Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing

(The TQCC of Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experimental investigation on axial compression behavior of laminated bamboo lumber short columns confined with CFRP164
Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite coatings – Enhancing the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of natural fibers for masonry retrofitting163
GFRP biocomposites produced with a novel high-performance bio-based unsaturated polyester resin162
Achieving superior low-temperature mechanical performances by nacre-like alternating microlayered structures in PP/POE-based pipes138
Bilayer dielectric composites with positive-ε and negative-ε layers achieving high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss138
A novel and facile method for the synthesis of rGO/ZnO nanocomposite and its versatile use in water treatment138
Infrared-thermography measurement of temperature distribution in carbon fiber–reinforced polypropylene during ultrasonic welding132
Improved thermal conductivity and mechanical property of mercapto group-activated boron nitride/elastomer composites for thermal management115
Carbon fiber/epoxy composite property enhancement through incorporation of carbon nanotubes at the fiber-matrix interphase – Part II: Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube coated car111
Continuous self-crimped micro-nanofiber via one-step electrospinning108
Origami tunable frequency selective fabric and its tuning mechanism108
Progressive damage modeling in open hole composite laminates with ultrasound-informed drilling-induced delamination104
Multiscale analysis of hierarchical flax-epoxy biocomposites with nanostructured interphase by xyloglucan and cellulose nanocrystals92
Assessing the impact of accelerated weathering on the mechanical properties of a flax/epoxy composite: A study on tensile performance and drop-weight impact91
Design of Kagome lattice composite sandwich metastructures with high load bearing and low frequency vibration reduction properties88
Measurement of tensile and shear strength of interfacial bonding in fiber reinforced soft composites combining experiments and simulation87
Healing study of poly (ether-imide) and poly ether ether ketone using resin films and a parallel plate rheometer85
Continuous tow shearing for the automated manufacture of defect-free complex 3D geometry composite parts84
Improving mechanical and life cycle environmental performances of recycled CFRP automotive component by fibre architecture preservation84
Multifunctional pressure/temperature/bending sensor made of carbon fibre-multiwall carbon nanotubes for artificial electronic application83
Mechanical property enhancement of graphene-kenaf-epoxy multiphase composites for automotive applications81
Effect of scale morphology on the mechanical response of bio-inspired fish-scale-based protective structures78
Bonding performances of epoxy coatings reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on mild steel substrate with different surface roughness75
Preparation of a water-based carboxylated Poly(phthalazione ether nitrile) sizing agent for interfacial reinforcement of CF/PPESK composites75
Clarifying the mechanisms of edge glow generation in CFRP laminates exposed to simulated lightning currents74
Salt-template-assisted melt-processed porous poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites for highly efficient all-day passive radiative cooling73
An analytical model for wrinkle-free forming of composite laminates72
Design of polyimide/carbon nanotube@Ag@polyimide/graphene composite aerogel for infrared stealth and electromagnetic interference protection72
Multiscale verification method for prediction results of mechanical behaviors in unidirectional fiber reinforced composites70
Constructing bidirectional heat flow pathways by curved alumina for enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites70
Interlaminar tensile strength of Alumina-Based Oxide/Oxide ceramic matrix composite at room temperature and 1200 °C using diametral compression test method68
Failure investigation of woven scarf-repaired laminates reinforced with nanoparticles: Experimental and numerical investigations68
Characterization of thermomechanical properties and damage mechanisms using acoustic emission of Lygeum spartum PLA 3D-printed biocomposite with fused deposition modelling67
Forming-behavior characterization of cross-ply carbon fiber/PA6 laminates using the bias-extension test67
Progressive bearing failure analysis and strength prediction method for the initial assembly and tensile process of composite bolted joints66
Microstructural behavior of CNT-PDMS thin-films for multifunctional systems66
The use of digital thread for reconstruction of local fiber orientation in a compression molded pin bracket via deep learning65
Effects of crosslinker concentration on curing process and performances of needled fiber preform reinforced phenolic aerogel composite using process simulation and comprehensive experiments65
Realizing ultrahigh strength and excellent stability of ultrasonically welded joints upon co-consolidating an extra resin layer (eRL) on the thermoplastic composites65
Strontium-Modified porous attapulgite composite hydrogel scaffold with advanced angiogenic and osteogenic potential for bone defect repair64
Shear localization in ultralow wear of PEEK/UPE composites64
Controllable and lightweight ZIF-67@PAN derived Co@C nanocomposites with tunable and broadband microwave absorption64
Flax fiber treatment by an alkali solution and poly(dopamine) coating: Effects on the fiber physico-chemistry and flax/Elium® composite interfacial properties63
Dynamic analysis of scarf adhesive joints in CFRP composites modified with Al2O3-nanoparticles under fatigue loading at different temperatures63
Development of sandwich test coupons with continuous protective layers for accurate determination of the tensile failure strain of unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced composites63
Novel micro-nano PBO composite paper with unprecedented mechanical properties and heat resistance62
Impact modification of wood flour reinforced PP composites: Problems, analysis, solution62
Facile engineering strategy to control polymer chain structure for enhanced dispersion, electrical and sensing properties of nanocomposites61
Delamination behaviour and surface morphology of wholly thermoplastic composites using different ultra-high molecular weight thermoplastic fabrics with pristine and toughened Elium resin under Mode I 59
Investigating the impacts of processing variability on tool-part interaction for interply-toughened aerospace composites using a novel shear technique59
A model for the consolidation of hybrid textiles considering air entrapment, dissolution and diffusion59
Semi-analytical formulation of effective permeability of a dual scale unidirectional fabric59
Breathing-effect assisted transferring large-area PEDOT:PSS to PDMS substrate with robust adhesion for stable flexible pressure sensor58
In-plane and out-of-plane deformations in automated fiber placement employing micromechanics method58
Construction of interface-engineered two-dimensional nanohybrids towards superb fire resistance of epoxy composites57
An experimental study of defect evolution in corners by autoclave processing of prepreg material57
Anisotropy behavior of liquid metal elastomer composites with both enhanced thermal conductivity and crack resistance by direct ink writing56
Performance of painted and non-painted non-woven nickel-coated carbon fibers for lightning strike protection of composite aircraft55
Influence of water absorption on the interlaminar behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced composites containing halloysite nanotubes55
Enhanced electrical conductivity of polymer microspheres by altering assembly sequence of two different shaped conductive fillers55
PEDOT:PSS and AgNW synergistically contributed high electromagnetic shielding performance for polyurethane-based composite coating55
Theoretical analysis of phase transition behavior of ALCP/CNT nanocomposites interface by photo and thermal stimulation55
Permeability of flax fibre mats: Numerical and theoretical prediction from 3D X-ray microtomography images55
Editorial Board53
Effect of wettability and textile architecture on fluid displacement and pore formation during infiltration of carbon fibrous preforms52
Cellulose nanofiber-introduced continuous-ramie yarn-reinforced polylactic acid filament for 3D printing: Novel fabrication process and mechanical properties52
Electrospinning of bitter gourd shape CoNiSe2@N carbon nanofibers as absorbers for electromagnetic wave attenuation52
Characterisation of local damage in pultruded GFRP road bridge decks with random fibre mat misalignments52
Pure bending of a continuous fiber array suspended in a thermoplastic polymer in the melt state52
Characterization and computational modeling of continuous-fiber prepreg ply-ply interaction behavior52
A parameterised and integrated modelling method for plain-weave composite preform of a component with complex geometry51
Editorial Board51
Resistance-welded thermoset composites: A Bayesian approach to process optimisation for improved fracture toughness51
Editorial Board50
Construction of compressible dual thermally conductive boron nitride network supported by Polyurethane@Polydopamine skeleton for improved thermal management performance50
Numerical simulation on void formation and migration using Stokes-Brinkman coupling with effective dual-scale fibrous porous media50
Layered ultra-lightweight MXene based composite films for current conduction50
Understanding the effect of hygroscopic cycling on the internal stress and stiffness of natural fibre biocomposites50
Tracking consolidation of out-of-autoclave prepreg corners using pressure sensors50
Linear Viscoelasticity of Bio-based Composites of Polylactic Acid and Regenerated Cellulose Fibers: Modeling and Experimental Validation49
Porosity detection and localization during composite cure inside an autoclave using ultrasonic inspection49
Editorial Board49
Effects of debulking on the fiber microstructure and void distribution in carbon fiber reinforced plastics49
A macroscopic model of the compaction process during compression molding of carbon fiber sheet molding compounds49
Fatigue behaviour and damage mechanisms under strain controlled cycling: Comparison of Flax–epoxy and Glass–epoxy composites49
Influence of the glass transition of interlaminar particles on shear behaviour during cure of interlayer toughened thermoset composites48
An investigation into fatigue behaviour and damage progression in pseudo-ductile thin-ply angle-ply laminates48
Bimetallic organic framework NiFeMOF driven by tiny Ag particles for PVDF dielectric composites48
Acoustic performance of epoxy-based composites incorporating fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes48
Editorial Board48
Composite temperature profile and tooling optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning47
Editorial Board47
Theoretical analysis on lead halides content dependences of defect structures and spin Hamiltonian parameters in lead halo borate glass composites with V2O5 dopants47
Towards a virtual test framework to predict residual compressive strength after lightning strikes47
Manufacturing of thermoplastic composite sandwich panels using induction welding under vacuum47
Interfacial diffusion behaviour and mechanical properties of SiC/Ta hybrid accident tolerance fuel cladding structure47
Dynamic behaviour of Bio-inspired heterocyclic aramid Fibre-reinforced laminates subjected to Low-velocity Drop-weight impact46
Construction of zirconium tungstate modified polymer bonded energetic composites with highly inhibited thermal expansion via bioinspired interfacial reinforcement46
Fibers of thermoplastic polymer blends activate multiple interlayer toughening mechanisms46
Efficient fabrication of highly exfoliated and evenly dispersed high-density polyethylene/expanded graphite nanocomposite with enhanced dielectric constant and extremely low dielectric loss45
Using in-situ conversed nano SiC to bond UHTC particles and construct anti-ablation coating45
Weak epsilon-negative silver nanowires/polyimide metacomposites with extremely low losses45
Advanced analysis of the bias-extension of woven fabrics with X-ray microtomography and Digital Volume Correlation45
Predicting fatigue damage in composites subjected to general loading conditions45
Bayesian inversion algorithm for estimating local variations in permeability and porosity of reinforcements using experimental data44
An evaluation of the influence of manufacturing methods on interlocked aluminium-thermoplastic composite joint performance44
Biomass-derived carbon decorated with Ni0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 particles towards excellent microwave absorption performance44
Mechanical and interfacial analysis of 3D-printed two-matrix continuous carbon fibre composites for enhanced structural performance44
Nonlinear static and dynamic response prediction of bidirectional doubly-curved porous FG panel and experimental validation44
A novel equivalent method for crashworthiness analysis of composite tubes43
Prolonging structural integrity—Fatigue of scarf repairs for wind turbine blade shell applications43
Enhanced vibration damping and viscoelastic properties of flax/epoxy composites and their carbon fibre hybrid laminates43
Construction of interfacial interlocking structure in epoxy composites with enhanced mechanical performance and ultraviolet resistance43
Flame retardant treatments for polypropylene: Strategies and recent advances43
Electrospun fibrous materials and their applications for electromagnetic interference shielding: A review43
The propagation of fibre–matrix interface debonding during CFRP edge milling process with the multi-teeth tool: A model analysis43
A nanostructured cellulose-based interphase layer to enhance the mechanical performance of glass fibre-reinforced polymer composites43
Gauge length and temperature influence on the tensile properties of stretch broken carbon fiber tows43
In situ study on the hierarchical interfacial “global regulation – equilibrium iteration” bearing-toughening mechanisms in Strombus gigas shell by synchrotron radiation computed tomography technique42
Preparation and electromagnetic waves absorption performance of hibiscus-like CuS/SiC NWs@PANI in the GHz band42
Particle morphology dependence of the mechanical and electrical properties in the in-situ graphene reinforced Cu matrix composites42
Upgrading the pore-size scale of MIL-53 from microporous to macroporous for adsorbing triethyl phosphate and reducing the fire risk of polystyrene42
Superhydrophobic surface with excellent mechanical robustness, water impact resistance and hydrostatic pressure resistance by two-step spray-coating technique42
Crack healing in infusible thermoplastic composite laminates41
Synergetic effect of O-POSS and T-POSS to enhance ablative resistant of phenolic-based silica fiber composites via strong interphase strength and ceramic formation41
An efficient finite element mesh generation methodology based on μCT images of multi-layer woven composites41
Electric-magnetic-dielectric synergism and Salisbury screen effect in laminated polymer composites with multiwall carbon nanotube, nickel, and antimony trioxide for enhancing electromagnetic interfere41
Silver nanowires decorated recycled cigarette filters based epoxy composites with high through-plane thermal conductivity and efficient electromagnetic interference shielding41
Toughening adhesive joints through crack path engineering using integrated polyamide wires41
Thermoelastic deformation of geometries of double curvature due to anisotropic shrinkage40
Computational simulation of the damage response for machining long fibre reinforced plastic (LFRP) composite parts: A review40
Platen parallelism significance and control in single fiber transverse compression tests40
On the Mode II fracture toughness, failure, and toughening mechanisms of wholly thermoplastic composites with ultra-lightweight thermoplastic fabrics and innovative Elium® resin40
A novel strategy in micomechanics modeling of silica fibrous ceramics considering morphology-related sintering effects40
Enhancement of fiber–matrix adhesion in carbon fiber reinforced Al-matrix composites with an optimized electroless plating process40
Interfacial enhancements between a three-dimensionally printed Honeycomb-Truss core and woven carbon fiber/polyamide-6 facesheets in sandwich-structured composites40
Repurposed Discontinuous Fiber Composites for industrial applications: Effects of average number of platelets through the thickness, platelet length, and hybridization on flexure properties39
Ultrahigh discharge efficiency and improved energy density in polymer-based nanocomposite for high-temperature capacitors application39
Unfolding graphene nanosheets towards high barrier performance of epoxy/graphene nanocomposite coating39
MoSe2 nanosheets decorated Co/C fibrous composite towards high efficiency electromagnetic wave absorption39
Interfacial engineering strategy to improve the piezoresistive performance of polymer nanocomposites via chemical bonding of carbon nanotubes on graphene39
Effects of thermal shock on the microstructure, mechanical and thermophysical properties of ZrC-C composites39
Automated braiding of non-axisymmetric structures using an iterative inverse solution with angle control39
Shear deformation characteristics under tensile stress during forming of tubular braided fabrics39
Experimental and numerical analysis of eddy current sensor signal induced by out-of-plane fiber waviness in carbon fiber composites38
In-situ synthesis of phosphorus-doped graphene paper with adenosine triphosphate and its application for intelligent fire warning38
3D printed carbon based all-dielectric honeycomb metastructure for thin and broadband electromagnetic absorption38
Ductile woven silk fibre thermoplastic composites with quasi-isotropic strength38
Mussel-like carbon fiber/MnO2 nanosheet heterostructures for mechanically strong carbon fiber/polyamide composites with excellent electromagnetic interference shielding38
Novel processing strategy and challenges on whisker-reinforced ceramic matrix composites38
Effect of atomic oxygen exposure on polybenzoxazine/POSS nanocomposites for space applications38
Functionalizing chitosan-based film with highly sensitive fire response and commendable flame retardancy for intelligent fire-alarm system38
Strength and healing efficiency of helicoidal carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic laminates38
Influence of physical ageing and fibre proximity on the local mechanical response of the Elium® thermoplastic composite matrix37
Effect of fiber misalignment on bending strength of pultruded hybrid polymer matrix composite rods subjected to bending and tension37
Effect of strain rate on the in-plane orthotropic constitutive response and failure behaviour of a unidirectional non-crimp fabric composite37
Properties of shape memory polyimide composites with continuous “brick-and-mortar” layered structure: High flame retardancy, ablation resistance, and high mechanical properties37
Controllable construction of CNT-Interconnected liquid metal networks for thermal management37
Layer-by-layer nanoarchitectonics of graphene/polybenzimidazole functional composite film with excellent photo-thermal behavior and low electrical conductivity37
A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of the strain rate- and temperature-dependent deformation behavior of bio-degradable Mg-CeO2 nanocomposites37
MXene bridging graphite nanoplatelets for electrically and thermally conductive nanofiber composites with high breathability37
Direct electrospinning of short polymer fibers: factors affecting size and quality36
Experiments and simulations for dynamic yarn pull-out response of Kevlar® fabrics36
Effects of cellular crossing paths on mechanical properties of 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced biocomposite honeycomb structures36
Impact of flax fibre micro-structural features on composite damage observed through micro-CT characterisation36
Ultrasensitive, flexible and dual strain-temperature sensor based on ionic-conductive composite hydrogel for wearable applications36
Lubricious yet tough fabric composites at cryogenic temperature by sulfonated polyether-ether-ketone reinforcement36
Preparation of cellulose-paraffin composite foams by an emulsion–gelation method using aqueous inorganic salt solution for thermal energy regulation36
A simple stress-based failure criterion for predicting unfolding failure36
Vibro-acoustic characterization of Functionally Graded Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube composite cylindrical panels: An experimental approach36
High performance porous Ni@Cf paper with excellent electromagnetic shielding properties35
Synergistic impact of ionic liquid on interfacial interaction and viscoelastic behaviors of silica filled nitrile butadiene rubber nanocomposites35
Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of two-dimensional continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites using wedge-loaded double cantilever beam method35
Customized composite intervertebral disc scaffolds by integrated 3D bioprinting for therapeutic implantation35
Modified Fourier Transform Misalignment Analysis multi-rotate method for measuring fibre alignment in stitched glass fabrics35
Mechanical properties of magneto-sensitive shear thickening fluid absorber and application potential in a vehicle34
Microstructure of PyC dominates interfacial shear failure in SiCf/SiC composites: From localized sliding to uniform plasticity34
Controlled metoprolol tartrate release from poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(ε-caprolactone)/polyethylene oxide/metoprolol tartrate composites with alternating multi-layered structures prepared through layer34
PMDI cross-linked rare earth/liquid metal reinforced ANF/MXene membranes for multifunctional electromagnetic interference shielding34
A metal-based microencapsulated phase change material (MEPCM) with high thermal reliability and its performance regulation34
Electrical properties of 3D printed continuous carbon fibre composites made using the FDM process34
A review on the tooling technologies for composites manufacturing of aerospace structures: materials, structures and processes34
Programmable, biodegradable composite scaffolds with variable pore morphology for minimal invasive bone repair34
Ice-templated graphene in-situ loaded boron nitride aerogels for polymer nanocomposites with high thermal management capability34
Carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers based co-continuous thermoplastic elastomeric blend composites for efficient microwave shielding and thermal management34
ZIF-67/CMC-derived 3D N-doped hierarchical porous carbon with in-situ encapsulated bimetallic sulfide and Ni NPs for synergistic microwave absorption34
Nanoscale digital image correlation at elementary fibre/matrix level in polymer–based composites34
Development of high-temperature wave-transparent nitride-based CFCMCs for aircraft radomes34
Development of a novel flax soy-based polyurethane prepreg composite34
Exploring the morphology of flax fibres by X-ray microtomography and the related mechanical response by numerical modelling34
In situ preparation of light-driven cellulose-Mxene aerogels based composite phase change materials with simultaneously enhanced light-to-heat conversion, heat transfer and heat storage33
Thermal response and pyrolysis behavior of carbon fiber/phthalonitrile composites under one-sided butane flame heating: Experimental and numerical analysis33
A review on self-reporting mechanochromic composites: An emerging technology for structural health monitoring33
Novel bio-based nanosheets: Improving the fire safety, electromagnetic shielding and mechanical properties of polylactic acid33
Thermal-insulation and ablation-resistance of Ti-Si binary modified carbon/phenolic nanocomposites for high-temperature thermal protection33
Vitrimer-like, mechanically Robust, healable and recyclable biobased elastomers based on epoxy natural Rubbers, polylactide and layered double hydroxide33
Porous nanofibers and micro-pyramid structures array for high-performance flexible pressure sensors33
Influence of ozone functionalization of carbon nanotubes on the fracture toughness improvement of polymer nanocomposites: A multiscale study33
New approach for electric vehicle composite battery housings: Electromagnetic shielding and flame retardancy of PUR/UP-based sheet moulding compound33
Efficient sublaminate-scale impact damage modelling with higher-order elements in explicit integration32
Effect of aging on the fatigue crack growth properties of carbon-polyamide 6 thermoplastic composites using the multi ΔG-control method32
Wet-spun flexible carbon nanotubes/polyaniline fibers for wearable thermoelectric energy harvesting32
Ternary-channel porous composite textiles for effective cooling32
Polyimide composite aerogels towards highly efficient microwave absorption and thermal insulation32
3D Graphene – sponge skeleton reinforced polysulfide rubber nanocomposites with improved electrical and thermal conductivity32
Superior flexural, interlaminar- shear and fracture performance of glass fiber/epoxy laminates employing 3-D reinforcement approach: Emphasis on through thickness functionalized CNT alignment32
Enhanced interlaminar fracture toughness of unidirectional CFRP laminates with tailored microstructural heterogeneity of toughening layer32
Heating De-fluorination derived radicals promoted interfacial grafting and enhanced Kevlar/Bismaleimide composites32
Advanced thermoplastic polyurethane/hexagonal boron nitride thermal conductors via elongational flow from the aspect of experiment and simulation32
Thermally conducting yet electrically insulating epoxy nanocomposites containing aluminum@electrochemically exfoliated graphene hybrid32
Breathable, durable and bark-shaped MXene/textiles for high-performance wearable pressure sensors, EMI shielding and heat physiotherapy32
Flame-retardant aramid fabric with durable, self-cleaning, hydrophobic, and tunable electromagnetic interference shielding properties31
Ultra-high temperature graphitization of three-dimensional large-sized graphene aerogel for the encapsulation of phase change materials31
Insight into mycelium-lignocellulosic bio-composites: Essential factors and properties31
The role of cavitation in the toughening of elastomer nanocomposites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets31
Multifunctional two-way shape memory RGO/ethylene-vinyl acetate composite yarns for electro-driven actuators and high sensitivity strain sensors31
PEG-filled kapok fiber/sodium alginate aerogel loaded phase change composite material with high thermal conductivity and excellent shape stability31
Raman spectroscopy used for estimating the effective elastic modulus of carbon nanotubes in aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes/ epoxy composites under tensile loading31
Doping, directional densification-stretching to reconstruct high performance CNT composite yarns for stretchable conductors31
Facile construction of three-dimensional porous netlike reduced graphene oxide/zinc oxide composite aerogels as the lightweight, flame retardant, compression resilience and high-performance electromag31
Experimental characterization of CFRP single lap joints under tension at various loading rates30
Fabrication of yolk-shell NiCo alloy@C composites derived from trimetallic metal–organic frameworks as light-weight and high-performance electromagnetic wave absorbers30
Inline tape width control for thermoplastic automated tape layup30
Real-time evaluating temperature-dependent interfacial shear strength of thermoplastic composites based on stress impedance effect of magnetic fibers30
3D structured graphene fluoride-based epoxy composites with high thermal conductivity and electrical insulation30
Large-scale preparation of flexible phase change composites with synergistically enhanced thermally conductive network for efficient low-grade thermal energy recovery and utilization30
Improving the performance of pseudo-ductile hybrid composites by film-interleaving30
Multifunctional MXene-coated cotton fabric with enhanced thermopower for smart fire protection30
A copper organic phosphonate functionalizing boron nitride nanosheet for PVA film with excellent flame retardancy and improved thermal conductive property30
Crack growth study of wood and transparent wood-polymer composite laminates by in-situ testing in weak TR-direction30
Intumescent closed-cell porous molecular engineering towards high flame retardancy and ultra-low smoke release epoxy resin30
Scalable, efficient piezoelectric wood nanogenerators enabled by wood/ZnO nanocomposites30
Implementation of a viscoelastic material model to predict the compaction response of dry carbon fiber preforms30
Multiscale thermo-mechanical analysis of cure-induced deformation in composite laminates using Direct FE30
Carbon coated piezoresistive fiber sensors: From process monitoring to structural health monitoring of composites – A review30
Enhanced thermal conductivity of phase change composites with novel binary graphite networks29
Combined effect of moisture and test temperature on the pseudo-ductility of thin-ply carbon/epoxy-glass/epoxy hybrid composites29
Quasi-static indentation and acoustic emission to analyze failure and damage of bio-composites subjected to low-velocity impact29
Triple-shape memory polybenzoxazine resins and their composites29
Impact behaviour of 3D printed fiber reinforced cementitious composite beams29
Mesoscopically ordered Fe3O4/C nano-composite for superior broadband electromagnetic wave absorption29
Introduction of the developable surface concept in fibrous composite materials29
Quantifying effects of manufacturing methods on fiber orientation in unidirectional composites using structure tensor analysis29
Achieving remarkable enhancement on electromagnetic shielding performance in multi-walled carbon nanotube/polydimethylsiloxane composites via adding a small amount of metal micro-particles as scatteri29
High-temperature dielectric polymers with high breakdown strength and energy density via constructing the electron traps in blends29
A review on three-dimensional stitched composites and their research perspectives28
Anisotropic thermally superinsulating boron nitride composite aerogel for building thermal management28
Investigating interfacial adhesion and open-hole compressive (OHC) strength correlations for CFRPs via variations in sizing and oxidative surface treatment28
Synergistic optimization in solidification microstructure and mechanical performance of novel (TiC N  − TiB2)p/Al nanocomposites: Design, tuning and mechanism28
Recent advances in the flame retardancy role of graphene and its derivatives in epoxy resin materials28