Computer Networks

(The TQCC of Computer Networks is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
NetTiSA: Extended IP flow with time-series features for universal bandwidth-constrained high-speed network traffic classification263
A Quadtree-based synchronization protocol for inter-server game state synchronization219
Hierarchical aerial offload computing algorithm based on the Stackelberg-evolutionary game model209
Optimal pricing-based computation offloading and resource allocation for blockchain-enabled beyond 5G networks171
An integrated approach explaining the detection of distributed denial of service attacks160
Evolving Chain-of-Thought and automatic text annotation based intent classification method for wireless network154
EAPT: An encrypted traffic classification model via adversarial pre-trained transformers145
SFACIF: A safety function attack and anomaly industrial condition identified framework136
UAV deployment in WSN system for emergency/remote area applications135
Pseudonym revocation system for IoT-based medical applications123
Optimized design for integrated sensing and communication in secure MIMO SWIPT systems122
BGP anomaly detection as a group dynamics problem117
A path selection method based on rule prediction in non-terrestrial networks112
Reducing tail latency for multi-bottleneck in datacenter networks: A compound approach110
GraphCC: A practical graph learning-based approach to Congestion Control in datacenters102
SharAcc: Enhancing scalability and security in Attribute-Based Access Control with sharding-based blockchain and full decentralization92
ABUV: Adaptive bitrate and upsampling for video streaming on mobile devices89
Mitigating Alert Fatigue in Cloud Monitoring Systems: A Machine Learning Perspective83
Toward sustainable diffusion-based AIGC: Design and online orchestration in distributed edge networks83
Defending saturation attacks on SDN controller: A confusable instance analysis-based algorithm81
Cluster-based flow control in hybrid software-defined wireless sensor networks76
Energy harvesting in self-sustainable IoT devices and applications based on cross-layer architecture design: A survey75
Optimizing distributed firewall reconfiguration transients75
A survey on ambient backscatter communications: Principles, systems, applications, and challenges71
FAMTDS: A novel MFO-based fully automated malicious traffic detection system for multi-environment networks70
In-network placement of delay-constrained computing tasks in a softwarized intelligent edge69
An DL-based approach for Packet Error Compensation using radio mobile network quality parameters in a rainfall scenario67
System performance and optimization in NOMA mobile edge computing surveillance network using GA and PSO66
LWSBFT: Leaderless weakly synchronous BFT protocol63
Secure over-the-air software update for connected vehicles63
Machine learning methods for cyber security intrusion detection: Datasets and comparative study62
Decentralized Receiver-based Link Stability-aware Forwarding Scheme for NDN-based VANETs62
BGSD: A SBERT and GAT-based Service Discovery Framework for Heterogeneous Distributed IoT59
Pr-CAI: Priority based-Context Aware Information scheduling for SDN-based vehicular network57
Multi-objective optimization of asymmetric bit rate partitioning for multipath protection in elastic optical networks57
A trust aware security mechanism to detect sinkhole attack in RPL-based IoT environment using random forest – RFTRUST54
Effective *-flow schedule for optical circuit switching based data center networks: A comprehensive survey54
An Opportunistic Vehicle-Based Task Assignment for IoT offloading53
FIWARE based low-cost wireless acoustic sensor network for monitoring and classification of urban soundscape53
Robust function deployment against uncertain recovery time in different protection types with workload-dependent failure probability53
Latency and energy aware rate maximization in MC-NOMA-based multi-access edge computing: A two-stage deep reinforcement learning approach53
Continuity: A deterministic Byzantine fault tolerant asynchronous consensus algorithm53
MalCon: A blockchain-based malware containment framework for Internet of Things52
Resource and delay aware fine-grained service offloading in collaborative edge computing52
Editorial Board51
Data tampering detection and recovery scheme based on multi-branch target extraction for internet of vehicles51
PBCNN: Packet Bytes-based Convolutional Neural Network for Network Intrusion Detection51
Swarm UAV networking with collaborative beamforming and automated ESN learning in the presence of unknown blockages51
Correlation between weather and signal strength in LoRaWAN networks: An extensive dataset50
FTG-Net-E: A hierarchical ensemble graph neural network for DDoS attack detection50
Is 6LoWPAN-ND necessary? (Spoiler alert: Yes)49
Deep Reinforcement Learning-based computation offloading and distributed edge service caching for Mobile Edge Computing48
Distributed neighbor discovery with mobility adaptive probing for beyond 5G D2D communications48
GateKeeper: An UltraLite malicious traffic identification method with dual-aspect optimization strategies on IoT gateways48
GLADS: A global-local attention data selection model for multimodal multitask encrypted traffic classification of IoT47
Classifying and tracking enterprise assets via dual-grained network behavioral analysis47
LESS-ON: Load-aware edge server shutdown for energy saving in cellular networks47
P-SHARP: Privacy Preserving Secure Hash based Authentication and Revelation Protocol in IoVs46
PTAP: A novel secure privacy-preserving & traceable authentication protocol in VANETs46
Partial coverage optimization under network connectivity constraints in heterogeneous sensor networks46
Performance Monitoring with H46
A many-objective optimization charging scheme for wireless rechargeable sensor networks via mobile charging vehicles45
Anti-jamming channel hopping protocol design based on channel occupancy probability for Cognitive Radio Networks45
Editorial Board45
Intrusion detection game for ubiquitous security in vehicular networks: A signaling game based approach45
Wireless powered NOMA-based cognitive radio for 6G networks44
Beyond selective disclosure: Extending distributed p-ABC implementations by commit-and-prove techniques44
LSTM-based graph attention network for vehicle trajectory prediction44
Overview of the mobility related security challenges in LPWANs43
Towards website domain name classification using graph based semi-supervised learning43
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for trajectory planning in UAVs-assisted mobile edge computing with heterogeneous requirements43
Improving the attribute retrieval on ABAC using opportunistic caches for Fog-Based IoT Networks43
Group anomaly detection in mobile app usages: A spatiotemporal convex hull methodology42
Privacy-preserving edge caching: A probabilistic approach42
Adaptive federated reinforcement learning for critical realtime communications in UAV assisted vehicular networks41
A differential privacy location protect approach with intelligence data collection paradigm for MCS41
MUSCAT: Distributed multi-agent Q-learning-based minimum span channel allocation technique for UAV-enabled wireless networks40
Randomized distributed self-adjusting tree networks40
A survey of indoor positioning systems based on a six-layer model40
Workforce capacity planning for proactive troubleshooting in the Network Operations Center39
Image super resolution based channel estimation for future wireless communication39
Bi-LSTM/GRU-based anomaly diagnosis for virtual network function instance38
Self-play learning strategies for resource assignment in Open-RAN networks38
Reinterpreting Usability of Semantic Segmentation Approach for Darknet Traffic Analysis38
Detecting malicious proxy nodes during IoT network joining phase38
Edge server enhanced secure and privacy preserving federated learning38
FedAAA-SDN: Federated Authentication, Authorization and Accounting in SDN controllers38
CIPO: Efficient, lightweight and programmable packet scheduling37
Marvel: Towards Efficient Federated Learning on IoT Devices37
Measurement for encrypted open resolvers: Applications and security36
Unveiling the I2P web structure: A connectivity analysis36
SP-PoR: Improve blockchain performance by semi-parallel processing transactions36
A privacy-preserving attribute-based framework for IoT identity lifecycle management36
ATT&CK-based Advanced Persistent Threat attacks risk propagation assessment model for zero trust networks36
Toward robust and energy-efficient clustering wireless sensor networks: A double-stage scale-free topology evolution model35
CoMSeC++: PUF-based secured light-weight mutual authentication protocol for Drone-enabled WSN34
An adaptive multiple spray-and-wait routing algorithm based on social circles in delay tolerant networks34
When less is more: BBR versus LEDBAT++34
Minimum delay function placement and resource allocation for Open RAN (O-RAN) 5G networks34
A sub-action aided deep reinforcement learning framework for latency-sensitive network slicing34
Blockchain-assisted certificateless signcryption for vehicle-to-vehicle communication in VANETs33
Distributed scheduling method for multiple workflows with parallelism prediction and DAG prioritizing for time constrained cloud applications33
Deep learning for privacy preservation in autonomous moving platforms enhanced 5G heterogeneous networks33
Proxy Re-Encryption for Secure Data Sharing with Blockchain in Internet of Medical Things33
A measurement study on device-to-device communication technologies for IIoT33
A novel evaluation function for higher acceptance rates and more profitable metaheuristic-based online virtual network embedding32
Optimization framework for Best Approver Selection Method (BASM) and Best Tip Selection Method (BTSM) for IOTA tangle network: Blockchain-enabled next generation Industrial IoT32
A systematic survey on content caching in ICN and ICN-IoT: Challenges, approaches and strategies32
Unlocking QoS Potential: Integrating IoT services and Monte Carlo Control for heterogeneous IoT device management in gateways32
Optimal algorithm for min-max line barrier coverage with mobile sensors on 2-dimensional plane32
Assessing LoRaWAN radio propagation for smart parking service: An experimental study32
Prediction-based dual-weight switch migration scheme for SDN load balancing31
On the prediction of large-scale road-network constrained trajectories31
A novel two-dimensional metric for fragmentation evaluation in elastic optical networks30
An enhanced symmetric-key based 5G-AKA protocol30
Dataset of attacks on a live enterprise VoIP network for machine learning based intrusion detection and prevention systems30
RouteChain: Towards Blockchain-based secure and efficient BGP routing30
Artificial neural network assisted polling scheme for central coordinated low-latency WLANs30
LEO satellite beam management algorithms30
A generic learning simulation framework to assess security strategies in cyber-physical production systems30
Dynamic power allocation in cellular network based on multi-agent double deep reinforcement learning30
Network sum-rate maximization for network-coded clustered uplink NOMA networks with SWIPT-enabled relays30
MT3A : A Novel Multicast Routing, Spectrum and Modulation-Level Assignment in Elastic Optical Networks30
Utility Maximization for Splittable Task Offloading in IoT Edge Network29
SRRS: A blockchain fast propagation protocol based on non-Markovian process28
DIVA: A DID-based reputation system for secure transmission in VANETs using IOTA28
Energy efficient multipath routing in space division multiplexed elastic optical networks28
A marketplace model for drone-assisted edge computing in 5G scenarios28
Instant queue occupancy used for automatic traffic scheduling in data center networks28
Experimental assessment of a JANUS-based consensus protocol28
An offline mobile access control system based on self-sovereign identity standards28
Joint wireless resource allocation and service function chaining scheduling for Tactile Internet28
Joint time scheduling and transaction fee selection in blockchain-based RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio network28
Web browsing privacy in the deep learning era: Beyond VPNs and encryption27
Effect of the incident angle of a transmitting laser light on the coverage of a NLOS-FSO network27
CNNParted: An open source framework for efficient Convolutional Neural Network inference partitioning in embedded systems27
A channel selection game for multi-operator LoRaWAN deployments27
UW-GRE: Underwater Greedy Geographic Routing by Network Embedding27
Cross-layer tradeoff of QoS and security in Vehicular ad hoc Networks: A game theoretical approach27
Sphinx: A transport protocol for high-speed and lossy mobile networks27
A flexible and lightweight privacy-preserving handshake protocol based on DTLShps for IoT27
Marconi-Rosenblatt Framework for Intelligent Networks (MR-iNet Gym): For Rapid Design and Implementation of Distributed Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Solutions for Wireless Networks27
Editorial Board27
Editorial Board26
A trust-aware openflow switching framework for software defined networks (SDN)26
Performance evaluation of ultra-dense macro-femto cellular networks based on efficient channel resource allocation system26
Unboxing trustworthiness through quantum internet26
(Vehicle’s YB)-based LPB prediction model and anti-LPB (communication link)-reconstruction strategy in the (VLC/RF)-V2X network26
Measuring congestion-induced performance imbalance in Internet load balancing at scale26
Data signals for Terahertz communications research26
A 5G multi-gNodeB simulator for ultra-reliable 0.5–100 GHz communication in indoor Industry 4.0 environments26
Extending device noise measurement capacity for OFDM-based PLC systems: Design, implementation, and on-field validation26
WoTemu: An emulation framework for edge computing architectures based on the Web of Things26
Editorial Board26
Multi-resource predictive workload consolidation approach in virtualized environments26
Anomaly detection by discovering bipartite structure on complex networks26
Editorial Board25
Editorial Board25
Editorial Board25
P4Resilience: Scalable Resilience for Multi-failure Recovery in SDN with Programmable Data Plane25
Priority-awareness VNF migration method based on deep reinforcement learning25
User preference-aware content caching strategy for video delivery in cache-enabled IoT networks25
Using channel predictions for improved proportional-fair utility for vehicular users25
Registered-backoff-time (RBT) based channel access with grouping control for the trigger RAW mode of IEEE 802.11ah IoT Network24
Eavesdropping with intelligent reflective surfaces: Near-optimal configuration cycling24
Balanced wireless crowd charging with mobility prediction and social awareness24
Research on energy-saving relay selection algorithm based on olive forwarding area in IoT24
Energy provision minimization of energy-harvesting cognitive radio networks with minimal throughput demands24
Let gambling hide nowhere: Detecting illegal mobile gambling apps via heterogeneous graph-based encrypted traffic analysis24
PF-IBDA: Provably secure and pairing-free identity-based deniable authentication protocol for MANET environments24
Editorial Board23
Editorial Board23
ED-VNE: A profit-oriented VNE optimization scheme of energy and delay in 5G SlaaS23
Joint beamforming and user association with reduced CSI signaling in mobile environments: A Deep Q-learning approach23
Hierarchical Q-learning-enabled neutrosophic AHP scheme in candidate relay set size adaption in vehicular networks23
A survey of self-coordination in self-organizing network23
EagerCC: An ultra-low latency congestion control mechanism in datacenter networks23
Enable the proactively load-balanced control plane for SDN via intelligent switch-to-controller selection strategy23
A DASH server-side delay-based representation switching solution to improve the quality of experience for low-latency live video streaming23
Heterogeneous SDN controller placement problem—The Wi-Fi and 4G LTE-U case23
Stable dynamic feedback-based predictive clustering protocol for vehicular Ad hoc networks23
MAGD: Minimal Attack Graph Generation Dynamically in Cyber Security23
A streaming algorithm and hardware accelerator to estimate the empirical entropy of network flows22
Rumors clarification with minimum credibility in social networks22
Online training data acquisition for federated learning in cloud–edge networks22
Guest editorial: Special issue on novel cyber-security paradigms for software-defined and virtualized systems22
A migration method for service function chain based on failure prediction22
Editorial Board22
Cross-domain network attack detection enabled by heterogeneous transfer learning22
TrackSign-labeled web tracking dataset22
Intra- and inter-cluster link scheduling in CUPS-based ad hoc networks22
IoT-networks group-based model that uses AI for workgroup allocation21
Delay optimal for reliability-guaranteed concurrent transmissions with raptor code in multi-access 6G edge network21
Simultaneous update of sensing and control data using free-ride codes in vehicular networks: An age and energy perspective21
Resource consumption and security-aware multi-tenant service function chain deployment based on hypergraph matching21
Blockchain-enabled authentication framework for Maritime Transportation System empowered by 6G-IoT21
On cross-domain Service Function Chain orchestration: An architectural framework21
Reaching consensus in decentralized coordination of distributed microservices21
A smart contract-based robotic surgery authentication system for healthcare using 6G-Tactile Internet21
DSMLB: Dynamic switch-migration based load balancing for software-defined IoT network21
A review on green communication for wearable and implantable wireless body area networks21
Novel security models, metrics and security assessment for maritime vessel networks21
Shared backup resource assignment for middleboxes considering server protection capabilities21
MICN: A network coding protocol for ICN with multiple distinct interests per generation21
An intelligent fuzzy-based routing scheme for software-defined vehicular networks21
Physical resilience to insider attacks in IoT networks: Independent cryptographically secure sequences for DSSS anti-jamming21
DMatrix: Toward fast and accurate queries in graph stream21
5G Integrated Spectrum Selection and Spectrum Access using AI-based Frame work for IoT based Sensor Networks20
A networked multi-agent reinforcement learning approach for cooperative FemtoCaching assisted wireless heterogeneous networks20
FedPA: An adaptively partial model aggregation strategy in Federated Learning20
Intelligent traffic control for QoS optimization in hybrid SDNs20
Editorial Board20
Optimal bandwidth and computing resource allocation in low earth orbit satellite constellation for earth observation applications20
Review and analysis of recent advances in intelligent network softwarization for the Internet of Things20
SplitPath: High throughput using multipath routing in dual-radio Wireless Sensor Networks20
Vehicle-cluster-based opportunistic relays for data collection in intelligent transportation systems19
Optimal server and service deployment for multi-tier edge cloud computing19
Understanding Internet of Things malware by analyzing endpoints in their static artifacts19
Multi-agent reinforcement learning for cost-aware collaborative task execution in energy-harvesting D2D networks19
BBRv2+: Towards balancing aggressiveness and fairness with delay-based bandwidth probing19
Optimizing fairness in cellular networks with mobile drone relays19
Application of a Long Short Term Memory neural predictor with asymmetric loss function for the resource allocation in NFV network architectures19
Adaptive contrastive learning based network latency prediction in 5G URLLC scenarios19
DACP: Enforcing a dynamic access control policy in cross-domain environments19
Dynamic clustering of software defined network switches and controller placement using deep reinforcement learning18
Multi-agent DRL for edge computing: A real-time proportional compute offloading18
A heterogeneous network structure publishing security framework based on cloud-edge collaboration18
Dominant coverage for target users at the lowest cost under competitive propagation in social networks18
A lightweight federated learning based privacy preserving B5G pandemic response network using unmanned aerial vehicles: A proof-of-concept18
Fog-based caching mechanism for IoT data in information centric network using prioritization18
Multipath TCP implementation under FreeBSD-13 for pluggable machine learning models18
An anonymity-preserving mobile user authentication protocol for global roaming services18
Blockchain-based privacy-preserving authentication protocol for UAV networks18
Interlayer link prediction based on multiple network structural attributes18
Blockchain based secure smart city architecture using low resource IoTs18
Highly reliable DHR-based polar compilation code communication method18
Resource allocation for MEC system with multi-users resource competition based on deep reinforcement learning approach18
Distributed dual-layer autonomous closed loops for self-protection of 5G/6G IoT networks from distributed denial of service attacks18
A lightweight deployment of TD routing based on SD-WANs18
A Blockchain-based carbon emission security accounting scheme17
A survey on security applications of P4 programmable switches and a STRIDE-based vulnerability assessment17
LiKey: Location-independent keystroke recognition on numeric keypads using WiFi signal17
Using bursty announcements for detecting BGP routing anomalies17
Game based robust power allocation strategy with QoS guarantee in D2D communication network17
An Ambient Intelligence approach to provide secure and trusted Pub/Sub messaging systems in IoT environments17
Modeling and analysis of crosstalk-avoided and crosstalk-aware approaches in spectrally-spatially elastic optical networks17
A network operator-biased approach for multi-service network function placement in a 5G network slicing architecture17
Blockchain-enhanced cross-ISP spectrum assignment framework in SDONs: SpectrumChain17
Security of federated learning in 6G era: A review on conceptual techniques and software platforms used for research and analysis17