Automation in Construction

(The TQCC of Automation in Construction is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimization of point clouds for 3D bas-relief modeling561
Editorial Board379
Bundling elastic gridshells with alignable nets. Part II: Form-finding292
Combined grid and heat conduction optimization for staircase cleaning robot path planning271
As-built BIM reconstruction of piping systems using smartphone videogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning247
Point cloud generation for critical transportation infrastructure through Bézier curve240
Smart bridge maintenance using cluster merging algorithm based on self-organizing map optimization225
Editorial Board207
Zero-reference deep learning for low-light image enhancement of underground utilities 3D reconstruction192
Editorial Board154
Detection of crane track geometric parameters using UAS154
Editorial Board144
Linking sewer condition assessment methods to asset managers’ data-needs143
Leveraging local neighborhood features in 3D unstructured point cloud data for geometry-based automated damage delineation137
Cost-effective concrete fabrication for large irregularly shaped architectural structures137
Fully integrated construction planning134
Editorial Board133
Bi-level integration of discrete-event simulation (DES) and social force modeling (SFM) for construction labor productivity131
Customized particle swarm optimization for harmonizing multi-section construction projects131
An automated location detection method in multi-storey buildings using environmental sound classification based on a new center symmetric nonlinear pattern: CS-LBlock-Pat129
A multicriteria model to select candidates for public contracting using the OPTIONCARDS method129
Compressive load-dominated concrete structures for customized 3D-printing fabrication124
Editorial Board122
Guided wave and genetic algorithm-based inversion for characterization of pile foundations122
Editorial Board121
Self-supervised sub-category exploration for Pseudo label generation120
Haptics-based force balance controller for tower crane payload sway controls111
Realtime conversion of cracks from pixel to engineering scale using Augmented Reality110
Editorial Board108
Editorial Board107
Improved multi-body rope approach for free-form gridshell structures using equal-length element strategy102
Automated Rust Removal: Rust Detection and Visual Servo Control101
Fuzzy adaptive jellyfish search-optimized stacking machine learning for engineering planning and design100
Hybrid DNN training using both synthetic and real construction images to overcome training data shortage99
3D model-based terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) observation network planning for large-scale building facades99
Deep learning augmented infrared thermography for unmanned aerial vehicles structural health monitoring of roadways99
Semantic enrichment of BIM with IndoorGML for quadruped robot navigation and automated 3D scanning99
Detection, visualization, quantification, and warning of pipe corrosion using distributed fiber optic sensors97
ANN-based automated scaffold builder activity recognition through wearable EMG and IMU sensors97
Vision-based high-precision intelligent monitoring for shield tail clearance96
Laser-scan based pose monitoring for guiding erection of precast concrete bridge piers94
Bayesian-optimized deep learning model to segment deterioration patterns underneath bridge decks photographed by unmanned aerial vehicle93
Numerical simulation of operations of hydraulic excavators for polydisperse bulk materials and different configurated buckets93
Comprehensive analysis of BIM adoption: From narrow focus to holistic understanding93
Autonomous health assessment of civil infrastructure using deep learning and smart devices93
Generalized vision-based framework for construction productivity analysis using a standard classification system93
Dynamic hyperparameter tuning-based path tracking control for robotic rollers working on earth-rock dam under complex construction conditions92
Convolutional neural network modeling strategy for fall-related motion recognition using acceleration features of a scaffolding structure91
Unsupervised defect detection with patch-aware mutual reasoning network in image data91
Automatic work package sizing for cost-effective modular construction91
An approach for the automated extraction of road surface distress from a UAV-derived point cloud90
A blockchain-based edge collaborative detection scheme for construction internet of things89
Full field-of-view pavement stereo reconstruction under dynamic traffic conditions: Incorporating height-adaptive vehicle detection and multi-view occlusion optimization89
Defocused calibration for large field-of-view binocular cameras89
Integration of manufacturers' product data in BIM platforms using semantic web technologies89
Cable-driven parallel robot for curtain wall module installation89
Negotiating win-win payment terms between construction contractors and subcontractors89
Hybridization of an evolutionary algorithm and simulations of co-evolutionary design processes for early-stage building spatial design optimization89
Automated layout generation from sites to flats using GAN and transfer learning88
Automated productivity analysis of cable crane transportation using deep learning-based multi-object tracking86
Predicting rockbursts in deep tunnels based on ejection velocity and kinetic energy measurements using advanced machine learning85
Privilege-guided knowledge distillation for edge deployment in excavator activity recognition85
Conversational AI-based VR system to improve construction safety training of migrant workers84
Intelligent real-time quality control for 3D-printed concrete with near-nozzle secondary mixing83
Integrated BIM-based simulation for automated time-space conflict management in construction projects83
A case-based reasoning approach for solving schedule delay problems in prefabricated construction projects82
Incremental constraint-based reasoning for estimating as-built electric line routing in buildings82
Optimized variable resource allocation framework for scheduling of fast-track industrial construction projects82
Asphalt pavement macrotexture monitoring in cracked surfaces by using an acoustical low-cost continuous method82
Automated building layout generation using deep learning and graph algorithms81
Reinforcement learning for multi-objective AutoML in vision-based structural health monitoring81
Developing systems-centric as-built BIMs to support facility emergency management: A case study approach81
Scenario-based automated data preprocessing to predict severity of construction accidents81
Effect of human emotional responses on human-robot team pty in construction79
Automatic damage detection and data completion for operational bridge safety using convolutional echo state networks78
Topological BIM for building performance management77
Visual flow-based programming plugin for brain–computer Interface in computer-aided design76
Deep learning-based detection and condition classification of bridge elastomeric bearings76
Augmented reality based - decision making (AR-DM) to support multi-criteria analysis in constructions75
BIM-based object mapping using invariant signatures of AEC objects74
Gaussian process-assisted active learning for autonomous data acquisition of impact echo73
Large-scale 3D point-cloud semantic segmentation of urban and rural scenes using data volume decomposition coupled with pipeline parallelism72
Damage-rheology model for predicting 3D printed concrete buildability72
Semi-autonomous operation of a mobile concrete pump72
RFID localization in construction with IoT and security integration70
Real-time processing and visualization for smart infrastructure data70
Dual-path network combining CNN and transformer for pavement crack segmentation70
Additive manufacturing of post-process thermoformed wood-plastic composite cladding70
Digital twin enabled real-time advanced control of TBM operation using deep learning methods70
Probabilistic analysis of subway station excavation based on BIM-RF integrated technology69
Effect of supplementary cementitious materials on properties of 3D printed conventional and alkali-activated concrete: A review69
A system boundary-based critical review on crane selection in building construction68
Incorporating sparse model machine learning in designing cultural heritage landscapes68
Surface finish classification using depth camera data68
Mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for layout design of subsea satellite well system in deep water oil field68
Automatic estimation of excavator actual and relative cycle times in loading operations67
Drift analysis and sectional post-processing of indoor simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)-based laser scanning data67
High-resolution concrete damage image synthesis using conditional generative adversarial network67
Brain–computer interfaces as an architectural design tool: Feasibility and usability study67
Multi-objective joint optimization for concurrent execution of design-construction tasks in design-build mode66
Automated performance assessment of prevention through design and planning (PtD/P) strategies in construction65
Simulation of spontaneous leader–follower behaviour in crowd evacuation65
Automated extraction of geometric primitives with solid lines from unstructured point clouds for creating digital buildings models64
Ortho-photogrammetry for prefabricated energy-efficiency retrofits64
Large-scale 3D wall printing: From concept to reality63
GIS-based framework to manage Whole-Body Vibration exposure63
Computer vision in drone imagery for infrastructure management62
Building defect inspection and data management using computer vision, augmented reality, and BIM technology62
Automated system for high-accuracy quantity takeoff using BIM62
Integration of structural performance and human-centric comfort monitoring in historical building information modeling62
Data-driven project buffer sizing in critical chains61
Enhancing digital twin efficiency in indoor environments: Virtual sensor-driven optimization of physical sensor combinations61
Physics-informed deep reinforcement learning for enhancement on tunnel boring machine's advance speed and stability61
Concurrent, computational design and modelling of structural, coreless-wound building components61
Reliability and effectiveness of laser scanners in future construction efforts on the Moon and Mars61
Large field monitoring system of vehicle load on long-span bridge based on the fusion of multiple vision and WIM data61
A robust output feedback strategy for liquid handling using reconfigurable robots60
Iterative hierarchical clustering algorithm for automated operational modal analysis60
RadVR: A 6DOF Virtual Reality Daylighting Analysis Tool60
Automatic segmentation and classification of BIM elements from point clouds60
Virtual assessment of sight distance limitations using LiDAR technology: Automated obstruction detection and classification60
Structural health control of historical steel structures using HBIM60
Boom energy recuperation system and control strategy for hydraulic hybrid excavators60
IFC data extension for real-time safety monitoring of automated construction in high-rise building projects60
Ground-based automated construction of droxel structures: An experimental approach59
Real-time safety and worker self-assessment: Sensor-based mobile system for critical unsafe behaviors59
Rehabilitation of municipal infrastructure using risk-based performance59
Impact of selective environmental sound attenuation on operator performance, stress, attention, and task engagement in teleoperated demolition58
Editorial Board58
Deep learning for safety risk management in modular construction: Status, strengths, challenges, and future directions58
Signs on glasses: LiDAR data voids, hotspot effect, and reflection artifacts58
Low-cost internet of things (IoT) for monitoring and optimising mining small-scale trucks and surface mining shovels57
BIM4D-based scheduling for assembling and lifting in precast-enabled construction57
BIM-based determination of indoor navigation sign layout using hybrid simulation and optimization57
Computer vision-based classification of concrete spall severity using metaheuristic-optimized Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine and Deep Convolutional Neural Network57
BIM-based LCSA application in early design stages using IFC57
Extracting water channels from aerial videos based on image-to-BIM registration and spatio-temporal continuity56
Weaving structure: A bending-active gridshell for freeform fabrication56
Environmental benchmarking of building typologies through BIM-based combinatorial case studies56
Cloud computing in construction industry: Use cases, benefits and challenges55
Adaptive robotic stone carving: Method, tools, and experiments55
A BIM-data mining integrated digital twin framework for advanced project management55
3D printing system for earth-based construction: Case study of cob55
A computational methodology for generating modular design options for building extensions55
A real-time detection approach for bridge cracks based on YOLOv4-FPM55
A systematic review and analysis of the viability of 3D-printed construction in remote environments55
An improved alternative queuing method for occupational health and safety risk assessment and its application to construction excavation54
Assessing exposure to slip, trip, and fall hazards based on abnormal gait patterns predicted from confidence interval estimation54
Automation for sewer pipe assessment: CCTV video interpretation algorithm and sewer pipe video assessment (SPVA) system development54
Segmentation of point clouds via joint semantic and geometric features for 3D modeling of the built environment54
A worker posture coding scheme to link automatic and manual coding54
Optimal Design of new Hospitals: A Computational Workflow for Stacking, Zoning, and Routing53
Vibration compaction process model for rockfill materials considering viscoelastic-plastic deformation53
Decoding a decade: The evolution of artificial intelligence in security, communication, and maintenance within the construction industry53
Deep learning-based acoustic emission data clustering for crack evaluation of welded joints in field bridges53
Understanding human-robot proxemic norms in construction: How do humans navigate around robots?53
Automated compliance checking in healthcare building design52
Attention-guided analysis of infrastructure damage with semi-supervised deep learning52
Schedule optimization for scattered repetitive projects52
Ontological inference process using AI-based object recognition for hazard awareness in construction sites52
Towards data-informed co-design in digital fabrication52
High-accuracy rebar position detection using deep learning–based frequency-difference electrical resistance tomography52
Computing the characteristics of defects in wooden structures using image processing and CNN51
Floor plan generation through a mixed constraint programming-genetic optimization approach51
Network for robust and high-accuracy pavement crack segmentation51
Automated vision-based structural health inspection and assessment for post-construction civil infrastructure51
Risk evaluation of excavation based on fuzzy decision-making model51
Data sensing and compaction condition modeling for asphalt pavements51
Investigation of steel frame damage based on computer vision and deep learning50
A semantic framework for on-site evacuation routing based on awareness of obstacle accessibility50
Pixel-wise annotated and high-quality synthesized image datasets for semi-supervised truck segmentation with limited raw images50
Indoor interior segmentation with curved surfaces via global energy optimization50
Online prediction of loader payload based on a multi-stage progressive model50
IFC-enabled LCA for carbon assessment in pumped storage hydropower (PSH) with concrete face rockfill dams50
A framework for real-time compaction guidance system based on compaction priority mapping50
Intelligent question and answer system for building information modeling and artificial intelligence of things based on the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers model50
Rapid damage assessment of concrete bridge deck leveraging an automated double-sided bounce system50
Detection and localization of manhole and joint covers in radar images by support vector machine and Hough transform50
Concrete spalling damage detection and seismic performance evaluation for RC shear walls via 3D reconstruction technique and numerical model updating49
Tag-based visual-inertial localization of unmanned aerial vehicles in indoor construction environments using an on-manifold extended Kalman filter49
Dual attention-based deep learning for construction equipment activity recognition considering transition activities and imbalanced dataset49
Knowledge-based OpenBIM data exchange for building design49
Using convex hulls with octree/voxel representations of point clouds to assess road and roadside geometric design for automated vehicles49
Prediction of human restorative experience for human-centered residential architecture design: A non-immersive VR–DOE-based machine learning method49
Applications of fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction engineering and management research49
Assessment of automatic induction self-healing treatment applied to steel deck asphalt pavement49
Global BIM-point cloud registration and association for construction progress monitoring48
Integrated operation centers for storage and repair of imported precast modules48
Automatic assessment of concrete cracks in low-light, overexposed, and blurred images restored using a generative AI approach48
A data-centric strategy to improve performance of automatic pavement defects detection48
Real-time prediction of TBM penetration rates using a transformer-based ensemble deep learning model48
Dual hierarchical attention-enhanced transfer learning for semantic segmentation of point clouds in building scene understanding48
Voxel-based path-driven 3D concrete printing process simulation framework embedding interlayer behavior48
Omni-Scan2BIM: A ready-to-use Scan2BIM approach based on vision foundation models for MEP scenes48
Strategic alignment of BIM and big data through systematic analysis and model development48
Real-time lightweight YOLO model for grouting defect detection in external post-tensioned ducts via infrared thermography47
Automated pavement detection and artificial intelligence pavement image data processing technology47
Non-invasive vision-based personal comfort model using thermographic images and deep learning47
Vision-guided robot for automated pixel-level pavement crack sealing47
Digital twin non-fungible token (DT-NFT): Enabling data ownership in the AEC industry47
Intelligent ergonomic optimization in bimanual worker-robot interaction: A Reinforcement Learning approach46
Autonomous soil vision scanning system for intelligent subgrade compaction46
Blockchain-based security-minded information-sharing in precast construction supply chain management with scalability, efficiency and privacy improvements46
BIM-based mixed reality application for bridge inspection46
Ontology-based mapping approach for automatic work packaging in modular construction46
Generation of simple motion sequences for supporting manual operation of rotary cranes46
Detection of limestone spalling in 3D survey images using deep learning46
Fabrication Information Modeling for Closed-Loop Design and Quality Improvement in Additive Manufacturing for construction46
Deep learning-based automatic rockfall impact force reconstruction for flexible barrier systems in full-scale tests45
Smart audio signal classification for tracking of construction tasks45
Parallel camera network: Motion-compensation vision measurement method and system for structural displacement45
Generative adversarial network for optimization of operational parameters based on shield posture requirements45
Automated analysis and assignment of maintenance work orders using natural language processing45
Information management for digital asset development and delivery45
Hybrid knowledge and data driven approach for prioritizing sewer sediment cleaning45
Pixel-level automatic detection and quantification of running bands on rail surfaces45
Robotic sheet metal folding: Tool vs. material programming45
Digital twin for indoor condition monitoring in living labs: University library case study44
Deep learning for automated multiclass surface damage detection in bridge inspections44
Dynamic networks for resilience-driven management of infrastructure projects44
Enhanced model tree for quantifying output variances due to random data sampling: Productivity prediction applications44
Performance-Based Generative Design for Parametric Modeling of Engineering Structures Using Deep Conditional Generative Models44
Enhancing BIM security in emergency construction projects using lightweight blockchain-as-a-service43
Towards innovative and sustainable buildings: A comprehensive review of 3D printing in construction43
Excavator joint node-based pose estimation using lightweight fully convolutional network43
Two-list genetic algorithm for optimizing work package schemes to minimize project costs43
Blockchain and deep learning technologies for construction equipment security information management43
Enhancement and validation of ifcOWL ontology based on Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)43
Review and analysis of augmented reality (AR) literature for digital fabrication in architecture43
Rotation-control device for construction cranes with nested PID control42
A shared ontology suite for digital construction workflow42
Multiobjective optimization for modular unit production lines focusing on crew allocation and production performance41
TLS measurements of initial imperfections of steel frames for structural analysis within BIM-enabled platforms41
Online multi-objective optimization for real-time TBM attitude control with spatio-temporal deep learning model41
A multi-user collaborative BIM-AR system to support design and construction41
Design and fabrication of a reusable kit of parts for diverse structures41
Steel cable bonding in fresh mortar and 3D printed beam flexural behavior41
Integrating early assessment of robotic constructability into design optimization of a standalone classroom41
Full-body pose estimation for excavators based on data fusion of multiple onboard sensors41
Task-unit based trajectory generation for excavators utilizing expert operator skills41
A situational understanding enhancer based on augmented visual prompts for teleoperation using a multi-monitor system41
Automated mobile vibration measurement and signal analysis for bridge scour prevention and warning41
An exponential chaotic differential evolution algorithm for optimizing bridge maintenance plans41
Adaptive fuzzy tracking control for vibration suppression of tower crane with distributed payload mass40
Automating construction of road digital twin geometry using context and location aware segmentation40
Automated decision making in highway pavement preventive maintenance based on deep learning40
BIM-based repair and maintenance for hospital work order management40
Safety prediction of shield tunnel construction using deep belief network and whale optimization algorithm40
Automated and interconnected facility management system: An open IFC cloud-based BIM solution40
Generative AI design for building structures40