Environmental Sciences

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The TQCC is the top quartile citation count: if all publications of a journal are sorted by citation count in descending order, then the TQCC is the citation count of the publication residing at the end of the top quartile; for example, given 100 publications, the TQCC is the citation count of the 25th ranked paper. The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01)
Rank Journal TQCC
1 Biochar38
2 Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry35
3 Environmental Chemistry Letters33
4 Energy & Environmental Science31
5 Journal of Hazardous Materials28
6 Nature Sustainability26
7 Resources Conservation and Recycling24
8 Remote Sensing of Environment23
- Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology23
- Water Research23
11 Journal of Cleaner Production22
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology22
13 Chemosphere20
14 Environment International19
- Global Change Biology19
- Environmental Science & Technology19
- Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions19
- Energy Policy19
19 Environmental Pollution17
- Science of the Total Environment17
- Waste Management17
22 Environmental Research16
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research16
- Nature Climate Change16
- Environmental Technology & Innovation16
- Ecosystem Services16
- Journal of Environmental Sciences16
- Lancet Planetary Health16
29 International Soil and Water Conservation Research15
- Journal of Environmental Management15
31 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability14
- Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment14
33 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics13
- Ecological Indicators13
- Current Pollution Reports13
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions13
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews13
- One Earth13
39 Environmental Science & Policy12
- Environmental Science & Technology Letters12
- npj Clean Water12
- Environment Development and Sustainability12
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles12
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety12
- Environmental Health12
- Urban Climate12
47 Environmental Research Letters11
- Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering11
- Earths Future11
- Ecological Economics11
- Environmental Health Perspectives11
- Water Research X11
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water11
- Marine Pollution Bulletin11
- NanoImpact11
56 Biogeochemistry10
- Climatic Change10
- Environmental and Experimental Botany10
- Journal of Industrial Ecology10
- Ambio10
- Ecological Applications10
- Sustainability Science10
63 Environmental Sciences Europe9
- Anthropocene9
- Applied Catalysis A-General9
- Atmospheric Pollution Research9
- Communications Earth & Environment9
- Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology9
- Water Resources Research9
- Advances in Climate Change Research9
- Biological Conservation9
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health9
- International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment9
- Ecological Engineering9
- Remote Sensing9
- Sustainable Environment Research9
77 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology8
- Geocarto International8
- International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation8
- Utilities Policy8
- Waste Management & Research8
- Environmental Reviews8
- Atmospheric Environment8
- Bioenergy Research8
- Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering8
- Environmental Development8
- Environmental Modelling & Software8
88 Environmental Toxicology7
- Carbon Management7
- Chinese Geographical Science7
- International Journal of Sediment Research7
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences7
- Regional Environmental Change7
- Reviews on Environmental Health7
- Sustainability7
- Food and Environmental Virology7
- Geohealth7
- Carbon Balance and Management7
- Conservation Biology7
- Journal of Aerosol Science7
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology7
- Ecological Processes7
- Environmental Evidence7
104 Human and Ecological Risk Assessment6
- Climate Risk Management6
- Journal of Arid Environments6
- Environmental Earth Sciences6
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health6
- Journal of Soils and Sediments6
- Land Degradation & Development6
- Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy6
- Frontiers in Environmental Science6
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology6
- Geobiology6
- International Journal of Phytoremediation6
- Journal of Great Lakes Research6
- Water Science and Technology6
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment6
- Toxics6
- Water6
121 Aerobiologia5
- Air Quality Atmosphere and Health5
- Estuaries and Coasts5
- Geomicrobiology Journal5
- Biodiversity and Conservation5
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology5
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology5
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy5
- Ecotoxicology5
- Journal of Environmental Quality5
- Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences5
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association5
- Environmental Management5
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues5
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment5
- Microbial Risk Analysis5
- Waste and Biomass Valorization5
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry5
- Anthropocene Review5
- Atmosphere5
- International Journal of Biometeorology5
- Climate Services5
- Journal of Arid Land5
- Journal of Flood Risk Management5
- Journal of Hydro-Environment Research5
- Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management5
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition5
- Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability5
- Marine Environmental Research5
- Water Resources and Economics5
- Rangeland Ecology & Management5
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research5
153 Aerosol Science and Technology4
- Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems4
- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment4
- International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry4
- International Journal of Environmental Research4
- International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment4
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics4
- Ecohydrology4
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering4
- Environmental Conservation4
- Journal of Hydroinformatics4
- Environmental Engineering Research4
- Journal of Mountain Science4
- Journal of Paleolimnology4
- Environmental Modeling & Assessment4
- Journal of Water and Health4
- Water Environment Research4
- Water Supply4
- Wetlands Ecology and Management4
- Water Air and Soil Pollution4
- Environmental Science-Nano4
- Arctic Science4
- Climate Research4
- Ecohealth4
- Journal of Coastal Conservation4
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity4
- Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene4
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes4
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering4
- Environmental Microbiology Reports4
- Wetlands4
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change4
185 Environmental Technology3
- Aquatic Sciences3
- Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health3
- Arid Land Research and Management3
- Bioremediation Journal3
- Chemistry and Ecology3
- Conservation Physiology3
- Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management3
- Ecosystem Health and Sustainability3
- Environmental Chemistry3
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics3
- Mountain Research and Development3
- Natural Resource Modeling3
- Ozone-Science & Engineering3
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics3
- River Research and Applications3
- Soil & Sediment Contamination3
- Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry3
- Environmental Research Communications3
- Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts3
- Aerosol and Air Quality Research3
- African Journal of Range & Forage Science3
- Antarctic Science3
- Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology3
- International Journal of Environmental Health Research3
- Coastal Management3
- Journal of Applied Remote Sensing3
- Journal of Environmental Engineering3
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics3
- Journal of Radiological Protection3
- Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing3
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy3
- Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology3
- Soil Science and Plant Nutrition3
- Vadose Zone Journal3
- Water and Environment Journal3
221 Agricultural & Environmental Letters2
- Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine2
- Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research2
- Industrial Health2
- Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies2
- Radioprotection2
- Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology2
- Environmetrics2
- GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society2
- Arctic2
- Human Dimensions of Wildlife2
- Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management2
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis2
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene2
- Environmental Forensics2
- Natural Resources Forum2
- Physical Geography2
- Polish Journal of Environmental Studies2
239 Grundwasser1
- Journal of Environmental Informatics1
- Journal of Environmental Science and Management1
- Environment1
- Polar Record1
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research1
- Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management1
- Health Physics1
- Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement1
- Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences1
- Clean-Soil Air Water1
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry1
- Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental1
252 Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft0
- Global Nest Journal0
- International Journal of Global Warming0
- Journal of Coastal Research0
- Journal of Elementology0
- International Journal of Environment and Pollution0
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal0