Environmental Earth Sciences

(The TQCC of Environmental Earth Sciences is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comparison of the DRASTIC + L and modified VABHAT models in vulnerability assessment of Karaj aquifer, central Iran, using MCDM, SWARA, and BWM methods91
Lead contamination and isotopic composition of the bulk and < 2.5 μm fraction of soils in Xuzhou, China84
Water quality deterioration near culverts within the Apalachicola National Forest80
Spatiotemporal variation and periodic evolution characteristics of groundwater in the Xining area of China, eastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau77
Isotopic hydrological links among precipitation, river water and groundwater in an alpine mountain basin, NE Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in warm seasons69
Modeling fate and transport of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate in a soil contaminated with large dose of urea67
A comparative evaluation of landslide susceptibility mapping using machine learning-based methods in Bogor area of Indonesia62
Application of multi-hydrochemical indices for spatial groundwater quality assessment: Ziway Lake Basin of the Ethiopian Rift Valley60
Investigation of fracture properties of rocks under drilling fluid saturation55
Geothermal energy assessment through the Curie point depth, geothermal gradient, and heat flow around the Akiri hot spring region in Central Nigeria54
Damage mechanism of granite under subcritical water–rock interaction54
Spatial evolution mechanism of coal structure damage and gas permeability under water-based ultrasonic treatment49
Field test on uplift bearing characteristics of transmission tower foundation in mountainous areas of western China46
Oxidation characteristics and active group evolution of oil-immersed coal45
Stability assessment of unlined real horseshoe-shaped tunnels in anisotropic and heterogeneous undrained clay41
Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of Mangueira Lagoon (RS—Brazil)41
Water management for Istanbul: collapse or survival40
Pollutant transport via sediments in medium-sized meandering rivers: the example of barium in Kupa River (Croatia)39
Risk assessment of selected cephalosporins in surface waters: predictions for North Cyprus39
Deformation and hysteresis behaviors of sandstone exposed to distinct sequences of variable-frequency compressive cyclic stresses39
Study on hydrochemical characteristics of underground hot water in typical granite thermal storage and hot water development model in Dabie Mountain, Anhui Province38
Forecasting land use in urban Himalayas: a remote sensing-guided machine learning approach36
Geographic object-based image analysis for landslide identification using machine learning on google earth engine36
Determination of river flow and sediment regime changes in response to construction of regulating dams: an indicator-based approach35
Permeability evolution of deep coal under the coupling damage of mining-adsorption33
Geochemical characterization of potentially toxic elements in topsoil under different land-use patterns in the village of Guido (Midwestern Burkina Faso) using multivariate geostatistical techniques33
Identification of soil erosion‑susceptible areas using fuzzy logic and hydrological indices aided by mineralogical-granulometric analysis in lower Subansiri basin, Assam, India33
Depositional impact on reservoir quality in the Lower Goru Formation, middle Indus basin, Pakistan: insights from well log and sedimentological analysis32
Stability analysis of soil-rock slope (SRS) with an improved stochastic method and physical models31
Integrating dynamic factors for predicting future landslide susceptibility31
Application and adsorption characteristics of scoria for removing sulfate from a low-temperature groundwater environment in Longdong area, China31
Mapping the karstification potential of central Cebu, Philippines using GIS31
Shear strength and compression behavior of colemanite-added sand-bentonite mixtures under high temperature and temperature cycles31
Hydrochemistry appraisal, quality assessment and health risk evaluation of shallow groundwater in the Mianyang area of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China30
Erosion and flood susceptibility evaluation in a catchment of Kopet-Dagh mountains using EPM and RFM in GIS30
Flood hazard assessment in a polje: the case of Mucille (Classical Karst Region, NE Italy)30
Impact of ultrasonic power on evolution mechanism of cavitation effect in water-bearing coal pores microstructure30
Application of hydrologic and hydraulic methods to calculate the environmental flow requirements of the Chaliyar river30
MCE–GIS evaluation for the potential location of RO membrane recycling plant in the Segura River Basin, Spain29
Gully evolution assessment from structure-from-motion, southeastern Brazil29
Estimation of radon activity concentration in Abu Al-Khaseb and Ad Dayer soil in southern Iraq using CR-39 detector29
Stability analysis of fractured rock mass around underground excavations based on a three-dimensional discrete fracture network29
Regional assessment of the potential risks of rapid lake expansion impacting on the Tibetan human living environment29
Soil climate regulation services: high SOC stock in Podzols and Umbrisols in an alpine grassland (Valle Adamé, Italy)28
Study on normalization of critical values of the prediction indicator initial gas emission from boreholes27
Determination of metal fractions and rare earth anomalies in red mud: the case of bauxite mining district of Seydişehir (Turkey)27
An integrated geospatial and statistical approach for flood hazard assessment27
Investigations into the opening of fractures during hydraulic testing using a hybrid-dimensional flow formulation27
Characterizing near-surface features of shallow shear wave velocity in the Way Ratai geothermal field26
Engineering–geological investigation of the river bottom near a dam’s stabilization threshold based on two different evaluation methodologies26
Evaluation of the impact of large-scale atmospheric indicators and meteorological variables on drought in different regions of Iran26
Support design in underground coal mines using modified rock mass classification system (RMRdyn) for enhanced safety– an approach from stable and failed roof cases26
Remote sensing and GIS techniques in Monitoring and mapping Land System Change in semi-arid environments25
Bio-mediated geotechnology and its application in geoengineering: mechanism, approach, and performance25
Occurrence and distribution of nutrients and trace metals in groundwater in an intensively irrigated region, Luvuvhu catchment, South Africa25
Proposed methodology for site-specific soil moisture obtainment utilizing coarse satellite-based data25
Remote sensing and field visit for small scale runoff harvesting for agricultural water consumption management, case study at Kariyan, Hormozgan, Iran25
Temporal and spatial variability and stability evaluation of soil arsenic pollution in Juzhang River basin25
Assessment of injection well (IWs) as a measure of flood control25
Experimental study on reconstructed soil properties based on numerical analysis25
Reliability analysis of slope with cross-correlated spatially variable soil properties using AFOSM25
Proposing a novel method for the irrigation water quality assessment, using entropy weighted method, entitled: “EIWQI”25
Radiological characterization of the area impacted by the Mariana dam disaster, in Mariana City-MG-Brazil25
Strontium and lead isotopes as environmental tracers in a water supply watershed in Southern Brazil25
Application of an ensemble learning model based on random subspace and a J48 decision tree for landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study for Qingchuan, Sichuan, China25
Exploring radon risk in groundwater: insights from few investigated areas in Morocco24
Estimating stream sediment loads to assess management options for a Southern Appalachian mountain lake24
Soil slaking under the effect of dispersants: characteristics and mechanism24
Hydro-geomorphological changes in an artificial modified lake-catchment system inferred from lacustrine sediments of Ri-Yue Tan (Sun Moon Lake), central Taiwan23
Metal geochemistry in suspended and bed sediments in the eutrophic lowland Salado River basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)23
Identifying seismicity pattern before major earthquakes in the Western Nepal and adjoining region (28.5°N to 31.0°N − 78°E to 82.96°E)23
A comprehensive seismic risk assessment map of South Korea based on seismic, geotechnical, and social vulnerability23
Groundwater quality and contamination: an application of GIS23
Geostatistical and pollution index-based approach for assessing heavy metal pollution in the Cambro-Ordovician Saq Aquifer in Central Saudi Arabia23
Spring water assessment for quality and suitability for various uses: the case of Thuligaad watershed, western Nepal23
Effect of microwave heating on the mechanical properties and energy dissipation characteristics of hard rock22
Groundwater sustainability under land-use and land-cover changes22
Stability analysis of the composite support pillar in backfill-strip mining using particle flow simulation method22
Changes of ecological vegetation in major coal bases in North China22
Death time estimation of water heritages in Gonabad Plain, Iran22
Assessment of liquefaction potential of soil based on standard penetration test for the upper Benue region in Nigeria22
Experimental study on the adoption of flushing technique in successive alkalinity-producing systems with a focus on influence radius of orifice22
Stabilization of rock slopes by anchor based on upper bound analysis incorporating Hoek–Brown failure criterion22
The impact of common impurities present in gypsum deposits on in situ dissolution kinetics22
Multi-regression analysis between stable isotope composition and hydrochemical parameters in karst springs to provide insights into groundwater origin and subsurface processes: regional application to22
Identification of active fault topography along the Kishtwar Fault, Jammu and Kashmir, Northwest Himalaya, India22
Desert channel erosion, accretion characteristics and their implications for aeolian–fluvial interactions: a case study in a desert watershed in the Ordos Plateau, China22
Evaluation and analysis of metal mine filling based on numerical simulation and actual measurement22
A catchment scale GPR application potential zonation: case study from SW China22
Regional-scale impacts of the major tin plant on the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in the south of Western Siberia (Russia)22
Speciation and correlation of boron and lithium in surficial sediments of the eastern and western Taijinar Salt Lake22
Landslide susceptibility mapping using artificial neural network tuned by metaheuristic algorithms21
Quantitative investigation on localized deformation process of rocks by uniaxial test and digital image correlation21
Effects of precipitation and land use/cover changes on the spatio-temporal distribution of the water yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai basin, China21
Stacking ensemble of machine learning methods for landslide susceptibility mapping in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China21
Investigation of shear strength of sand–bentonite mixtures with boron additives at high temperature for energy geo-structures21
Water quality and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in water of Samsun Rivers of the Mid-Black Sea, Turkey21
Geochemical modeling and isotopic approach for delineating water resources evolution in El Fayoum depression, Egypt21
Composition and provenance of beach sands in La Graciosa, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria Islands (eastern Canary Islands, Spain): a review21
Mechanisms controlling the dissolved load, chemical weathering and CO2 consumption rates of Cauvery River, South India: role of secondary soil minerals21
The effect of zeolite, ZnO, and CuO nanoparticles on heavy metals retention in a sandy loam soil: A column leaching and batch study21
Deformation prediction of reservoir landslides based on a Bayesian optimized random forest-combined Kalman filter21
Study on the diffusion law of dynamic water grouting in fracture with slurry-rock stress coupling effect21
Climate-resilient groundwater rationing in the mining environment: an operational framework of India20
Experimental investigation on microstructure fractal characteristics of low-temperature oxidation of gas-bearing coal20
GIS-based spatio-temporal and geostatistical analysis of groundwater parameters of Lahore region Pakistan and their source characterization20
Spatial–seasonal characteristics and influencing factors of dissolved organic carbon and chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Poyang Lake20
Evaluating river pollution in Iran: insights into sedimentary toxic metal levels and algae bioaccumulation20
Growth rates of Brazilian carbonate speleothems by the 210Pb chronological method20
The volume change behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite: combined effects of temperature and suction20
Characteristics and the origins of the main chemical components in mine water in the Xishan mining area, North China20
Hydrochemical characteristics, evolution and health risk assessment of surface water and groundwater in Lhasa, China20
Analysis and interpretation of natural variations in water table and groundwater recharge of coastal aquifer system in the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil20
Effects of climate change and high-capacity wells pumping on streamflow and groundwater elevation in Northeastern Wisconsin20
Quality assessment of water used for human consumption and irrigation purpose in parts of Tafna watershed (NW Algeria)19
Modeling of type-II fuzzy logic system with uncertainty handling of groundwater level prediction19
Factors influencing the spatial and temporal variations of surface runoff coefficient in the Red River basin of Vietnam19
Numerical and experimental study of fracture evolution in layered sandstone and mudstone above the cavity19
Classification of sedimentary environments and evaluation of carbon burial rates in the coastal area of Lianyungang, China, since the Late Pleistocene19
Editorial to the topical collection “Building stones and geomaterials through history and environments: from quarry to heritage. Insights on the conditioning factors - The Rolf Snethlage-Volume”19
Development of a novel process to select suitable sites for establishing water harvesting structures in Central Gujarat, India19
Trace metal and radionuclide geochemistry of soils in western Himalaya: implication to ecological and radiological hazards19
Evapotranspiration and groundwater exchange for border and drip irrigated maize field in arid area with shallow groundwater19
Variation in the area of the polymictic Pampean shallow lakes and its relationship with precipitation19
Influence of below-cloud secondary evaporation on stable isotope composition in precipitation and its relationship with meteorological factors in Shiyang River Basin, Northwest China19
Assessment of possible pollution risk using spatial distribution and temporal variation of heavy metals in river sediments19
Delineation of kaolinised and aquifer formations using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and induced polarization (IP) techniques19
Assessing the suitability of local earth resources for use in clay barriers to protect historic masonry in Pompeii19
Extending disposal route of dewatered sewage sludge produced from the new wastewater treatment plant in Nicosia toward sustainable building materials18
Wave velocity variation with temperature: influential properties of temperature coefficient ($$\partial {\varvec{V}}/\partial {\varvec{T}}$$) of selected rocks18
An integrated landslide susceptibility model to assess landslides along linear infrastructure for environmental management18
Distribution pattern of heavy minerals assemblages in recent sediments of Lesser Zab River Basin (LZRB), NE Iraq18
Groundwater hydrocarbon contamination spatial pattern in Opuama, Western Niger-Delta, Nigeria18
Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)18
New insight into mechanism of Cr(VI) migration and transformation in typical soils of chromite ore processing residue (COPR) contaminated sites18
Provenance studies of Au-bearing stream sediments and performance assessment of machine learning-based models: insight from whole-rock geochemistry central Tanzania, East Africa18
Assessment of water infiltration of urban surface based on remote sensing: a case study of Wuhan, China18
Contribution of geoelectrical soundings and pedological wells to the estimation of the tonnage of lateritic gravels of the northern flank of Mount Bangou: implications for road construction17
Quantification of the uncertainty of geoscientific maps relying on human sensory engagement17
Study on influencing factors and mechanism of land subsidence in delta resource exploitation area of Shengli oilfield17
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and solute sources of groundwater in the Yuhengbei mining area, Shaanxi Province, China17
Study on water–heat coupling migration law and frost heave effect of soil slope in seasonal frozen regions during groundwater recharge17
Experimental evaluation of bentonite clay swelling and inhibition effect of nanoparticles17
A novel structural model for strainburst hazard considering the surrounding rock-burst volume interaction and its use to obtain a strength criterion for strainbursts17
The effect of fertilizers on transfer factors in plant, the topsoil environment and the risk of ingestion17
Utilizing geospatial artificial intelligence for remote sensing applications17
A comparative analysis of ensemble learning algorithms with hyperparameter optimization for soil liquefaction prediction17
Soil respiration and carbon stock responses to land use changes in the temperate forest of northern Iran17
Palaeo-notch sediments as reliable proxy records for climate change and anthropogenic activities: a short review17
GIS approach for mapping novel coronavirus in northern state of India, Jammu and Kashmir17
Using GIS-based order weight average (OWA) methods to predict suitable locations for the artificial recharge of groundwater17
Groundwater in the Na’ur area, Jordan: movement and pollution under changes in landscape uses17
Evaluation of graphene oxide-coated sand adsorption on ammonium, lead and FA with molecular dynamic simulation and spectral induced polarization17
Development of a pragmatic methodology for the environmental assessment of uncontrolled dumpsites in developing countries17
Evaluating stability of perilous slide zones occurring in Lesser Himalayan schuppen belt between Tiuni and Taluka route, Uttarakhand, India16
Characteristics of heavy metal migration in farmland16
Geochemical modeling and geostatistical categorization of groundwater in Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, El Bahariya Oasis, Egypt16
Enhancing analytical methods for estimating water inflow to tunnels in the presence of discontinuity areas16
Sediment cores in a municipal drinking-water reservoir as a record of geochemical transport within a watershed, Farmington Lake, New Mexico, USA16
Influence of polyacrylamide on the precipitation of gypsum in sodium chloride solutions16
An evaluation of groundwater vulnerability assessment methods in a rapidly urbanizing city: evidence from Dakar, Senegal16
A process-geometric visualization of bluff erosion hazards on the Pennsylvania coast of Lake Erie, United States16
Effects of the friction coefficient and location of the dislocation surface of an active fault on the mechanical response of a freeway tunnel16
Groundwater vulnerability assessment using GIS-based DRASTIC model in the upper catchment of Dwarakeshwar river basin, West Bengal, India16
Quantitative characterization of climate change and its impact on aeolian desertification: a case study in northwest Shanxi of China16
Hydrochemical and isotopic investigation to characterize the effect of snowmelt infiltration on groundwater in a snowy landslide area of Japan16
Characterizing groundwater distribution potential using GIS-based machine learning model in Chihe River basin, China16
Geoecological diagnosis of landscapes of the Formoso River Watershed, Bonito/MS, Brazil16
Isolated overburden grout injection technology mining and grouting parameters discussion and optimization16
Removal of iron crusts from sandstone sculptures in a fountain16
Spatial characteristics and driving factors of groundwater hydrochemistry and heavy metals in peri-urban agricultural areas of in Southwest China16
Assessment of major element hydrogeochemistry and agricultural contamination of groundwater in the coastal plain of Gimje, midwestern South Korea16
Anisotropic mechanical properties of quartz mica schist subjected to true triaxial compression15
Anthropogenic gadolinium as a tracer of raw sewage in surface water15
Water quality assessment of a multiple-use reservoir in southeastern Brazil: case study of the Vargem das Flores reservoir15
Assessing the impact of land use and climate changes on the sedimentary regime of Valasht mountainous Lake (Iran) using radionuclide techniques15
Application of resistivity method (VES) to quantify the thickness of the freshwater aquifer for supply in a saltwater intrusion region: historical case in Brazil15
Experimental insights into the stability of karst carbon sink by submerged macrophytes15
Mechanical behavior and failure modes of jointed rock mass based on rough discrete fracture network models15
Heritage documentation and structural analysis of historic water-supply canals15
Theoretical analysis on stress distribution characteristics around a shallow buried spherical Karst cave containing fill materials in limestone strata15
Application of dynamic weight in coal mine water inrush source identification15
Numerical modeling of colloid-assisted BTEX transport in a saturated fractured aquifer15
Holistic approach to assess the coastal vulnerability to oceanogenic multi-hazards along the coast of Andhra Pradesh, India15
Hydrogeochemical indicators of a nested groundwater flow system in arid and semi-arid regions: evidence from the Aksu River Basin, Xinjiang, China15
Orogenic lode-gold deposits and listvenization processes in the El-Barramiya area, Eastern Desert, Egypt15
Response mechanism of metro tunnel structure under local collapse in loess strata15
Multi-criteria evaluation of the environmental carrying capacity (ECC) of Gharesou watershed in Ardabil province to optimal utilization of watershed resource14
Microstructural insight into the characteristics and mechanisms of compaction during natural sedimentation and man-made filling on the Loess Plateau14
Optimizing groundwater level monitoring networks with hydrogeological complexity and grid-based mapping methods14
The stability analysis of weak structural planes based on multi-frequency ultrasonic imaging characteristics during rock and soil physical model tests14
Time-lag characteristics of the response of karst springs to precipitation in the northern China14
Large-scale climate indices teleconnections with hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of a karst spring using wavelet analysis14
Rapid identification of flood-prone settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin in Turkey14
A multivariate approach to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon source apportionment in Connecticut, USA using compound-specific isotopic compositions14
Spectral classification of AVIRIS NG hyperspectral data for discriminating coastal foredunes based on vegetation species: a case study from Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, South India14
Rhamnus prinoides and Psidium guajava tree species for hill slope rehabilitation14
Resonance effect on shaking of tall buildings in Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal14
Application of regularized ELM optimized by sine algorithm in prediction of ground settlement around foundation pit14
Comparison of different chemical agents in the single extraction of some potentially toxic elements (PTEs) from contaminated soils14
Experimental study on dynamic crack growth and propagation characteristics of central hole double fracture shales under impact loading14
Spatial distribution and landscape impact analysis of quarrying in the highly fragmented ecosystem of Tandilia system (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)14
Predictive mapping of glacial sediment properties (Bellingshausen Dome, King George Island, Antarctica)14
COP*KAT: a modified COP vulnerability mapping method for karst terrains using KARSTLOP factors and fuzzy logic14
Understand space–time accessibility using a visual metaphor: a case study in Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Belt14
Study on creep constitutive model of stratified siltstone and its application to instability analysis in mining14
Classification and distribution of large-scale high-position landslides in southeastern edge of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China14
Occurrence of uranopolycrase in pegmatite related to a Jurassic granite pluton in Cheongwon, South Korea: mineral chemistry and texture of a potential source of uranium and radon in a granite aquifer14
‘Water is a unique resource: a drop can save a life, in war and peace’—embracing the legacy of the hydrogeologist José Martins Carvalho (1943–2023)14
Estimation method of heterogeneous sulfur saturation distribution in high sulfur content gas reservoirs based on well test data14
Catchment scale volume and mass changes for glaciers in the Parvati basin of Western Himalaya during 2000–201513
GIS-based fuzzy-analytic network process (FAHP), fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process (FANP) methods and feature selection algorithm (FSA) to determine earthquake-prone areas in Kermanshah Province13
Spatio-temporal distribution and trends monitoring of land desertification based on time-series remote sensing data in northern China13
Electrocoagulation for nitrate removal in groundwater of intensive agricultural region: a case study of Harran plain, Turkey13
Assessment of a small island’s groundwater resilience under the pressure of anthropogenic and natural stresses on Tunda Island, Indonesia13
Effects of porosity of crushed-rock layer on cooling performance of crushed-rock embankment in permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau13
Reservoir stress analysis during simultaneous pulsating hydraulic fracturing based on the poroelastodynamics model13
Urban ground subsidence monitoring and prediction using time-series InSAR and machine learning approaches: a case study of Tianjin, China13
Spatio-temporal distribution profile of heavy metals in Kol wetland ecosystem in southern India13
Anti-wind erosion and anti-dust mechanisms of microbial consolidation of bare soil13
A framework of ecological sensitivity assessment for the groundwater system in the Mi River basin, Eastern China13
Effect of soil amendments on soil respiration in the midland agroecological environment, Ethiopia13
Unconfined compressive strength of clay soils at different temperatures: experimental and constitutive study13
Temporal evolution of hurricane activity: insights from decades of category 1–5 analysis13
Mechanism investigation on water and mud inrush disasters when Wangjiazhai tunnel passing through the Tertiary water-rich sandstone strata13
Hydrogeomorphological analysis for hydraulic public domain definition: case study in Carrión River (Palencia, Spain)13
Susceptibility factors of drainage basins to shallow landslides in coffee-growing areas in the Department of Caldas, Colombia13
Land use-dependent variation of near-saturated and saturated hydraulic properties in calcareous soils13
Evaluation of effects of earthworm density and species on the permeability of clay loam soils for managing stormwater in urban systems13
Sea-level change and human occupation over 6000 years on Areoso Island (Ría de Arousa, NW Iberian Peninsula)13
Comparative assessment of modified bentonites as retardation barrier: adsorption performance and characterization13
Variability in reconstructed soil bulk density of a high moisture content soil: a study on feature identification and ground penetrating radar detection13
Prediction of new polymetallic mineralization prospectivity zones using a combination of remote sensing, geology, and geochemistry data in the northeastern part of the Saghro inlier, Moroccan Anti-Atl13
Compacted bentonite hydro-mechanical modelling when interaggregate porosity tends to zero13
Rapid assessment of soil–water retention using soil texture-based models13
Scenario spatial planning evaluation model for subsidence-economic resilience environment in geohazard prone-coastal megacities: urban underground space (UUS) development in Shanghai by year 203513
Mapping long-period soil resonances in the Kathmandu basin using microtremors13
Evaluation of ABCD water balance conceptual model using remote sensing data in ungauged watersheds (a case study: Zarandeh, Iran)13
Effects of strength property difference on shear strength of joint of binary media13
Filling the ponds of Hattuşa - a geohydrological approach to determine inflows by time and volume13
Application of soil quality evaluation indices and multivariate statistics to assess soil health: a case study13
Assessing the drinking water quality of educational institutions at selected locations of district Swat, Pakistan13
Risk assessment for the presence of potentially toxic elements in the vicinity of a former lead smelter in Bahia, Brazil12
Comprehensive performance assessment of landslide susceptibility mapping with MLP and random forest: a case study after Elazig earthquake (24 Jan 2020, Mw 6.8), Turkey12
Analysis and forecasting of rainfall trends in semi-arid Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, India: using statistical methods12
Quantification of change in land cover and rainfall variability impact on flood hydrology using a hydrological model in the Ethiopian river basin12
Landfill site selection via geographical information system and fuzzy logic in Uşak province (Turkey)12
A comparison between different methods to fill gaps in early precipitation series12
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability based on the modified DRASTIC model: a case study in Baicheng City, China12
The heavy metals content in leaves and branch of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and Pyrus elaeagnifolia Pall. in the highway side (European route E80) in Türkiye12