Building and Environment

(The TQCC of Building and Environment is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Closing the gap between traditional wind-driven rain studies and the performance-based design of building façades: Case study of the Netherlands387
Evaluation of environmental comfort in a social housing prototype with bioclimatic double-skin in a tropical climate203
Spatial distribution of the size-fractional PNC and Pedestrian exposure to PM at an urban signalized intersection165
Comparing classic regression with credit scorecard model for predicting sick building syndrome risk: A machine learning perspective in environmental assessment129
Magnetic Resonance Imaging measurements of scalar dispersion for a scaled urban transient release127
Effect of preferable wind directions on personal thermal comfort of occupants in the air-conditioned office in hot-humid climate125
Indoor plants regulate the respiratory bacteria of high-altitude migrants and improve their environmental adaptability125
Field validation of isotropic analytical models for simulating fabric shades123
Hygrothermal conditions in the tomb of Macridy Bey in the context of restoration, conservation and enhancement works116
Experimental investigation of the cooling capacity and thermal performance of the passive displacement dual cooling coil system in tropical climate112
How can household dampness-related exposure and its related health outcomes be predicted?110
Degradation of pollutants in solid and gas states using waterborne acrylic nanocomposite paints108
Impact of solar gain estimation on heat loss coefficient determination using in-situ data: Comparing co-heating test with B-splines integrated grey-box modelling107
Estimating turbulence intensity along the glide path using wind tunnel experiments combined with interpretable tree-based machine learning algorithms104
Fast regulation of multi-position differentiated environment: Multi-step joint optimization of air supply parameters103
Experimental study of the purification performance of a MopFan-based photocatalytic air cleaning system103
Computer-vision-assisted subzone-level demand-controlled ventilation with fast occupancy adaptation for large open spaces towards balanced IAQ and energy performance102
Editorial Board101
Overlaps in space utilisation patterns and IEQ conditions observed in Activity-Based Working supportive office98
Editorial Board97
Estimating residential air exchange rates in rural Bangladesh using a near field-far field model95
Empirical investigation of interzonal air leakage and airborne sound transmission correlation in multi-unit residential buildings93
Characterization and health risk assessment of nine polychlorinated biphenyls in settled dust of residential buildings in a Middle Eastern area92
Probabilistic occupancy forecasting for risk-aware optimal ventilation through autoencoder Bayesian deep neural networks92
Decision-making analysis of ventilation strategies under complex situations: A numerical study91
Open access decision support for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods: The nano energy system simulator NESSI90
Editorial Board90
Cooling capacity evaluation of thermally activated light shelf (TALS) systems89
Impact of transient temperature on the Elderly's physiology and psychology during getting-up process in winter89
Recognition and prediction of elderly thermal sensation based on outdoor facial skin temperature88
Comparative study on thermal comfort of sports buildings in hot and humid climates from the perspective of exercisers and non-exercisers86
Lung-depositing surface area (LDSA) of particles in office spaces around Europe: Size distributions, I/O-ratios and infiltration85
A multi-segment thermoregulatory model for predicting thermophysiological responses of sleeping body in various thermal conditions85
Effect of water mist stimulation on dynamic thermal response of pedestrians in summer85
Sitting comfort analysis and prediction for high-speed rail passengers based on statistical analysis and machine learning84
Experimental and numerical simulation study on hygrothermal migration of damaged envelope walls during wind-driven rain81
Structured packing improves wet scrubbing of airborne molecular contaminants in cleanroom make-up air units79
Unsteady nodal modeling of building ventilation networks79
Development and validation of a dynamic mass-balance prediction model for indoor particle concentrations in an office room78
Dilution of airborne contaminants from through-wall exhausts located on the side of multi-family residential buildings78
Experimental measurement of bioaerosol concentrations and containment in long-term care environments78
A variable gradient descent shape optimization method for transition tee resistance reduction77
Experimental studies on spray flow rate optimization to improve outdoor thermal environment and its climate correlation analysis77
Air quality and comfort constrained energy efficient operation of multi-zone buildings76
Resilience of biocide-free ETICS to microbiological growth in an accelerated weathering test76
Classroom scale measurements of the efficacy of ventilation, filtration, and electronic air cleaners for the removal of aerosol particles75
Ventilation strategies and children's perception of the indoor environment in Swedish primary school classrooms74
Laboratory development of subaerial biofilms commonly found on buildings. A methodological review74
Editorial – Fluid tunnel research for multiphysics modelling of urban climate74
Editorial Board74
The week that will be: Communicating the impact of climate change via extreme weeks73
Development of a high-speed bioaerosol elimination system for treatment of indoor air73
Thermal renders for traditional and historic masonry walls: Comparative study and recommendations for hygric compatibility72
Current and future geographical distribution of the indoor conditions for high thermal inertia historic buildings across Portugal via hygrothermal simulation72
Wind fluctuations affect the mean behaviour of naturally ventilated systems71
Effect of latent heat storage on thermal comfort and energy consumption in lightweight earth-based housings70
Assessing ventilation cavity design impact on the energy performance of rainscreen wall assemblies: A CFD study69
Investigating methods to quantifying uncertainty in PM2.5 emission rates from cooking by toasting bread68
Exploring office comfort and productivity in living labs: A yearlong structural equation modeling study67
Assessing built microclimate with building group frontal projection maps: A sun-path-dependent deep transfer learning neural network approach67
Semantic segmentation of longitudinal thermal images for identification of hot and cool spots in urban areas67
Effect of opening on environmental conditions of a naturally ventilated stable in Thailand66
Visualization experiment and flow homogenization optimization of the multi-path plenum chamber system using a perforated plate66
Investigation of drivers’ thermal comfort based on selective cooling seats with air conditioner in summer using biosignals and subjective survey66
Examining behavioral aspect of urban context effect on residential building energy use in Seoul – linking urban walkability to energy66
Numerical investigation of pilots’ micro-environment in an airliner cockpit65
Real-time clothing insulation level classification based on model transfer learning and computer vision for PMV-based heating system optimization through piecewise linearization64
Editorial Board64
Experimental study of buoyancy-driven ventilation with a single opening between two adjacent building zones64
Mathematical model and energy efficiency analysis of a vacuum-based liquid desiccant regenerator63
Spatial distributions of particulate matter in neighborhoods along the highway using unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai61
Preliminary investigation on the human response to patterned chromatic glazing61
Strategies to achieve optimum visual quality for maximum occupant satisfaction: Field study findings in office buildings61
Editorial Board61
Simulation-based analysis of luminous environment of OLED lighting-integrated blinds for PV–OLED blind systems61
An efficient numerical approach for simulating airflows around an isolated building61
Index of ventilation effectiveness regarding energy performance considering cooling effect of air movement: Equivalent Thermal Utilization Effectiveness61
Physiological-signal-based prediction of occupant thermal comfort in a nonuniform transient vehicular cabin during winter60
The influence of weather on heat demand profiles in UK social housing tower blocks60
Determination of core and mean skin temperatures for the evaluation of thermal comfort: A comparative study60
Solar photovoltaics deployment impact on urban temperature: Review and assessment recommendations59
Human body convective heat transfer coefficient under non-stationary turbulent wind59
Visual and acoustic discomfort: A comparative study of impacts on individuals with and without ADHD using electroencephalogram (EEG)59
Heat stress risk at an intra-urban level: A case study of Delhi, India59
Assessing children's outdoor thermal comfort with facial expression recognition: An efficient approach using machine learning59
Does context matter? Robust building retrofit decision-making for decarbonization across Europe58
Development of a simplified cool coating thermal model for predicting street canyon air temperature57
Transient transmission of droplets and aerosols in a ventilation system with ceiling fans56
Enhancing hygrothermal monitoring of wet construction with digital twins56
Numerical analysis on the energy performance of the PCMs-integrated thermochromic coating building envelopes56
Unsteady analysis of non-isothermal natural ventilation airflow using domain decomposition technique with LES56
A biophilic wellbeing framework for positive indoor-outdoor connections in energy-efficient Arctic buildings56
Thermal and draught perception in fluctuating stratified thermal environments with intermittent impinging jet ventilation55
The effects of environmental sensitivity and noise sensitivity on soundscape evaluation55
Environmental determinants of household microbial and allergen levels in the Greater Taipei Area55
Seasonal analysis of land surface temperature using local climate zones in peak forest basin topography: A case study of Guilin55
Child-friendly environments in vertical schools: A qualitative study from the child's perspective54
Integrated on-site collection and off-site analysis of airborne molecular contamination in cleanrooms for integrated circuit manufacturing processes54
Coupling spectral-dependent radiative cooling with building energy simulation54
Effect of walking in heat-stressful outdoor environments in an urban setting on cognitive performance indoors54
Regression forecasting of ‘neutral’ adaptive thermal comfort: A field study investigation in the south-eastern Mediterranean climate of Cyprus54
Coupling mechanism of water and greenery on summer thermal environment of waterfront space in China's cold regions54
Exploration of urbanization characteristics and their effect on the urban thermal environment in Chengdu, China53
Urban ventilation assessment with improved vertical wind profile in high-density cities – Investigations in nighttime extreme heat53
Low-cost, multimodal environmental monitoring based on the Internet of Things53
Comprehensive clustering method to determine coincident design day for air-conditioning system design53
Modelling of sorbent-based gas filters for indoor environment: A comprehensive review53
Use of optimised MLP neural networks for spatiotemporal estimation of indoor environmental conditions of existing buildings52
Eddy3D: A toolkit for decoupled outdoor thermal comfort simulations in urban areas52
Personal thermal comfort models using digital twins: Preference prediction with BIM-extracted spatial–temporal proximity data from Build2Vec52
Experimental performance analysis of hybrid air conditioner in cooling season52
Green finance gap in green buildings: A scoping review and future research needs52
Predicting survival time for cold exposure by thermoregulation modeling51
Assessing a thermoelectric radiative cooling partition as a personalised comfort system using empirical experiments enhanced by digital shadow visualisation51
Hazards of pollutants and ventilation control strategy in industrial workshops: Current state and future trend51
Thermal preference effects on physiological responses and bedding system insulation selection during good quality sleep in the transitional season51
Ventilation performance evaluation of an operating room with temperature-controlled airflow system in contaminant control: A numerical study50
Moving to a green building: Indoor environment quality, thermal comfort and health50
Valley city ventilation under the calm and stable weather conditions: A review50
Editorial Board50
The relationship between thermal comfort, performance, and electroencephalogram during cognitive tests at normal indoor temperatures in summer50
Experimental and numerical study of aerodynamic pressures on platform screen doors at the overtaking station of a high-speed subway50
Effects of unstable thermal stratification on the flow characteristics in an idealized rural-to-urban transition region: A large-eddy simulation study50
Boosting mold aerosol reduction and dehumidification performance in liquid desiccant systems using airborne ultrasound: An experimental study50
The challenge of noise pollution in high-density urban areas: Relationship between 2D/3D urban morphology and noise perception50
Impact of solar radiation on indoor thermal comfort near highly glazed façades in a hot-humid subtropical climate: An experimental evaluation50
Development of a physics-based model for analyzing formaldehyde emissions from building material under coupling effects of temperature and humidity49
Associations between spatial attributes, IEQ exposures and occupant movement behaviour in an open-plan office49
All-sky longwave radiation modelling based on infrared images and machine learning49
Multisensory nature exposure in the workplace: Exploring the restorative benefits of smell experiences49
Influence of material choice, renovation rate, and electricity grid to achieve a Paris Agreement-compatible building stock: A Portuguese case study49
Analyzing occupants' control over lighting systems in office settings using immersive virtual environments49
The effects of lateral entrainment on pollutant dispersion inside a street canyon and the corresponding optimal urban design strategies49
Determination of pressure difference coefficient of shuttle elevator doors in super high-rise buildings under stack effect49
Impact of urban morphology on the microclimatic regulation of water bodies on waterfront in summer: A case study of Wuhan49
Pursuing occupants’ health and well-being in building management: Definition of new metrics based on indoor air parameters49
How much is the indoor comfort of a residential building worth? A discrete choice experiment48
Air supply parameter optimization of a custom nonuniform temperature field based on the POD method48
A simplified tempo-spatial model to predict airborne pathogen release risk in enclosed spaces: An Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD approach48
Numerical and experimental studies of airflows at exhaust hoods with inlet extensions48
Occupant counting model development for urban building energy modeling using commercial off-the-shelf Wi-Fi sensing technology48
Global Air Conditioning Performance Indicator (ACPI) for buildings, in tropical climate48
An experimental study on differences in aesthetic experience according to thermal environments48
Frost resistance performance assessment of concrete structures under multi-factor coupling in cold offshore environment47
Investigating changes in geometric dimensions of vortex zones at the inlet of an exhaust hood set over a plane47
Experimental study of thermal comfort in a field environment chamber with stratum ventilation system in winter47
Fusion-based learning for stress recognition in smart home: An IoMT framework47
Assessment of year-round wind-driven ventilation by an integrated ventilation model47
A novel method for calculating the projected health and climate co-benefits of energy savings through 205047
Theorizing security-pandemic aspects and variables for post-pandemic architecture47
Diode effects on street canyon ventilation in valley city: Temperature inversion and calm geostrophic wind47
A novel active building envelope with reversed heat flow control through coupled solar photovoltaic-thermoelectric-battery systems47
Editorial Board47
Direct load control-based optimal scheduling strategy for demand response of air-conditioning systems in rural building complex47
Quantitative evaluation of carbon materials for humidity buffering in a novel dehumidification shutter system powered by solar energy46
Identification of passive solar design determinants in office building envelopes in hot and humid climates using data mining techniques46
Airborne transmission of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 in an auditorium46
Thermal environment optimisations of cave dwellings for the elderly in heating season among cold regions of China46
Effect of climatic conditions on the performance of a multistage dynamic dehumidifier test rig46
Efficacy of Do-It-Yourself air filtration units in reducing exposure to simulated respiratory aerosols46
Modeling the hygrothermal behavior of green walls in Comsol Multiphysics®: Validation against measurements in a climate chamber46
Numerical and experimental studies on the cooling performance of backfill containing phase change materials46
Numerical and experimental study of the dynamic thermal resistance of ventilated air-spaces behind passive and active façades45
Data-driven approach to predicting the energy performance of residential buildings using minimal input data45
A novel membrane liquid desiccant system for air humidity control45
Restorative benefits of semi-outdoor environments at the workplace: Does the thermal realm matter?45
Effects of facade rib arrangement on aerodynamic characteristics and flow structure of a square cylinder45
Identification of zonal pollutant diffusion characteristics using dynamic mode decomposition: Towards the deployment of sensors44
Analysis of moisture risk in internally insulated masonry walls44
The impact of modeling assumptions on retrofit decision-making for low-carbon buildings44
The effects of sky view factor on ground surface temperature in cold regions – A case from Xi'an, China44
An indoor environmental quality distribution map based on spatial interpolation methods44
Several façade types for mitigating urban heat island intensity44
Perceived workplace layout design and work-related physical activity and sitting time44
Association of parent-reported health symptoms with indoor air quality in primary school buildings – The InAirQ study43
Machine learning–assisted prediction of heat fluxes through thermally anisotropic building envelopes43
A comprehensive objective and subjective assessment survey of indoor environmental quality in higher education classrooms in a hot arid climate43
Selective reinforcement graph mining approach for smart building energy and occupant comfort optimization43
Study on the contributions of 2D and 3D urban morphologies to the thermal environment under local climate zones42
Promoting green buildings in China's multi-level governance system: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis42
Field experiment and simulation of hot air curtain for cold protection in subway aisle in severe cold regions42
Effect of swirl ventilation on contaminant removal in a cylindrical confined space42
Impact of personal protective equipment on wearer's health indicators using multi-parameter physiological monitoring42
An integrative Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) framework: A survey of software developers’ perspective42
Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer for night ventilation in case of mixing ventilation41
Assessing urban ventilation using large-eddy simulations41
Performance study of an active-passive combined anti-frosting method for fin-tube heat exchanger41
Comparative analysis of indoor air quality in green office buildings of varying star levels based on the grey method41
Decision making in reducing carbon emissions for building refurbishment: Case studies of university buildings in New Zealand41
Investigation of the effects of face masks on thermal comfort in Guangzhou, China41
Façade design of side-lit spaces for different climates and surroundings by machine learning and NSGAIII41
Non-invasive human thermal comfort assessment based on multiple angle/distance facial key-region temperatures recognition41
Analysis of financial benefits for energy retrofits of owner-occupied single-family houses in Germany41
A single-layer urban canopy model with transmissive radiation exchange between trees and street canyons41
Mapping the barriers to circular economy adoption in the construction industry: A systematic review, Pareto analysis, and mitigation strategy map41
Overall and local intrinsic clothing insulation using thermal manikin: Impact of methods employed and postures41
STMRT: A simple tree canopy radiative transfer model for outdoor mean radiant temperature41
PCM-containing bi-layered alkali-activated materials: A novel and sustainable route to regulate the temperature and humidity fluctuations inside buildings41
Attention-empowered transfer learning method for HVAC sensor fault diagnosis in dynamic building environments41
Embodied greenhouse gas emissions of buildings—Machine learning approach for early stage prediction41
Rethinking residential energy storage: GHG minimization potential of a Carbon Reinforced Concrete facade with function integrated supercapacitors41
Thermal conductivity assessment of moist building insulation material using a Heat Flow Meter apparatus41
Personalized kitchen air supply for reducing individual thermal discomfort and cooking pollution intake40
Vertical thermal environment investigation in different urban zones (LCZ4/LCZ6/LCZA) and heat mitigation evaluation: Field measurements and numerical simulations40
Short-term analysis of residential lighting: A pilot study40
Thermophysiological responses and thermal comfort of occupants in indoor spaces under different speaking and non-speaking conditions40
Experimental investigation on physiological and perceptual thermal responses through simulated hot-humid deep mine conditions40
Acoustic comfort in educational buildings: An integrative review and new directions for future research40
Effects of composition and structure variables of urban trees in the reduction of heat islands; case study, Temuco city, Chile40
Adapting the two-node model to evaluate sleeping thermal environments40
Tenant perceptions of post-renovation indoor environmental quality in rental housing: Improved for some, but not for those reporting health-related symptoms40
Spatial efficiency: An outset of lighting application efficacy for indoor lighting40
Editorial Board40
Indoor air pollution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted by computers40
A new equilibrium temperature inflow profile for modelling the non-isothermal atmospheric boundary layer in CFD simulation40
On the effect of pressure coefficient source on the energy demand of an isolated cross-ventilated building40
Investigating environmental life cycle impacts of active living wall for improved indoor air quality39
A novel approach to examining the optimal use of the cooling effect of water bodies in urban planning39
Vehicle-based secure location clustering for IoT-equipped building and facility management in smart city39
Occupant-centric cabin thermal sensation assessment system based on low-cost thermal imaging39
Effect of a one-dimensional approach in LCA on the environmental life cycle impact of buildings: Multi-family case study in Flanders39
Long-wave infrared radiation properties of vertical green façades in subtropical regions39
Associations between residential environmental characteristics during pregnancy and birthweight and head circumference among term births: The Taiwan birth Cohort study39
Parametric analysis of a rotating disk for cooking oil fume particle removal39
Effect of a recirculated air curtain with incomplete coverage of room width on the protection zone in ventilated room39
Acoustic design evaluation in educational buildings using artificial intelligence39
Ten questions concerning building electrification39
Inhalation exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) bound to very fine particles (VFPs): A multi-provincial field investigation in China39
Increased airborne transmission of COVID-19 with new variants, implications for health policies38
Energy performance of a reversible window integrated with photovoltaic blinds in Harbin38
Experimental exploration on airtightness performance of residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone in China38
Modeling perceptions of very small space in physical dimension: Effect of the form of line light-emitting units with preference38
Assessment of wind energy potential within through-building openings under twisted wind flows38
Dehumidification-adjustable cooling of radiant cooling terminals based on a flat heat pipe38
A field investigation on adaptive thermal comfort in school buildings in the temperate climatic region of Nepal38
Experimental study to quantify airborne particle deposition onto and resuspension from clothing using a fluorescent-tracking method38
Experimental evaluation of the impact of real sun patch on radiant floor heating in highly glazed spaces38
Perceived air quality and satisfaction during implementation of an automated indoor air quality monitoring and control system38
Building occupancy modelling at the district level: A combined copula-nested hazard-based approach38
Canopy parameters for tree and shrub species compositions in differently intervened land uses of an urban park landscape38
Design, fabrication, and calibration of the Building EnVironment and Occupancy (BEVO) Beacon: A rapidly-deployable and affordable indoor environmental quality monitor38
SVF-CDM: Sky View Factor, a Continuous Digital Model for large cities using SVFPy37
Resuspension of inhalable particles from clothing: A manikin-based chamber study37
Machine Learning to speed up Computational Fluid Dynamics engineering simulations for built environments: A review37
Research on the restorative benefits of sky gardens in high-rise buildings based on wearable biosensors and subjective evaluations37
A novel type of unpowered air curtain at a tunnel portal to reduce the intrusion of cold air37
Assessing embodied carbon emissions from material consumption in Hong Kong's building sector from 2012 to 2050 under uncertainty37
Quantifying the effects of luminous properties on human visual and non-visual responses in indoor environments: An integrative lighting network37
Ten questions concerning the role of urban greenery in shaping the future of urban areas37
Estimating daily road traffic pollution in Hong Kong using CFD modelling: Validation and application37