Cement & Concrete Composites

(The TQCC of Cement & Concrete Composites is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Functionalized hexagonal boron nitride nanoplatelets for advanced cementitious nanocomposites257
RETRACTED: Influence of magnetized water and water/cement ratio on the properties of untreated coal fine aggregates concrete216
Rheological properties of cement-based materials using a biopolymer viscosity modifying admixture (BVMA) under different dispersion conditions163
Effect of competitive adsorption between specialty admixtures and superplasticizer on structural build-up and hardened property of mortar phase of ultra-high-performance concrete157
Effect of recycled concrete aggregates and recycled filler on delayed ettringite formation: An experimental study compared to chemical modelling155
Durability of eco-efficient binary cement mortars based on ichu ash: Effect on carbonation and chloride resistance150
The influence of air voids and fluid absorption on salt-induced calcium oxychloride damage146
Understanding the CaCO3 phase transition of carbonated wollastonite composites caused by sodium tripolyphosphate: From amorphous to crystalline142
Mechanical characterization of high-strength and ultra-high-performance engineered cementitious composites reinforced with polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene fibers subjected to monotonic and cyclic l142
Shrinkage-induced warping of UHPC overlay cast on hardened NSC substrate under various conditions137
Mechanochemically activated bottom ash-fly ash geopolymer135
Experimental and numerical investigations on macrocell corrosion of partially carbonated reinforced concrete with supplementary cementitious materials135
Unleashing the potential of bio-based concrete: Investigating its long-term mechanical strength and drying shrinkage in real climatic environments133
Self-heating ultra-high performance concrete with stainless steel wires for active deicing and snow-melting of transportation infrastructures126
Unveiling the dielectric property change of concrete during hardening process by ground penetrating radar with the antenna frequency of 1.6 GHz and 2.6 GHz126
Self-sensing capacity of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete containing conductive powders in tension125
Double percolation phenomenon of carbon nanotube/cement composites as piezoresistivity sensing elements with exposure to salt environment122
Flexural failure of ultra-high performance concrete subjected to the alternating cryogenic and elevated temperature via acoustic emission characterization117
Preparation of coal gasification coarse slag-based alkaline activator and its activation mechanism in alkali-activated slag117
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: Effects of stray current and sulfate exposure on rubber powder mortar113
Criticality of binder-aggregate interaction for buildability of 3D printed concrete containing limestone calcined clay112
Novel activation method of waste concrete powder for sustainable clinker-free binder112
Mechanisms of rheological modifiers for quick mixing method in 3D concrete printing106
Effect of particle size on cement foams102
Chloride binding behavior of cement paste influenced by metakaolin dosage and chloride concentration102
Understanding the impact of polyacrylamide molecular weight on the workability of cement paste98
Synergy of micron graphite and fly ash for alkali-activated cementitious material: Electromagnetic absorption characteristics and mechanism98
Experimental study on nanoparticle injection by using a lab-scale wellbore system96
For the improvement of mechanical and microstructural properties of UHPC with fiber alignment using carbon nanotube and graphite nanoplatelet96
Influence of bending cracks on the distribution of rebar corrosion in SHCC94
Editorial Board94
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Evaluation of the biotransformation of alkali-silica reaction products by Alkalihalobacillus clausii and Bacillus thuringiensis92
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Editorial Board89
Diffusion coefficient and infinitesimal shrinkage strain of a Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composite (SHCC) determined by inverse analysis of experiments88
The counterbalance of the adverse side effects of releasing agent on the properties of cementitious materials with nano-particles87
Combined corrosion and inclination effects on pullout behavior of various steel fibers under wet-dry cycle deterioration86
Editorial Board85
Editorial Board85
Large-scale laboratory trials of smart aggregates for self-healing in concrete under different curing regimes85
Electromagnetic pulse-induced acoustic testing enables reliable evaluation of debonding between rebar and concret85
Editorial Board84
Distribution and evolution of (micro)strain and stresses in flexible, waterproofing membranes using digital image correlation and finite element modelling84
Compressive strength, water and chloride transport properties of early CO2-cured Portland cement-fly ash-slag ternary mortars81
A lignin-based capsule system with tunable properties tailored for robust self-healing concrete81
Investigation on the effect of alkali-free aluminium sulfate based accelerator on the fresh properties of 3D printable concrete80
The role of hydrotalcite-like phase and monosulfate in slag cement paste during atmospheric and accelerated carbonation79
Drying shrinkage performance of Medium-Ca alkali-activated fly ash and slag pastes79
Self-healing assessment of cementitious mortars through ultrasonic monitoring79
Binding of Cu(Ⅱ) and Zn(Ⅱ) in Portland cement immobilization systems: Effect of C-A-S-H composition79
The effect of rutin on the early-age hydration of oil well cement at varying temperatures78
Design and evaluation of physical, mechanical and micro-structural properties of eco-friendly binary-blended mortars using biomass bottom ash or construction and demolition waste powder78
Improving degradation resistance of ensete ventricosum fibre in cement-based composites through fibre surface modification77
Compressive behaviour and microstructure of geopolymer mortar subjected to cryogenic freeze-thaw cycle: Effects of cycles and polypropylene fiber77
Alkali-activated blast furnace ferronickel slag for Cr immobilization77
Effects of mixing conditions and activator anionic species on the rheology of silicate-activated slag concrete75
Microstructure refinement and affected zone reinforcement for internal curing cement paste by composite microgel with nano silica74
Enhanced mechanical and photocatalytic performance of cement mortar reinforced by nano-TiO2 hydrosol-coated sand74
The role of CaO and MgO incorporation in chloride resistance of sodium carbonate-activated slag74
Performance investigation of the artificial aggregate by integrally recycling incineration bottom ash and fly ash74
Solidification and stabilization of harmful elements in antimony tailings and synergistic utilization of multiple solid wastes73
Evaluation of novel copper-based antimicrobial admixtures for biocorrosion mitigation of cement paste72
Process and mechanisms of multi-stage water sorptivity in hydrophobic geopolymers incorporating polydimethylsiloxane71
Modelling the dynamic compressive response of syntactic foam with hierarchical cell structure71
Blending performance of helical static mixer used for twin-pipe 3D concrete printing70
Quantitative characterization and control mechanism of pore structure in geopolymer foams with addition of various surfactants69
Nano-modification effect on the pore characteristics and the water multiscale transport properties of concrete in winter construction of tunnel engineering69
Characterization of concrete shrinkage induced strains in internally-restrained RC structures by distributed optical fiber sensing68
Mechanical behavior of textile reinforced concrete with newly developed mineral-impregnated carbon fabrics submitted to elevated temperatures67
Sustainable 3D printed mortar with CO2 pretreated recycled fine aggregates67
Effect of overlay thickness, fiber volume, and shrinkage mitigation on flexural behavior of thin bonded ultra-high-performance concrete overlay slab67
Synergistic effect of fibres on the physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of aerogel-based thermal insulating renders66
Method of formulating 3D-printable strain-hardening alkali-activated composites for additive construction65
Mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete with adapted rheology65
Effect of accelerated aging and silica fume addition on the mechanical and microstructural properties of hybrid textile waste-flax fabric-reinforced cement composites64
C–S–H-PCE nanoparticles and anionic surfactants as nucleation agent in cement based materials: Focus on the antagonism64
Influence of elevated temperatures on the bond behaviour of ribbed GFRP bars in concrete64
Insights on the chloride adsorption stability in cement mortar under current field and sulfate attack: From experiments to molecular dynamics simulation64
Assessment of determination methods for time-zero of autogenous shrinkage in cement mortars64
The impact of seawater ions on urea decomposition and calcium carbonate precipitation in the MICP process63
Variation of microbial self-healing performance of cementitious composites with their biogranule content63
In-situ wet carbonation of steel slag powder paste made with carbonated water: Interaction mechanism between carbonation and hydration63
NaAlO2 activated slag and MSWI bottom ash: Phase assemblages and thermodynamic assessment of long-term leaching behavior63
Mechanical performance and post-cracking behavior of self-compacting steel-fiber reinforced eco-efficient ultra-high performance concrete62
Electrical properties of smart ultra-high performance concrete under various temperatures, humidities, and age of concrete61
Effect of high gamma radiation dosage and elevated temperature on the mechanical performance of sustainable alkali-activated composite as a cleaner product61
Benefits of curvilinear straight steel fibers on the rate-dependent pullout resistance of ultra-high-performance concrete61
Non-normal distribution of residual flexural strengths of steel fiber reinforced concretes and its impacts on design and conformity assessment60
Collapse of fresh foam concrete: Mechanisms and influencing parameters60
Effect of calcined bauxite powder or aggregate on the shrinkage properties of UHPC60
An experimental and numerical investigation of coarse aggregate settlement in fresh concrete under vibration60
Macro–meso–micro experimental studies of calcined clay limestone cement (LC3) paste subjected to elevated temperature60
Long-term hydration and microstructure evolution of blended cement containing ground granulated blast furnace slag and waste clay brick60
Exploring the coupled mechanism of fibers and bacteria on self-healing concrete from bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)60
Quaternary blended limestone-calcined clay cement concrete incorporating fly ash59
Sustainable materials for 3D concrete printing59
Effect of metakaolin utilization ratio and loop method-pre-shearing process variation on rheological properties of cementitious systems having different C3A content58
Recursive aggregate segmentation by erosion and reconstitution (RASER) to characterize concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron computed tomography58
Redox active cement-based electrolyte towards high-voltage asymmetric solid supercapacitor57
Experimental analysis on the carbonation rate of Portland cement at room temperature and CO2 partial pressure from 1 to 51 bar57
Imaging of reactive transport in fractured cement-based materials with X-ray CT57
Multiphase modeling of the effect of external loading on the shrinkage of concrete and its consequences for modeling tensile creep57
Restoration of ancient gypsum-based plasters: Design of compatible materials56
High-performance lightweight foam concrete enabled by compositing ultra-stable hydrophobic aqueous foam56
Extrusion rheometer for 3D concrete printing56
Direct observation of the local bond behavior between corroded reinforcing bars and concrete using digital image correlation56
Mitigating the ecological footprint of alkali-activated calcined clays by waste marble addition56
An analytical model for anchor-mortar interface bonding based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy56
Multi-scale model investigating the effects of pore structure and drying-wetting cycles on diffusion in concrete56
Mesoscopic simulation of crack propagation and bond behavior in ASR damaged concrete with internal/external restraint by 3D RBSM55
Effect of dispersion behavior of silica fume on the rheological properties and early hydration characteristics of ultra-high strength mortar55
How do discharge rate and pipeline length influence the rheological properties of self-consolidating concrete after pumping?55
Bond behavior simulation of deformed rebar in fiber-reinforced cementitious composites using three-dimensional meso-scale model55
Performance of photocatalytic, carbonated calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement55
Cracking behavior of CA-UHPC overlay in steel-CA-UHPC composite bridge deck: Flexural tension test and restrained shrinkage effect55
Gold-sputtered LPG fiber sensor pulse electroplated with iron-carbon for monitoring passivation and depassivation of carbon steel in concrete pore solutions54
Rapid CO2 catalytic activation of binary cementing system of CSA and Portland cement54
Interlayer bonding performance of 3D printed engineered cementitious composites (ECC): Rheological regulation and fiber hybridization54
Uncovering the mechanism controlling strength and microstructural evolution of belite-rich cement-based materials at different temperatures54
Use of a novel pH indicator extracted from petals to investigate the carbonation behavior in cementitious materials54
Ultra-stable foam enabled by nano silica engineering for foam concrete improvement54
Carbonized seawater cement slurries for offshore deep cement mixing: Carbonation mechanism, strength enhancement and microstructure evolution54
Bond-slip behavior of lapped sand-coated deformed GFRP rebars in UHPC under double-row splice test53
Thermal and acoustic insulation properties in nanoporous geopolymer nanocomposite53
Corrosion mechanism of reinforcement in LC3 cement pastes under coupled carbonation and chloride attack53
Changes in the structure of alkali activated slag mortars subjected to accelerated leaching53
Investigating the use of electrical capacitance tomography to image rapid transient moisture flow through cracks in concrete53
Encapsulation of red mud with ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) for immobilization of alkaline and heavy metals: Experiments and simulations53
Fracture evolution of fiber-reinforced backfill based on acoustic emission fractal dimension and b-value53
Mechanism of organic additives-induced carbonation activators on affecting cement mortars53
Clarifying the effects of volume proportion and surface area of aggregate on chloride diffusivity of concrete through microstructural design53
Utilization of liquid crystal display (LCD) glass waste in concrete: A review53
Influence of printing parameters on 3D printing engineered cementitious composites (3DP-ECC)52
Fracture and transport analysis of heterogeneous 3D-Printed lamellar cementitious materials52
Effect of superabsorbent polymers and expansive additives on the shrinkage of alkali-activated slag52
Effect of metakaolin and magnesium oxide on flexural strength of ultra-high performance concrete52
Chemical-mechanical transformation of the expansion effect for nonuniform steel corrosion and its application in predicting the concrete cover cracking time52
Using sol-gel deposition of nanosilica to enhance interface bonding between sisal fiber and ultra-high performance concrete51
Enhancing the flexural toughness of UHPC through flexible layer-modified aggregates: A novel interfacial toughening strategy51
Novel coal char-based cement grout: An experimental study on geotechnical and rheological properties51
Influence of sugar beetroot microsheets on the hydration kinetics of cementitious composites: Electrochemical characterization51
3D printing concrete with recycled coarse aggregates: The influence of pore structure on interlayer adhesion51
Self-healing recovery and micro-structural properties of slag/fly-ash based engineered cementitious composites under chloride environment and tidal exposure51
Influence of aluminum sulfate on mobility and adhesion of hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose in cement-based materials for tunnel linings51
Influence of hygiene tissue paper used as an additive on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of CO2-cured belite-rich cement paste51
A mix design methodology of blast furnace slag and fly ash-based alkali-activated concrete51
Mechanical properties of 3D printed mortar cured by CO250
The synthesis of DMTDA microcapsules and investigation of self-healing cement paste through an isocyanate-amine system50
3D printed concrete with recycled sand: Pore structures and triaxial compression properties50
Magnesium phosphate cement for powder-based 3D concrete printing: Systematic evaluation and optimization of printability and printing quality50
Durability of concrete coupled with life cycle assessment: Review and perspective50
Co-utilization of aqueous carbonated basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) and carbonated filtrate in cement pastes considering reaction duration effect50
Bonding mechanisms and micro-mechanical properties of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between biochar and paste in carbon-sink cement-based composites49
Bacteria-based self-healing concrete exposed to frost salt scaling49
ASR potential of alkali-activated soda-lime glass powder in the absence of calcium sources49
Characterisation of alkali-activated stainless steel slag and blast-furnace slag cements48
Development of a calcium sulfoaluminate-Portland cement binary system for twin-pipe 3D concrete printing48
Improvement of cemented rockfill by premixing low-alkalinity activator and fly ash for recycling gangue and partially replacing cement47
A CT image-driven computational framework for investigating complex 3D fracture in mesoscale concrete47
Valorization of mineral wool waste in Class F fly ash geopolymer: Geopolymerization, macro properties, and high temperature behavior47
Interfacial bond between modified micro carbon fiber and high-strength cement paste in UHPC: Bond-slip tests and molecular dynamic simulation47
Physical, hydrolytic, and mechanical stability of alkali-activated fly ash-slag foam concrete47
Effects of internal CO2 curing provided by biochar on the carbonation and properties of steel slag-based artificial lightweight aggregates (SALAs)47
Set on demand geopolymer using print head mixing for 3D concrete printing46
High temperature properties of graphene oxide modified metakaolin based geopolymer paste46
Effect of sodium monofluorophosphate and phosphates on mechanical properties and water resistance of magnesium oxychloride cement46
Optimizing flexural cracking process of ultra-high performance concrete via incorporating microscale steel wires46
Characterization of thermal resistance and mechanical strength recovery of carbon nanotubes incorporated Portland cement composites subjected to heating and rehydration: Visualization of pore structur45
Effects of fibres on ultra-lightweight high strength concrete: Dynamic behaviour and microstructures45
Understanding the formation and structure of bio-mineralization for self-healing of marine concrete: An experimental and thermodynamic approach45
High-strength high-ductility Engineered/Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (ECC/SHCC) incorporating geopolymer fine aggregates45
Mechanical and durability properties of structural grade heavy weight concrete with fly ash and slag45
Prediction of concrete strengths enabled by missing data imputation and interpretable machine learning45
How do the contact surface forces affect the interlayer bond strength of 3D printed mortar?44
Design of a hydrophobic nano-SiO2-modified ER@EC microcapsule: Improving rheology, regulating hydration while preserving self-healing in cementitious materials44
Investigation on the mechanical characteristics of multiscale mono/hybrid steel fibre-reinforced dry UHPC44
Unveiling the impact of graphene oxide on bacteria-based autonomous healing of cracks in cementitious composites44
Relationship between microstructure and strain-hardening behaviour of 3D printed engineered cementitious composites44
Rheology of 3D printable concrete prepared by secondary mixing of ready-mix concrete44
Micro-properties and mechanical behavior of high-ductility engineered geopolymer composites (EGC) with recycled concrete and paste powder as green precursor44
Enhancing long-term tensile performance of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) using sustainable artificial geopolymer aggregates44
Microstructure development of calcium carbonate cement through polymorphic transformations44
Effect of additional water or superplasticizer on key characteristics of cement paste made with superabsorbent polymer and other shrinkage mitigating materials43
Strength and stiffness characterization of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) cement paste phases through in-situ micro-mechanical testing43
The bond between geopolymer repair mortars and OPC concrete substrate: Strength and microscopic interactions43
Experimental study on gas permeability of cement-based materials43
Early-age and microstructural properties of glass powder blended cement paste: Improvement by seawater43
3D printing with stabilized earth: Material development and effect of carbon sequestration on engineering performance43
The long-term failure mechanisms of alkali-activated slag mortar exposed to wet-dry cycles of sodium sulphate43
Mechanism, characterization and factors of reaction between basalt and alkali: Exploratory investigation for potential application in geopolymer concrete42
Mitigating chloride attack in cementitious materials without compromising other properties via the use of viscosity modifying admixture42
Rheological concerns arising from the use of anti-freezing additives in cement mortar with/without SP and AEA for low-temperature construction42
Studying the abrasion damage of concrete for hydraulic structures under various flow conditions42
Distribution and curing kinetics of waterborne epoxy resin in repair system: Characterization and quantification by 1H low-field NMR42
Influence of enforced carbonation on alkali-silica reaction: Performance and multi-scale mechanisms41
Towards a further understanding of cement hydration at the early-age stage in the presence of hydrophobic silane IBTEO41
Investigation of the hydration properties of cement with EDTA by alternative current impedance spectroscopy41
Efficiently assessing the early-age cracking risk of cementitious materials with a mini temperature stress testing machine41
Flexural bond behavior and development length of ribbed CFRP bars in UHPFRC41
Modeling of carbonation, de-carbonation and re-carbonation processes of structural concrete subjected to high temperature heating41
Hydration and microstructure formation of magnesium oxysulfate (MOS) cement regulated by sepiolite with high adsorption ability41
Synthesis of hydraulic waste-derived belite-rich calcium sulfoaluminate clinker: Feedstock design, component calculation, and clinkering optimization41
Effects of sodium aluminate on fleeting semi-dry carbonation and properties of steel slag powders in low concentration CO2 atmosphere41
Rheology, mechanical properties, and hydration of synergistically activated coal gasification slag with three typical solid wastes40
Mechanical properties and interface improvement of bamboo cellulose nanofibers reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete40
Static and dynamic compressive behaviour of 3D printed auxetic lattice reinforced ultra-high performance concrete40
Early hydration kinetics and microstructure development of hybrid alkali activated cements (HAACs) at room temperature40
Effects of self-healing on the microstructure, transport, and electrical properties of 100% construction- and demolition-waste-based geopolymer composites40
The “Slugs-test” for extrusion-based additive manufacturing: Protocol, analysis and practical limits40
Functional building devices using laser-induced selective metallization on magnesium oxychloride cement composites40
Effect of superabsorbent polymer on the foam-stability of foamed concrete40
Bond-slip behavior of steel reinforced UHPC under flexure: Experiment and prediction39
Detecting the damage of concrete subjected to fatigue load coupled with freeze-thaw cycles using alternating current electric impedance spectroscopy39
Shrinkage prediction of recycled aggregate structural concrete with alternative binders through partial correction coefficients39
Restrained cracking failure behavior of concrete containing MgO compound expansive agent under adiabatic condition at early age39
Upcycling sintering red mud waste for novel superfine composite mineral admixture and CO2 sequestration39
Superhydrophobic magnesium oxychloride cement based composites with integral stability and recyclability39
Mesoscale modelling of SFRC based on 3D RBSM considering the effects of fiber shape and orientation39
Optimization of sodium alginate aided bio-deposition treatment of recycled aggregates and its application in concrete38
Eco-hybrid cement-based building insulation materials as a circular economy solution to construction and demolition waste38
Roles of CO2-BOFS induced CaCO3 in the aluminum-rich GGBS cementitious material system38
Basic magnesium sulfate cement: Autogenous shrinkage evolution and mechanism under various chemical admixtures38
Evolution of elastic and thermal properties of cementitious composites containing micro-size lightweight fillers after exposure to elevated temperature38
Recent advances in cementless ultra-high-performance concrete using alkali-activated materials and industrial byproducts: A review38
Effect of two-dimensional MXene on electrical conductivity of cement pastes38
Gradient characterization of steel-concrete interface at early ages38
Matrix wettability and mechanical properties of geopolymer cement-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) hybrids38
Low-temperature (−10 °C) curing of Portland cement paste – Synergetic effects of chloride-free antifreeze admixture, C–S–H seeds, and room-temperature pre-curing38
Penetration test as a fast method to determine yield stress and structural build-up for 3D printing of cementitious materials38
Visual and quantitative evaluation of mechanical healing efficiency of self-healing cementitious materials through volumetric strain analysis37
Corrosion of partially and fully debonded steel fibers from ultra-high-performance concrete and its influence on pullout resistance37
Influence of quicklime and Portland cement, as alkaline activators, on the reaction products of supersulfated cements based on pumice37
Mechanism of regulating the mechanical properties and paste structure of supersulfated cement through ultrafine iron tailings powder37
Effect of a novel spherical tailings aggregate on the macro- and mesoscopic properties of pervious concrete37
Investigation of matrix cracking properties of engineered cementitious composites (ECCs) incorporating river sands37
Effects of amorphous silica on mechanical contribution of coarse aggregates in UHPC: From micromechanics to mesoscale fracture and macroscopic strength37
Using special coarse aggregate to enhance the tensile strain capacity of engineered cementitious composites37
Microstructural characterization of crack-healing enabled by bacteria-embedded polylactic acid (PLA) capsules37
The secret of ancient Roman hydraulic mortar: the lesson learnt from the past for future cements37
Thermal properties of amino-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced epoxy-based transducers embedded in concrete37
Geometric design and performance of single and dual-printed lattice-reinforced cementitious composite37
Design of self-compacting ultra-high performance concrete (SCUHPC) towards to the cementitious materials packing optimization37
Chloride penetration and binding behavior in unsaturated alkali-activated slag mortars36
Size effect on dynamic splitting tensile strength of concrete: Mesoscale modeling36
Optimization of mix proportions and manufacturing conditions of fly ash-based geopolymer mortar by parameters design with dynamic characteristics36
Derivation and verification of multilevel particle packing model for Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC): Modelling and experiments36
Understanding the compressive strength degradation mechanism of cement-paste incorporating phase change material36
Effect of a Ca-rich environment on the reaction process of the MgO-activated SiO2 system36