Water Air and Soil Pollution

(The TQCC of Water Air and Soil Pollution is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Assessment of Human Induced Potentially Toxic Metal Aggregation and Decadal Change in Sediment Quality of River Hooghly: Implications to the Usage of Pneumatophores as a Potential Bio-indicator and Ph239
Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Pollutants with Various Wet Banana Leaf Types199
Assessment of Dam Sediment and Grab Samples for Metal Contamination in a Historically Industrialized New England City112
Experimental Assessment and Modeling of Enhanced Solubilization of Pool-dominated Tetrachloroethene Source Zone in Heterogeneous Porous Media81
Divergent Effects of Antibiotics on Plants and Microbiota in Soils with Contrasting Humus Content78
Relative Empirical Evaluation of the Aqueous Sequestration of Methylene Blue Using Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic Acid-Linked Lanthanum and Zinc Metal Organic Frameworks76
Investigation into Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Wei River Basin68
Spatial–Temporal Growth, Distribution, and Diffusion of Marine Microplastic Research and National Plastic Policies68
Monitoring of As, Cd, Cr, and Pb in Groundwater of Mexico’s Agriculture Mocorito River Aquifer: Implications for Risks to Human Health65
Quick Removal of Suspended Cadmium from Irrigation Water Using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)-Phosphoric Fertilizer63
Synthesis and Characterization of a Coagulating Agent from Plantain Peel Starch (Musa paradisiaca), as Coadjuvant in Water Treatment62
Aquaculture Exacerbates the Accumulation and Ecological Risk of Heavy Metal from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources, a Case Study in Hung-tse Lake, China62
Nitrogen and Silicon Application Can Increase Nutrient Uptake and Fruit Quality of Cucurbita pepo L.57
Influence of Altitude on Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Trees in Himalayan Temperate Forests of Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary, India56
Removal Performance and Mechanism of Eu (III) on Illite Supported by Hydroxyl Iron Pillars Modified with Fulvic Acid52
Distribution Patterns and Ecological Risks of Microplastics at Major Waste Disposal Environments in Dhaka, Bangladesh51
Nitrate Nightmares: Nitrate Contamination and Health Risks in a Rapidly Expanding City of Central India50
Design of New Wet Heterogeneous Photo Oxidation Process for Refinery Waste Water Treatment in Photo Baffled Reactor45
Retraction Note: Dye Removal Characteristics of Magnetic Biochar Derived from Sewage Sludge: Isotherm, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Mechanism45
Effects of Dust Practices on Quality of Soil Supporting Coastal Salt Marshes Vegetation in South Sinai, Egypt43
Activation of Peroxymonosulfate by Magnetic MnFe2O4/MWCNT Toward Rhodamine B Degradation: Efficiency, Mechanism and Influencing Factors41
A Review of Iron-Based Catalysts for Persulfate Activation to Remove PFAS in Water: Catalytic Effects of Various Iron Species, Influencing Factors and Reaction Pathways41
Urease Inhibitors Weaken the Efficiency of Nitrification Inhibitors in Mitigating N2O Emissions from Soils Irrigated with Alternative Water Resources38
Pretreatments Behavior of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash Using Different Alkaline Reagents38
Mathematical Modeling Using Full Factorial Design Applied in the Adsorption of Dye Basic Blue 9 from Synthetic Aqueous Solutions onto Oryza Sativa Husk-Derived Nano-Silica-Smectic Clay Composite37
Toxic Effects of Tire Wear Particles on Microcystis aeruginosa37
Combined Chemical-Biological Method for Efficient Clean Treatment of Oily Sludge36
Field Performance of an Innovative Downpipe Roof Runoff Treatment System: Effect of Roof Material, Stormwater Characteristics, and System Age on Heavy Metals Removal36
Comprehensive Insight Into Removal and Recovery of Phosphate by a Magnetic Nanocomposite Microparticle Modified With MgFe-Zr Layered Double Hydroxide35
A Cost-Effective, Eco-Friendly and Functional Wastewater Pre-Treatment Procedure Development for the Degradation of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residues Discharged from Cephalosporin Drug Manufacturing Plant35
Synthesis and Characterization of Thiol-Functionalized Magnetic (Core) Mesoporous Silica-Titanium (Shell-Shell) Nanocomposites for Efficient Copper Ions Removal from Aqueous Solutions34
Dichromate Contaminated Water Treatment using Novel Crystal Violet Azo Dye- Sulphonated Poly(Glycidyl methacrylate) Nano-Composite Adsorbent33
Methylene Blue Removal by Biochar-Hydrochar from Date Palm Seeds and its Binding Interaction Analysis33
Role of AI&ML in Modernizing Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes33
Determination of Cadmium in Water Samples by FR-PAN Fluorescence Method33
Influencing Factors and Spatial Spillover Effects of Pollution in the Yangtze River Delta–Based On a New Measurement Method33
The Role of Iron Plaque in Miscanthus sacchariflorus Seedling Growth, Cadmium Uptake, and Translocation33
Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Topsoil and Their Risks to Human Health and Ecosystem in Zanjan Mineral Province, Western Iran32
Measurement and Distribution Pattern of n-alkanes in Size-Segregated Aerosols During Diwali Festival in Delhi, India32
Monitoring of Air Pollution by Remote Sensing in Lanzhou City from 2010 to 201932
Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Immobilized on Functionalized Nonwoven Cotton Fabric for As(V) Adsorption31
Interactions Between Humic Acid and the Forms and Bioavailability of Copper in Water31
Water Quality Impact from the Multipurpose Use of the Golinga Reservoir in Northern Ghana31
The Temporal and Spatial Variations of Microplastics in Sewage Discharges of Bandar Abbas City (Iran), Persian Gulf30
Molecular Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Central Huaihe River and Its Tributaries30
Role of Nitrogen in Assessing the Sustainability of Irrigated Areas: Case Study of Northern Mexico30
Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities in Indoor Water Cultures: a Case Study in an Educational Building29
A Novel Step-by-Step Assessment Methodology for the Correction of Sampling Artifact and Chlorine Loss Reaction on HNO3 in Ambient Air28
Combined Effects of Biochar-Sedum plumbizincicola on Cadmium Concentration in Cd-Contaminated Limestone Soil and Cadmium Absorption in Lactuca sativa28
Rapid Uptake of Nickel from Aqueous Solution with a Granulometric Fraction of a Bone-Meal Char28
Assessment of Water for Different Uses at Some Localities of the Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt28
Record of Pre-neutralized H2SO4 Implied in the Results of Four-Stage and Five-Stage Paralleled Filter Pack Observations on the Western Edge of Japan28
Reduction of Cd2+ and Pb2+ Bioavailability in Contaminated Soil Treated with Sisal Residues (Agave sisalana)27
A Simple, Effective, and Low-Cost System for Water Monitoring in Remote Areas Using Optical and Conductivity Data Signature26
Treatment of Dyes Wastewater by the Catalytic Wet Persulfate Oxidation Process in Reactors Using Red Mud Combined with Biochar as Catalyst25
Heavy metals’ release characteristic of sewage sludge in alkaline treatment prior to anaerobic digestion25
Design and Applicability of an Abandoned Coal Mine Roadway for Landfill Sites24
Evaluation of Infiltration Models with Different Numbers of Adjustment Parameters in an Oxisol with Application of Wastewater at the Different Concentrations24
Dewatering of High Organic Sludge by Biochemical Conditioning Combined with Vertical Filter Press: a Case Analysis24
Metaldehyde Transport Processes in a Water Abstraction Catchment in Essex, Southeast England24
Statistical Perspectives on Air Emission Inventory for Considering Fine Particle Reduction Potential in Korea: Shouldn’t We Also Focus on Local and Provincial-Specific Implementations?24
Investigation of External Mass Transfer during Biodegradation of Congo Red Dye in a Recirculating Packed Bed Bioreactor24
The Performance of Aerobic Granular Sludge Under Different Aeration Strategies at Low Temperature23
Determinations of Erythrocyte Sizes in Adult Pelophylax ridibundus (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) Inhabiting Industrial Area in Southern Bulgaria23
Dynamics and Treatability of Heavy Metals in Pig Farm Effluent Wastewater by Using UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2 Nanomaterials as Adsorbents23
Effect of Disk Skimmer Material and Oil Viscosity on Oil Spill Recovery22
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Soil Receiving Wastes of Smallholder Swine Farms22
Microplastic Accumulation in Crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz 1823) and Sediments of Durusu (Terkos) Lake (Turkey)22
Development of Microalgae-Bacteria Consortium for the Treatment of Domestic Waste Water21
Source Governance-Oriented Zoning for Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland Soil: a Case Study of an Industrial Park in Mid-Western Shaanxi Province, China21
Anaerobic Co-digestion of Chicken Manure and Corn Straw: Gas Production, Biogas Fertilizer Effectiveness, and Microbial Diversity21
Simultaneous Removal of Cu(II) And Pb(Ii) From Stormwater Runoff by Y-Type-Zeolite-Modified Bioretention System21
The Effects of Sulfate in Improving the Mn Bioremediation Efficiency of Polygonum lapathifolium Linn21
Sewage Derived Microplastic and Anthropogenic Fibre Retention by Integrated Constructed Wetlands21
Antibiotic Resistance Genes – An Emerging Genetic Pollutant of LFL21
Ultra-Efficient Removal of Mercury from Contaminated Water using Selected Phenylimidazole Derivatives21
Changes in Chromosome Complement and Germination of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Exposed to Heavy Metal Stress20
Effective Combination of Low-Thermal and Ozone as a Method for Regenerating Spent GAC Saturated with Phenol20
Effects of Polyethylene and Heavy Metal Cadmium on the Growth and Development of Brassica chinensis var. chinensis20
Effects of a Mining Dam Disaster on Antimicrobial-Resistant and Metal-Tolerant Bacterial Strains Recovered from Environmental Samples20
Efficient and Low-Cost Surfactant-Assisted Solid Phase Extraction Procedure For Removal Of Methylene Blue Using Natural Dolomite20
Phosphorus Fractionation in Bed Sediment of a River Confluence of Huaihe River Basin, China20
Effects of Drying-Flooding Alternation on Sediment–Water Nitrogen Fluxes in Hydro-fluctuation Belt of the Danjiangkou Reservoir19
Superhydrophilic/Superoleophobic Mesh/Chitosan-MnO2 Membrane for Robust and Highly Efficient Separation of Oil-in-Water Emulsions19
Stormwater Suspended Solids and Pollutant Concentrations in an Urban Stream19
Pharmaceutical Footprint in Domestic Wastewater: Case Study in Malaysia19
Nanotechnology: an Integrated Approach Towards Agriculture Production and Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants19
Water Quality and Microbiological Assessment of Burullus Lake and Its Surrounding Drains19
Efficiency of TiO2/Fe2NiO4 Nanocomposite in Photocatalytic Degradation of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) Under UV Irradiation18
Evaluation of Methylene Blue Adsorption onto Lignocellulosic Biomass (Raw Rumex Crispus L. Stem): Characterization, Kinetics, and Isotherms18
Gene Regulation and Global DNA Methylation Changes in White Spruce (Picea glauca) in Response to Copper Contaminations18
The Effects of Microplastics on Growth and Photosynthetic Activity of Chlorella pyrenoidosa: The Role of Types and Sizes18
Pb(II) Adsorption on Eastern Spruce Sawdust (Turkey) by Applying Taguchi Method and Adsorption Isotherms18
Potential for Pastoral Irrigation Using Sulphate-Rich Waters at Macraes Gold Mine, Southern New Zealand18
Triclosan Removal on a MgAl Hydrotalcite and its Calcined Product18
Study on the Performance of Two-Compartment Microbial Fuel Cells Under Different Heavy Metal Concentrations18
The Seasonality of Contaminants in an Urbanized Microbasin in the Brazilian Amazon18
Operational Diagnosis of Arctic Waters with Instrumental Technology and Information Modeling18
Cyanotoxin Monitoring and Detection Using Passive Sampling Application18
Synthesis of TiO2-Based Photocatalyst from Indonesia Ilmenite Ore for Photodegradation of Eriochrome Black-T Dye18
Bone Char from an Invasive Aquatic Specie as a Green Adsorbent for Fluoride Removal in Drinking Water17
Mineralization of Antibiotics in Wastewater Via Photocatalysis17
High Mercury Concentrations of European Perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Boreal Headwater Lakes with Variable History of Acidification and Recovery17
Synthesis of a Chitosan-Zeolite Composite Modified with La(III): Characterization and its Application in the Removal of Fluoride from Aqueous Systems17
Assessment of Heavy Metals in Samples of Soil, Water, Vegetables, and Vital Organs of Rat (Bandicota bengalensis) Collected from Adjoining Areas of Polluted Water Body17
Research on PEMS Test Data Processing Method and Cold Start Emission Evaluation Method of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles17
Preconcentration of Some Heavy Metals with Novel Electrospun Nanofiber Including Quince Seed Mucilage17
Biodiesel Production Using Microalgae Mix: an Eco‑friendly Approach for Agro-industrial Wastewater Treatment and CO2 Biofixation17
Riparian Zone Assessment and Management: an Integrated Review Using Geospatial Technology17
Evaluation of Treatment Techniques for Utilising Acid Mine Water in Agriculture17
Synthesis of a New Flocculant from Waste Polystyrene: Plastic Recycling Industry Wastewater Treatability17
A Modified Belter Model for Correlating Asymmetric Breakthrough Curves of Water Pollutants17
Removal of Methyl Violet Dye by Adsorption Process on Hydrogen Titanate Nanotubes: Experimental-Theoretical Study16
Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils, Water, and Food in Nigeria from 2000–2019: A Systematic Review on Methods, Pollution Level and Policy Implications16
Development of a simple and low-cost method for the elimination of indicator bacteria from domestic wastewater discharges to the Huacapa River in Guerrero, Mexico16
Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of 2D/1D NiO/ZnO Heterostructures Towards Tetracycline Degradation16
Removal Technology and Mechanism of Arsenic From Wastewater by Zeolite Imidazole Framework-8@Carbon Nanodots16
Activation of Persulfate Oxidation by Pyrolytic Derivatives from Petroleum Contaminated Soil: Efficiency, Mechanism and Resources Utilization16
Toxicology Risk Assessment of Uranium in Drinking water of Ganderbal and Budgam Districts of Jammu and Kashmir, India16
Distribution, Dissemination and Fate of Antibiotic Resistance Genes During Sewage Sludge Processing—a Review16
Plasma-assisted Synthesis of Supported Superparamagnetic Oxides for Enhanced Fenton Reactions16
Combined Effect of Leaching Process and Biochar Application on the Restoration of a Coastal Mild Saline-alkali Soil and the Growth of Pak Choi (Brassica chinensis L.)16
Depleted Uranium Contamination and Radiological Risks of Surface Soils, River Sediments, and Roadside Deposits16
Microplastics in the environment: their sources, distribution, and dangerous status16
Mechanisms and Factors Influencing Adsorption of Nitroaromatic Compounds by Smectite Clays16
Tracing Nitrate Contamination Sources and Apportionment in North-Western Volta River Basin of Ghana Using a Multi-Isotopic Approach16
Presence of Microplastics in Workers of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in Different Landscapes in Brazil16
Effective Removal of Bromate in Water by Iron-Modified Spent Bleaching Earth Carbon: Reaction Behavior and Mechanism15
Persistence of Two Common Chemical Oxidants for Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Impacts of Water Chemistry and Subsurface Minerals15
Analysis of Water Quality Data Using Statistical and Artificial Neural Network Techniques15
Coupling of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation for Benzene, Toluene, and Trichloroethylene Removal from Co-Contaminated Soil15
Immobilization of Phosphorus in Sediment-Water System by Active Capping Plate Under Exogenous Phosphorus Input15
Quality Evaluation of Landfill Leachate After Wetlands Treatment: a Long-term Case Study15
Remediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Contaminated Soil Using Combined Ozonation and Peroxy-Acid Treatment in the Site of Abadan Oil Refinery15
Optimization of p-Nitrophenol Degradation and Mineralization Using a Photochemical Reactor15
ZnO-Saponite Nanocomposite: Input of Adsorption and Photocatalysis for Removal of Rhodamine B Dye15
Exposure Levels, Health Risks, Spatially Distribution, Multivariate Statistics and Positive Matrix Factorization Model of Heavy Metals from Wild solid Waste Dumpsites15
Properties Controlling Phosphorus Adsorption and Stability in Amazonian Agro-Industrial Waste Biochars: a Multivariate Approach15
Assessing Toxic Element Accumulation Trend in Magnolia champaca Tree Rings at Tuirial Dumping Site in Mizoram, Northeast India Using Dendrochemical Analysis15
Oil Species Identification Based on the Fluorescence Spectroscopic Analysis Using the Excitation-Emission Matrix and Transfer Learning15
Quantum Chemical Investigation on Direct and Indirect Photo-decomposition Mechanisms of Sulfachloropyridazine by Hydroxyl Radical and Effects of Metal Ions15
Stimulation of Wheat Straw Biochar on the Roxarsone Biodegradation by Shewanella Oneidensis MR-115
Sonochemical Facile Synthesis of Bismuth Oxide Nanoparticles Using Citrus Lemon Extract and Its Catalytic Activity on Azo Dye Degradation15
Soil-Root Relationship in a Leaf Succulent Halophyte Suaeda vera from Differently Salt-Affected Habitats14
Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Ecological Risks from Heavy Metals for Aquatic Fauna in Drinking Water Sources of China14
Effect of Aerobic Granular Sludge Concentrations on Adsorption and Biodegradation to Oxytetracycline14
Contemporary Contamination of Urban Floodplains in Chennai (India)14
Road Salting Induces Regional-Scale Losses of Base Cations from Forested Watersheds14
Mycoremediation of Cd2+ and Pb2+ from Aqueous Media by Dead Biomass of Phialomyces macrosporus14
Environmental Characteristics, Mechanical and Hydraulic Behavior of Solidified Cr(VI) Contaminated Soil with Industrial Waste Residue14
First Report of Occurrence, Distribution, and Characterization of Macro- and Microplastics in the Freshwater: a Case Study on Sarab Niloofar Lake, Kermanshah, Iran14
An Integrated Approach for Biodegradation of Toxic Azo Dyes and Wastewater Recycling by Azoreductase Gene–Harboring Bacillus paramycoides Strain AM-314
Enhanced n-Hexane Degradation Performance of PCN/Bi0-BWO/Zn(CH3COO)2-ACF with Z-Scheme Heterojunction: Synergistic Effect of Photocatalysis and Adsorption14
Adsorption of Cd(II) on Mesoporous Silica-Aluminum Material Prepared From Coal Fly Ash14
Microbe-Plant Combined Remediation Technology for Heavy Metals in Soil: A Comprehensive Review13
131I and 99mTc in Effluents from a Nuclear Medicine Facility and Associated Sewage Treatment Unit13
A Potential Inhalation Risk to Daily Commuter: Mobile Monitoring of Black Carbon during Journey in Traffic Emissions13
The effects of exogenous organic matter addition on bioaccessibility, adsorption kinetics and fractionation of antimony in soils13
Vermi-Acceleration on the Degradation of Cigarette Butts and Nicotiana tabacum Using Earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae13
Long term trends of dry and wet deposition of air pollutants at declining forest site of Mt. Oyama in Japan during 1994–201913
Current Trend of Water Hyacinth Expasion and Investigation of Possible Cause for Water Hyacinth Using Remote Sensing in the Case Study of Lake Tana, Ethiopia13
A Sustainable Holistic Approach of Hydroponic Farming for Reclaiming, and Rehabilitating Wastewater: A Review13
Fluoride in Groundwaters of Southeastern Algeria Region and Their Removal by Cattle Bone Particles13
From Hypersaline to Fresh-Brackish: Documenting the Impacts of Human Intervention on a Natural Water Body from Cores, Farmington Bay, UT, USA13
Simultaneous Improvement of Water/Fertility Retention and Physical Properties of Dredged Sediment Using a Novel Composite Amendment13
Temporal Trends and Cancer Risk of Parent and Halogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water Environment Impacted by Urban and Industrial Activities13
Assessing the Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments of Wadi El-Gemal Island, Red Sea, Egypt: Pollution Levels, Sources, and Associated Risks13
Optimization and Validation of Liquid Phase Microextraction Method Based on Oil Droplets to Quantify Algal Metabolites (2-Methylisoborneol, Geosmin, etc.) in Drinking Water Supplies13
Water Quality Degradation in Urban Rivers of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Changes, Status, and Causes13
The Feasibility Evaluation of Nitrogen Recovery from Tannery Sludge Leachate Combined with Phosphogypsum Leachate by the Struvite Precipitation13
Risk Assessment and Source Analysis of Soil Heavy Metal(oid)s Pollution in Beijing, China13
Can Application of Dairy Liquid Manure over 10 Years into No-Tillage Affect Soil Phosphorus Lability?13
Investigation of Long-Term Behaviors of Solidified/Stabilized Hazardous Waste Under Different Landfill Conditions13
Speciation Study on Pb in Different Particle Size Fractions by Sequential Extraction and XAFS Spectroscopy13
A Synergistic Approach to Develop Sustainable Scale Inhibitors Combining Amino Acids and Polyphosphates13
A Comparative Study: Evaluation of Wastewater Suspensions Flocculation Performance Using Laboratory Graduated Cylinder and Jar Test Methods13
Comparative Experimental Studies of Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Using Adsorbents in a Diesel Engine Exhaust13
Comparing Adsorption Properties of Algerian Kaolinite Towards Phosphate with Those of Activated Carbon: Adsorption Experiments, Molecular Modeling and an Initiative Toward Hydroponic Wastewaters Remed13
Assessment of Phytoremediation Potential of Seven Weed Plants Growing in Chromium- and Nickel-Contaminated Soil13
Evaluation of Toxicological Effects of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles with Taraxacum officinale as Bioindicator13
Investigating Disinfection Efficiency and Regrowth Control of Microorganisms in Urban Sewage Effluent Using Ultraviolet Radiation, Ozone, Gamma-Ray, and Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma12
Biocalcification-Based Stabilization of Cadmium-Enriched Phytoremediation Biomass Using Advenella sp. AV112
Removing Hexavalent Chromium by Nano Zero-Valent Iron Loaded on Attapulgite12
Electrocoagulation for Cyanide Removal from Industrial Waste Solutions: an Innovative Cell Design and Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology12
Coupled Dynamics of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Sandy Sediments and the Water Column: a 3-Year High-Frequency Study at a Pennsylvania Creek12
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Plantation Soils in Eastern Plateau and Hill Region of India: a Promising Approach Toward Climate Change Mitigation12
Detection of Campylobacter jejuni Presence in Trinidad’s Aquatic Environments12
Effect of Laponite Nanoparticles on Growth Characteristics and Chlorophyll Content of Chlorella sp.12
Ecotoxicological Determination of Microplastic Toxicity on Algae Chlorella sp.: Response Surface Modeling Approach12
Survival Strategies in Khavi Grass [Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones) Schult.] Colonizing Hot Hypersaline and Arid Environments12
An Investigation on the Importance of Initial Loading in the Removal of Nutrients from Liquid Digestate Through Sorption and Nutrient Recovery from the Solid Phase To Be Used as Fertilizer12
Rainout and Washout Contributions to Wet Atmospheric Deposition in Southern South America12
Decontamination of Cobalt-Polluted Soils Using an Enhanced Electro-kinetic Method, Employing Eco-friendly Conditions12
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Row Crop, Agroforestry, and Forested Land Use Systems in Floodplain Soils12
Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals by Azolla filiculoides Lam. From Fly Ash Polluted Water Bodies12
A Novel Comparison of Virulence Genes, Biofilm-Forming Capacity, Antibiotic Resistance, and Level of Reactive Oxygen Species of Sediment, Sewage, and O157 E. coli12
Microplastic Risk Assessment in River Sediments along the Cascading Dam System (Case Study: Midstream of the Citarum River, Indonesia)12
A Novel Fe3O4@C/RM Composite Fabricated from Red Mud and Scrap Tire-Derived Carbon Black: Heterogeneous Activation of Peroxymonosulfate for Oxidative Degradation of Orange II12
Softwood-derived Biochar as a Green Material for the Recovery of Environmental Media Contaminated with Potentially Toxic Elements12
Citric Acid-Assisted Accumulation of Ni, Cr, and Co by Maize Successively Grown in a Tropical Ultramafic Soil12
Eco-friendly Degradation of Tannery Sludge with Coir Pith and Nava Rasa Karaisal12
Preparation of Mg(OH)2 Microsphere by Gas-Continuous Impinging Streams for Congo Red Absorption Removal12
Analyzing the Impact of Climate Data Using Geospatial Techniques on Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Kaveri River Basin, Manmangalam Taluk, Karur District, Tamil Nadu12
The Impact of Moderate Thermophiles on the Production of Acid Mine Drainage and the Dissolution of Ni and Zn from Iron-Bearing Sulfide Minerals12
Microcontaminants Removal in Constructed Wetlands with Different Baffle Arrangements and Cultivated with Pennisetum setaceum12
Efficiently Enhanced Fenton-Like Reaction via CuO@γ-Al2O3 Particles for the Catalytic Hydrogen Peroxide Degradation of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Rhodamine-B, and Reactive red X-3B over a Wide pH Range12
Are Daphnia similis Playing a Significant Role in Microplastic Biofragmentation?12
Nutrient Accumulation and Environmental Risks of Biosolids and Different Fertilizers on Horticultural Plants12
Fungicides in Europe During the Twenty-first Century: a Comparative Assessment Using Agri-environmental Indices of EU2712
Application of Activated Carbon-supported Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst for the Treatment of Real Coking Wastewater: Characterization and Optimization of Treatment Parameters12
Bioremediation of Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) by Active Cell Serratia odorifera TIU10 (STIU10) That Improves Growth and Reduces Bioaccumulation Factor of Vigna radiata L. in Chromium Contaminated Soil12
Synthesis of the Environmentally Friendly Fuel Bioadditive Solketal by the Green Catalytic Membrane PVA/PAMPS12
Remediation of acidic soils in copper sulfide mines through combined plant amendments and their effects on soil bacterial community structure11
Exploring Microplastic Distribution in Agricultural Soils and Health Risk Evaluation11
Contaminants Inputs at Alambari river, São José dos Campos city, São Paulo State, Brazil11
Influences of Soil and Plant Types on The Mitigation Rate of Radium-226 in The Cultivated Soils11
Retention Efficiencies of Vegetative Filter Strips in Reducing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Jianghan Plain: Experiments and VFSMOD Modeling11
Massive Fish Kill After the Discharge of Artificial Fertilizer into a Species Rich River in Southwestern Germany: a Conservation Case Study11
Pilot-Scale Removal of Metals from Iron-Rich Contaminated Groundwater Using Phosphorylated Lignocellulosic Fibers11
Phytoremediation of Chromium (VI)-Contaminated Soil by Euphorbia tithymaloides L. and Metagenomic Analysis of Rhizospheric Bacterial Community11
Monitoring Water Quality in Lien Son Irrigation System of Vietnam and Identification of Potential Pollution Sources by Using Multivariate Analysis11
Microplastic Ingestion by Fish in a Neotropical Reservoir: Effects of Reservoir Dynamics and Fish Traits11
Physiological Responses of Pak Choi to Exogenous Foliar Salicylic Acid Under Soil Se Stress11
Factors influencing resuspended PM2.5 from the tires of two-wheeled electric vehicles11
Nitrogen-Riched Functional Cellulose Enhanced the Removal of Pb(II) from Water11
Adsorption Performance of Chitosan and Glutaraldehyde Modified Biochars for Trivalent Antimony in Acidic Wastewater11
Characterization and evaluation of the bioremediation potential of Rhizopus microsporus Os4 isolated from arsenic-contaminated soil11
High Photocatalytic Activity of the Heterojunction Photocatalyst CoFe2O4/AgCl for Efficient Photodegradation of Solophenyl Red 3BL Dye in Water11
Density Functional Theory Study of Removal of 4-(((4-(Phenyldiazenyl) Phenyl) Imino) Methyl) Benzoic Acid Azo Dye by Boron Nitride-Nanotube, to Investigate a Model for Industrial Wastewater Treatment11
Stability Mechanism of Hexavalent Chromium Reduction by Nano-zerovalent Iron Under Different Environments11
Examining the Effects of Longitudinal Inclined Plates and Perforated Inlet Baffle on the Settling Efficiency of a Rectangular Sedimentation Tank: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study11
Solvothermal-assisted Sol–Gel method Synthesized Amorphous Mesoporous Titania for Efficient Adsorption of Sb(III) in Aqueous Solution10
Uranium and Thorium Retention onto Sorbents from Raw and Modified Pomegranate Peel10
Trend Analysis Application on Near Surface SO2 Concentration Data from 2010 to 2020 in Serbia10
Study on the Effectiveness and Mechanism of Mercapto-Modified Attapulgite for Remediation of Cadmium-Contaminated Paddy Soil10
Baseline PAHs, N-PAHs and 210Pb in Segment Samples from Bodo Creek: Comparison with Bonny Estuary, Niger Delta10
In Vivo Genotoxicity Testing of Bentazone Herbicide in Danio rerio Erythrocytes Using the Micronucleus and Nuclear Abnormality Assays10
Hybrid Baffled Flocculator in Benha Water Treatment10
Quality Status of Surface Sediments of Lake Ichkeul (NE Tunisia): an Environmental Protected Area and World Heritage Site10
Wastewater and Solid Waste Environmental Degradation Cost in Mohammedia City10
Facile Fabrication of Amino Functionalized Magnetic Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Removal of Congo Red from Aqueous Solutions10
Appraisal of Potential Metal Risk in Calcareous Agricultural Soils: an Insight into Human and Environmental Health Employing Multimodal Tactics10
Application of the Ultrafiltration and Photooxidation Process for the Treatment of Rainwater10
Application of Organic Amendment from Kitchen Waste Composting for Enhanced Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil10
Behavior of Lanthanides in Soils: Praseodymium as a Particular Case10
Biogas purification by a chemical absorption and biological oxidation process10
Proteocephalus macrophallus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) Infecting Cichla kelberi (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) as a Bioindicator for Trace Metal Accumulation in a Neotropical River from Southeastern Brazi10
Thin Film Electrode for Trace and Efficient Detection of Triclosan: Stability of Electrode and Real Matrix Analyses10
Evaluating the Impact of Two Biological Products on Soil Biological Health and Turfgrass Quality10
A novel PANI@Er-doped ZnO (PEZ) MOFs: Synthesis, Characterization and highly efficient photocatalyst for degradation of Methylene Blue10