Computer Communications

(The TQCC of Computer Communications is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Group acknowledgement mechanism for beacon-enabled wireless sensor networks226
Sieve: A flow scheduling framework in SDN based data center networks181
Blockchain-empowered multi-skilled crowdsourcing for mobile web 3.0178
5G for connected and automated mobility - Network level evaluation on real neighboring 5G networks: The Greece - Turkey cross border corridor156
A two-stage federated learning method for personalization via selective collaboration151
A Contextual Aware Enhanced LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate for mobile IoT applications140
Reinforcement learning based offloading and resource allocation for multi-intelligent vehicles in green edge-cloud computing126
Driving a key generation strategy with training-based optimization to provide safe and effective authentication using data sharing approach in IoT healthcare125
Floating Nodes Assisted Cluster-Based Routing for Efficient Data Collection in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks124
VeriBypasser: An automatic image verification code recognition system based on CNN124
Leveraging context-awareness for Internet of Things ecosystem: Representation, organization, and management of context116
Defect identification for oil and gas pipeline safety based on autonomous deep learning network97
A quantitative framework for network resilience evaluation using Dynamic Bayesian Network97
Protocol Reverse-Engineering Methods and Tools: A Survey87
Multi-feature fusion for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on convolutional neural network83
A parallel machine learning-based approach for tsunami waves forecasting using regression trees79
Making stateless and stateful network performance measurements unbiased77
AI-based energy-efficient path planning of multiple logistics UAVs in intelligent transportation systems76
Dynamic multiple access based on deep reinforcement learning for Internet of Things74
A hybrid trust management framework for a multi-service social IoT network72
Estimating the composition ratios of network services carried in mixed traffic71
ER-OCN: Toward efficient network routing in ocean city based on deep reinforcement learning68
Throughput maximization and reliable wireless communication in NOMA using chained fog structure and weighted energy efficiency power allocation approach67
EAPRAD: A MAC protocol for Enhancing Access Probability and Reducing Access Delay in VANETs66
Joint QoS and energy-efficient resource allocation and scheduling in 5G Network Slicing66
Collaborative cloud-edge-end task offloading with task dependency based on deep reinforcement learning65
FedAFR: Enhancing Federated Learning with adaptive feature reconstruction64
Edge-based platoon control63
Editorial Board59
NetSentry: A deep learning approach to detecting incipient large-scale network attacks58
A new intelligent and data-driven product quality control system of industrial valve manufacturing process in CPS57
DA-DMPF: Delay-aware differential multi-path forwarding of industrial time-triggered flows in deterministic network55
Joint mode selection and resource allocation for cellular V2X communication using distributed deep reinforcement learning under 5G and beyond networks54
A decentralized framework for device authentication and data security in the next generation internet of medical things52
Abnormal traffic detection system in SDN based on deep learning hybrid models52
A survey on integrated computing, caching, and communication in the cloud-to-edge continuum52
An optimization NPUSCH uplink scheduling approach for NB-IoT application via the feasible combinations of link adaptation, Resource assignment and energy efficiency51
ReTREM: A responsibility based trust revision model for determining trustworthiness of fog nodes49
A survey on 360-degree video: Coding, quality of experience and streaming49
AntiSense: Standard-compliant CSI obfuscation against unauthorized Wi-Fi sensing49
A pairing-free data authentication and aggregation mechanism for Intelligent Healthcare System48
Privacy-preserving spam filtering using homomorphic and functional encryption47
Optimizing the performance of vehicular delay tolerant networks using multi-objective PSO and artificial intelligence45
Performance evaluation of IoT networks: A product density approach45
Joint perception data caching and computation offloading in MEC-enabled vehicular networks45
Graphic image classification method based on an attention mechanism and fusion of multilevel and multiscale deep features44
Editorial Board44
An interference-conscious reduced routing overhead protocol for Device-to-Device (D2D) Networks44
IoT-based generalized multi-granulation sequential three-way decisions43
FAMG: A flow-aware and mixed granularity method for load-balancing in data center networks43
Blockchain based resource allocation in cloud and distributed edge computing: A survey42
Transient analysis of energy-saving strategy for cognitive radio networks using G-queue with heterogeneity42
How to improve the rumor-confutation ability of official rumor-refuting account on social media: A Chinese case study42
NRflex: Enforcing network slicing in 5G New Radio42
CoPaM: Cost-aware VM Placement and Migration for Mobile services in Multi-Cloudlet environment: An SDN-based approach41
Resource orchestration in 5G and beyond: Challenges and opportunities41
DPLBAnt: Improved load balancing technique based on detection and rerouting of elephant flows in software-defined networks40
A privacy-preserving federated learning protocol with a secure data aggregation for the Internet of Everything39
Graph-based deep learning for communication networks: A survey38
Exploring the design space of privacy-enhanced content discovery for bitswap37
Reinforcement learning multi-agent system for faults diagnosis of mircoservices in industrial settings37
Constriction Factor Particle Swarm Optimization based load balancing and cell association for 5G heterogeneous networks36
Energy consumption model for data transfer in smartphone36
A seven-dimensional state flow traffic modelling for multi-controller Software-Defined Networks considering multiple switches35
Multiple intersection selection routing protocol based on road section connectivity probability for urban VANETs35
A multi-stage graph based algorithm for survivable Service Function Chain orchestration with backup resource sharing35
A proactive caching and offloading technique using machine learning for mobile edge computing users35
Route recommendation for evacuation networks using MM34
Privacy Aware Internet of Medical Things Data Certification Framework on Healthcare Blockchain of 5G Edge33
Handoff control strategy of cyber physical systems under dynamic data attack33
An IoT and machine learning enhanced framework for real-time digital human modeling and motion simulation33
Intelligent routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks dynamically guided by distributed neural networks32
Context-based caching in mobile information-centric networks32
Investigating predictive model-based control to achieve reliable consistent multipath mmWave communication31
A lightweight framework for abnormal driving behavior detection31
An edge computing based data detection scheme for traffic light at intersections30
Edge intelligence for smart airport runway: Architectures and enabling technologies30
Learning to optimize power allocation in cell-free massive MIMO networks with hybrid green energy30
System reliability evaluation using budget constrained real d-MC se30
LK-AKA: A lightweight location key-based authentication and key agreement protocol for S2S communication30
A new RFID ultra-lightweight authentication protocol for medical privacy protection in smart living29
Cloud native Lightweight Slice Orchestration (CLiSO) framework29
Deep reinforcement learning based transmission policy enforcement and multi-hop routing in QoS aware LoRa IoT networks28
Unified scheduling for predictable communication reliability in cellular networks with D2D Links27
In-network aggregation for data center networks: A survey27
Performance evaluation of Attribute-Based Encryption on constrained IoT devices26
Malware containment with immediate response in IoT networks: An optimal control approach26
Noncoherent multiuser massive SIMO with mixed differential and index modulation26
Semantic segmentation of deep learning remote sensing images based on band combination principle: Application in urban planning and land use26
A novel OTFS-based directional transmission scheme for airborne networks with ISAC technology26
A heterogeneous ring signcryption scheme with privacy protection and conditional tracing for smart grid26
Spectral efficiency analysis and optimal power allocation for uplink multi-user cell-free massive MIMO networks employing STBCs26
AI-assisted traffic matrix prediction using GA-enabled deep ensemble learning for hybrid SDN25
Enhancing mobile cloud with social-aware device-to-device offloading25
Sensor-based implicit authentication through learning user physiological and behavioral characteristics25
Editorial for Special Issue on Analysis and Performance of Wireless Mobile Systems25
LVSegNet: A novel deep learning-based framework for left ventricle automatic segmentation using magnetic resonance imaging25
D2D communication channel allocation and resource optimization in 5G network based on game theory25
MECGuard: GRU enhanced attack detection in Mobile Edge Computing environment24
Multi-layer and multi-order fine-grained feature learning for artwork attribute recognition24
Editorial Board24
Staggered HLL: Near-continuous-time cardinality estimation with no overhead24
Stochastic buffer-and-server-aided relay-assisted mobile edge computing in time-slotted systems24
A Binary Gray Wolf Optimization algorithm for deployment of Virtual Network Functions in 5G hybrid cloud23
A Survivable Communication Game based Approach for a network of cooperative UAVs23
Chameleon: A Self-adaptive cache strategy under the ever-changing access frequency in edge network23
Festschrift to honor the lifetime achievements of Prof. Marco Ajmone Marsan23
Editorial Board23
Testing AGV mobility control method for MANET coverage optimization using procedural simulation23
Asynchronous Background Processing for accelerated simulation of wireless communication on multi-core systems23
Network coding assisted reliable multi-source multicasting over a multi-hop wireless mesh network23
An early stage convolutional feature extracting method using for mining traffic detection23
Distributed time synchronization algorithm based on sequential belief propagation in wireless sensor networks23
Is it possible to extend IPv6?22
Velocity tracking control of nodes for the nonlinear complex dynamical networks associated with outgoing links subsystem22
An efficient data transmission scheme through 5G D2D-enabled relays in wireless sensor networks22
Editorial Board22
Wi-Fi throughput estimation and forecasting for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication22
Editorial Board22
Cellular fault prediction of graphical representation based on spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks22
Optimization and analysis of air-to-ground wireless link parameters for UAV mounted adaptable Radar Antenna Array22
Editorial special issue on AI-Driven sensing and computing for cyber-physical systems22
Editorial for Special Issue on Machine Learning approaches in IoT scenarios22
Tag-based self-learning task recommendation for mobile crowdsensing via collaborative multi-expert system21
Efficient resource allocation and user association in NOMA-enabled vehicular-aided HetNets with high altitude platforms21
LoRa localisation using single mobile gateway21
Robustness analysis of DNS paths and web access paths in public administration websites21
Network security situation assessment and prediction method based on multimodal transformation in edge computing21
The anatomy of conspiracy theorists: Unveiling traits using a comprehensive Twitter dataset21
Network approaches in blockchain-based systems: Applications, challenges, and future directions21
Theoretical modeling and analysis of Uplink performance for Three-dimension spatial RISs-aided Wireless communication systems21
Optimizing Secrecy Energy Efficiency in RIS-assisted MISO systems using Deep Reinforcement Learning21
A three-level slicing algorithm in a multi-slice multi-numerology context21
Design and implementation of P4 virtual switches and P4 virtual networks20
A Steiner Tree based efficient network infrastructure design in 5G urban vehicular networks20
A deep heterogeneous optimization framework for Bayesian compressive sensing20
A distributed antenna orientation solution for optimizing communications in a fleet of UAVs20
Femtocell deployment for scalable video transmission in 5G networks20
Design of secured blockchain based decentralized authentication protocol for sensor networks with auditing and accountability20
An improved authentication scheme for BLE devices with no I/O capabilities20
A coalitional game-based joint monitoring mechanism for combating COVID-1920
Anomaly detection method of packet loss node location in heterogeneous hash networks20
Privacy-preserving data dissemination scheme based on Searchable Encryption, publish–subscribe model, and edge computing20
Reinforced practical Byzantine fault tolerance consensus protocol for cyber physical systems19
Hybrid precoding design based on alternating optimization in mmWave massive MIMO systems aided by intelligent reflecting surface19
ms-van3t: An integrated multi-stack framework for virtual validation of V2X communication and services19
Trade-off analysis between delay and throughput of RAN slicing for smart grid19
Improved TDD operation on Software-Defined Radio platforms towards future wireless standards19
Trustworthy artificial intelligence classification-based equivalent bandwidth control19
A spectral clustering algorithm for intelligent grouping in Dense Wireless Networks19
Performance analysis of short-packet communications with incremental relaying19
RLCS: Towards a robust and efficient mobile edge computing resource scheduling and task offloading system based on graph neural network18
Multi-objective cooperative computation offloading for MEC in UAVs hybrid networks via integrated optimization framework18
WOGRU-IDS — An intelligent intrusion detection system for IoT assisted Wireless Sensor Networks18
A cooperative resource allocation model for IoT applications in mobile edge computing18
Temporal ECDSA: A timestamp and signature mask enabled ECDSA algorithm for IoT client node authentication18
EESR: Energy efficient sector-based routing protocol for reliable data communication in UWSNs18
A sustainable deep learning framework for fault detection in 6G Industry 4.0 heterogeneous data environments18
Swin-T-NFC CRFs: An encoder–decoder neural model for high-precision UAV positioning via point cloud super resolution and image semantic segmentation18
A hierarchical caching strategy in content delivery network18
Dynamic power allocation strategy for uplink non-orthogonal multiple access systems18
A secure and lightweight cloud data deduplication scheme with efficient access control and key management18
Sec-edge: Trusted blockchain system for enabling the identification and authentication of edge based 5G networks18
Performance evaluation of mobile RPL-based IoT networks under version number attack17
AP-assisted adaptive video streaming in wireless networks with high-density clients17
Mixed noise-guided mutual constraint framework for unsupervised anomaly detection in smart industries17
Application of no-light fault prediction of PON based on deep learning method17
Deep reinforcement learning based trajectory design and resource allocation for task-aware multi-UAV enabled MEC networks17
VoIPChain: A decentralized identity authentication in Voice over IP using Blockchain17
Fairness-oriented multicast routing for distributed interactive applications17
Edge computing vs centralized cloud: Impact of communication latency on the energy consumption of LTE terminal nodes17
AI-assisted secure data transmission techniques for next-generation HetNets: A review17
A survivable multipath resource allocation strategy based on fragmentation-sensitive fragmentation-aware in space division multiplexing elastic optical networks17
A Semi-supervised Sensing Rate Learning based CMAB scheme to combat COVID-19 by trustful data collection in the crowd17
Accuracy enhancement of Wi-Fi positioning by ranging in dense UWB networks17
A max plus algebra based scheduling algorithm for supporting time triggered services in ethernet networks17
A novel approach for ray tracing optimization in wireless communication16
Tethering Layer 2 solutions to the blockchain: A survey on proving schemes16
Edge computing-empowered task offloading in PLC-wireless integrated network based on matching with quota16
Weighted triplet loss based on deep neural networks for loop closure detection in VSLAM16
Green traffic backhauling in next generation wireless communication networks incorporating FSO/mmWave technologies16
Privacy-preserving WiFi fingerprint-based people counting for crowd management16
Operation and maintenance(O&M) for data center: An intelligent anomaly detection approach16
A robust multi-key authority system for privacy-preserving distribution and access control of healthcare data16
Multi-objective task offloading for highly dynamic heterogeneous Vehicular Edge Computing: An efficient reinforcement learning approach16
Quantum-resistant Transport Layer Security16
DRTP: A generic Differentiated Reliable Transport Protocol16
Attention-transfer-based path loss prediction in asymmetric massive MIMO IoT systems16
Optimization of 5G base station coverage based on self-adaptive mutation genetic algorithm16
5G configured grant scheduling for seamless integration with TSN industrial networks16
SDNRoute: Proactive routing optimization in Software Defined Networks16
Real-time prevention of trust-related attacks in social IoT using blockchain and Apache spark16
Full/half-duplex unmanned aerial vehicles assisted wireless systems: Performance analysis and optimization16
Energy efficiency optimization for 6G multi-IRS multi-cell NOMA vehicle-to-infrastructure communication networks16
Enabling privacy by anonymization in the collection of similar data in multi-domain IoT16
Traffic flow prediction using multi-view graph convolution and masked attention mechanism15
FEDGAN-IDS: Privacy-preserving IDS using GAN and Federated Learning15
An adaptive regional model spectrum sensing algorithm based on TD-LTE system15
Hop-by-hop bandwidth allocation and deployment for SFC with end-to-end delay QoS guarantees15
Learning-based intrusion detection for high-dimensional imbalanced traffic15
Reliable and efficient emergency rescue networks: A blockchain and fireworks algorithm-based approach15
Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as base stations placement to improve the mobile network operations15
Intelligent and secure framework for critical infrastructure (CPS): Current trends, challenges, and future scope15
An anonymous authentication and key agreement protocol in smart living15
AERF: Adaptive ensemble random fuzzy algorithm for anomaly detection in cloud computing15
Hierarchical pattern matching for anomaly detection in time series15
Secure and energy-efficient smart building architecture with emerging technology IoT15
Minimizing cost for influencing target groups in social network: A model and algorithmic approach15
Dynamic task offloading and service caching based on game theory in vehicular edge computing networks15
Towards security automation in Software Defined Networks15
CANET: A hierarchical CNN-Attention model for Network Intrusion Detection15
A novel insurance claim blockchain scheme based on zero-knowledge proof technology15
Computationally efficient topology optimization of scale-free IoT networks15
Addressing disasters in smart cities through UAVs path planning and 5G communications: A systematic review14
Blockchain-empowered secure federated learning system: Architecture and applications14
A multimodal dual-fusion entity extraction model for large and complex devices14
Survival backup strategy for controller placement problem in Software Defined Networking14
A federated calibration scheme for convolutional neural networks: Models, applications and challenges14
An ultra light weight and secure RFID batch authentication scheme for IoMT14
HBRSS: Providing high-secure data communication and manipulation in insecure cloud environments14
A Novel Secured Multi-Access Edge Computing based VANET with Neuro fuzzy systems based Blockchain Framework14
Multi-tenant resource sharing with equitable-priority-based performance isolation of slices for 5G cellular systems14
A dynamic data access control scheme for hierarchical structures in big data14
An improved routing protocol for raw data collection in multihop wireless sensor networks14
Multiple UAVs collaborative traffic monitoring with intention-based communication14
Application of edge computing-based information-centric networking in smart cities14
A survey of breakthrough in blockchain technology: Adoptions, applications, challenges and future research14
Analysis of mobility robustness optimization in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks14
Risk model of financial supply chain of Internet of Things enterprises: A research based on convolutional neural network14
Optimization of battery swapping infrastructure for e-commerce drone delivery14
Autonomous flying IoT: A synergy of machine learning, digital elevation, and 3D structure change detection14
A survey on UAV-assisted wireless communications: Recent advances and future trends14
A mutual information based federated learning framework for edge computing networks14
Retraction notice to “An assessment of software defined networking approach in surveillance using sparse optimization algorithm” [Comput. Commun. 151 (2020) 98–110]13
A novel hardware efficient design for IEEE 802.11ax compliant OFDMA transceiver13
Exploring Data Plane Updates on P4 Switches with P4Runtime13
Optimizing communication and computational resource allocations in network slicing using twin-GAN-Based DRL for 5G hybrid C-RAN13
Slicing a FANET for heterogeneous delay-constrained applications13
NextGenV2V: Authenticated V2V communication for next generation vehicular network using (2, n)-threshold scheme13
Corrigendum to ‘State-of-the-art solutions of blockchain technology for data dissemination in smart cities: A comprehensive review’ [Comput. Commun. 189 (2022) 120–147]13
An efficient trust-based decision-making approach for WSNs: Machine learning oriented approach13
Secure data sharing scheme with privacy-preserving and certificateless integrity auditing in cloud storage13
Mission-critical UAV swarm coordination and cooperative positioning using an integrated ROS-LoRa-based communications architecture13
Link and stability-aware adaptive cooperative routing with restricted packets transmission and void-avoidance for underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks13
SDN-based detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks on smart homes13
AI-empowered, blockchain and SDN integrated security architecture for IoT network of cyber physical systems13
Multi-agent reinforcement learning enabled link scheduling for next generation Internet of Things13
Asymmetric Differential Routing for low orbit satellite constellations13
Viral marketing branching processes13
A path characteristics based adaptive subflow switching algorithm for dynamic heterogeneous MPTCP network13