces via Optothermally‐Invoked Chirality29
Unique Spectral Broadening Induced by Exchange Coupling Between Cr3+ Ions in LiAl5O8:Cr3+ Phosphors for Versatile Optical Applications29
Shortwave‐Infrared Line‐Scan Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging in Intact Organs29
Adaptive Nanoparticle‐Polymer Complexes as Optical Elements: Design and Application in Nanophotonics and Nanomedicine29
Integrated Optical Spectrometers on Silicon Photonics Platforms29
Circulator‐Free Brillouin Photonic Planar Circuit28
Two‐Photon Laser Writing of Soft Responsive Polymers via Temperature‐Controlled Polymerization28
On‐Chip Near‐Infrared Spectral Sensing with Minimal Plasmon‐Modulated Channels28
Soft Mesocrystal Enabled Multi‐Degree Light Modulation28
High‐Resolution Non‐Line‐of‐Sight Tracking By Comb‐Calibrated FMCW LiDAR28
Silicon Programmable Photonic Circuits Based on Periodic Bimodal Waveguides28
Low‐Latency WDM Intensity‐Modulation and Direct‐Detection Transmission Over >100 km Distances in a Hollow Core Fiber28
All‐Dielectric Meta‐Microlens‐Array Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy28
Fiber Optofluidic Microlasers: Structures, Characteristics, and Applications27
Simultaneous Surface Display and Holography Enabled by Flat Liquid Crystal Elements27
Highly Efficient STEs NIR‐II Broadband Emission in a Perovskite System and its Spectroscopy Applications27
Self‐Compression of High Energy Ultrashort Laser Pulses27
Broadband and Fabrication Tolerant Power Coupling and Mode‐Order Conversion Using Thouless Pumping Mechanism27
Photoelectron‐Extractive and Ambient‐Stable CsPbBr3@SnO2 Nanocrystals for High‐Performance Photodetection27
In Situ Diagnostics and Role of Light‐Induced Forces in Metal Laser Nanoprinting27
Designing Ratiometric Mechanoluminescence via Threshold Manipulation in Sandwich Structures26
Toroidal‐Assisted Generalized Huygens’ Sources for Highly Transmissive Plasmonic Metasurfaces26
Computer‐Generated Holographic Nanoprinting26
Unlocking The Inherent Luminescence of Eu2+/Eu3+ by Light‐Induced Oxidation for Invisible Optical Storage (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(5)/2024)26
Ultra‐Low‐Crosstalk Silicon Arrayed‐Waveguide Grating (De)multiplexer with 1.6‐nm Channel Spacing26
Wideband Polarization‐Insensitive 1‐Bit Phase Manipulations with Co‐and Cross‐Polarized Conversions for LP and CP Waves25
RGB‐Color Image Analysis for Determination of Birefringence of Micro‐Films and Columnar Coatings25
Photonic Higher‐Order Topological Insulator with Enlarged Non‐Trivial Bandgaps25
Time‐Domain Integration of Broadband Terahertz Pulses in a Tapered Two‐Wire Waveguide25
Highly Integrated Dual‐Modality Microwave Frequency Identification System25
Low‐Loss Epsilon‐Near‐Zero Metamaterials25
Experimental Realization of Topologically‐Protected All‐Optical Logic Gates Based on Silicon Photonic Crystal Slabs25
Photoluminescence Enhancement of InSe by Coupling with Circular Bragg Grating24
Waveguide‐Coupled Colloidal Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes and Detectors on a Silicon Nitride Platform24
Near‐Zero Index Photonic Crystals with Directive Bound States in the Continuum24
Recent Progress and Future Opportunities for Hot Carrier Photodetectors: From Ultraviolet to Infrared Bands24
Er3+/Yb3+‐Based Halide Double Perovskites with Highly Efficient and Wide Ranging Antithermal Quenching Photoluminescence Behavior for Light‐Emitting Diode Applications24
Fluorine Polymer‐Modified Dion‐Jacobson Perovskites Enabling Sky‐Blue Perovskite Light‐Emitting Diodes with an Efficiency of 16.55%24
Rare‐Earth‐Ion Doped Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 Photochromics: A Fast Self‐Recoverable Optical Storage Medium for Dynamic Anti‐Counterfeiting with High Security24
Ultra‐Low‐Power Tunable Topological Photonic Filter on Hybrid Integrated Lithium Tantalite and Silicon Platform24
Compact, High‐resolution Inverse‐Designed On‐Chip Spectrometer Based on Tailored Disorder Modes23
The Strain‐Modulated Single‐Mode Laser of Perovskite Microsheets with Grooves on Ultrathin Flexible Mica23
Single‐Shot Recognition of 3D Phase Images With Deep Learning23
Ultrabroadband 2D‐Dispersive Wavelength Selective Switch with 1.57 GHz Hyperfine Spectral Resolution and >1600 Channels23
Optically Reconfigurable Spherical Ge‐Sb‐Te Nanoparticles with Reversible Switching23
Transmission–Reflection‐Integrated Metasurface with Simultaneous Amplitude and Phase Controls of Circularly Polarized Waves in Full Space23
MXene Quantum Dot Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Ultra‐narrow Photonics: A Comparison of Various Sizes and Concentrations23
E‐Band Metasurface‐Based Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing and Demultiplexing23
Geometric Phase in Optics: From Wavefront Manipulation to Waveguiding23
On‐Chip Chiral Mode Switching by Encircling an Exceptional Point in an Anti‐Parity‐Time Symmetric System23
Unraveling the Role of Crystallization Dynamics on Luminescence Characteristics of Perovskite Light‐Emitting Diodes23
Spectral Narrowing and Enhancement of Directional Emission of Perovskite Light Emitting Diode by Microcavity23
A Hybrid Architecture for Programmable Meta‐System Using a Few Active Elements23
Intelligent Laser Emitting and Mode Locking of Solid‐State Lasers Using Human‐Like Algorithms23
Chirality Induced Nonreciprocity in a Nonlinear Optical Microresonator23
Deep Learning‐Enabled Pixel‐Super‐Resolved Quantitative Phase Microscopy from Single‐Shot Aliased Intensity Measurement23
Crystallographic Engineering to Develop Ultra‐Narrow‐Band Cyan‐Emitting UCr4C4‐Type Phosphor for Healthy LED Lighting and Display22
Thermal Atomic Compass Based on Radially Polarized Beam22
Bi3+/Eu3+ Co‐Activated Multimode Anti‐Counterfeiting Material with White Light Emission and Orange‐Yellow Persistent Luminescence22
High Performance Electrically‐Injected InGaN Microdisk Lasers through Simultaneous Enhancement of Optical Confinement and Overlap Factor22
Disentangled Higher‐Orbital Bands and Chiral Symmetric Topology in Confined Mie Resonance Photonic Crystals22
Experimental Realization of a One‐Directional Broadband Transmissive Cloak in Microwaves22
Meta‐Optics Based Parallel Convolutional Processing for Neural Network Accelerator22
Pyro‐Phototronic Circularly Polarized Light Detection Based on Deuterated L‐Alanine Doped Triglycine Sulfate's Bulk Photovoltaic Effect22
Multiplexed All‐Optical Permutation Operations Using a Reconfigurable Diffractive Optical Network22
Tip‐Enhanced Imaging and Control of Infrared Strong Light‐Matter Interaction22
Recent Progress in Deep Learning for Improving Coherent Anti‐Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(11)/2024)22
Steering Nonlinear Chiral Valley Photons Through Optical Orbit–Orbit Coupling21
Low‐Temperature Sputtered Ultralow‐Loss Silicon Nitride for Hybrid Photonic Integration21
Simultaneous Realization of Dynamic and Hybrid Multiplexed Holography via Light‐Activated Chiral Superstructures21
A Polarization‐Insensitive and Adaptively‐Blazed Meta‐Grating Based on Dispersive Metasurfaces21
Optothermal‐Enabled Reconfigurable Colloidal Photonic Crystals for Color and Spectrum Manipulation21
Hollow‐Core Fiber: Breaking the Nonlinearity Limits of Silica Fiber in Long‐Distance Green Laser Pulse Delivery21
Spin Hall Effect of Light: From Fundamentals To Recent Advancements21
Polarization‐Multiplexing Bessel Vortex Beams for Polarization Detection of Continuous Terahertz Waves21
Regulating A‐Site Alloying of Te4+‐Doped Hafnium‐Halide Perovskite for Fluorescence Thermometry Achieving Breakthrough Sensitivity at High Temperatures21
Topological Metasurface for Spin‐Decoupled Wavefront Manipulation of Terahertz Surface Plasmons21
Fast Gain Dynamics in Interband Cascade Lasers21
Incident‐Polarization‐Independent Spin Hall Effect of Light Reaching Half Beam Waist21
High‐Pressure Modulation of NIR Luminescence in Cr3+‐Doped Cs2AgInCl6 Double Perovskites: The Role of Ultrafast Energy Transfer21
High Space‐Bandwidth‐Product (SBP) Hologram Carriers Toward Photorealistic 3D Holography21
Solution‐Processed Disordered Plasmonic Surfaces as Optics for Infrared Imaging20
Spin‐Decoupled Metasurface by Hybridizing Curvature‐ and Rotation‐Induced Geometrical Phases20
High‐Entropy Perovskite Oxides Integrating Sunlight‐Driven Photochromic and Upconversion Manipulation for Power‐Independent Intrusion Detection Monitoring20
Multidimensional Fiber‐to‐Chip Optical Processing Using Photonic Integrated Circuits (Laser Photonics Rev. 18(9)/2024)20
Large‐Range Beam Steering through Dynamic Manipulation of Topological Charges20
Topological Corner Modes by Composite Wannier States in Glide‐Symmetric Photonic Crystal20
Multidimensional Fiber‐to‐Chip Optical Processing Using Photonic Integrated Circuits20
Liquid Crystal Metasurface for On‐Demand Terahertz Beam Forming Over 110° Field‐Of‐View20