International Journal of Plasticity

(The TQCC of International Journal of Plasticity is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board175
Editorial Board140
Editorial Board119
An efficient and minimalist scheme for continuum dislocation dynamics119
Modeling the non-Schmid crystallographic slip in MAX phases108
A Combined Atomistic-Continuum Study on the Unfaulting of Single and Multi-layer Interstitial Dislocation Loops in Irradiated FCC and HCP Metals96
Atomic-scale study of the {112¯93
A ductile fracture criterion under warm-working conditions based on the multiscale model combining molecular dynamics with finite element methods93
Editorial Board88
Editorial Board86
An atomistically-informed phase-field model for quantifying the effect of hydrogen on the evolution of dislocations in FCC metals83
Editorial Board79
Lode-dependent second porosity in porous plasticity for shear-dominated loadings76
Crystal grain size effects and crystallinity dynamics during supersonic particle impacts75
A continuum model for dislocation climb72
Editorial Board69
Thermodynamic modeling framework with experimental investigation of the large-scale bonded area and local void in Cu-Cu bonding interface for advanced semiconductor packaging69
Editorial Board69
Counterexample-trained neural network model of rate and temperature dependent hardening with dynamic strain aging66
Modeling of creep in nickel-based superalloy based on microtwinning mechanism63
A rational multiscale nonlinear constitutive model for freeze–thaw rocks under triaxial compression62
Mechanical, microstructural and in-situ neutron diffraction investigations of equi-biaxial Bauschinger effects in an interstitial-free DC06 steel62
A temporal graph neural network for cross-scale modelling of polycrystals considering microstructure interaction61
An extended gradient damage model for anisotropic fracture61
Orientation-dependent deformation mechanisms of alpha-uranium single crystals under shock compression60
A new failure criterion for predicting meso/micro-scale forming limit of composite metal foils60
Unveiling the orientation sensitivity of creep life in near [001] oriented Ni-based single crystal superalloys at intermediate temperatures60
Parameter identification for the non-associated flow rules representing corner effects through the equivalent tangential shear modulus reduction after abrupt strain-path change60
Creep anisotropy modeling and uncertainty quantification of an additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy59
Shear direction induced transition mechanism from grain boundary migration to sliding in a cylindrical copper bicrystal59
Modeling and numerical simulation of thermo-electro-mechanical coupling behaviors of liquid crystal elastomers57
Multi-scale modelling of rafting behaviour under complex stress states for Ni3Al superalloys57
Monotonic tensile and cyclic deformation of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy with anisotropic microstructural rafting patterns at high temperature: Experiment and constitutive modelling55
Hydride-enhanced strain localization in zirconium alloy: A study by crystal plasticity finite element method54
Micromechanical properties and deformation behavior of the constituent phases in 3rd generation complex phase AHSS: In-situ neutron experiment and crystal plasticity simulation54
Effect of hydrogen accumulation on θ' precipitates on the shear strength of Al-Cu alloys54
Investigation of failure mechanisms in dual-phase steels through cohesive zone modeling and crystal plasticity frameworks54
Two-dimensional evolution of temperature and deformation fields during dynamic shear banding: In-situ experiments and modeling53
Computational modelling of poro-visco-hyperelastic effects on time-dependent fatigue crack growth of hydrogels53
On multiaxial creep–fatigue considering the non-proportional loading effect: Constitutive modeling, deformation mechanism, and life prediction53
A stochastic discrete slip approach to microplasticity: Application to submicron W pillars52
Crystal plasticity model for single crystal Ni-based superalloys: Capturing orientation and temperature dependence of flow stress51
Interaction between basal edge/mixed <a> dislocations and point defects in zirconium51
Fatigue-resistant design in low-cycle regime by regulating the micro-structural gradient in a TWIP steel: Modelling and experiment51
An experimental study of the mechanical behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy under combined axial-torsion loading51
Effect of printing direction and thickness on the mechanical behavior of SLM fabricated Hastelloy-X51
A critical dislocation velocity for serration mechanism transition in a nickel-chromium solid solution alloy51
A unified amorphous–crystalline viscoplastic hardening law for non-isothermal modelling of thermoplastics and thermosets50
Two laser beam modulation of microstructure and residual stress field in cold sprayed Al alloy for recovering fatigue performance50
Microstructural causes and mechanisms of crack growth rate transition and fluctuation of additively manufactured titanium alloy50
Gurson-Cohesive modeling (GCM) for 3D ductile fracture simulation50
The influence of shearable and nonshearable precipitates on the Portevin-Le Chatelier behavior in precipitation hardening AlMgScZr alloys48
Modelling dynamic recrystallisation in magnesium alloy AZ3148
High pressure-induced elimination of grain size softening in nanocrystalline metals: Grain boundary strengthening overwhelming reduction of intragranular dislocation storage ability48
Modelling the influence of fines content on the instability of silty sands considering grain scale interactions48
An insight into size effect on fracture behavior of Inconel 718 cross-scaled foils47
Thermo-mechanically coupled gradient-extended damage-plasticity modeling of metallic materials at finite strains47
Experimental and modelling assessment of ductility in a precipitation hardening AlMgScZr alloy47
Modelling and physical analysis of the high-temperature rheological behavior of a metallic glass47
Effect of Nb solutes on the Kolbe mechanism for microtwinning in Ni-based superalloys46
Microstructural insights into fatigue short crack propagation resistance and rate fluctuation in a Ni-based superalloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion46
Wavy interface enables extra strengthening in an additively manufactured high-entropy alloy with Mortise-Tenon architecture46
Time-dependent microstructural evolution mechanisms of twisted carbon nanotube fibers under tension and relaxation46
Anisotropic distortional hardening based on deviatoric stress invariants under non-associated flow rule45
Temperature-dependent damage of magnesium alloy with ratchetting–fatigue interaction effects: Experiments and mesomechanical theory45
An additively manufactured and direct-aged AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy with superior strength and ductility: micromechanical mechanisms45
Damage-coupled unified constitutive modeling of 316LN stainless steel including dynamic strain aging under various tension dwell time: A macroscopic phenomenological study45
Assessment of the time-dependent behavior of dislocation multiplication under shock loading45
Role of particles and lattice rotation in tension–compression asymmetry of aluminium alloys45
The mechanism for Li-addition induced homogeneous deformation in Mg-4.5wt.% Li alloy45
Experimental and numerical investigation of differential hardening of cold rolled steel sheet under non-proportional loading using biaxial tensile test43
Key role of plastic strain gradient in hydrogen transport in polycrystalline materials42
Atomistic analysis of the mechanisms underlying irradiation-hardening in Fe–Ni–Cr alloys42
A generalised framework for modelling anisotropic creep-ageing deformation and strength evolution of 2xxx aluminium alloys42
Understanding the effect of refractory metal chemistry on the stacking fault energy and mechanical property of Cantor-based multi-principal element alloys41
In-situ neutron diffraction study of the strengthening mechanism and deformation behavior of cellular structure in high-entropy alloys by additive manufacturing41
Editorial Board41
Coupled cellular automata-crystal plasticity modeling of microstructure-sensitive damage and fracture behaviors in deformation of α-titanium sheets affected by grain size41
Enhanced dynamic mechanical properties and resistance to the formation of adiabatic shear band by Cu-rich nano-precipitates in high-strength steels41
3D microstructure-based modelling of ductile damage at large plastic strains in an aluminum sheet41
Role of low-level void swelling on plasticity and failure in a 33 dpa neutron-irradiated 304 stainless steel40
Deep active learning for constitutive modelling of granular materials: From representative volume elements to implicit finite element modelling40
Achieving excellent uniform tensile ductility and strength in dislocation-cell-structured high-entropy alloys40
Lithium concentration and atomic chain bridging induced strength–ductility synergy in amorphous lithiated sulfur cathodes40
Machine learning-driven stress integration method for anisotropic plasticity in sheet metal forming40
Influence of kinetic effect on interaction between edge dislocation and irradiated dislocation loops in BCC Tantalum40
Estimation of elastic properties and failure strength of layered rocks with a multi-scale damage approach40
Multiscale stress and strain statistics in the deformation of polycrystalline alloys40
Prediction of shear strength of cluster-strengthened aluminum with multi-scale approach describing transition from cutting to bypass of precipitates by dislocations40
Strengthening and toughening of Cu matrix composites reinforced by metallic glass particles with variable size39
Modeling shock-induced void collapse in single-crystal Ta systems at the mesoscales39
Effects of interdiffusion on shear response of semi-coherent {111} interfaces in Ni/Cu39
Developing parametrically upscaled constitutive and crack nucleation models for the 38
Heterogeneous metallic glass composites with a unique combination of strength, plasticity and conductivity38
Improved creep behaviour for a high strength Al-Li alloy in creep age forming: Experimental studies and constitutive modelling38
High-temperature “Inverse” Hall-Petch relationship and fracture behavior of TA15 alloy38
Multi-scale damage mechanism of hierarchically structured high-strength martensitic steels under shock loading38
A non-local methodology for geometrically necessary dislocations and application to crack tips37
Intermetallic size and morphology effects on creep rate of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder37
Influences of the evolving plastic behavior of sheet metal on V-bending and springback analysis considering different stress states37
Microstructural factors governing the significant strengthening of Al/Al2Cu mille-feuille structured alloys accompanied by kink-band formation37
Exploring structural origins responsible for the exceptional mechanical property of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel via in-situ and comparative investigations37
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity37
Microstructure-based multiscale and heterogeneous elasto-plastic properties of 2205 duplex stainless steel welded joints: Experimental and modeling37
Dynamic crystal plasticity modeling of single crystal tantalum and validation using Taylor cylinder impact tests37
Modelling of ultrasonic vibration-assisted forming considering the distribution of ultrasonic field with structure deformation37
A scheme for achieving strength-ductility trade-off in metallic glasses37
Lode-dependent anisotropic-asymmetric yield function for isotropic and anisotropic hardening of pressure-insensitive materials. Part I: Quadratic function under non-associated flow rule37
A multiscale investigation on the preferential deformation mechanism of coarse grains in the mixed-grain structure of 316LN steel36
Experimental and numerical investigations of plastic strain mechanisms of AISI 316L alloys with bimodal grain size distribution36
On the effects of texture and microstructure on hydrogen transport towards notch tips: A CPFE study36
Abnormal hardening and amorphization in an FCC high entropy alloy under extreme uniaxial tension36
A microstructure-based porous crystal plasticity FE model for additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloys36
Mesoscopic unit cell analysis of ductile failure under plane stress conditions35
On the origin of the strain hardening mechanisms of Ni20Cr alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion35
Martensitic transformation induced planar deformation of AlN nanoprecipitates in high nitrogen stainless steels35
A comprehensive study of the anisotropic tensile properties of laser additive manufactured Ni-based superalloy after heat treatment34
Development of microstructure-sensitive damage models for zirconium polycrystals34
Role of stress-induced martensite on damage behavior in a metastable titanium alloy34
Ductility limit prediction for polycrystalline aggregates using a CPFEM-based multiscale framework34
Tensile and compressive plastic deformation behavior of medium-entropy Cr-Co-Ni single crystals from cryogenic to elevated temperatures34
Micromechanical crystal plasticity back stress evolution within FCC dislocation substructure34
Prominent role of multi-scale microstructural heterogeneities on superplastic deformation of a high solid solution Al–7Mg alloy34
Defect interaction summary between edge dislocations and <112>-axis symmetric tilt grain boundaries in copper on activation barriers and critical stresses34
A three-dimensional mechanistic study of the drivers of classical twin nucleation and variant selection in Mg alloys: A mesoscale modelling and experimental study34
Achieving strength and ductility synergy via a nanoscale superlattice precipitate in a cast Mg-Y-Zn-Er alloy33
Effect of Si on the evolution of plasticity mechanisms, grain refinement and hardness during high-pressure torsion of a non-equiatomic CoCrMnNi multi-principal element alloy33
Revealing the influential mechanism of strain ranges on cyclic-life saturation during creep-fatigue in Nickel-based superalloy DZ44533
Atomic structure, stability, and dissociation of dislocations in cadmium telluride33
A cohesive viscoelastic-elastoplastic-damage model for DEM and its applications to predict the rate- and time-dependent behaviour of asphalt concretes33
A deep learning energy-based method for classical elastoplasticity33
Elastoplastic transition in a metastable β-Titanium alloy, Timetal-18 – An in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study33
Stress-assisted (γ→α′) and strain-induced (γ→ε→α′) phase transformation kinetics laws implemented in a crystal plasticity model for predicting strain path sensitive deformation of austenitic steels32
Controllable selection of martensitic variant enables concurrent enhancement of strength and ductility in a low-carbon steel32
Brittle-ductile failure transition in geomaterials modeled by a modified phase-field method with a varying damage-driving energy coefficient32
Role of <a> and <c+a> dislocations on the room-temperature grain boundary migration in a deformed Mg alloy32
On the coupling of damage and single crystal plasticity for ductile polycrystalline materials32
Interpretation of the stress dip test as a means of characterizing backstress: Experiments and backstress-aided crystal plasticity modeling of polycrystalline tantalum32
Strength-ductility synergy of an additively manufactured metastable high-entropy alloy achieved by transformation-induced plasticity strengthening32
Rate controlling deformation mechanisms in SS316L stainless steel manufactured using laser powder bed fusion technique32
Temperature-dependent reversed fracture behavior of multilayered TiBw/Ti–Ti(Al) composites32
Relating stress/strain heterogeneity to lath martensite strength by experiments and dislocation density-based crystal plasticity32
Enhancing strength and ductility of Al-matrix composite via a dual-heterostructure strategy32
New deformation mechanism and strength-ductility synergy in pure titanium with high density twin32
Heterogeneous phase deformation in a dual-phase tungsten alloy mediated by the tungsten/matrix interface: Insights from compression experiments and crystal plasticity modeling31
Mechanical anisotropy induced by the competition between twinning and basal slip of AZ31 magnesium alloy under biaxial tension31
Dynamic strain ageing in an AlMg alloy at different strain rates and temperatures: Experiments and constitutive modelling31
A 3D finite deformation constitutive model for anisotropic shape memory polymer composites integrating viscoelasticity and phase transition concept31
Discerning the duality of H in Mg: H-induced damage and ductility31
A novel elastic–plastic damage model for rock materials considering micro-structural degradation due to cyclic fatigue31
Atomistic simulation of the shock wave in copper single crystals with pre-existing dislocation network31
Exceptional strength-ductility synergy in the novel metastable FeCoCrNiVSi high-entropy alloys via tuning the grain size dependency of the transformation-induced plasticity effect31
The interactions of deformation twins, zirconium hydrides, and microcracks30
Deformation mechanisms of additively manufactured TiNbTaZrMo refractory high-entropy alloy: The role of cellular structure30
Influence of grain size on strain-induced phase transformation in a CrCoNi multi-principal element alloy30
Atomic irradiation defects induced hardening model in irradiated tungsten based on molecular dynamics and CPFEM30
Activating dispersed strain bands in tensioned nanostructure layer for high ductility: The effects of microstructure inhomogeneity30
Modelling stress relaxation after hot deformation: Microstructure-property relationships in Nb-bearing steels30
Nucleation and growth of {101<29
Intrinsic characteristics of grain boundary elimination induced by plastic deformation in front of intergranular microcracks in bcc iron29
A unified statistical model for indentation pop-in: Effects of indenter radius and microstructure density on the transition from homogeneous nucleation to heterogeneous nucleation to bulk plasticity29
High-strength and tunable plasticity in sputtered Al–Cr alloys with multistage phase transformations29
Effects of local strain on the plastic deformation and fracture mechanism of heterogeneous multilayered aluminum29
A polycrystalline damage model applied to an anisotropic aluminum alloy 2198 under non-proportional load path changes29
Mechanistic insights into twinning and detwinning during fatigue short crack growth in zirconium alloys29
Multiscale computational analysis of crack initiation at the grain boundaries in hydrogen-charged bi-crystalline alpha-iron29
Crystal plasticity modeling of electropulsing induced plasticity in metals29
Unraveling dislocation mediated plasticity and strengthening in crack-resistant ZnAlMg coatings29
Evolution of recrystallization texture in medium to low stacking fault energy alloys: Experiments and simulations29
Laser powder bed fused 304L steel shot-peened with various ceramic shot sizes: Surface/subsurface characteristics, tensile behavior, and fatigue behavior29
History and temperature dependent cyclic crystal plasticity model with material-invariant parameters29
A thermodynamics-based hyperelastic-plastic coupled model unified for unbonded and bonded soils29
Plastic flow behaviors of high-strength dual-phase Ni-SiOC nanocomposites29
A microdamage model for FCC single crystals considering a mixed failure mechanism of slip and cleavage29
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of a28
Three-dimensional crystal plasticity simulations using peridynamics theory and experimental comparison28
Exploring atomic mechanisms of microstructure evolutions in crystals under vacancy super- or undersaturation states by a kinetic amplitude-expanded phase-field-crystal approach28
An anisotropic multi-scale method for slipping dislocations28
Editorial Board28
Experimental investigation of early strain heterogeneities and localizations in polycrystalline 28
Editorial Board28
Heterostructure manipulation of Ti2AlNb alloy through directional induction heating: investigation of multi-scale deformation mechanisms in the O phase28
Unraveling the self-annealing behavior of cryo-rolled Cu-Fe-P alloy sheets: Evidence and implications28
Editorial Board28
Editorial Board28
Editorial Board28
Dual-phase polycrystalline crystal plasticity model revealing the relationship between microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties in additively manufactured maraging steel27
Investigation of full-field strain evolution behavior of Cu/Ni clad foils by interpretable machine learning27
A multi-scale formulation for polycrystalline materials accounting for cohesive micro-cracks: Homogenisation of the traction-separation law27
Evolving dislocation cores at Twin Boundaries: Theory of CRSS Elevation27
Automated analysis framework of strain partitioning and deformation mechanisms via multimodal fusion and computer vision27
Rapid assessment of the creep rupture life of metals: A model enabling experimental design27
Quantifying dislocation drag at high strain rates with laser-induced Microprojectile impact27
Editorial Board27
Dislocation accumulation-induced strength-ductility synergy in TRIP-aided duplex stainless steel27
A kinematic hardening constitutive model for anomalous multiaxial ratcheting behaviors of zirconium alloy tubes under combined cyclic axial load and internal pressure at 648 K27
Editorial Board27
On adiabatic shear instability in impacts of micron-scale Al-6061 particles with sapphire and Al-6061 substrates27
Enhanced strength-ductility synergy in medium entropy alloy via phase selective precipitation26
Molecular dynamics simulation of twin nucleation and growth in Ni-based superalloys26
Local micro-mechanical stress conditions leading to pore nucleation during dynamic loading26
Coupling of the phase field approach to the Armstrong-Frederick model for the simulation of ductile damage under cyclic load26
Quantitative comparison between experiments and crystal plasticity simulations using microstructural clones26
From CP-FFT to CP-RNN: Recurrent neural network surrogate model of crystal plasticity26
A macro-micro approach for identifying crystal plasticity parameters for necking and failure in nickel-based alloy haynes 28226
Advancement of microstructural evolution and deformation mechanisms in AA6082 aluminum alloy under elevated-temperature tensile loading26
Surface roughness evolution and heterogeneous plastic deformation of austenitic stainless steel during micro deep drawing: Modeling and experiment26
Modeling a sample size-dependency of martensitic phase transformation using a mesoscale framework26
The derivation of CRSS in pure Ti and Ti-Al alloys26
Strain delocalization in a gradient-structured high entropy alloy under uniaxial tensile loading26
Mechanical properties and deformation mechanism in Mg-Gd alloy laminate with dual-heterostructure grain size and texture26
The effect of hydro-mechanical coupling on the onset and orientation of localisation bands in partially saturated soils26
Crystal plasticity analysis of fatigue-creep behavior at cooling holes in single crystal Nickel based gas turbine blade components26
Enhanced plasticity due to melt pool flow induced uniform dispersion of reinforcing particles in additively manufactured metallic composites25
Temperature-dependent universal dislocation structures and transition of plasticity enhancing mechanisms of the Fe40Mn40Co10Cr10 high entropy alloy25
A rate-dependent constitutive model predicting the double yield phenomenon, self-heating and thermal softening in semi-crystalline polymers25
Role of crystallographic orientation on intragranular void growth in polycrystalline FCC materials25
Evolution of partial dislocation slip–mediated deformation twins in single crystals: a discrete dislocation plasticity model and an analytical approach25
In-situ study of adjacent grains slip transfer of Inconel 718 during tensile process at high temperature25
Multi-heterostructure and mechanical properties of N-doped FeMnCoCr high entropy alloy25
Analysis of slip transfer across grain boundaries in Ti via diffraction contrast tomography and high-resolution digital image correlation: When the geometrical criteria are not sufficient25
An energy based modeling for the acoustic softening effect on the Hall-Petch behavior of pure titanium in ultrasonic vibration assisted micro-tension24
Extensive phase transformation in an equiatomic CrCoNi medium entropy alloy under extreme uniaxial tension24
The importance of interfacial stress-affected zone in evading the strength-ductility trade-off of heterogeneous multi-layered composites24
Ductile ultrastrong China low activation martensitic steel with lamellar grain structure24
Nanoprecipitate and stacking fault-induced high strength and ductility in a multiscale heterostructured high-entropy alloy24
Plasticity in irradiated FeCrAl nanopillars investigated using discrete dislocation dynamics24
Predicting porosity distribution effects on the orientation induced plastic anisotropy of ductile solids: A crystal plasticity investigation24
Understanding the strain localization in additively manufactured materials: Micro-scale tensile tests and crystal plasticity modeling24
High cycle fatigue life prediction model based on crystal plasticity and continuum damage mechanics for Ni-based single crystal superalloys under a multiaxial stress state24
A steady-state irradiation creep and thermal creep model for zirconium alloys24
Revealing the effect of misorientation on the deformation behavior of a Mg-Y alloy from the perspective of local strain24
A dislocation-based model for the microstructure evolution and the flow stress of a Ti5553 alloy24
Modeling dynamic formability of porous ductile sheets subjected to biaxial stretching: Actual porosity versus homogenized porosity24
Strain localization and damage development during elevated temperature deformation of AA7075 Aluminum sheet24
Concentration of transformation-induced plasticity in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys: Insight from austenite–martensite interface instability24
Towards a reliable nanohardness-dose correlation of ion-irradiated materials from nanoindentation tests: A case study in proton-irradiated vanadium24
An investigation on reorientation and textural evolution in a martensitic NiTi rolled sheet using EBSD23
Time-resolved evolution of the deformation mechanisms in a TRIP/TWIP Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 high entropy during tensile loading probed with synchrotron X-ray diffraction23
Excellent strength-ductility synergy assisted by dislocation dipole-induced plasticity in Co-free precipitate-strengthened medium-entropy alloy23
Texture and lattice strain evolution in a pearlitic steel during shear deformation: An in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study23
Processing of bulk nanolamellar tantalum and justification of strengthening by grain boundary pre-stressed model23
Numerical modeling of shear band effect on Goss grain recrystallization in electrical steels: Crystal plasticity finite element and phase field modeling23
The influence of mineral inclusion on the effective strength of rock-like geomaterials23
Study of the dynamic impact spalling of ductile materials based on Gurson-type phase-field model23
Experimental characterization and modeling of complex anisotropic hardening in quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel subject to biaxial non-proportional loadings23
Predicting grain boundary damage by machine learning23
A geometrical model for grain boundary migration mediated formation of multifold twins23
Atomic-resolution investigations on dislocation-assisted evolution of {101¯<23
Polycrystalline simulations of in-reactor deformation of recrystallized Zircaloy-4 tubes: Fast Fourier Transform computations and mean-field self-consistent model23