IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
What Leads to a Confirmatory or Disconfirmatory Behavior of Software Testers?374
Verification of Fuzzy Decision Trees372
Conditional Quantitative Program Analysis228
Revisiting Abstractions for Software Architecture and Tools to Support Them219
An Automated Approach to Discovering Software Refactorings by Comparing Successive Versions203
Software Engineering Research Trends 1994-2024 Stepping Beyond the Lamppost139
The Why, When, What, and How About Predictive Continuous Integration: A Simulation-Based Investigation100
Pull Request Governance in Open Source Communities87
Learning From Mistakes: Machine Learning Enhanced Human Expert Effort Estimates79
Managing Technical Debt Using Intelligent Techniques - A Systematic Mapping Study75
PopArt: Ranked Testing Efficiency73
Towards Scalable Model Checking of Reflective Systems via Labeled Transition Systems71
PatchDiscovery: Patch Presence Test for Identifying Binary Vulnerabilities Based on Key Basic Blocks71
A Semantics-Based Hybrid Approach on Binary Code Similarity Comparison67
Architecture Anti-Patterns: Automatically Detectable Violations of Design Principles66
Clustering Crowdsourced Test Reports of Mobile Applications Using Image Understanding62
scenoRITA: Generating Diverse, Fully Mutable, Test Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicle Planning60
SQLPsdem: A Proxy-Based Mechanism Towards Detecting, Locating and Preventing Second-Order SQL Injections58
Recommending API Function Calls and Code Snippets to Support Software Development58
Clopper-Pearson Algorithms for Efficient Statistical Model Checking Estimation55
Isolating Compiler Bugs by Generating Effective Witness Programs With Large Language Models53
ContractCheck: Checking Ethereum Smart Contracts in Fine-Grained Level53
Reuse of Similarly Behaving Software Through Polymorphism-Inspired Variability Mechanisms50
Task-Oriented ML/DL Library Recommendation Based on a Knowledge Graph50
Building Maintainable Software Using Abstraction Layering50
Pearl: A Multi-Derivation Approach to Efficient CFL-Reachability Solving49
VID2XML: Automatic Extraction of a Complete XML Data From Mobile Programming Screencasts49
The Effect of Feature Characteristics on the Performance of Feature Location Techniques48
Software Testing With Large Language Models: Survey, Landscape, and Vision48
Machine Learning Testing: Survey, Landscapes and Horizons48
Studying the Influence and Distribution of the Human Effort in a Hybrid Fitness Function for Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering47
Concretization of Abstract Traffic Scene Specifications Using Metaheuristic Search46
Identifying the Hazard Boundary of ML-Enabled Autonomous Systems Using Cooperative Coevolutionary Search46
Confirmation Bias and Time Pressure: A Family of Experiments in Software Testing45
Runtime Evolution of Bitcoin's Consensus Rules45
ConEx: Efficient Exploration of Big-Data System Configurations for Better Performance44
XPro: A Model to Explain the Limited Adoption and Implementation of Experimentation in Software Startups43
Can We Trust the Phone Vendors? Comprehensive Security Measurements on the Android Firmware Ecosystem43
How do Practitioners Perceive the Relevance of Requirements Engineering Research?42
Plumber: Boosting the Propagation of Vulnerability Fixes in the npm Ecosystem42
The Impact of Correlated Metrics on the Interpretation of Defect Models41
Review Dynamics and Their Impact on Software Quality41
Function Call Graph Context Encoding for Neural Source Code Summarization41
Emerging App Issue Identification via Online Joint Sentiment-Topic Tracing41
ChatGPT vs SBST: A Comparative Assessment of Unit Test Suite Generation40
In Search of Socio-Technical Congruence: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study40
Testing Self-Adaptive Software With Probabilistic Guarantees on Performance Metrics: Extended and Comparative Results40
Semantic Learning and Emulation Based Cross-Platform Binary Vulnerability Seeker40
Research on Third-Party Libraries in Android Apps: A Taxonomy and Systematic Literature Review40
Mining Similar Methods for Test Adaptation38
NLP-Based Automated Compliance Checking of Data Processing Agreements Against GDPR38
Code Reviews With Divergent Review Scores: An Empirical Study of the OpenStack and Qt Communities37
To Do or Not to Do: Semantics and Patterns for Do Activities in UML PSSM State Machines37
Easy-to-Deploy API Extraction by Multi-Level Feature Embedding and Transfer Learning37
Towards Automatically Localizing Function Errors in Mobile Apps With User Reviews37
Mining Treatment-Outcome Constructs from Sequential Software Engineering Data37
Accelerating Finite State Machine-Based Testing Using Reinforcement Learning36
Accelerating Patch Validation for Program Repair With Interception-Based Execution Scheduling35
Neural Density Estimation of Response Times in Layered Software Systems34
Automatic Debugging of Design Faults in MapReduce Applications34
Combining Genetic Programming and Model Checking to Generate Environment Assumptions34
Improved Management of Issue Dependencies in Issue Trackers of Large Collaborative Projects33
Reusing Solutions Modulo Theories33
From Inheritance to Mockito: An Automatic Refactoring Approach33
Requirements Framing Affects Design Creativity32
Enhancing Trustability of Android Applications via User-Centric Flexible Permissions32
Are Your Dependencies Code Reviewed?: Measuring Code Review Coverage in Dependency Updates31
Redundancy, Context, and Preference: An Empirical Study of Duplicate Pull Requests in OSS Projects31
Comments on "Using k-core Decomposition on Class Dependency Networks to Improve Bug Prediction Model's Practical Performance"31
Answering Uncertain, Under-Specified API Queries Assisted by Knowledge-Aware Human-AI Dialogue30
Selecting Context-Sensitivity Modularly for Accelerating Object-Sensitive Pointer Analysis30
Active Code Learning: Benchmarking Sample-Efficient Training of Code Models30
Metamorphic Robustness Testing: Exposing Hidden Defects in Citation Statistics and Journal Impact Factors30
Towards More Precise Coincidental Correctness Detection With Deep Semantic Learning30
Prevent: An Unsupervised Approach to Predict Software Failures in Production30
Supporting Developers in Addressing Human-Centric Issues in Mobile Apps29
The Impact of Code Review on Architectural Changes29
Mission Specification Patterns for Mobile Robots: Providing Support for Quantitative Properties29
JavaScript Dead Code Identification, Elimination, and Empirical Assessment29
Multi-Granularity Detector for Vulnerability Fixes29
Leveraging Structure in Software Merge: An Empirical Study29
Black-Box Testing of Deep Neural Networks through Test Case Diversity28
DSSDPP: Data Selection and Sampling Based Domain Programming Predictor for Cross-Project Defect Prediction28
Enhancing Mobile App Bug Reporting via Real-Time Understanding of Reproduction Steps28
Grammar Based Directed Testing of Machine Learning Systems28
Orderly Generation of Test Data via Sorting Mutant Branches Based on Their Dominance Degrees for Weak Mutation Testing28
Better Data Labelling With EMBLEM (and how that Impacts Defect Prediction)28
Defining Smart Contract Defects on Ethereum27
Automatic Fairness Testing of Neural Classifiers Through Adversarial Sampling27
Restore: Retrospective Fault Localization Enhancing Automated Program Repair27
FutureWare: Designing a Middleware for Anticipatory Mobile Computing27
A Declarative Metamorphic Testing Framework for Autonomous Driving27
BEQAIN: An Effective and Efficient Identifier Normalization Approach With BERT and the Question Answering System26
Making Sense of AI Systems Development26
Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey26
Enabling Mutant Generation for Open- and Closed-Source Android Apps26
FeatRacer: Locating Features Through Assisted Traceability25
An Empirical Study of Dependency Downgrades in the npm Ecosystem25
Factoring Expertise, Workload, and Turnover Into Code Review Recommendation25
Adaptive Test Case Allocation, Selection and Generation Using Coverage Spectrum and Operational Profile25
ErrHunter: Detecting Error-Handling Bugs in the Linux Kernel Through Systematic Static Analysis25
Stealthy Backdoor Attack for Code Models24
Modeling Functional Similarity in Source Code With Graph-Based Siamese Networks24
Capabilities and Practices in DevOps: A Multivocal Literature Review24
The Human Side of Software Engineering Teams: An Investigation of Contemporary Challenges24
SCS-Gan: Learning Functionality-Agnostic Stylometric Representations for Source Code Authorship Verification24
Predicting the First Response Latency of Maintainers and Contributors in Pull Requests24
SQAPlanner: Generating Data-Informed Software Quality Improvement Plans24
Compositional Analysis of Hierarchical UML Statecharts24
Vuln4Real: A Methodology for Counting Actually Vulnerable Dependencies24
A Comprehensive Investigation of the Impact of Class Overlap on Software Defect Prediction24
Real World Scrum A Grounded Theory of Variations in Practice23
The Best Laid Plans or Lack Thereof: Security Decision-Making of Different Stakeholder Groups23
Dealing With Data Challenges When Delivering Data-Intensive Software Solutions23
Comparing Methods for Large-Scale Agile Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review23
A Controlled Experiment in Age and Gender Bias When Reading Technical Articles in Software Engineering23
Theoretical and Empirical Analyses of the Effectiveness of Metamorphic Relation Composition23
Mitigating the Uncertainty and Imprecision of Log-Based Code Coverage Without Requiring Additional Logging Statements22
Towards Security Threats of Deep Learning Systems: A Survey22
Exploring Community Smells in Open-Source: An Automated Approach22
A Holistic Approach to Design Understanding through Concept Explanation22
Towards Efficient Fine-Tuning of Language Models With Organizational Data for Automated Software Review22
ARTE: Automated Generation of Realistic Test Inputs for Web APIs22
AI-Enabled Automation for Completeness Checking of Privacy Policies22
FairBalance: How to Achieve Equalized Odds With Data Pre-Processing22
Generating Structurally Realistic Models With Deep Autoregressive Networks22
Why Do Software Developers Use Static Analysis Tools? A User-Centered Study of Developer Needs and Motivations22
Do Chase Your Tail! Missing Key Aspects Augmentation in Textual Vulnerability Descriptions of Long-tail Software through Feature Inference22
Contextual Documentation Referencing on Stack Overflow21
TkT: Automatic Inference of Timed and Extended Pushdown Automata21
Broken External Links on Stack Overflow21
Evaluating SZZ Implementations: An Empirical Study on the Linux Kernel21
Learning to Predict User-Defined Types21
Effects of Mindfulness on Conceptual Modeling Performance: A Series of Experiments21
A Study of Bug Resolution Characteristics in Popular Programming Languages20
Socio-Technical Grounded Theory for Software Engineering20
Toxic Code Snippets on Stack Overflow20
Comparative Analysis of Constraint Handling Techniques for Constrained Combinatorial Testing20
A Large Scale Study of Long-Time Contributor Prediction for GitHub Projects20
Multitask-Based Evaluation of Open-Source LLM on Software Vulnerability19
Do as You Say: Consistency Detection of Data Practice in Program Code and Privacy Policy in Mini-App19
Qualitative Surveys in Software Engineering Research: Definition, Critical Review, and Guidelines19
A Comprehensive Study on Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools for Android19
The Effects of Computational Resources on Flaky Tests19
Does Treatment Adherence Impact Experiment Results in TDD?18
Completeness and Consistency of Tabular Requirements: an SMT-Based Verification Approach18
Finding Trends in Software Research18
How Software Developers Mitigate Their Errors When Developing Code18
Detecting Compiler Error Recovery Defects via Program Mutation Exploration18
Accuracy Can Lie: On the Impact of Surrogate Model in Configuration Tuning18
Retrospective on: Constraint-Based Automatic Test Data Generation18
The Mutation and Injection Framework: Evaluating Clone Detection Tools with Mutation Analysis18
DBInputs: Exploiting Persistent Data to Improve Automated GUI Testing18
SCAnoGenerator: Automatic Anomaly Injection for Ethereum Smart Contracts18
On the Influence of Data Resampling for Deep Learning-Based Log Anomaly Detection: Insights and Recommendations18
A Context-Aware Clustering Approach for Assisting Operators in Classifying Security Alerts18
DaNuoYi: Evolutionary Multi-Task Injection Testing on Web Application Firewalls18
PATEN: Identifying Unpatched Third-Party APIs via Fine-grained Patch-enhanced AST-level Signature18
AddressWatcher: Sanitizer-Based Localization of Memory Leak Fixes17
Understanding Newcomers’ Onboarding Process in Deep Learning Projects17
An Empirical Study of Refactoring Rhythms and Tactics in the Software Development Process17
Colosseum: Regression Test Prioritization by Delta Displacement in Test Coverage17
Automated Expansion of Abbreviations Based on Semantic Relation and Transfer Expansion17
2023 Reviewers List17
Evolution of the Unix System Architecture: An Exploratory Case Study17
Enforcing Correctness of Collaborative Business Processes Using Plans17
Multi-Misconfiguration Diagnosis via Identifying Correlated Configuration Parameters17
Using Metamorphic Testing to Improve the Quality of Tags in OpenStreetMap17
Evolving JavaScript Code to Reduce Load Time17
Automatic Generation of Acceptance Test Cases From Use Case Specifications: An NLP-Based Approach16
Assisting Example-Based API Misuse Detection via Complementary Artificial Examples16
Mole: Efficient Crash Reproduction in Android Applications With Enforcing Necessary UI Events16
Reading Answers on Stack Overflow: Not Enough!16
An Empirical Study on Correlations Between Deep Neural Network Fairness and Neuron Coverage Criteria16
Empowering the Human as the Fitness Function in Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering16
Automatic Mining of Opinions Expressed About APIs in Stack Overflow16
Esale: Enhancing Code-Summary Alignment Learning for Source Code Summarization16
Characterizing the Prevalence, Distribution, and Duration of Stale Reviewer Recommendations16
Understanding How and Why Developers Seek and Analyze API-Related Opinions16
Dynamic Human-in-the-Loop Assertion Generation16
Mixed Signals: Analyzing Software Attribution Challenges in the Android Ecosystem16
ExplanaSC: A Framework for Determining Information Requirements for Explainable Blockchain Smart Contracts16
T-Evos: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study on CI Test Execution and Failure16
Recommending Participants for Collaborative Merge Sessions16
A Search-Based Testing Approach for Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents15
Verification and Synthesis of Responsive Symmetric Uni-Rings15
Using Docker to Assist Q&A Forum Users15
Integrating an Ensemble Surrogate Model’s Estimation into Test Data Generation15
Achieving High MAP-Coverage Through Pattern Constraint Reduction15
Darcy: Automatic Architectural Inconsistency Resolution in Java15
Augmenting Diffs With Runtime Information15
Neural Library Recommendation by Embedding Project-Library Knowledge Graph15
Erratum to “Accurate and Scalable Cross-Architecture Cross-OS Binary Code Search With Emulation”15
A Theory of Value for Value-Based Feature Selection in Software Engineering15
Detecting Software Security Vulnerabilities Via Requirements Dependency Analysis15
The Duality in Computing SSA Programs and Control Dependency14
Properties and Styles of Software Technology Tutorials14
A Wizard of Oz Study Simulating API Usage Dialogues With a Virtual Assistant14
Active Learning of Discriminative Subgraph Patterns for API Misuse Detection14
Coverage Goal Selector for Combining Multiple Criteria in Search-Based Unit Test Generation14
Enhancing Dynamic Symbolic Execution by Automatically Learning Search Heuristics14
Gender Differences in Personality Traits of Software Engineers14
Designing, Modeling and Analysis of GALS Software Systems14
CTOS: Compiler Testing for Optimization Sequences of LLVM14
Static Profiling of Alloy Models14
A Theory of Pending Schemas in Combinatorial Testing14
The Impact of Surface Features on Choice of (in)Secure Answers by Stackoverflow Readers14
CoSS: leveraging statement semantics for code summarization14
Rebooting Research on Detecting Repackaged Android Apps: Literature Review and Benchmark14
CAGFuzz: Coverage-Guided Adversarial Generative Fuzzing Testing for Image-Based Deep Learning Systems14
Better Pay Attention Whilst Fuzzing14
On the Relationship Between Organizational Structure Patterns and Architecture in Agile Teams13
An Assessment of Rules of Thumb for Software Phase Management, and the Relationship Between Phase Effort and Schedule Success13
UMLsecRT: Reactive Security Monitoring of Java Applications With Round-Trip Engineering13
Exploring the Use of Chatrooms by Developers: An Empirical Study on Slack and Gitter13
Pegasus: Performance Engineering for Software Applications Targeting HPC Systems13
Cross-Instance Regulatory Compliance Checking of Business Process Event Logs13
D3: Differential Testing of Distributed Deep Learning With Model Generation13
Utilizing Automatic Query Reformulations as Genetic Operations to Improve Feature Location in Software Models13
What Petri Nets Oblige us to Say Comparing Approaches for Behavior Composition13
Comparing Block-Based Programming Models for Two-Armed Robots13
A Systematic Literature Review of Anti-Discrimination Design Strategies in the Digital Sharing Economy13
Impact of Usability Mechanisms: A Family of Experiments on Efficiency, Effectiveness and User Satisfaction13
Testing with Fewer Resources: An Adaptive Approach to Performance-Aware Test Case Generation13
A Software Requirements Ecosystem: Linking Forum, Issue Tracker, and FAQs for Requirements Management13
Enhancement of Mutation Testing via Fuzzy Clustering and Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm12
Integrating Provenance Capture and UML With UML2PROV: Principles and Experience12
autoMPI: Automated Multiple Perspective Attack Investigation With Semantics Aware Execution Partitioning12
Mask–Mediator–Wrapper Architecture as a Data Mesh Driver12
Specification Patterns for Robotic Missions12
Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Straight-Line Programs via Rewrite Rules12
Automated Code Editing With Search-Generate-Modify12
Heuristic and Neural Network Based Prediction of Project-Specific API Member Access12
A Systematic Review of IoT Systems Testing: Objectives, Approaches, Tools, and Challenges12
K-ST: A Formal Executable Semantics of the Structured Text Language for PLCs12
Improving Issue-PR Link Prediction via Knowledge-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Learning12
GenMorph: Automatically Generating Metamorphic Relations via Genetic Programming12
Multi-Objective Software Defect Prediction via Multi-Source Uncertain Information Fusion and Multi-Task Multi-View Learning12
A Deep Dive into the Impact of COVID-19 on Software Development12
MASTER: Multi-Source Transfer Weighted Ensemble Learning for Multiple Sources Cross-Project Defect Prediction12